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Cyber Firm at Center of Russian Hacking Charges Misread Data

An influential British think tank and Ukraine’s military are disputing a report that the U.S. cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike has used to buttress its claims of Russian hacking in the presidential election.

The CrowdStrike report, released in December, asserted that Russians hacked into a Ukrainian artillery app, resulting in heavy losses of howitzers in Ukraine’s war with Russian-backed separatists.

But the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) told VOA that CrowdStrike erroneously used IISS data as proof of the intrusion. IISS disavowed any connection to the CrowdStrike report. Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense also has claimed combat losses and hacking never happened.

The challenges to CrowdStrike’s credibility are significant because the firm was the first to link last year’s hacks of Democratic Party computers to Russian actors, and because CrowdStrike co-founder Dimiti Alperovitch has trumpeted its Ukraine report as more evidence of Russian election tampering.

Alperovitch has said that variants of the same software were used in both hacks.

While questions about CrowdStrike’s findings don’t disprove allegations of Russian involvement, they do add to skepticism voiced by some cybersecurity experts and commentators about the quality of their technical evidence.

The Russian government has denied covert involvement in the election, but U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded that Russian hacks were meant to discredit Hillary Clinton and help Donald Trump’s campaign. An FBI and Homeland Security report also blamed Russian intelligence services.

On Monday, FBI Director James Comey confirmed at a House Intelligence Committee hearing that his agency has an ongoing investigation into the hacks of Democratic campaign computers and into contacts between Russian operatives and Trump campaign associates. The White House says there was no collusion with Russia, and other U.S. officials have said they’ve found no proof.

Signature malware

VOA News first reported in December that sources close to the Ukraine military and the artillery app’s creator questioned CrowdStrike’s finding that a Russian-linked group it named “Fancy Bear” had hacked the app. CrowdStrike said it found a variant of the same “X-Agent” malware used to attack the Democrats.

CrowdStrike said the hack allowed Ukraine’s enemies to locate its artillery units. As proof of its effectiveness, the report referenced publicly reported data in which IISS had sharply reduced its estimates of Ukrainian artillery assets. IISS, based in London, publishes a highly regarded, annual reference called “The Military Balance” that estimates the strength of world armed forces.

“Between July and August 2014, Russian-backed forces launched some of the most-decisive attacks against Ukrainian forces, resulting in significant loss of life, weaponry and territory,” CrowdStrike wrote in its report, explaining that the hack compromised an app used to aim Soviet-era D-30 howitzers.

“Ukrainian artillery forces have lost over 50% of their weapons in the two years of conflict and over 80% of D-30 howitzers, the highest percentage of loss of any other artillery pieces in Ukraine’s arsenal,” the report said, crediting a Russian blogger who had cited figures from IISS.

The report prompted skepticism in Ukraine.

Yaroslav Sherstyuk, maker of the Ukrainian military app in question, called the company’s report “delusional” in a Facebook post. CrowdStrike never contacted him before or after its report was published, he told VOA.

Pavlo Narozhnyy, a technical adviser to Ukraine’s military, told VOA that while it was theoretically possible the howitzer app could have been compromised, any infection would have been spotted. “I personally know hundreds of gunmen in the war zone,” Narozhnyy told VOA in December. “None of them told me of D-30 losses caused by hacking or any other reason.”

VOA first contacted IISS in February to verify the alleged artillery losses. Officials there initially were unaware of the CrowdStrike assertions. After investigating, they determined that CrowdStrike misinterpreted their data and hadn’t reached out beforehand for comment or clarification.

In a statement to VOA, the institute flatly rejected the assertion of artillery combat losses.

“The CrowdStrike report uses our data, but the inferences and analysis drawn from that data belong solely to the report’s authors,” the IISS said. “The inference they make that reductions in Ukrainian D-30 artillery holdings between 2013 and 2016 were primarily the result of combat losses is not a conclusion that we have ever suggested ourselves, nor one we believe to be accurate.”

Erica Ma, operations administrator with IISS in the U.S., said that while the think tank had dramatically lowered its estimates of Ukrainian artillery assets and howitzers in 2013, it did so as part of a “reassessment” and reallocation of units to airborne forces.

“No, we have never attributed this reduction to combat losses,” Ma said, explaining that most of the reallocation occurred prior to the two-year period that CrowdStrike cites in its report.

“The vast majority of the reduction actually occurs … before Crimea/Donbass,” she added, referring to the 2014 Russian invasion of Ukraine.

‘Evidence flimsy’

In early January, the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense issued a statement saying artillery losses from the ongoing fighting with separatists are “several times smaller than the number reported by [CrowdStrike] and are not associated with the specified cause” of Russian hacking.

But Ukraine’s denial did not get the same attention as CrowdStrike’s report. Its release was widely covered by news media reports as further evidence of Russian hacking in the U.S. election.

In interviews, Alperovitch helped foster that impression by connecting the Ukraine and Democratic campaign hacks, which CrowdStrike said involved the same Russian-linked hacking group—Fancy Bear—and versions of X-Agent malware the group was known to use.

“The fact that they would be tracking and helping the Russian military kill Ukrainian army personnel in eastern Ukraine and also intervening in the U.S. election is quite chilling,” Alperovitch said in a December 22 story by The Washington Post.

The same day, Alperovitch told the PBS NewsHour: “And when you think about, well, who would be interested in targeting Ukraine artillerymen in eastern Ukraine? Who has interest in hacking the Democratic Party? [The] Russia government comes to mind, but specifically, [it’s the] Russian military that would have operational [control] over forces in the Ukraine and would target these artillerymen.”

Alperovitch, a Russian expatriate and senior fellow at the Atlantic Council policy research center in Washington, co-founded CrowdStrike in 2011. The firm has employed two former FBI heavyweights: Shawn Henry, who oversaw global cyber investigations at the agency, and Steven Chabinsky, who was the agency’s top cyber lawyer and served on a White House cybersecurity commission. Chabinsky left CrowdStrike last year.

CrowdStrike declined to answer VOA’s written questions about the Ukraine report, and Alperovitch canceled a March 15 interview on the topic. In a December statement to VOA’s Ukrainian Service, spokeswoman Ilina Dimitrova defended the company’s conclusions.

“It is indisputable that the [Ukraine artillery] app has been hacked by Fancy Bear malware,” Dimitrova wrote. “We have published the indicators to it, and they have been confirmed by others in the cybersecurity community.”

In its report last June attributing the Democratic hacks, CrowdStrike said it was long familiar with the methods used by Fancy Bear and another group with ties to Russian intelligence nicknamed Cozy Bear. Soon after, U.S. cybersecurity firms Fidelis and Mandiant endorsed CrowdStrike’s conclusions. The FBI and Homeland Security report reached the same conclusion about the two groups.

Still, some cybersecurity experts are skeptical that the election and purported Ukraine hacks are connected. Among them is Jeffrey Carr, a cyberwarfare consultant who has lectured at the U.S. Army War College, the Defense Intelligence Agency, and other government agencies.

In a January post on LinkedIn, Carr called CrowdStrike’s evidence in the Ukraine “flimsy.” He told VOA in an interview that CrowdStrike mistakenly assumed that the X-Agent malware employed in the hacks was a reliable fingerprint for Russian actors.

“We now know that’s false,” he said, “and that the source code has been obtained by others outside of Russia.”

This report was produced in collaboration with VOA’s Ukrainian Service.

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Europe’s Biggest Construction Project Unearths 8,000 Years of London History

The biggest construction project in Europe is taking place beneath the British capital, London.

The largely subterranean Crossrail route linking Heathrow airport to the eastern financial district and beyond is designed to ease congestion as London’s population grows; but, it has also unearthed a trove of archaeological finds that provide a fascinating window on eight thousand years of the city’s history.

“The great thing about the Crossrail project is that it’s allowed us to basically sort of take a slice through London. We’ve been amazed at the quantity, tens of thousands of artifacts,” said Jackie Keily, curator of “The Archaeology of Crossrail” exhibition at the Museum of London – itself housed in a 200-year-old shipping warehouse in the old docks next to the River Thames.

Among the highlights is a bronze medallion dating from the year 245 AD, when southern Britain was ruled by the Romans.

“It would have been given by the emperor to a high-ranking official, probably in Rome. And it’s quite fascinating that it’s traveled right across the Empire to be here in London,” Keily said.

Nearby, a glass case contains a dozen carefully worked metal discs. These “hipposandals” were an early form of horse shoe designed to aid pack animals as they negotiated the rain-soaked streets of Roman London.

Many of the finds hint at macabre rituals. Hundreds of skulls were found beneath what is now the financial heart of London. Could the victims have been executed and put on display as a warning? Were they the losers of gladiatorial battles at the nearby Roman amphitheater?

One of the most striking exhibits is the decapitated skeleton of a Roman woman found buried beneath what is now Liverpool Street station. The skull is placed between the leg bones.

“To have placed the head between the legs one feels was almost certainly sending some sort of message, either about the person or was some kind of ritual associated with the burial,” Keily said.

The Crossrail route tunnels through several graveyards, many dating to major disease outbreaks such as the “Black Death” in the mid-1300s. That plague pandemic wiped out much of London’s population and killed an estimated 1.5 million people across Britain.

Despite the panic that swept across Europe at the time, archaeologists have noted that burials appear to have been conducted with as much dignity as possible. There are few mass graves and most burial sites were dug in an orderly fashion. Some held up to 20,000 bodies.

Lighter aspects of London life are also on display: a bowling ball found in the moat of a 16th century manor house, perhaps lost beneath the murky water during a high society summer party. Laws prevented lower class peasants from partaking in such revelry.

A collection of leather shoes has survived five centuries buried in the London mud. Some are plain with rounded toes, patched up and well worn. Others appear to have barely been used, their tapering ends suggestive of the modern stiletto heel.

“So very fashionable shoes that Londoners were wearing. It connects us in a way with people in the past,” Keily noted.

Despite the painstaking archaeological work each time something new is unearthed, construction of Crossrail remains on schedule. The first trains are due to take passengers through the tunnels in late 2018.

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Europe’s Biggest Construction Project Unearths 8,000 Years of London History

The biggest construction project in Europe is taking place beneath the British capital London – and it has unearthed an array of archaeological finds that provide a fascinating window on eight thousand years of the city’s history. Henry Ridgwell reports from the Museum of London.

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Montenegrin FM: US Supportive in Alleged Coup Probe

Montenegro’s Foreign Minister Srdjan Darmanovic on Monday said U.S.-led NATO allies have been supportive of an investigation into what Montenegrin prosecutors are calling a pro-Russian plot to overthrow the country’s pro-Western government to prevent it from joining the European military alliance.

The “United States were among the most helpful in providing us with support and information,” Darmanovic told VOA’s Serbian Service. His comments came on the same day that U.S. legislators conducted a hearing on alleged Russian meddling in last year’s U.S. presidential election.

Some Western officials have also said they suspect Russian involvement in October’s attempted coup. The Kremlin has repeatedly denied involvement in the alleged plot to oust the small Balkan nation’s pro-NATO leadership, but it has openly supported and financed Montenegro’s anti-NATO opposition.

Montenegro’s bid to join NATO is awaiting approval from the U.S. Senate.

Last week Senator Rand Paul blocked a floor vote, thwarting ratification of a treaty to advance the country’s NATO membership by unanimous consent without debate. More than 90 senators, according to advocates in the U.S. Senate, support Montenegro’s ratification.

Paul’s opposition to the vote provoked a furious response from Republican Senator John McCain, who accused Paul of “working for Vladimir Putin.”

Darmanovic, a former envoy to the United States, said in an interview that he does not expect any further issues to hamper American ratification of Montenegro’s NATO membership.

“We understand that the Senate has a very busy agenda and that not all the matters can be considered immediately,” he told VOA. “But we are convinced that, once majority leader [Senator Mitch McConnell] schedules the vote, the treaty will be ratified with an overwhelming majority.”

Montenegro’s bid requires ratification from all 28 NATO members. Darmanovic says that the U.S. administration is supporting its bid, and therefore expects Montenegro to participate as a full member at this May’s NATO summit in Brussels.

Produced in collaboration with VOA’s Serbian Service.

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Lawmakers Urge Trump to Mend Fences with US Allies

President Donald Trump risks driving wedges between the United States and its closest allies, something America can ill-afford. So say lawmakers of both political parties as public disputes have arisen between the White House and Britain as well as Germany. VOA’s Michael Bowman reports from Washington.

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Germany Turkey Tensions on Rise following Nazi Comment by Erdogan

Tensions between Germany and Turkery are on the rise again, with the Turkish president accusing the German chancellor of using “Nazi” measures. The accusation follows a pro Kurdish rally in Germany Saturday that turned into a rally against the Turkish President.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, campaigning in a referendum to extend his presidential powers again, turned his fire on the German chancellor Angela Merkel. In a televised speech Sunday, Erdogan used Germany’s Nazi past against Merkel

“When we call them fascists, Nazis they in Europe get uncomfortable. They rally together in solidarity. Especially Merkel,” Erdogan said adding, “But you are right now employing Nazi measures,”

Erdogan was infuriated after two of his ministers earlier this month were prevented from addressing meetings in Germany for the Turkish diaspora, in support of a yes vote in April’s referendum. The meetings were cancelled by local authorities because of security concerns. But on Saturday tens of thousands of Kurds were allowed to attend a gathering in the German City of Frankfurt. The meeting ostensibly to mark Newroz, the Kurdish new year, turned into a rally against Erdogan and called for a “No” vote in the referendum.

Turkish foreign minister Mevlut Cavusolgu in a statement accused Berlin of double standards, hypocrisy and supporting the” No” vote. Sunday, the German ambassador was summoned to the foreign ministry to receive an official condemnation.

Adding to Ankara’s anger, many Kurds attending the Frankfurt rally carried pictures of the imprisoned leaderof the PKK Abdullah Ocalan. The PKK is fighting the Turkish State and is designated internationally as a terrorist organization..

Political columnist Semih Idiz of Al Monitor website says the Europe is becoming increasingly embroiled in Turkish politics.

“The vote in Europe is significant , there is nearly 5 million people across Europe who are Turkish. In Germany 1.4 million who are eligible to vote. So this a reflection of domestic politics overflowing into the foreign domain and creating a big mess,” said Idiz.

Observers say the importance of the diaspora vote which traditionally gives strong support to Erdogan is viewed as increasingly key given that opinion polls indicate the result is too close to call. Tensions with Berlin could ratcheted up further with an Erdogan spokesman saying Turkey is considering sending another minister to Germany to speak at a rally ahead of the April referendum.


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Germany Rejects Trump’s Claim it Owes NATO, US ‘Vast Sums’ for Defense

German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen on Sunday rejected U.S. President Donald Trump’s claim that Germany owes NATO and the United States “vast sums” of money for defense.

“There is no debt account at NATO,” von der Leyen said in a statement, adding that it was wrong to link the alliance’s target for members to spend 2 percent of their economic output on defense by 2024 solely to NATO.

“Defense spending also goes into UN peacekeeping missions, into our European missions and into our contribution to the fight against IS terrorism,” von der Leyen said.

She said everyone wanted the burden to be shared fairly and for that to happen it was necessary to have a “modern security concept” that included a modern NATO but also a European defense union and investment in the United Nations.

Trump said on Twitter on Saturday — a day after meeting German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Washington — that Germany “owes vast sums of money to NATO & the United States must be paid more for the powerful, and very expensive, defense it provides to Germany!”

Trump has urged Germany and other NATO members to accelerate efforts to meet NATO’s defense spending target.

German defense spending is set to rise by 1.4 billion euros to 38.5 billion euros in 2018 – a figure that is projected to represent 1.26 percent of economic output, Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble has said.

In 2016, Germany’s defense spending ratio stood at 1.18 percent.

During her trip to Washington, Merkel reiterated Germany’s commitment to the 2 percent military spending goal.



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Russia, Trump Wiretapping Claims Face Public Scrutiny Monday

A U.S. House Intelligence Committee Monday will further investigate the extent of Russia’s alleged meddling in the 2016 presidential election and President Donald Trump’s claim that President Barack Obama had his phones tapped during the campaign.

During a public hearing, committee members will question FBI Director James Comey and Admiral Mike Rogers, the director of the National Security Agency, for the first time.

The Department of Justice delivered documents to the House and Senate intelligence committees Friday regarding their request for information that could shed light on Trump’s claim that Obama tapped his phones at Trump Tower in New York.

Neither the Justice Department nor House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes elaborated on the information in the documents.

Pressure on Trump

Trump is facing increased pressure in Congress to back down from the wiretapping claims he made on Twitter March 4. A bipartisan group of lawmakers on the House and Senate intelligence committees said this week they have not seen anything to support his allegations.

“We don’t have any evidence that that took place,” Nunes, a Republican from California, told reporters Wednesday. “I don’t think there was an actual tap of Trump Tower.”

During a joint news conference with Nunes, Adam Schiff, a Democrat from California and ranking House Intelligence Committee member, agreed.

“There’s no daylight between us on the fact that neither one of us have seen any evidence to support what the president tweeted,” Schiff said Wednesday. “Thus far, we have seen no basis for that whatsoever.

“We will be asking the director if he has any evidence that substantiates the president’s claim,” Schiff said. “We think it’s in the public interest that this be openly addressed by the director.”

No clarity from Trump

The committee’s focus on the White House could intensify if sufficient evidence is not presented, experts said.

“It will be really incumbent upon the president to come forward, explain those statements,” Susan Hennessey, a national security fellow at the Brookings Institution told VOA.

Trump did little to clarify his wiretapping claims during a joint press conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel at the White House Friday.

He pushed back on reporters’ questions about why White House spokesman Sean Spicer had accused Britain’s intelligence agency of helping Obama conduct surveillance on Trump Tower.

Trump explained that his spokesman was simply repeating what he had heard a legal analyst say on Fox News.

“We said nothing,” Trump noted. “All we did was quote a certain very talented legal mind who was the one responsible for saying that on television. I did not make an opinion on it.”

Watch: Trump Wiretapping Claims to Dominate Intelligence Hearing

Trump hints he’ll have evidence

During an interview with Fox News days earlier, Trump hinted that his tweets refer to surveillance more broadly.

“A wiretap covers a lot of different things,” he said. Trump also hinted more evidence to back his allegation was forthcoming.

“You’re going to find some very interesting items coming to the forefront over the next two weeks,” Trump said. The president said his administration “will be submitting things” to the panel and that he perhaps will be speaking about his claim next week.

On Thursday, both leaders of the Senate Intelligence Committee publicly said they had not seen proof of Trump’s charge.

A statement by Republican Chairman Senator Richard Burr and Democratic Vice-Chairman Senator Mark Warner read: “Based on the information available to us, we see no indications that Trump Tower was the subject of surveillance by any element of the United States government either before or after Election Day 2016.”

Open hearing may yield little

While the open, public nature of the House committee’s hearing may prevent a thorough examination of sensitive issues, Nunes and Schiff said they were doing everything possible to keep the American public informed.

“This committee has a long track record of shining light on Russia and its activities,” Nunes said.

But Hennessey said it is unlikely the hearing will result in any explosive revelations.

“These hearings are not likely to resolve the issue,” she said, adding there are too many unanswered questions.

The House Intelligence Committee will hold a second open hearing March 28 to allow additional witnesses to testify, including former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates.

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Man Killed When Trying to Seize Weapon at Paris Airport

A man was shot to death Saturday after trying to seize the weapon of a soldier guarding Paris’ Orly Airport, prompting an evacuation of the terminal, police said.

Authorities warned visitors to avoid the area while an ongoing police operation was underway. Emergency vehicles surrounded the airport as confused passengers gathered in parking lots, and the elite RAID special police force worked to secure the airport.

All flights are being redirected.

A national police official said it is unclear whether the attacker acted alone. No information about the slain man or any other injuries was available, she said. The official was not authorized to be publicly named.

The soldier who was attacked is part of the Sentinel special force installed around France to protect sensitive sites after a string of deadly Islamic extremist attacks. The force includes 7,500 soldiers, half deployed in the Paris region and half in the provinces.

Orly is Paris’ second-biggest airport behind Charles de Gaulle, serving domestic and international flights, notably to destinations in Europe and Africa.

The shooting came after a similar incident last month at the Louvre Museum in which an Egyptian man attacked soldiers guarding the site and was shot and wounded.

Saturday’s attack further rattled France, which remains under a state of emergency after attacks over the past two years that have killed 235 people.

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China Mulls Response After Islamic State Terror Threat

The Islamic State terror group released a video earlier this month threatening China with attacks on its soil. Analysts say that as China seeks to expand influence across central Asia, the Middle East and Africa, its nationals are being exposed to a greater terror threat and Beijing is having to adapt its response. Henry Ridgwell reports from London.

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Mythic Creatures Dance Through Dublin on St. Patrick’s Day

Performers dressed as colorful creatures from Irish myth and legend have danced down the chilly streets of Dublin as Ireland commemorates its national saint in a St. Patrick’s Day parade witnessed by hundreds of thousands.

Tourists and Dublin families, many of them donning leprechaun costumes, braved gusty winds to pack the route for Friday’s hour-long parade, the focal point for a four-day festival that marks the start of Ireland’s tourist season.

 Irish President Michael D. Higgins joined spectators for a parade that emphasized Ireland’s artistic flair and worldwide connections. It included bands from Germany, France, Switzerland, several U.S. states and even the Bahamas.

Higgins said Ireland’s centuries of emigration to every corner of the globe represent “a constant feature of the Irish experience, defining us as a people.”

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Turkey Widens War of Words to Include All of EU

Turkey’s president continues to ratchet up tensions with the European Union, as he campaigns ahead of an April referendum to extend his presidential powers. The unprecedented rhetoric is raising concerns as to whether Turkish-EU relations can recover.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, having already accused EU members Germany and the Netherlands of being fascists and Nazis, has extended his war of words to the entire bloc.

Erdogan accused EU countries of persecuting Muslims like Jews were during World War II, and said that the “spirit of fascism” was running wild on the streets of Europe. In the meantime,  his foreign minister, Mevlut Cavusoglu, warned that Europe will be the site of what he called “holy wars’ that will ultimately destroy it.

The comments follow a European Court of Human Rights ruling that businesses could ban their employees from wearing religious symbols including Islamic headscarves in certain circumstances. Political consultant Atilla Yesilada of Global Source Partners says the attacks on Europe are an attempt by Erdogan to consolidate nationalist and religious voters ahead of next month’s referendum.

Big test for EU-Turkey relations

Yesilada warns that with opinions polls indicating the referendum is too close to call, EU-Turkish relations are set to face their greatest test.

“It’s the most crucial vote in [Erdogan’s] political career; if the whole idea is to bolster the vote for the yes camp, they need to invent new tricks to keep this fight going with the EU until mid-April because otherwise it will fade off, these shocks fade off in a week at most. What they will invent to further annoy Europe [with] above and beyond outrageous insults, I really don’t know,” Yesilada said.

For now, Erdogan’s attacks on Europe have only been confined to rhetoric. Despite repeated threats of sanctions against Germany and the Netherlands for banning Turkish ministers from speaking at rallies of ethnic Turks, until now there have only been few diplomatic measures.

Refugee deal at risk

Erdogan warned Thursday, however, that a key refugee deal with Europe could be at risk. Last year’s deal, which is marking its first anniversary, helped stem the mass influx of migrants into Europe.

Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu said 15,000 refugees a month should be sent to Europe as a shock therapy. Analysts suggest Ankara would be reluctant to end the refugee deal, it being key to maintaining relations with the EU, as well as an important leverage. Political columnist Semih Idiz of the Al Monitor website says the refugee deal will probably help prevent a severing of ties but warns relations may have been irreparably damaged.

“It’s going to take a lot of hard diplomacy to backtrack and to put things back on track; obviously for Europe, for its own interest, it will maintain things. But a wedge has been driven between the government in Turkey that represents Turkey at the moment and Europe, so it’s not going to be easy.”


With the outcome of the referendum in the balance – and with it, some claim, even the future of the president himself – observers say Erdogan and his government remain focused just on winning the vote, whatever the cost, which could mean more trouble for Europe-Turkey relations.

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French School Shooting: 2 Friends of Suspect Arrested

A local police official says investigators were interviewing two friends of the 16-year-old student who shot at three students and the principal at a high school in the southern French town of Grasse.

One young man was arrested overnight and his twin brother was arrested Friday. Both were said to be close to the suspect, the official said.


The official spoke anonymously because he was not allowed to provide information on an ongoing investigation.


Grasse prosecutor Fabienne Atzori said Thursday the motivation of the suspect stemmed from bad relations with his peers and there was no reason to suspect the shootings were terrorism-related.


Students on Friday went back to school, where psychological support was being offered.

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Top EU Official to Balkan Leaders: Embrace European Future

The European Union’s enlargement commissioner urged Balkan leaders Thursday to stop stoking regional tensions and fully embrace their European future.

Johannes Hahn addressed the prime ministers of Albania, Bosnia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia and Serbia, who met in Sarajevo as part of preparations for a summit of some EU and western Balkan nations to be held in Trieste, Italy on July 12.


Hahn said the EU understood it was in its “hard-headed self-interest” to promote the troubled region’s future within the bloc when U.S policy for that part of the world is unclear and there are “unprecedented levels of involvement from further east” — an apparent reference to Russian meddling in the Balkans.

“We now have one of those windows of opportunity where either the region as a whole picks up momentum and we generate a genuinely positive narrative, or we end up in a really awkward spot, with a stream of bad news slamming the window firmly shut,” he said.

Many issues hamper EU membership


The Balkan countries are at different stages of being integrated into the bloc. Domestic politics and sluggish national economies have long hampered the EU integration of a region still recovering from the brutal wars of the 1990s.


Between an unresolved political crisis in Macedonia, a failed coup attempt in Montenegro, and growing discord between Bosnia’s ethnic leaders, the western Balkans now appear to be at their most tense in at least a decade.


Relations between Kosovo and Serbia have also grown increasingly hostile, while an opposition boycott of Parliament in Albania is hampering that country’s ability to integrate with the EU.

Future is in Europe


Hahn acknowledged that the Sarajevo meeting was taking place at a point when several countries are undergoing “severe domestic political crises, sometimes heading toward serious ethnic tensions.”

However, he said the EU has “unequivocally confirmed” that the western Balkan countries have a future in Europe.

“I don’t think you can afford to squander this positive climate through domestic confrontations and blaming neighbors,” Hahn said. “This is playing with fire.”

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Volcanic Explosion on Mount Etna Injures 10 People

Ten people were injured in an eruption on Mount Etna on Thursday when magma flowing into snow caused a violent explosion that sent stones and rocks flying into the air, emergency services said.

Among those hurt near the summit of Etna on the island of Sicily were members of a television crew filming for the BBC.

“Running down a mountain pelted by rocks, dodging burning boulders and boiling steam — not an experience I ever ever want to repeat,” the BBC’s science correspondent Rebecca Morelle wrote on Twitter.

“BBC team all okay — some cuts/ bruises and burns. Very shaken though – it was extremely scary,” she said.

Italian officials said six people had to be taken to hospital, but none were in a serious condition.

Etna is Europe’s most active volcano. After a quiet couple of years it burst into action in February with repeated explosive eruptions that sent orange plumes of lava into the air.

Thursday’s explosion was the result of a so-called phreatomagmatic eruption, caused by magma hitting water — in this case snow.

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Puppy Love: Therapy Pooches Bring Peace of Mind at Spanish Psychiatric Center

Tucked away in Spain’s Pyrenees mountains, patients at psychiatric facility Benito Menni stretch out across floor mats and stroke greyhound puppies Atila and Argi.

Puppy love is part of the treatment for conditions such as schizophrenia.

The facility, based in a town near the border with France, uses the dogs to help patients with intellectual disabilities and mental health conditions develop social skills and a sense of autonomy.

Alongside misty views of green rolling mountains, petting sessions with the eight-month-old puppies have a calming effect serving as an emotional outlet for patients who struggle to connect with others.

Playing with those who are more active and sitting still with those who find moving a daily challenge, the dogs tailor their behavior according to the needs of their patient.

For a Reuters photo essay, click http://reut.rs/2ntcZeA

Unlike other centres, Atila and Argi live on the grounds and are cared for by patients. “They are in charge of the dogs 24 hours a day,” said head nurse of Benito Menni Uxua Lazkanotegi.

“The dogs are now part of the center.”

In an effort to promote good habits like self-control and personal hygiene, patients groom and feed their furry companions taking them for daily walks to the nearby village where the dogs are icebreakers facilitating conversation with the locals.

Center residents who struggle to express themselves because of a range of cognitive and behavioral disabilities referred to their feelings for the dogs using words like “calmness,” “companionship” and “affection.”

The dogs also work with those unable to feed or walk the animals, sitting with severe dementia patients in an effort to combat isolation and depression by stimulating their senses of touch.

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Angelina Jolie Appeals for Commitment to ‘Imperfect’ UN

U.N. refugee agency special envoy Angelina Jolie made an impassioned plea Wednesday for internationalism in the face of wars driving people from their homes and a “rising tide of nationalism masquerading as patriotism.”

The Hollywood actress, speaking at the United Nations in Geneva, called for a renewed commitment to the “imperfect” world body and to diplomacy to settle conflicts.

“If governments and leaders are not keeping that flame of internationalism alive today, then we as citizens must,” Jolie said in the annual Sergio Vieira de Mello lecture honoring the veteran U.N. aid worker killed in a Baghdad bombing in 2003.

“We see a rising tide of nationalism, masquerading as patriotism, and the re-emergence of policies encouraging fear and hatred of others,” she warned.

Jolie did not refer directly to U.S. President Donald Trump, whose administration is reviewing its funding of the United Nations and its participation in the U.N. Human Rights Council.

“A lot of the fear we observe today of refugees, of foreigners, is produced by ignorance, often fueling politicians as well,” she said in response to a question.

“We have to recognize the damage we do when we undermine the U.N. or use it selectively — or not at all — or when we rely on aid to do the job of diplomacy, or give the U.N. impossible tasks and then underfund it.”

Not a single humanitarian appeal to donor governments worldwide has received even half the amount needed, she said.

Operations in four countries where 20 million people are on the brink of death from starvation — Yemen, Somalia, South Sudan and Nigeria — are severely underfunded.

Jolie, who described herself as “a proud American” and “an internationalist,” has worked since 2001 for the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), visiting uprooted civilians from Iraq to Cambodia and Kenya.

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Information Campaign for Would-be Migrants Launches in Africa

A campaign to inform would-be migrants in Africa about the dangers of heading to Europe via the Mediterranean Sea aims to reach people in 15 African countries through social media, radio and television advertisements, migration officials said Wednesday.

The “Aware Migrants” campaign, which was launched last year by the Italian government and the International Organization for Migration (IOM), features video testimonies of migrants who made it to Europe but were abused, beaten or raped along the way.

The voyage from Libya across the Mediterranean to Italy — most cross the sea on flimsy boats run by smugglers — has become the main route to Europe for migrants from Africa after a European Union clampdown last year on sea crossings from Turkey.

Arrivals in Italy have risen

A record 181,000 migrants made the perilous journey last year, and arrivals in Italy this year so far have risen by two-thirds compared with the same period in 2016, IOM data show.

The campaign is now targeting potential migrants across West and Central Africa — which account for most arrivals in Italy — with posts on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram, and advertisements with local media, said IOM spokesman Flavio Di Giacomo.

“The purpose of the campaign is not to tell migrants not to leave. That is a personal choice,” he said. “But we need to provide them with as much information as possible, and quickly.”

“Many migrants who arrive in Italy are not fully aware of the risks … their journeys were more dangerous and traumatic than they expected,” Di Giacomo told an online news  conference.

More than 4,500 migrants drowned in the Mediterranean in 2016, and nearly 500 people crossing from Libya to Italy have died at sea this year, almost a fivefold increase from this time last year, according to the IOM.

African migrants are also prey to abuse, beatings, imprisonment and rape while heading through the Sahara desert and lawless Libya.

Stories untold

Yet many migrants who make it to Italy do not tell their friends and families about the hardships they have endured. IOM officials hope their campaign will highlight the harsh reality.

In one video on the campaign’s website, Ismael, 23, talks about being imprisoned with his wife as migrants in Libya.

“They even forced my wife,” he said. “They slept with my wife. She was pregnant. They used wooden sticks to beat her. She is dead.”

In the latest of a slew of measures pushed by the European Union to stop migrants from reaching Europe, Italy launched a 200 million-euro ($216 million) fund last month to help African countries control their borders.

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Turkey’s Erdogan Sees ‘Spirit of Fascism’ Rising in Europe

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says “the spirit of fascism is running wild” in Europe, and he is threatening to tear up last year’s migrant deal with the European Union.

Erdogan is seething with anger after two key EU members, Germany and the Netherlands, prevented officials of his government from holding political rallies for Turkish emigres living and working in Europe. The rallies were intended to build support for a constitutional referendum next month in Turkey that would greatly expand the president’s powers.

“Europe is heading toward being drowned in its own fears,” Erdogan said in a televised speech Wednesday. “Turkophobia is mounting. Islamaphobia is mounting. They are even scared of migrants who take shelter there.”

Erdogan said Turkey may back out of last year’s agreement with the EU, which guaranteed Turks visa-free travel across Europe and promised to accelerate the pace of long-running talks on Turkey’s bid to join the EU. In return, Turkey had pledged that it would take back migrants and refugees who crossed into Greece – the main portal to Europe for families displaced by conflict and poverty in the Middle East and Africa.

Turkey has already stopped re-admitting refugees turned away from Europe, because the EU’s promised visa-free travel for Turkish nationals has not yet come to pass.

The deal on refugees had been praised as a way to prevent any repeat of the surge of hundreds of thousands of migrants who poured into Europe in 2015. The refugee tide two years ago caused political controversy in a number of EU states – and indirectly led to the rise of far-right movements in a number countries.

Erdogan’s free-wheeling comments about “vestiges of the Nazis” still visible in Europe have hugely offended the Dutch, according to media reports, particularly since their country was bombed and occupied by Nazi forces during World War II, when the death toll among Dutch citizens surpassed 200,000.

Analysts both in Turkey and abroad believe the Turkish president is exploiting his political dispute with the EU in order to drum up a strong vote of support for his proposed new constitution, enshrining presidential powers that Erdogan’s critics believe will give him near absolute power in Turkey.

Estimates of the number of expatriate Turks living in Europe range up beyond 4.5 million people, with many of them having the right to vote in their homeland’s referendum.

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European Parliament Calls for Humane Treatment for Rabbits Raised for Food

The European Parliament is urging the European Commission to adopt measures that would make life better for more than 340 million rabbits raised for food every year in Europe.

The parliament voted overwhelmingly Tuesday to recommend outlawing battery cages for rabbits — tiny enclosures with wire-mesh floors no bigger than ordinary letter-size pieces of paper.

Animal welfare groups say rabbits are extremely sensitive animals who suffer terribly in such small spaces, with such problems as open, infected wounds, respiratory disease and even cannibalism as the frustrated animals turn against one another.

Humane regulations already exist for pigs, cattle and chickens raised for food, but not rabbits.

European Consumer Affairs Commissioner Vera Jourova said such standards for rabbits should not be an EU-wide concern but one for individual states.

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Kremlin Rejects Reports of Russian Military Deployment Near Libyan Border

Kremlin officials and Russian lawmakers are denying published reports that Moscow has deployed a team of special forces and drones to a military base in Egypt near the Libyan border.

The denials came Tuesday, following multiple reports that Russian military activity had been spotted near the Mediterranean coastal town of Sidi Baranni, 100 kilometers from the Egyptian-Libyan frontier.

Those reports, quoting anonymous U.S. officials, say increased Russian involvement may be part of a push by Moscow to support renegade Libyan military commander Khalifa Haftar.

Haftar and his so-called Libyan National Army are aligned with a government in eastern Libya that refuses to support the internationally backed Government of National Unity operating from Tripoli.

Russia’s Ria Novosti news agency quoted Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov as saying he had seen the news reports of the alleged deployment, but said: “I have not heard of them from any other sources.”

Kremlin spokesman Dmitri Peskov said: “we do not possess any information of that kind.”

Additionally, international affairs lawmaker Vladimir Dzhabarov called the deployment reports “fake news which should not be paid attention to.”

The deputy head of the state Duma defense committee, Andrei Krasov, said the reports “must be a deliberate act of misinformation” aimed at raising international tensions.

Despite the Russian denials, Britain’s Guardian newspaper on Tuesday quoted Egyptian security sources as confirming the presence of a 22-member Russian security force on Egyptian soil. Those sources said Russia also used another Egyptian base early last month, but they declined to  divulge further information.

There has been no formal U.S. comment on the deployment reports.

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Moscow Moves to Absorb Rebel Georgian Region’s Military

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday ordered his officials to seal an agreement which will, in effect, incorporate the armed forces of Georgia’s breakaway South Ossetia region into the Russian military’s command structure.

Georgia condemned the move, which is likely to spark accusations from its Western allies that the Kremlin is absorbing the breakaway region into Russia by stealth, even though under international law it is part of Georgia’s sovereign territory.

Moscow has de facto controlled South Ossetia, a sliver of mainly mountainous land in the northeast of Georgia, for years.

But it has, on paper at least, treated South Ossetia as a separate state, not part of Russia.

According to the text of the draft agreement that Putin ordered his officials to conclude, the separatists will adopt new operating procedures for their armed forces which will be subject to approval by Moscow, and the forces’ structure and objectives will be determined in agreement with Russia.

The agreement also states that members of the South Ossetian armed forces can transfer to serve as Russian soldiers on a Russian military base in South Ossetia. The separatists will shrink their own armed forces by the number of servicemen employed at the Russian base.

On Tuesday, the Kremlin issued an order signed by Putin instructing the Russian defense and foreign ministries to work with the separatists to conclude and sign the agreement.

Georgian Foreign Minister Mikheil Janelidze said in a statement: “Any agreement between the Russian Federation and de-facto leadership (of South Ossetia) is illegitimate.”

“Such steps are not aimed at protecting peace and are impeding peaceful process, which is necessary for the conflict resolution,” he said.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, South Ossetia broke away from Georgia in a war. In August 2008, Russia sent in troops, saying it was protecting civilians in South Ossetia from attack by Georgian forces.

Georgia, backed by the United States and European Union, said the Russian operation was a naked land grab.

After a brief war, Russia recognized South Ossetia as an independent state. Only a handful of other states recognize it as a state.

Russia’s critics say the war in South Ossetia was a dress rehearsal by Russia for its annexation in 2014 of Ukraine’s Crimea Peninsula, and its support for separatist fighters in the eastern Ukrainian Donbass region.

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With Parliament’s Approval, Britain on Verge of Triggering EU Divorce Talks

British Prime Minister Theresa May is set to address parliament Tuesday, a day after lawmakers gave her approval to begin Britain’s exit from the European Union.

May is still awaiting one final step, the consent of Queen Elizabeth, but that could come as early as Tuesday.After that she will be free to formally notify the EU she is triggering Article 50 of the bloc’s treaty, which covers how a member can withdraw.

A May spokesman said Monday that she is not likely to make that move until the end of this month.The exit process is expected to take about two years as British and EU officials negotiate exactly how to unwind the governmental and economic partnerships that come with EU membership.

Annmarie Elijah, associate director of Australian National University’s Center for European Studies, says the two sides have a host of issues to work out now that the process is moving from theoretical to practical, including what happens to EU nationals living in Britain.

“The EU Council President Donald Tusk has already indicated that the EU will respond quite quickly once the UK government formally triggers Article 50,” Elijah told VOA.”And most people think that the process from here on in will involve a formal convening of the European Council once more in order to set forward with the negotiating mandate and so on.”

The breakup began with a June 2016 referendum in which British voters narrowly chose to leave the EU.The vote appeared to be driven by anti-establishment sentiments and the feeling the EU governing structure has taken too much control away from the common British citizen.

The referendum also brought the resignation of former Prime Minister David Cameron, who during a re-election campaign had promised to hold the vote.

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Turkey Rejects EU Calls for Restraint in Netherlands Dispute

Turkey is rejecting European Union calls for restraint, as Turkey and The Netherlands remain locked in a diplomatic dispute.

Dutch authorities barred Turkish ministers from holding rallies in support of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who then accused The Netherlands of acting like Nazis.

On Monday, European Union foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini and Enlargement Commissioner Johannes Hahn called on Turkey to “refrain from excessive statements and actions that risk further exacerbating the situation.”

The two EU officials said, “It is essential to avoid further escalation and find ways to calm down the situation.”

Turkey’s Foreign Ministry responded with a statement Tuesday saying those comments have no value for Turkey.

Turkey bans Dutch ambassador

Turkey has also suspended high-level ties with The Netherlands as part of a package of sanctions to protest Dutch actions.The measures also include banning the Dutch ambassador, who is currently out of the country, from returning to Turkey and suspending diplomatic flights.The range of sanctions did not appear to include economic measures or travel restrictions for ordinary citizens. 

Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmus told reporters the measures would remain in place until The Netherlands takes steps to “redress” its actions.Turkish officials also said the government should reevaluate its cooperation with the European Union on preventing the flow of migrants across land.

Turkey’s foreign minister and home minister had planned to attend events in The Netherlands meant to boost support for an upcoming referendum that would give Erdogan wider power.

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, who called Erdogan’s Nazi claim “a crazy remark,”faces a tough re-election battle Wednesday against the anti-Islam party of Geert Wilders.

After votes, back to normal?

Joe Burton, a senior lecturer in international security at the University of Waikato, said votes are playing a role in inflaming tensions.

“I would say probably the pattern is for these crises to dissipate, and reasonably quickly, and that probably that business as normal will return after the referendums are out of the way,” he told VOA.

Turkey and The Netherlands are both members of NATO.

NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg urged Turkey and its NATO allies on Monday to “show mutual respect, to be calm and have a measured approach to contribute to de-escalate the tensions.”

Burton said there has been a real consolidation of power under Erdogan since a failed coup attempt last year, and that those developments are a “deeply troubling trend for NATO.”But he does not see an immediate effect on NATO operations, which are mainly focused right now on deterring Russian aggression in eastern Europe.

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Russia’s Sberbank Expresses Concern About Protests Against Ukraine Subsidiary

Russian lender Sberbank said Monday it was deeply concerned by protests against its Ukrainian subsidiary, which included a nationalist group walling up the entrance to one of its branches in Kyiv with masonry and cement.

Periodic protests have been held against Kremlin-owned banks operating in Ukraine since bilateral ties broke down in 2014 after Russia annexed Crimea and gave its support to the pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine.

Sberbank’s announcement last Tuesday that it would heed a call from President Vladimir Putin to recognize passports issued by separatists in eastern Ukraine has fueled greater discontent.

On Monday, a few dozen members of a new activist group called National Corp blocked off the entrance to Sberbank’s main branch in central Kyiv. The branch temporarily suspended operations and appealed to the police.

“Sberbank is highly concerned about the situation in Ukraine linked to the actions of representatives of nationalist groups,” the bank said in a statement. “Our subsidiary has already appealed to law enforcement bodies and we hope that all necessary steps will be swiftly taken to ensure the safety of our workers and clients and protect property.”

It said over the past week it had recorded over 26 acts of vandalism against Sberbank Ukraine’s branches and bank machines.

Last week, the central bank said it could recommend the introduction of sanctions on Sberbank’s subsidiary for its recognition of separatists’ identity documents.

Five Russian state-owned banks are present in Ukraine, including three in the top 20, and they hold a combined market share of 8.6 percent.

The central bank has been seeking to cut that following the souring of relations between the one-time allies.

It is not yet clear how the other Kremlin-owned banks operating in Ukraine are handling Putin’s order to recognize separatist documents.

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Scottish Nationalists Seek New Independence Referendum

Scotland’s first minister took a step closer Monday to breaking up the United Kingdom by announcing she intends to begin the legal process of holding a new independence referendum for Scots.

At a news conference in Edinburgh, Nicola Sturgeon said it is the “right thing” to give Scots an opportunity to express their opinion following Brexit, last year’s vote by Britain to leave the European Union. In her speech, Sturgeon, whose Scottish National Party is the largest party north of the English border, said she wasn’t prepared to “do nothing” while Brexit threatened Scotland’s economy and its links with Europe.

Coming in the wake of last week’s electoral surge by Sinn Fein nationalists in Northern Ireland assembly elections, Sturgeon’s announcement, although not a surprise, adds to the ramifications of the Brexit vote, which Britain’s Conservative government is struggling to contain.



Moments after Sturgeon’s speech, Faisal Islam, political editor of Britain’s Sky News, spoke for many British political reporters when he said, “Who knows where all of this will end.”

“Thus Brexit, which was meant to protect Britain, begins the destruction of Britain,” tweeted political commentator Nick Cohen.

Vote within 2 years

Scotland’s first minister, who heads a minority government, said she wants the vote to take place between autumn 2018 and spring 2019, arguing the British parliament in Westminster had become more assertive since the Brexit vote. She said Britain’s Conservative prime minister, Theresa May, had failed to consult Scotland before deciding on a hard break with the EU, which will see Britain not only end its political membership in the European bloc but will also see it exit Europe’s single market with major economic consequences.

In last year’s Brexit vote, Scots voted by a 62-38 percent margin to remain in the EU. After the vote, Sturgeon said Brexit constituted a “significant and a material change of the circumstances,” thereby justifying a second independence referendum. Scotland elected to remain a part of the United Kingdom in a September 2014 referendum, which was then billed by Sturgeon as a “once in a lifetime vote.”

Sturgeon will seek the authority for the independence referendum next week from Scotland’s parliament, but, the final say has to come from the Westminster parliament. It is unclear whether Prime Minister May will agree to another independence vote, or attempt to block it. That sets the stage for a confrontation between the two strong-willed leaders.

May has made it clear she will fight to preserve the United Kingdom. Politically, however, she could be placed in an untenable position if she tries to deny the Scots another referendum. A majority in Scotland’s devolved parliament at Holyrood backs breaking up the United Kingdom.

A spokesman for May denounced Surgeon’s announcement, arguing evidence “clearly showed a majority of people in Scotland do not want a second independence referendum.”

Government: new vote ‘divisive’

He added, “Only a little over two years ago, people in Scotland voted decisively to remain part of our United Kingdom in a referendum which the Scottish government defined as a ‘once in a generation’ vote. Another referendum would be divisive and cause huge economic uncertainty at the worst possible time.”

An opinion poll released last week put support for Scottish independence at its highest level since the weeks immediately following the Brexit vote. An Ipsos MORI poll put the two sides of the Scottish independence debate level at 50/50, after a previous series of polls had the unionists marginally ahead.

Britain’s main opposition parties also have responded critically to Sturgeon, but said they would not seek to stop a vote, if the Scottish parliament authorizes another referendum, which seems likely. “If the Scottish parliament votes for one, Labor will not block that democratic decision at Westminster,” said Jeremy Corbyn, the Labor Party’s leader.

According to a British official, May will likely allow a second referendum, but only if it takes place after Brexit negotiations have been concluded with the EU, likely by April 2019. Sturgeon is adamant the vote must be held before then, maximizing Scotland’s chances of being able to rejoin the EU quickly — or even being allowed to retain membership.

“If Scotland is to have a real choice – when the terms of Brexit are known, but before it is too late to choose our own course – then that choice should be offered between the autumn of next year, 2018, and the spring of 2019,” Sturgeon said.

The main battle, then, between May and Sturgeon is not likely to end with whether there is a referendum, but when it is held.







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Defense Spending by European NATO Allies Inches Up in 2016

Defense spending by European NATO states inched up for the first time in seven years in 2016, the military alliance said on Monday, but still remained below the threshold the new U.S. President Donald Trump said was crucial to achieve.

Trump made NATO states in Europe nervous when he criticized the alliance as “obsolete” during election campaign and then went on to suggest he could make U.S. commitment to their security conditional on them meeting the alliance’s target of defense spending at two percent of their economic output.

Trump has since reaffirmed support for NATO but insisted Europeans must “pay their fair share.” His aides have said Trump wants to see progress on that by the end of this year and that Washington could otherwise “moderate” its support.

NATO said the U.S. defense spending last year stood at 3.61 percent of its Gross Domestic Product, compared to 3.58 percent in 2015. That compares to 1.47 percent for NATO’s European allies last year and 1.44 percent the year before.

NATO’s overall figure for 2016 stood at 2.43 percent versus 2.40 percent in 2015.

“There has been progress but the job is far from done, we still have no fair burden-sharing within our alliance,” NATO’s Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said. “It is realistic that all allies reach the goal of two percent.”

“This is not just about a call from the Unites States and President Trump… It is in Europe’s best interest to spend more on defense. We have a long way to go but at least after years of decline, we are now starting to see an increase.”

US demands

Europe’s low expenditure has long been a sore point for the United States, which provides the lion’s share of the alliance funds. In 2016, the U.S. economy represented just below a half of the alliance’s combined economic output, but nearly 70 percent of its defense expenditure, NATO’s annual report showed.

Defense spending by NATO’s European allies has been on steady decline since the Cold War ended. But Europe has sought to reverse the falling numbers since its neighbor Russia annexed the peninsula of Crimea from Ukraine in 2014.

Combined with the growing worry over the spread of Islamic militancy and more failing states on their borders, this has given NATO members last year the first annual growth in defense spending relative to the size of their economies since 2009.

“When you are reducing spending at times of easing tensions, we have to be able to increase spending when tensions are increasing,” Stoltenberg added.

The decision by Britain, a leading military power on the continent, to leave the European Union has also galvanized the Europeans to do more on defense on their own. Of 28 EU states, 22 are also in NATO. Europe was last at two percent in 2000.

Only four European NATO members — Estonia, Greece, Poland and Britain – met the two-percent standard last year.

France came in at 1.79 percent, a tad below 2015, while Germany stood a 1.2 percent, just up from 1.18 in 2015. 





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Dutch PM Rutte Says Nationalist Wilders Could Win Election

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said on Monday there was a real possibility that nationalist, anti-Islam politician Geert Wilders could win the parliamentary election on Wednesday.

“There is a real risk that on March 16 we can wake up in this country and Geert Wilders is leading the biggest party and that will send a signal to the rest of the world,” he told journalists in Rotterdam.

He called on Dutch voters to stop “the wrong populism” at the polls.


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