01001, Київ, Україна

Очільниця МЗС Німеччини відвідала Харків – ЗМІ

Міністр закордонних справ Німеччини Анналена Бербок стала першим членом уряду Німеччини, який побував в українському місті, неподалік від лінії фронту

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GM, Ford, Google Partner to Promote ‘Virtual’ Power Plants

Companies including GM, Ford, Google and solar energy producers said on Tuesday they would work together to establish standards for scaling up the use of virtual power plants (VPPs), systems for easing loads on electricity grids when supply is short.

Energy transition nonprofit RMI will host the initiative, the Virtual Power Plant Partnership (VP3), which will also aim to shape policy for promoting the use of the systems, the companies said.

Virtual power plants pool together thousands of decentralized energy resources like electric vehicles or electric heaters controlled by smart thermostats.

With permission from customers, they use advanced software to react to electricity shortages with such techniques as switching thousands of households’ batteries, like those in EVs, from charge to discharge mode or prompting electricity-using devices, such as water heaters, to back off their consumption.

VPPs are positioned for explosive growth in the United States, where the 2021 Inflation Reduction Act has created or enlarged tax incentives for electric cars, electric water heaters, solar panels and other devices whose output and consumption can be coordinated to smooth grid load.

RMI estimates that by 2030, VPPs could reduce U.S. peak demand by 60 gigawatts, the average consumption of 50 million households, and by more than 200 GW by 2050.

“Virtual power plants will enable grid planners and grid operators to (better manage) growing electricity demand from vehicles, from buildings and from industry, and make sure that the grid can stay reliable even in the face of ongoing extreme weather challenges and aging physical infrastructure,” said Mark Dyson, managing director with the carbon-free electricity program at RMI.

Rob Threlkeld, director of global energy strategy at General Motors GM.N, told Reuters that VP3 would be able to “show that EVs can become a reliable asset to the retail utility and or the retail transmission operator” and “can be an asset to a homeowner and to fleet customers.”

VPPs have already improved grid reliability in such countries as Germany and Australia and in some U.S. states.

During an extreme heat wave last August, wholesale market operator California Independent System Operator avoided blackouts by calling on all available resources, including VPPs, to dispatch electricity. Google Nest smart thermostats contributed to easing the load.

“That is increasingly going to be required to make sure that the grid remains resilient, that we avoid blackouts and that we enable the grid to become cleaner and greener,” said Parag Chokshi, director of Google’s Nest Renew.

Other founding members of VP3 include Ford F.N, SunPower SPWR.O and Sunrun RUN.O.

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Пашинян відмовив Росії у спільних військових навчаннях у Вірменії під егідою ОДКБ

Раніше цього місяця Міністерство оборони Росії повідомило, що на території Вірменії будуть проведені спільні навчання миротворчих контингентів ОДКБ «Непорушне братерство-2023»

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Лижні курорти Європи намагаються врятувати сезон на тлі аномально теплої зими

У більшості європейських країн, як і в Україні, перед Новим роком і в перші дні 2023-го зберігалася аномально тепла погода

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Virgin Orbit Rocket Carrying Satellites Fails to Reach Orbit

A mission to launch the first satellites into orbit from Western Europe suffered an “anomaly” Tuesday, Virgin Orbit said.  

The U.S.-based company attempted its first international launch on Monday, using a modified jumbo jet to carry one of its rockets from Cornwall in southwestern England to the Atlantic Ocean where the rocket was released. The rocket was supposed to take nine small satellites for mixed civil and defense use into orbit.  

But about two hours after the plane took off, the company reported that the mission encountered a problem. 

“We appear to have an anomaly that has prevented us from reaching orbit. We are evaluating the information,” Virgin Orbit said on Twitter.  

Virgin Orbit, which is listed on the NASDAQ stock exchange, was founded by British billionaire Richard Branson. It has previously completed four similar launches from California. 

Hundreds gathered for the launch cheered earlier as a repurposed Virgin Atlantic Boeing 747 aircraft, named “Cosmic Girl,” took off from Cornwall late Monday. Around an hour into the flight, the plane released the rocket at around 35,000 feet (around 10,000 meters) over the Atlantic Ocean to the south of Ireland.  

The plane, piloted by a Royal Air Force pilot, returned to Cornwall after releasing the rocket. 

Some of the satellites are meant for U.K. defense monitoring, while others are for businesses such as those working in navigational technology. One Welsh company is looking to manufacture materials such as electronic components in space.  

U.K. officials had high hopes for the mission. Ian Annett, deputy chief executive at the U.K. Space Agency, said Monday it marked a “new era” for his country’s space industry. There was strong market demand for small satellite launches, Annett said, and the U.K. has ambitions to be “the hub of European launches.”  

In the past, satellites produced in the U.K. had to be sent to spaceports in other countries to make their journey into space. 

The mission was a collaboration between the U.K. Space Agency, the Royal Air Force, Virgin Orbit and Cornwall Council.  

The launch was originally planned for late last year, but it was postponed because of technical and regulatory issues. 

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Сенатор США: припинення допомоги США Україні було б історичною помилкою

Ангус Кінг сказав, що повернувся з Києва з більшою впевненістю в тому, що допомога США Україні є життєво необхідною

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Шольц про надання танків Україні: Берлін не піде на це сам

Олаф Шольц сказав, що західні союзники витратили «тривалий час на підготовку, обговорення та організацію цього»

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США заявляють, що Іран може «сприяти» воєнним злочинам в Україні

Тегеран наразі не реагував на цю заяву Джейка Саллівана

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Кулеба засудив «антидемократичні» заворушення в Бразилії після виборів

Голова МЗС додав, що Київ знову висловлює свою підтримку демократично обраному уряду президента Лули да Сілви

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Голова МВС Литви підтвердив, що в громадян Білорусі на в’їзді питають, чий Крим

Абрамавічюс вважає, що таке опитування наразі є достатнім заходом для перевірки громадян Білорусі і запроваджувати інші немає потреби

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Судно, яке везе кукурудзу з України до Китаю, сіло на мілину в Суецькому каналі

Інцидент стався поблизу міста Кантара в провінції Суецького каналу Ісмаїлія

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Суд у Чехії виправдав експремʼєра та кандидата в президенти Андрея Бабіша

Державне обвинувачення в справі про шахрайство просило засудити Бабіша до умовного терміну та штрафу

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США та Євросоюз засуджують заворушення в Бразилії

Президент Бразилії Луїс Інасіу Лула да Сілва розпорядився залучити федеральні сили до відновлення порядку в столиці країни, де демонстранти увірвалися до урядових будівель

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Seattle Schools Sue Tech Giants Over Social Media Harm

The public school district in Seattle has filed a novel lawsuit against the tech giants behind TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and Snapchat, seeking to hold them accountable for the mental health crisis among youth.

Seattle Public Schools filed the lawsuit Friday in U.S. District Court. The 91-page complaint says the social media companies have created a public nuisance by targeting their products to children.

It blames them for worsening mental health and behavioral disorders including anxiety, depression, disordered eating and cyberbullying; making it more difficult to educate students; and forcing schools to take steps such as hiring additional mental health professionals, developing lesson plans about the effects of social media and providing additional training to teachers.

“Defendants have successfully exploited the vulnerable brains of youth, hooking tens of millions of students across the country into positive feedback loops of excessive use and abuse of Defendants’ social media platforms,” the complaint said. “Worse, the content Defendants curate and direct to youth is too often harmful and exploitive ….”

While federal law — Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act — helps protect online companies from liability arising from what third-party users post on their platforms, the lawsuit argues that provision does not protect the tech giants’ behavior in this case.

“Plaintiff is not alleging Defendants are liable for what third-parties have said on Defendants’ platforms but, rather, for Defendants’ own conduct,” the lawsuit said. “Defendants affirmatively recommend and promote harmful content to youth, such as pro-anorexia and eating disorder content.”

In emailed statements Sunday, Google and Snap said they had worked to protect young people who use their platforms.

Snap launched an in-app support system called ‘Here For You’ in 2020, to help those who might be having a mental health or emotional crisis find expert resources, and it also has enabled settings that allow parents to see whom their children contact on Snapchat, though not the content of those messages. It also has recently expanded content about the new 988 suicide and crisis phone system in the U.S.

“We will continue working to make sure our platform is safe and to give Snapchatters dealing with mental health issues resources to help them deal with the challenges facing young people today,” the company said in a written statement.

José Castañeda, a spokesperson for Google, said Google, which owns YouTube, had also given parents the ability to set reminders, limit screen time and block certain types of content on their children’s devices.

“We have invested heavily in creating safe experiences for children across our platforms and have introduced strong protections and dedicated features to prioritize their well-being,” Castañeda said.

Meta and TikTok did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

The lawsuit says that from 2009 to 2019, there was on average a 30% increase in the number of Seattle Public Schools students who reported feeling “so sad or hopeless almost every day for two weeks or more in a row” that they stopped doing some typical activities.

The school district is asking the court to order the companies to stop creating a public nuisance, to award damages, and to pay for prevention education and treatment for excessive and problematic use of social media.

While hundreds of families are pursuing lawsuits against the companies over the harm they allege their children suffered from social media, it’s not clear if any other school districts have filed a complaint like Seattle’s.

Internal studies revealed by Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen in 2021 showed that the company knew that Instagram negatively affected teenagers by harming their body image and making eating disorders and thoughts of suicide worse. She alleged that the platform prioritized profits over safety and hid its own research from investors and the public.

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Протести в Бразилії: прихильники експрезидента увірвалися до Конгресу, поліція застосувала сльозогінний газ

Одна група мітингувальників штурмувала будівлю Конгресу Бразилії, а інша почала захоплювати президентську резиденцію

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У Пентагоні уточнили, яку саме модифікацію БМП Bradley отримає Україна

Модифікацію M2A2 ODS (Operation Desert Storm) розробили на основі досвіду, який Сполучені Штати отримали під час війни в Іраку 1991 року

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МЗС: Фінляндія не розміщуватиме ядерну зброю після вступу до НАТО

Хаавісто підкреслив, що ядерна зброя не буде допущена на фінську землю, навіть якщо членство стане реальністю

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CES 2023: Smelling, Touching Take Center Stage in Metaverse 

Is the metaverse closer than we think?

It depends on whom you ask at CES, where companies are showing off innovations that could immerse us deeper into virtual reality, otherwise known as VR.

The metaverse — essentially a buzzword for three-dimensional virtual communities where people can meet, work and play — was a key theme during the four-day tech gathering in Las Vegas that ends Sunday.

Taiwanese tech giant HTC unveiled a high-end VR headset that aims to compete with market leader Meta, and a slew of other companies and startups touted augmented reality glasses and sensory technologies that can help users feel — and even smell — in a virtual environment.

Among them, Vermont-based OVR Technology showcased a headset containing a cartridge with eight primary aromas that can be combined to create different scents. It’s scheduled to be released later this year.

An earlier, business-focused version used primarily for marketing fragrances and beauty products is integrated into VR goggles and allows users to smell anything from a romantic bed of roses to a marshmallow roasting over a fire at a campsite.

The company says it aims to help consumers relax and is marketing the product, which comes with an app, as a sort of digital spa mixed with Instagram.

“We are entering an era in which extended reality will drive commerce, entertainment, education, social connection, and wellbeing,” the company’s CEO and co-founder Aaron Wisniewski said in a statement. “The quality of these experiences will be measured by how immersive and emotionally engaging they are. Scent imbues them with an unmatched power.”

But more robust and immersive uses of scent — and its close cousin, taste — are still further away on the innovation spectrum. Experts say even VR technologies that are more accessible are in the early days of their development and too expensive for many consumers to purchase.

The numbers show there’s waning interest. According to the research firm NPD Group, sales of VR headsets, which found popular use in gaming, declined by 2% last year, a sour note for companies betting big on more adoption.

Still, big companies like Microsoft and Meta are investing billions. And many others are joining the race to grab some market share in supporting technologies, including wearables that replicate touch.

Customers, though, aren’t always impressed by what they find. Ozan Ozaskinli, a tech consultant who traveled more than 29 hours from Istanbul to attend CES, suited up with yellow gloves and a black vest to test out a so-called haptics product, which relays sensations through buzzes and vibrations and stimulates our sense of touch.

Ozaskinli was attempting to punch in a code on a keypad that allowed him to pull a lever and unlock a box containing a shiny gemstone. But the experience was mostly a letdown.

“I think that’s far from reality right now,” Ozaskinli said. “But if I was considering it to replace Zoom meetings, why not? At least you can feel something.”

Proponents say widespread adoption of virtual reality will ultimately benefit different parts of society by essentially unlocking the ability to be with anyone, anywhere at any time. Though it’s too early to know what these technologies can do once they fully mature, companies looking to achieve the most immersive experiences for users are welcoming them with open arms.

Aurora Townsend, the chief marketing officer at Flare, a company slated to launch a VR dating app called Planet Theta next month, said her team is building its app to incorporate more sensations like touch once the technology becomes more widely available on the consumer market.

“Being able to feel the ground when you’re walking with your partner, or holding their hands while you’re doing that… subtle ways we engage people will change once haptic technology is fully immersive in VR,” Townsend said.

Still, it’s unlikely that many of these products will become widely used in the next few years, even in gaming, said Matthew Ball, a metaverse expert. Instead, he said the pioneers of adoption are likely to be fields that have higher budgets and more precise needs, such as bomb units using haptics and virtual reality to help with their work and others in the medical field.

In 2021, Johns Hopkins neurosurgeons said they used augmented reality to perform spinal fusion surgery and remove a cancerous tumor from a patient’s spine.

And optical technology from Lumus, an Israeli company that makes AR glasses, is already being used by underwater welders, fighter pilots and surgeons who want to monitor a patient’s vital signs or MRI scans during a procedure without having to look up at several screens, said David Goldman, vice president of marketing for the company.

Meanwhile, Xander, a Boston-based startup which makes smart glasses that display real-time captions of in-person conversations for people with hearing loss, will launch a pilot program with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs next month to test out some of its technology, said Alex Westner, the company’s co-founder and CEO. He said the agency will allow veterans who have appointments for hearing loss or other audio issues to try out the glasses in some of their clinics. And if it goes well, the agency would likely become a customer, Westner said.

Elsewhere, big companies from Walmart to Nike have been launching different initiatives in virtual reality. But it’s not clear how much they can benefit during the early stages of the technology. The consulting firm McKinsey says the metaverse could generate up to $5 trillion by 2030. But outside of gaming, much of today’s VR use remains somewhat of a marginal amusement, said Michael Kleeman, a tech strategist and visiting scholar at the University of California San Diego.

“When people are promoting this, what they have to answer is — where’s the value in this? Where’s the profit? Not what’s fun, what’s cute and what’s interesting.”

For more coverage of CES, visit: https://apnews.com/hub/technology

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Китай скасовує карантин для мандрівників

Китай скасував карантинні вимоги для мандрівників, які приїжджають у країну, поклавши край майже трирічній самоізоляції, навіть коли країна бореться зі сплеском випадків Covid. 

Люди, які прибули до країни, висловили полегшення через те, що їм не довелося проходити карантин, який був невід’ємною частиною життя в Китаї.

У Гонконзі, де кордон із материковим Китаєм був знову відкритий після років закриття, понад 400 000 людей збираються вирушити на північ протягом найближчих восьми тижнів.

Читайте також: США введуть обов’язкові тести на COVID-19 для приїжджих з Китаю

Різке зростання захворюваності на коронавірусну інфекцію почалося в Китаї на початку грудня, невдовзі після того, як у країні вирішили послабити карантинні заходи. Цьому передували широкі громадські протести проти політики «нульової терпимості» до COVID-19, яка передбачала жорсткі локдауни в масштабах цілих міст і поголовне тестування населення.

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У Німеччині заарештували іранця, його підозрюють у плануванні хімічної атаки

У Німеччині заарештували 32-річного іранця за підозрою в плануванні атаки із застосуванням смертоносних хімікатів, повідомили офіційні особи 8 січня.

Поліція та прокуратура повідомили, що чоловіка та ще одну особу затримали вночі в місті Кастроп-Рауксель, на північний захід від Дортмунд.

У спільній заяві вони сказали, що чоловіка підозрюють у плануванні серйозного нападу, мотивованого ісламським екстремізмом, для якого він нібито отримав сильнодіючі токсини ціанід і рицин.

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Ukrainian Startups Bring Tech Innovation to CES 2023

The past year has been difficult for startups everywhere, but running a company in Ukraine during the Russian invasion comes with a whole different set of challenges.

Clinical psychologist Ivan Osadchyy brought his medical device, called Knopka, to this year’s consumer technology show known as CES in Las Vegas in hopes of getting it into U.S. hospitals.

His is one of a dozen Ukrainian startups backed by a government fund that are at CES this year to show their technology to the world.

“Two of our hospitals we operated before are ruined already and one is still occupied. So this is the biggest challenge,” Osadchyy said.

“The second challenge is for production and our team because they are shelling our electricity system and people are hard to work without lights, without heating in their flats,” he said.

Inspired by grandmother

He came up with the device after spending a year with his own grandmother in the hospital and finding that he had to track down nurses when she needed something.

The system works by notifying nurses when a patient has an abnormal heart rate, is due for treatment or otherwise needs help. The nurse can’t turn off their button until they’ve dealt with the issue.

“We are still working and operating because hospitals are open and we need to support them and provide efficiency and safety for patients as well,” he said.

Karina Kudriavtseva of the government-backed Ukrainian Startup Fund, says that, like Knopka, all the country’s startups have kept going since Russia’s invasion almost a year ago.

“The times have changed, their conditions have changed, but it can only make them stronger because all of the startups are working on the thing that to save the company, save the team, save the business, and save their lives, of course,” she said.

Conflict led to relocation, innovation

The invasion forced Valentyn Frechka to relocate to France, but he says his Releaf paper company has never stopped production.

When he was 16, Frechka decided to study alternative sources of cellulose in order to decrease deforestation. He’s now developed a technology that uses fallen leaves and recycled fiber to make paper.

The company’s main product is paper shopping bags, but they also make food packaging, egg trays and corrugated boxes.

Frechka said the conflict has forced the company to become more flexible and more open to opportunities.

“When this conflict happened and we located our company to France, we have found a lot of new partners and we have raised fundraising. We have raised the money for our needs,” he said. “So, it really makes us more open for the world.”

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США: республіканець Маккарті з 15-ї спроби очолив Палату представників

Спроби обрати спікера тривали чотири дні і спричинили найдовший період недієздатності Конгресу з 1859 року

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Двоє сербів поранені внаслідок стрілянини в Косові

Жертвами стали 11-річний хлопчик і 21-річний чоловік, які несли дубові гілки (це традиція православних сербів напередодні Різдва)

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В Ірані закрили Французький інститут – через карикатури в Charlie Hebdo

Журнал Charlie Hebdo, відомий сатирою на політичні теми, у грудні оголосив серед читачів конкурс карикатур на аятолу Хаменеї

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CES Show Products Making Life More Accessible

Major tech companies are appealing to consumers’ evolving lifestyles, tastes and personal values with connected devices that touch on nearly every aspect of daily life. From the CES 2023 consumer technology show in Las Vegas, VOA’s Tina Trinh has the story. Video editor: Matt Dibble

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ЗМІ: Абрамович на початку 2022 року більшість своїх активів передав дітям

Російський мільярдер Роман Абрамович на початку 2022 року більшість своїх активів передав дітям, пише видання The Guardian.

Видання вказує, що дані надійшли з витоку інформації кіпрської компанії MeritServus, яка понад 20 років управляла активами Абрамовича. Сама компанія відмовилася від коментарів, посилаючись на європейські правила захисту персональних даних, а також кіпрські закони про трасти, засновані на прецедентному праві Великобританії.

Читайте також: Канада з Абрамовича розпочинає конфіскацію активів олігархів РФ – МЗС

За три тижні до початку повномасштабного вторгнення Росії в Україну 24 лютого 2022 року ключові офшорні трасти були реорганізовані таким чином, щоб передати сімом дітям Абрамовича активи, вартістю не менше чотирьох мільярдів доларів. Серед нової власності дітей, молодшому з яких дев’ять років, – акції великих російських компаній і, наприклад, суперяхта Eclipse. Тепер в активах цих трастів частки дітей Романа Абрамовича становлять від 51 до 100 відсотків, що, на думку опитаних експертів The Guardian, може ускладнити виконання санкцій проти мільярдера і навіть зірвати заморозку його активів.

Роман Абрамович перебуває під санкціями США, Євросоюзу, Великобританії та Канади.

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Білоруські прикордонники відповіли на звинувачення в супроводі мігрантів до кордону Польщі

Раніше польське відомство звинуватило білоруських колег у допомозі нелегальним мігрантам в перетині кордону

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Королева Данії більше не буде покровителькою книжкової премії – через голову журі з РФ

Данський королівський дім зазначив, що монарх не може бути частиною конфлікту

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