01001, Київ, Україна

У МЗС Ірану заперечили передачу балістичних ракет Росії

«Ірано-російська військова співпраця не є новою, має свою історію задовго до початку війни РФ проти України»

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На фоні агресії Росії проти України ЄС має більше інвестувати в оборонні технології – Боррель

«У світі поновлення конфліктів та геополітичного суперництва, оборона потребує лідерства у баченні, включно з розвинутими технологіями»

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Росія: в Якутії під час аварійної посадки літака Ан-3 загинула людина

Під час посадки літак сильно постраждав

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Розвідка Британії: Росія «сильно перебільшила» число кораблів, які брали участь у навчаннях «Океан-24»

«Навчання «Океан-24», ймовірно, були спробою продемонструвати можливості, незважаючи на війну»

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Online hate against South Asian Americans rises steadily, report says

WASHINGTON — Online hate against Americans of South Asian ancestry has risen steadily in 2023 and 2024 with the rise of politicians from that community to prominence, according to a report released Wednesday by nonprofit group Stop AAPI Hate.

Why it’s important

Democratic presidential candidate and Vice President Kamala Harris is of Indian descent, as are former Republican presidential candidates Nikki Haley and Vivek Ramaswamy. Republican vice presidential candidate JD Vance’s wife, Usha Vance, is also Indian American.

Harris faces Republican former President Donald Trump in the 2024 U.S. elections.

There has been a steady rise in anti-Asian hate in extremist online spaces from January 2023 to August 2024, the report said.

The nonprofit group blamed the rise on a “toxic political climate in which a growing number of leaders and far-right extremist voices continue to spew bigoted political rhetoric and disinformation.”

Key quotes

“Online threats of violence towards Asian communities reached their highest levels in August 2024, after Usha Vance appeared at the Republican National Convention and Kamala Harris was declared a presidential nominee at the Democratic National Convention,” Stop AAPI Hate said.

“The growing prevalence of anti-South Asian online hate … in 2023 and 2024 tracks with the rise in South Asian political representation this election cycle,” it added.

By the numbers

Among Asian American subgroups, South Asian communities were targeted with the highest volume of anti-Asian online hostility, with 60% of slurs directed at them in that period, according to the report.

Anti-South Asian slurs in extremist online spaces doubled last year, from about 23,000 to more than 46,000, and peaked in August 2024.

There are nearly 5.4 million people of South Asian descent living in the United States, comprising of individuals with ancestry from nations including India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

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Помер колишній перший міністр Шотландії, який організував референдум про незалежність

Упродовж 2007-2014 років він був першим міністром Шотландії

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План перемоги презентують українцям «найближчими днями» – Подоляк

«Попри те, що акценти основні вже зрозумілі, президент додасть деталей, які будуть чітко говорити, що це за програма примусу та чому вона важлива»

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Сибіга поспілкувався з Боррелем: йшлося про надання Україні 35 млрд євро

«Провів продуктивну телефонну розмову з главою дипломатії ЄС Жозепом Боррелем напередодні засідання Ради ЄС у закордонних справах, на яке я радий бути запрошеним»

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Іран заборонив пейджери і рації на авіарейсах після вибухів

Пасажирам, як і раніше, дозволено брати на борт мобільні телефони

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Іран відправив до Росії для запуску два «приватних» супутники

Росія вже відправляла іранські супутники на орбіту у лютому 2022 року, що викликало занепокоєння Вашингтона

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Україна хоче «якнайшвидше» отримати фідбек від партнерів щодо плану перемоги – Єрмак

Як додав керівник ОП, країни-партнери, яким вже представили план перемоги, «глибоко у ситуації» та «все розуміють».

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Туск анонсував стратегію для боротьби з нелегальною міграцією

«Одним із елементів міграційної стратегії стане тимчасове територіальне призупинення права на притулок. Я вимагатиму визнання в Європі цього рішення»

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Міноборони Норвегії створило посаду військового аташе в Києві

«У довгостроковій перспективі для норвезьких компаній може стати актуальним налагодження виробництва в Україні»

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Потураєв підтримав перевірки військових документів після концерту «Океан Ельзи» в Києві

«Я вітаю такі перевірки, і вважаю, що вони мають бути наскрізними і постійними», заявив голова комітету гуманітарної політики

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Bloomberg: Індія стала другим найбільшим постачальником підсанкційних технологій до Росії

За показником експорту до РФ критично важливих товарів, що підпадають під обмеження, Індію обганяє лише Китай

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Зеленський анонсував нові оборонні пакети за підсумками поїздки Європою

За словами президента, він презентував партнерам України деталі плану перемоги. Надалі триватиме робота «на рівні команд»

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США попереджає про «загрози» для релігійних установ у Румунії. Місцева розвідка це не підтверджує

Посольство «отримало дані про загрози, потенційно спрямовані на синагоги, храми чи мечеті в Румунії на вихідних 11-13 жовтня»

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Meta removes fake accounts in Moldova ahead of presidential election

STOCKHOLM — Meta Platforms said on Friday that it had removed a network of group accounts targeting Russian speakers in Moldova ahead of the country’s October 20 election, for violation of the company’s policy on fake accounts.

Authorities in Moldova, an ex-Soviet state lying between Romania and Ukraine, said they had blocked dozens of Telegram channels and chat bots linked to a drive to pay voters to cast “no” ballots in a referendum on European Union membership held alongside the presidential election.

Pro-European President Maia Sandu is seeking a second term in the election and called the referendum on joining the 27-member bloc as the cornerstone of her policies.

The fake Meta accounts posted criticism of Sandu, pro-EU politicians and close ties between Moldova and Romania, and supported pro-Russia parties in Moldova, the company said.

The company said its operation centered on about a dozen fictitious, Russian-language news brands posing as independent entities with presence on multiple internet services, including Meta-owned Facebook and Instagram, as well as Telegram, OK.ru and TikTok.

Meta said it removed seven Facebook accounts, 23 pages, one group and 20 accounts on Instagram for violating its “coordinated inauthentic behavior policy.”

About 4,200 accounts followed one or more of the 23 pages and about 335,000 accounts followed one or more of the Instagram accounts, Meta said.

In Chisinau, the National Investigation Inspectorate said it had blocked 15 channels of the popular Telegram messaging app and 95 chat bots offering voters money. Users were told the channels “violated local laws” on political party financing.

It had traced the accounts to supporters of fugitive businessman Ilan Shor — members of the banned party bearing his name or the “Victory” electoral bloc he had set up in its place from his base of exile in Moscow.

Moldovan police said on Thursday that they searched homes of leaders linked to Shor as part of a criminal investigation into election-meddling. Police have said tens of thousands of voters were paid off via accounts in a Russian bank to derail the vote.

Shor was sentenced to 15 years in jail in absentia last year in connection with the 2014 disappearance of $1 billion from Moldovan banks. He denies allegations of trying to bribe voters.

Sandu accuses Moscow of trying to topple her government while Moscow has accused her of fomenting “Russophobia.”

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США запровадили санкції проти Ірану у відповідь на його напад на Ізраїль

Під обмеження потрапили 16 юридичних осіб та 23 танкери

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Жителі Флориди прибирають наслідки урагану «Мілтон», починається повернення до нормального життя

Губернатор Рон ДеСантіс закликав людей не втрачати пильності, посилаючись на постійні загрози безпеці через обірвані лінії електропередач і якість води

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Despite tariffs, China drives toward dominating EV market all over world

washington — As China pursues tit-for-tat actions against the European Union in response to tariffs on Chinese-made electric vehicles, Beijing’s drive for global dominance in the automotive sector continues unabated.

Over the past year, companies such as EV giant BYD and others have made inroads in markets from Southeast Asia to Latin America and Africa, even as they face tariffs of up to 100% in Canada and the United States, and up to 45% in the European Union.

Chinese EV companies have announced plans to invest millions to build new factories in Thailand and Brazil, and they have opened showrooms in Zambia, Kenya and South Africa.

And while most Chinese EV makers say they will continue to sell cars in Europe and not boost prices to offset the tariffs, analysts say it makes sense that they are equally focused, if not more so, on markets in the developing world as well.

Ryan Berg, director of the Americas program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said the EV market is like a balloon that is fully blown up.

“When countries like the U.S., the EU, Canada and others squeeze [the balloon], the air is going to go elsewhere. Well, the air right now is going to go to the developing world countries that haven’t put the tariffs on Chinese cars in the first place,” Berg said.

Bangkok, Brazil and Ethiopia

In Thailand, companies such as Great Wall and BYD are leading the way. BYD opened a production facility in Thailand in July and its company chairman, Wang Chuanfu, said BYD has already captured 40% of the market for EVs. Earlier this year, Great Wall became the first Chinese EV company to mass-produce electric vehicles overseas through its production facilities in Thailand.

In addition to Thailand, BYD has also captured a large market share in Singapore and Malaysia. According to government statistics, the EV behemoth ranked as Singapore’s second-most popular car brand by sales in the first half of 2024. BYD ranked among the top 10 car brands in Malaysia when compared with all registered vehicles, following BMW and Mercedes-Benz.

In Latin America, BYD plans to launch a partnership with Uber that aims to bring 100,000 Chinese-made EVs to Uber drivers globally. In addition, BYD is planning a new auto factory in eastern Brazil to come online in 2025. Both BYD and Great Wall have local R&D, production and sales centers in Brazil.

John Helveston, an assistant professor in engineering management at George Washington University, said from a business perspective, it makes sense for Chinese EV companies to move to markets where there is more room for profit.

“I mean, just like we have Toyota and GM and Ford and Volkswagen … these companies like BYD very much are also global companies,” Helveston told VOA. “They want to expand just like any other successful business.”

Paul Nantulya, a China specialist at the Africa Center for Strategic Studies at the National Defense University in Washington, said Africa provides huge market opportunities for Chinese EV companies.

That opportunity, however, comes with its challenges. As in other countries, there is still a lack of infrastructure for EVs in Africa such as charging stations.

Nantulya, who attended the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC), said Beijing and Africa are building long-term relationships, particularly when it comes to green energy and EV sectors.

About “122 green energy projects have been implemented since the last FOCAC, so between 2021 and 2024, 122 green energy projects have been implemented across the African continent across 40 countries. So, the demand is huge, and it is steady,” he told VOA.

“Chinese state-owned enterprises that are in this sector have been making a very, very aggressive push in developing economies … you know, the uptick of that technology in Africa is extremely high,” he said.

In March, China partnered with Ethiopia to announce an ambitious plan to shift toward electric mobility. The plan aims to introduce nearly half a million electric vehicles in Ethiopia over the next decade.

Mutual benefits

All three analysts said Beijing’s penetration of global markets is boosted by the economic benefits that China offers in exchange. For example, Helveston said, many countries are willing to “leverage market access” in exchange for improved infrastructure and technology.

Chinese companies have built roads, trains, schools and hospitals in some of the poorest countries in the world, and developing countries see “automotive trade [as] just building on top of those relationships that have already been there a while,” he said. “It’s a very transactional relationship.”

CSIS’s Berg said countries in Latin America “have been really keen to court Chinese investment in technological industries like the EV industry.” He noted that Latin American countries see the EV industry as “reliable” and “plentiful in terms of job opportunities.”

Nantulya added that Chinese technology is seen as a way to help African countries address energy challenges such as blackouts.

“When you look at it from the African perspective, [China’s presence] is helping them diversify their energy grids, which is a significant issue. It’s also contributing to improving their energy mix,” Nantulya said.

China has taken a proactive approach by building large infrastructure projects in developing countries, whereas the United States has not yet undertaken projects of similar scale, he said.

“I think that we’re looking at some pretty big shifts in, let’s say, 10 years from now with what the global situation might be. … A lot of these countries might be much more comfortable working with China than the U.S.,” Helveston said.

Washington, however, is not sitting back. At the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit in 2022, the United States committed to $55 billion in pledges over three years that included investments in renewable energy infrastructure, clean energy and efforts to mitigate climate change.

Berg said geopolitics also is a motivating factor in Beijing’s push into developing countries in South America.

“They are in their geopolitical competition with [the United States], engaging in reciprocity … showing that they can be extremely active in some ways and especially in the economic domain in our neighborhood,” he said.

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Данія створить фонд для фінансування виробництва зброї в Україні – Міноборони

«Данія вже працює над тим, щоб направити пожертви безпосередньо на оборонну промисловість України, і зараз вивчає варіанти залучення додаткового капіталу»

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Словаччина більше не постачатиме Україні військове озброєння, але знайшла «інший варіант» допомоги – МЗС

«Буде спільна робота з Німеччиною, яка фінансуватиме ремонт техніки, а Словаччина надасть приміщення»

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US lawmakers seek answers from telecoms on Chinese hacking report

WASHINGTON — A bipartisan group of U.S. lawmakers asked AT&T, Verizon Communications, and Lumen Technologies on Friday to answer questions after a report that Chinese hackers accessed the networks of U.S. broadband providers. 

The Wall Street Journal reported Saturday hackers obtained information from systems the federal government uses for court-authorized wiretapping, and said the three companies were among the telecoms whose networks were breached. 

House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers, a Republican, and the top Democrat on the committee Representative Frank Pallone along with Representatives Bob Latta and Doris Matsui asked the three companies to answer questions. They are seeking a briefing and detailed answers by next Friday. 

“There is a growing concern regarding the cybersecurity vulnerabilities embedded in U.S. telecommunications networks,” the lawmakers said. They are asking for details on what information was seized and when the companies learned about the intrusion. 

AT&T and Lumen declined to comment, while Verizon did not immediately comment. 

It was unclear when the hack occurred. 

Hackers might have held access for months to network infrastructure used by the companies to cooperate with court-authorized U.S. requests for communications data, the Journal said. It said the hackers had also accessed other tranches of internet traffic. 

China’s foreign ministry said on Sunday that it was not aware of the attack described in the report but said the United States had “concocted a false narrative” to “frame” China in the past. 

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Уряд погодив продаж акцій Об’єднаної гірничо-хімічної компанії за майже 4 млрд гривень

Днями Фонд держмайна повідомив, що на аукціон із приватизації ОГХК подав один учасник – компанія «Цемін Україна»

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Україна передасть Ватикану список журналістів, які перебувають у російському полоні – Зеленський

«Ми обговорили детально повернення цивільних, повернення депортованих дітей. І ми сподіваємося на підтримку», – Володимир Зеленський про підсумки зустрічі з Папою Римським Франциском

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Smithsonian and NASA present exhibit that explores ever-changing Earth 

This month, [October 8] the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History opened “NASA’s Earth Information Center” an exhibition that gives visitors a firsthand look at the forces shaping our planet. Andrei Dziarkach has the story, narrated by Anna Rice. Camera: Artem Kohan

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Зеленський зустрічається з Шольцем у Берліні

Зеленський за два дні відвідав Лондон, Париж, Рим, а тепер і Берлін – на тлі побоювань щодо скорочення підтримки Заходу, якщо Дональд Трамп стане президентом США

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