01001, Київ, Україна

У Білорусі журналіста Анджея Почобута засудили до восьми років колонії

Почобута затримали у Гродні в березні 2021 року

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Сунак доручив міністру оборони Британії оцінити можливість надання Україні літаків – медіа

«Це скоріше довгострокове рішення, аніж короткострокова можливість», заявили в офісі прем’єра

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Король Чарльз зустрінеться з Зеленським, який прибув до Лондона – Букінгемський палац

Це буде перша поїздка українського президента до Великої Британії від початку повномасштабного вторгнення Росії в Україну в лютому минулого року. Візит відбуватиметься на тлі повідомлень про новий можливий наступ російських військ в Україні

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У книгарнях Москви з’явилися карти Росії з областями України в її складі

На нових картах у складі Росії зображені в тому числі й ті райони областей України, які зараз перебувають під контролем українського уряду

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Розвідка Естонії попереджає про «ризики безпеці» з боку Росії

«Войовничість і зовнішньополітичні амбіції Росії значно підвищили ризики для безпеки Естонії» – йдеться у звіті

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Генсекретар Європейського інституту омбудсмана вивіз українських дітей до Росії – Лубінець

«Двох українських дітей, які перебували на території Республіки Австрія через російську збройну агресію, «правозахисник ЄІО» вивіз на територію РФ»

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Байден у виступі перед Конгресом звернувся до України: «Ми будемо з вами стільки, скільки потрібно»

«Разом ми зробили те, що Америка завжди робить якнайкраще. Ми вели. Ми об’єднали НАТО і побудували глобальну коаліцію»

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«Наша спільна мета – перемога». Зеленський подякував Байдену за слова підтримки в Конгресі

«Високо цінуємо і вдячні за лідерство США у допомозі Україні, за солідарність усього американського народу. Наші цінності – єдині, наша спільна мета – перемога», – написав президент України у твітері

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В ISW прокоментували створення «Газпромом» власної ПВК

«Росія може використовувати ці сили безпеки «Газпрому» для цілей, відмінних від захисту російських енергетичних активів», – зауважують аналітики

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У Росії засудженого за дезертирство знову відправили на війну, він потрапив у полон

«Добре, що він живий, решта – мертві», – цитує «Медіазона» матір солдата, якому, за її словами, пообіцяли обмін на українських військових, які перебувають у російському полоні

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US State Court System, US, EU Universities Hit by Ransomware Outbreak

A global ransomware outbreak has scrambled servers belonging to the U.S. state of Florida’s Supreme Court and several universities in the United States and Central Europe, according to a Reuters analysis of ransom notes posted online to stricken servers.

Those organizations are among more than 3,800 victims of a fast-spreading digital extortion campaign that locked up thousands of servers in Europe over the weekend, according to figures tallied by Ransomwhere, a crowdsourced platform that tracks digital extortion attempts and online ransom payments and whose figures are drawn from internet scans.

Ransomware is among the internet’s most potent scourges. Although this extortion campaign was not sophisticated, it drew warnings from national cyber watchdogs in part because of the speed of its spread.

Ransomwhere did not name individual victims, but Reuters was able to identify some by looking up internet protocol address data tied to the affected servers via widely used internet scanning tools such as Shodan.

The extent of the disruption to the affected organizations, if any, was not clear.

Florida Supreme Court spokesperson Paul Flemming told Reuters that the affected infrastructure had been used to administer other elements of the Florida state court system, and that it was segregated from the Supreme Court’s main network.

“Florida Supreme Court’s network and data are secure,” he said, adding that the rest of the state court system’s integrity also was not affected.

A dozen universities contacted by Reuters, including the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Rice University in Houston, and institutions of higher learning in Hungary and Slovakia, did not immediately return messages seeking comment.

Reuters also contacted the hackers via an account advertised on their ransom notes but only received a payment demand in return. They did not respond to additional questions.

Ransomwhere said the cybercriminals appear to have extorted only $88,000, a modest haul by the standard of multimillion-dollar ransoms regularly demanded by some hacking gangs.

One cybersecurity expert said the outbreak, thought to have exploited a 2-year-old vulnerability in VMWare software, was typical of automated attacks on servers and databases that have been carried out by hackers for years.

VMWare has urged customers to upgrade to the latest versions of its software.

“This is nothing unusual,” said Patrice Auffret, founder of French internet scanning company Onyphe. “The difference is the scale.”

Also uncommon is the highly visible nature of the outbreak, which began earlier this month. Because internet-facing servers were affected, researchers and tracking services like Ransomwhere or Onyphe could easily follow the criminals’ trail.

Digital safety officials in Italy said Monday that there was no evidence pointing to “aggression by a state or hostile state-like entity.”

Samuli Kononen, an information security specialist at the Finnish National Cyber Security Centre, said the attack was likely carried out by a criminal gang, although he added that it was not particularly sophisticated as many victims had managed to salvage their data without paying a ransom.

“More experienced ransomware groups usually don’t make that kind of mistake,” he said.

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Байден у виступі перед Конгресом, як очікується, говоритиме про лідерство США на тлі вторгнення РФ в Україну

Виступу Джо Байдена чекають о 4:00 за Києвом

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Кількість жертв землетрусу в Туреччині та Сирії перевищила 7800 людей

Землетрус у Туреччині та Сирії призвів до великих жертв і масштабних руйнувань. Пошуково-рятувальні операції тривають

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Ex-Twitter Executives to Testify About Hunter Biden Story Before House Panel

Former Twitter employees are expected to testify next week before the House Oversight Committee about the social media platform’s handling of reporting on President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden.

The scheduled testimony, confirmed by the committee Monday, will be the first time the three former executives will appear before Congress to discuss the company’s decision to initially block from Twitter a New York Post article regarding Hunter Biden’s laptop in the weeks before the 2020 election.

Republicans have said the story was suppressed for political reasons, though no evidence has been released to support that claim. The witnesses for the February 8 hearing are expected to be Vijaya Gadde, former chief legal officer; James Baker, former deputy general counsel; and Yoel Roth, former head of safety and integrity.

The hearing is among the first of many in a GOP-controlled House to be focused on Biden and his family, as Republicans wield the power of their new, albeit slim, majority.

The New York Post first reported in October 2020 that it had received from former President Donald Trump’s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, a copy of a hard drive of a laptop that Hunter Biden had dropped off 18 months earlier at a Delaware computer repair shop and never retrieved. Twitter initially blocked people from sharing links to the story for several days.

Months later, Twitter’s then-CEO Jack Dorsey called the company’s communications around the Post article “not great.” He added that blocking the article’s URL with “zero context” around why it was blocked was “unacceptable.”

The Post article at the time was greeted with skepticism due to questions about the laptop’s origins, including Giuliani’s involvement, and because top officials in the Trump administration already had warned that Russia was working to denigrate Joe Biden ahead of the 2020 election.

The Kremlin had interfered in the 2016 race by hacking Democratic emails that were subsequently leaked, and there were widespread fears across Washington that Russia would meddle again in the 2020 race.

“This is why we’re investigating the Biden family for influence peddling,” Rep. James Comer, chairman of the Oversight committee, said at a press event Monday morning. “We want to make sure that our national security is not compromised.”

The White House has sought to discredit the Republican probes into Hunter Biden, calling them “divorced-from-reality political stunts.”

Nonetheless, Republicans now hold subpoena power in the House, giving them the authority to compel testimony and conduct an aggressive investigation. GOP staff has spent the past year analyzing messages and financial transactions found on the laptop that belonged to the president’s younger son. Comer has previously said the evidence they have compiled is “overwhelming,” but did not offer specifics.

Comer has pledged there won’t be hearings regarding the Biden family until the committee has the evidence to back up any claims of alleged wrongdoing. He also acknowledged the stakes are high whenever an investigation centers on the leader of a political party.

On Monday, the Kentucky Republican, speaking at a National Press Club event, said that he could not guarantee a subpoena of Hunter Biden during his term. “We’re going to go where the investigation leads us. Maybe there’s nothing there.”

Comer added, “We’ll see.” 

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Microsoft bakes ChatGPT-Like Tech into Search Engine Bing

Microsoft is fusing ChatGPT-like technology into its search engine Bing, transforming an internet service that now trails far behind Google into a new way of communicating with artificial intelligence.

The revamping of Microsoft’s second-place search engine could give the software giant a head start against other tech companies in capitalizing on the worldwide excitement surrounding ChatGPT, a tool that’s awakened millions of people to the possibilities of the latest AI technology.

Along with adding it to Bing, Microsoft is also integrating the chatbot technology into its Edge browser. Microsoft announced the new technology at an event Tuesday at its headquarters in Redmond, Washington.

Microsoft said a public preview of the new Bing was to launch Tuesday for users who sign up for it, but the technology will scale to millions of users in coming weeks.

Yusuf Mehdi, corporate vice president and consumer chief marketing officer, said the new Bing will go live for desktop on limited preview. Everyone can try a limited number of queries, he said.

The strengthening partnership with ChatGPT-maker OpenAI has been years in the making, starting with a $1 billion investment from Microsoft in 2019 that led to the development of a powerful supercomputer specifically built to train the San Francisco startup’s AI models.

While it’s not always factual or logical, ChatGPT’s mastery of language and grammar comes from having ingested a huge trove of digitized books, Wikipedia entries, instruction manuals, newspapers and other online writings.

The shift to making search engines more conversational — able to confidently answer questions rather than offering links to other websites — could change the advertising-fueled search business, but also poses risks if the AI systems don’t get their facts right.

Their opaqueness also makes it hard to source back to the original human-made images and texts they’ve effectively memorized.

Google has been cautious about such moves. But in response to pressure over ChatGPT’s popularity, Google CEO Sundar Pichai on Monday announced a new conversational service named Bard that will be available exclusively to a group of “trusted testers” before being widely released later this year.

Google’s chatbot is supposed to be able to explain complex subjects such as outer space discoveries in terms simple enough for a child to understand. It also claims the service will also perform other more mundane tasks, such as providing tips for planning a party, or lunch ideas based on what food is left in a refrigerator. Other tech rivals such as Facebook parent Meta and Amazon also worked on similar technology, but Microsoft’s latest moves aim to position it at he center of the ChatGPT zeitgeist.

Microsoft disclosed in January that it was pouring billions more dollars into OpenAI as it looks to fuse the technology behind ChatGPT, the image-generator DALL-E and other OpenAI innovations into an array of Microsoft products tied to its cloud computing platform and its Office suite of workplace products like email and spreadsheets.

The most surprising might be the integration with Bing, which is the second-place search engine in many markets but has never come close to challenging Google’s dominant position.

Bing launched in 2009 as a rebranding of Microsoft’s earlier search engines and was run for a time by Nadella, years before he took over as CEO. Its significance was boosted when Yahoo and Microsoft signed a deal for Bing to power Yahoo’s search engine, giving Microsoft access to Yahoo’s greater search share. Similar deals infused Bing into the search features for devices made by other companies, though users wouldn’t necessarily know that Microsoft was powering their searches.

By making it a destination for ChatGPT-like conversations, Microsoft could invite more users to give Bing a try.

On the surface, at least, a Bing integration seems far different from what OpenAI has in mind for its technology.

OpenAI has long voiced an ambitious vision for safely guiding what’s known as AGI, or artificial general intelligence, a not-yet-realized concept that harkens back to ideas from science fiction about human-like machines. OpenAI’s website describes AGI as “highly autonomous systems that outperform humans at most economically valuable work.”

OpenAI started out as a nonprofit research laboratory when it launched in December 2015 with backing from Tesla CEO Elon Musk and others. Its stated aims were to “advance digital intelligence in the way that is most likely to benefit humanity as a whole, unconstrained by a need to generate financial return.”

That changed in 2018 when it incorporated a for-profit business Open AI LP, and shifted nearly all its staff into the business, not long after releasing its first generation of the GPT model for generating human-like paragraphs of readable text.

OpenAI’s other products include the image-generator DALL-E, first released in 2021, the computer programming assistant Codex and the speech recognition tool Whisper.

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Відносно ексголови СБУ Баканова завершили службове розслідування – депутати

Президент України Володимир Зеленський усунув Івана Баканова з посади голови СБУ 17 липня 2022 року

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Зеленський підписав укази про нових голів Дніпропетровської, Запорізької та Херсонської областей

У січні Зеленський звільнив голів Дніпропетровської, Херсонської та Запорізької ОВА, і тепер призначив нових

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Число загиблих унаслідок землетрусу в Туреччині та Сирії перевищило сім тисяч

Офіційні особи та медики повідомили, що 5434 людини загинули в Туреччині, 1712 у Сирії

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У Латвії сталася пожежа на заводі з виробництва безпілотників

За повідомленнями, підприємство виробляє дрони для України та союзників по НАТО

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Ukraine’s Blackouts Force It to Embrace Greener Energy

As Russia’s targeted attacks on the Ukrainian energy infrastructure continue, Ukraine is forced to rethink its energy future. While inventing ways to quickly restore and improve the resilience of its energy system, Ukraine is also looking for green energy solutions. Anna Chernikova has the story from Irpin, one of the hardest-hit areas of the Kyiv region. Camera: Eugene Shynkar.

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Google Hopes ‘Bard’ Will Outsmart ChatGPT, Microsoft in AI

Google is girding for a battle of wits in the field of artificial intelligence with “Bard,” a conversational service aimed at countering the popularity of the ChatGPT tool backed by Microsoft.

Bard initially will be available exclusively to a group of “trusted testers” before being widely released later this year, according to a Monday blog post from Google CEO Sundar Pichai.

Google’s chatbot is supposed to be able to explain complex subjects such as outer space discoveries in terms simple enough for a child to understand. It also claims the service will also perform other more mundane tasks, such as providing tips for planning a party, or lunch ideas based on what food is left in a refrigerator. Pichai didn’t say in his post whether Bard will be able to write prose in the vein of William Shakespeare, the playwright who apparently inspired the service’s name.

“Bard can be an outlet for creativity, and a launchpad for curiosity,” Pichai wrote.

Google announced Bard’s existence less than two weeks after Microsoft disclosed it’s pouring billions of dollars into OpenAI, the San Francisco-based maker of ChatGPT and other tools that can write readable text and generate new images.

Microsoft’s decision to up the ante on a $1 billion investment that it previously made in OpenAI in 2019 intensified the pressure on Google to demonstrate that it will be able to keep pace in a field of technology that many analysts believe will be as transformational as personal computers, the internet and smartphones have been in various stages over the past 40 years.

In a report last week, CNBC said a team of Google engineers working on artificial intelligence technology “has been asked to prioritize working on a response to ChatGPT.” Bard had been a service being developed under a project called “Atlas,” as part of Google’s “code red” effort to counter the success of ChatGPT, which has attracted tens of millions of users since its general release late last year, while also raising concerns in schools about its ability to write entire essays for students.

Pichai has been emphasizing the importance of artificial intelligence for the past six years, with one of the most visible byproducts materializing in 2021 as part of a system called “Language Model for Dialogue Applications,” or LaMDA, which will be used to power Bard.

Google also plans to begin incorporating LaMDA and other artificial intelligence advancements into its dominant search engine to provide more helpful answers to the increasingly complicated questions being posed by its billion of users. Without providing a specific timeline, Pichai indicated the artificial intelligence tools will be deployed in Google’s search in the near future.

In another sign of Google’s deepening commitment to the field, Google announced last week that it is investing in and partnering with Anthropic, an AI startup led by some former leaders at OpenAI. Anthropic has also built its own AI chatbot named Claude and has a mission centered on AI safety.

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Шойгу каже про «непередбачуваний рівень ескалації» в Україні через постачання Заходом зброї

Заяви Шойгу прозвучали в той момент, коли Україна очікує, що Росія мобілізує до пів мільйона солдатів упродовж найближчих місяців

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МЗС відомо про 4 постраждалих у Туреччині українців, посольство перевіряє дані про двох загиблих

Дипломати розшукали 38 громадян України і взаємодіють із турецькими рятувальниками для пошуку ще 19 українців

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ЄС виключив колишнього російського голову Севастополя з санкційного списку

Раніше суд ЄС ухвалив виключити Овсяннікова з санкційного списку, тому що більше не обіймає посади, за роботу на яких він потрапив під санкції

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ГУР заявляє, що «Газпром» створює власну ПВК. Росія каже про «охоронну організацію»

У ГУР кажуть, що таким чином в Росії продовжується «гонка озброєнь» серед основних політичних гравців, які активно створюють приватні армії»

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Мерка Парижа виступила проти участі представників Росії в Олімпіаді-2024

Натомість вона запропонувала, щоб російські спортсмени-«дисиденти» брали участь у Олімпійських іграх у складі «збірної біженців»

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Нафтогазові доходи Росії у січні скоротилися на 46%

За даними відомства, нафтогазові доходи у січні склали 426 мільярдів рублів. Падіння Мінфін Росії пов’язав зі зниженням цін на нафту російської марки Urals і скороченням експорту газу

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Влада Грузії має «припинити зводити політичні рахунки» із Саакашвілі – МЗС

«Суд не взяв до уваги висновок лікарів про тяжкість захворювання Міхеїла Саакашвілі», стверджують у міністерстві

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