По суті, бійці «Шторм Z» офіційно фактично не існують, у них немає на руках довідок, контракту на службу
A Kenyan parliamentary panel called on the country’s information technology regulator on Monday to shut down the operations of cryptocurrency project Worldcoin within the country until more stringent regulations are put in place.
The government suspended the project in early August following privacy objections over its scanning of users’ irises in exchange for a digital ID to create a new “identity and financial network.”
Worldcoin was rolled out in various countries around the world by Tools for Humanity, a company co-founded by OpenAI CEO Sam Altman. It has also come under scrutiny in Britain, Germany and France.
The project still has a virtual presence in Kenya and can be accessed via the internet, even after the August suspension.
The regulatory Communications Authority of Kenya should “disable the virtual platforms of Tools for Humanity Corp and Tools for Humanity GmbH Germany [Worldcoin] including blacklisting the IP addresses of related websites,” the ad hoc panel of 18 lawmakers said in a report.
It also called for the suspension of the companies’ “physical presence in Kenya until there is a legal framework for regulation of virtual assets and virtual services providers.”
Worldcoin’s press office said it had “not seen anything official announced by the Committee directly.”
The panel’s report will be tabled at the National Assembly for consideration and adoption at a later date.
During the suspension of data collection in August, authorities said the project’s method of obtaining consumer consent in return for a monetary award of just over $50 at the time bordered on inducement.
Registering to use the platform involved long lines of people queuing to get their irises scanned. The parliamentary panel’s investigation found that Worldcoin may have scanned the eyes of minors as there was no age-verification mechanism during the exercise, its report said.
The panel also asked government ministries to develop regulations for crypto assets and firms that provide crypto services and called on the police to investigate Tools for Humanity and take any necessary legal action.
Генеральний секретар НАТО Єнс Столтенберґ рішуче засудив напад на МВС Туреччини в Анкарі.
«НАТО солідарний з Туреччиною в боротьбі з тероризмом», – заявив він 1 жовтня у твітері, побажавши двом пораненим поліцейським швидкого і повного одужання.
В Анкарі у неділю поблизу будівлі Міністерства внутрішніх справ Туреччини пролунав потужний вибух. Влада заявила про теракт, і повідомила про двох нападників, один з яких себе підірвав, а іншого було знешкоджено. Під час пожежі двоє поліцейських зазнали легких поранень.
Вибух стався у день відкриття сесії парламенту після літніх канікул. Серед питань порядку денного парламенту було голосування щодо заявки Швеції на вступ до НАТО, повідомив державний мовник TRT.
A Swiss-led team has driven electric vans across Europe and the Arabian Peninsula to Qatar to showcase zero-emission battery powered vehicles, organizers said Sunday.
The five-strong Swiss and German team set out from Geneva on August 28 in two electric Volkswagen vans on a 6,500 kilometer (4,000 mile) journey that ended in Doha on Saturday.
“The motivation was really to do something unusual,” the group’s leader Frank Rinderknecht told AFP. “Certainly we did have the risk of not arriving — technical issues, health issues or an accident.”
The journey aimed to raise awareness about the environmental benefits of electric vehicles, he said. “If our trip put just a little bit of rethinking, of initiative, into people’s minds then I am not unhappy.”
The journey started with a crossing of the Swiss Alps and included what organizers believe was the first west-to-east crossing of Saudi Arabia with electric vehicles.
The team’s ID. Buzz VW vans — modelled on the German manufacturer’s Combi campervan — travelled across 12 countries, reaching Aqaba in Jordan from Turkey by ship.
However, the trip highlighted shortcomings of the charging infrastructure, Rinderknecht said, comparing the mismatch of technologies to the “early days of telecommunication.”
In Europe, the team had to use numerous apps to pay for charging points across different regions. In Jordan, they had to adapt their European systems to the Chinese hardware they found.
The journey to Doha was completed in partnership with the Geneva International Motor Show, which is being held outside the Swiss city for the first time since its inception in 1905.
The 10-day motor show to be held in Qatar from October 5 will feature 31 automotive brands and overlap with the October 8 Qatar Grand Prix at the Lusail International Circuit on Doha’s northern outskirts.
Saad Ali Al Kharji, deputy chairman of Qatar Tourism, said holding events like the motor show was part the gas-rich Gulf state’s “strategic vision of becoming the fastest-growing destination in the Middle East by 2030.”
У столиці Польщі Варшаві 1 жовтня відбувся марш опозиції, який організували для мобілізації виборців і боротьби за голоси людей, які ще не визначилися, за кого голосувати на майбутніх парламентських виборах.
«Неможливе стало можливим. Коли я бачу ці сотні тисяч усміхнених облич, відчуваю, що наближається цей знаковий момент в історії нашої батьківщини», – сказав, відкриваючи марш, лідер партії «Громадянська платформа» Дональд Туск.
На «Марш мільйонів сердець» приїхали люди з різних куточків Польщі. Учасники ходи розповідали, що аби встигнути виїжджали посеред ночі.
«Ми з Ольштина, виїжджали потягом о 5-й ранку, бо хочемо, щоб життя в нашій державі змінилося. Ми хочемо, щоб теперішній уряд пішов, щоб громадське телебачення було правдивим. Я маю дві доньки, дружину і хочу, щоб наше майбутнє було справжній і реальним, а не заснованим на брехні. Ми віримо, що після 15 жовтня буде краще і настануть зміни», – сказав Радіо Свобода пан Марек з Ольштина.
«Я не хочу уряду безправʼя, не хочу нищення Польщі. Боюся майбутнього і вважаю, що якщо виграє ПІС, то це майбутнє буде нестерпним. Якщо вони залишаться при владі, то буде олігархічна система, як в Росії, цього я побоююся», – сказала радіо Свобода пані Малгожата з-під Варшави.
На ході люди тримали у руках прапори Польщі і Євросоюзу, а також плакати з написами «Переможемо», «Думаю, тому я тут».
«Марш мільйонів сердець» влаштували центральними вулицями Варшави. Велику частину міста перекрили, щоб у разі потреби, могли проїхати екстрені служби.
За два тижні у Польщі відбуватимуться парламентські вибори. Згідно з опитуванням, проведеним 27 вересня компанією IBRiS для порталу Onet, 35,1% респондентів проголосували б за партію «Право і справедливість». «Громадянська платформа» могла б розраховувати на підтримку 27%. У трійці лідерів коаліція – «Третій Шлях» з 10,4%. Досі не визначилися, за кого голосувати, 5,6% поляків.
Apple is blaming a software bug and other issues tied to popular apps such as Instagram and Uber for causing its recently released iPhone 15 models to heat up and spark complaints about becoming too hot to handle.
The Cupertino, California, company said Saturday that it is working on an update to the iOS17 system that powers the iPhone 15 lineup to prevent the devices from becoming uncomfortably hot and is working with apps that are running in ways “causing them to overload the system.”
Instagram, owned by Meta Platforms, modified its social media app earlier this week to prevent it from heating up the device on the latest iPhone operating system.
Uber and other apps such as the video game Asphalt 9 are in the process of rolling out their updates, Apple said. It didn’t specify a timeline for when its own software fix would be issued but said no safety issues should prevent iPhone 15 owners from using their devices while awaiting the update.
“We have identified a few conditions which can cause iPhone to run warmer than expected,” Apple in a short statement provided to The Associated Press after media reports detailed overheating complaints that are peppering online message boards.
The Wall Street Journal amplified the worries in a story citing the overheating problem in its own testing of the new iPhones, which went on sale a week ago.
It’s not unusual for new iPhones to get uncomfortably warm during the first few days of use or when they are being restored with backup information stored in the cloud — issues that Apple already flagged for users. The devices also can get hot when using apps such as video games and augmented reality technology that require a lot of processing power, but the heating issues with the iPhone 15 models have gone beyond those typical situations.
In its acknowledgement, Apple stressed that the trouble isn’t related to the sleek titanium casing that houses the high-end iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max instead of the stainless steel used on older smartphones.
Apple also dismissed speculation that the overheating problem in the new models might be tied to a shift from its proprietary Lightning charging cable to the more widely used USB-C port that allowed it to comply with a mandate issued by European regulators.
Although Apple expressed confidence that the overheating issue can be quickly fixed with the upcoming software updates, the problem still could dampen sales of its marquee product at a time when the company has faced three consecutive quarters of year-over-year declines in overall sales.