01001, Київ, Україна

Austrian Government Collapses Over Ibiza Video Scandal

Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz called time Monday on his coalition government with the far-right Freedom Party after its leader was shown on video appearing to offer favors to a purported Russian investor.

Kurz said he was seeking the removal of the country’s interior minister, Freedom Party politician Herbert Kickl, to ensure an unbiased probe into the video.

“I’m firmly convinced that what’s necessary now is total transparency and a completely and unbiased investigation,” Kurz told reporters in Vienna.

The Freedom Party reacted by withdrawing its ministers from the government.

“We won’t leave anyone out in the rain,” said the party’s interim leader, Norbert Hofer.

Kickl’s removal, which must still be approved by Austria’s president, follows the resignation on Saturday of Freedom Party leader Heinz-Christian Strache, who was also Austria’s vice chancellor. 

That came a day after two German newspapers published a video showing Strache pandering to a woman claiming to be a Russian tycoon’s niece at a boozy gathering in Ibiza two years ago, shortly before national elections. Strache and party colleague Johann Gudenus are heard telling the woman that she can expect lucrative construction contracts if she buys an Austrian newspaper and supports the Freedom Party. They also discuss ways of secretly funneling money to the party.

Gudenus, who was instrumental in arranging the meeting, has quit as leader of the party’s parliamentary group and is leaving the party.

The Hamburg-based weekly Der Spiegel and Munich daily Sueddeutsche Zeitung said the meeting in Ibiza was likely a trap that Strache and Gudenus had fallen for. The papers refused to reveal the source of the video.

Kurz noted that at the time the video was shot, Kickl was general-secretary of the Freedom Party and therefore responsible for its financial conduct. The chancellor added that in his conversations with Kickl and other Freedom Party officials following the video’s release, he “didn’t really have the feeling (they had) an awareness of the dimension of the whole issue.”

String of scandals

The ouster of the Freedom Party from the government was a setback for populist and nationalist forces as Europe heads into the final days of campaigning for the European Parliament elections, which run Thursday through Sunday.

Kurz has endorsed a hard line on migration and public finances, and he chose to ally with the Freedom Party after winning the 2017 election. 

The chancellor, who is personally popular, had said Saturday that “enough is enough” — a reference to a string of smaller scandals involving the Freedom Party that had plagued his government. In recent months, those have included a poem in a party newsletter comparing migrants to rats and questions over links to extreme-right groups.

Kickl, a longtime campaign mastermind of the Freedom Party, had already drawn criticism over matters including a raid last year on Austria’s BVT spy agency, which opposition parties claimed was an attempt by the new government to purge domestic political enemies.

Kickl’s party said he had done nothing wrong and sought to portray itself as the victim of a plot. 

Response from Russia

The Russian government, meanwhile, said it couldn’t comment on the video “because it has nothing to do with the Russian Federation, its president or the government.”

President Vladimir Putin’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, said of the woman in the Strache video that set off the crisis: “We don’t know who that woman is and whether she’s Russian or not.” 

Pledging to ensure stability in Austria over the coming months, Kurz said vacancies in the government left by the Freedom Party’s departure would be filled with civil servants and technocrats.

His government, meanwhile, may find it difficult to continue as planned until Austria holds early elections, likely in September. Opposition parties plan to call for a vote of no confidence in Kurz’s government in the coming days. 

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French Drug Smuggler Sentenced to Death in Indonesia

Indonesia on Monday sentenced a French drug smuggler to death by firing squad, in a shock verdict after prosecutors had asked for a long prison term.

The three-judge panel in Lombok handed a capital sentence to Felix Dorfin, 35, who was arrested in September at the airport on the holiday island next to Bali, where foreigners are routinely charged with drugs offenses.

Indonesia has some of the world’s strictest drug laws — including death for some traffickers.

It has executed foreigners in the past, including the masterminds of Australia’s Bali Nine heroin gang.

While Dorfin was eligible for the death penalty, prosecutors instead asked for a 20-year jail term plus another year unless he paid a huge fine equivalent to about $700,000.

But Indonesian courts have been known to issue harsher-than-demanded punishments.

Dorfin was carrying a suitcase filled with about three kilograms (6.6 pounds) of drugs including ecstasy and amphetamines when he was arrested.

“After finding Felix Dorfin legally and convincingly guilty of importing narcotics … (he) is sentenced to the death penalty,” presiding judge Isnurul Syamsul Arif told the court.

The judge cited Dorfin’s involvement in an international drug syndicate and the amount of drugs in his possession as aggravating factors.

“The defendant’s actions could potentially do damage to the younger generation,” Arif added.

The Frenchman made headlines in January when he escaped from a police detention center and spent nearly two weeks on the run before he was captured.

A female police officer was arrested for allegedly helping Dorfin escape from jail in exchange for money.

It was not clear if the jailbreak played any role in Monday’s stiffer-than-expected sentence.

Wearing a red prison vest, Dorfin, who is from Bethune in northern France, sat impassively through much of the hearing, as a translator scribbled notes beside him.

After the sentencing, he said little as he walked past reporters to a holding cell.

“Dorfin was shocked,” the Frenchman’s lawyer Deny Nur Indra told AFP.

“He didn’t expect this at all because prosecutors only asked for 20 years.”

The lawyer said he would appeal against the sentence, describing his client as a “victim” who did not know the exact contents of what he was carrying in the suitcase.

“If he had known, he wouldn’t have brought it here,” Indra added.

In Paris, the French foreign ministry said it was “concerned” by the sentence and reiterated France’s opposition to the death penalty.

“We will remain attentive to his situation,” the statement said, adding that seven French people faced the death penalty worldwide.

In 2015, Australians Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran — the accused ringleaders of the Bali Nine  — were executed by firing squad in Indonesia.

The Bali Nine gang’s only female member was released from jail last year, while some others remain in prison.

The highly publicized case sparked diplomatic outrage and a call to abolish the death penalty.

“The death penalty verdict marks another setback for human rights in Indonesia,” Human Rights Watch campaigner Andreas Harsono said Monday.

“The Indonesian government’s many pledges about moving toward abolishing the death penalty clearly meant nothing in Lombok”.

There are scores of foreigners on death row in Indonesia, including cocaine-smuggling British grandmother Lindsay Sandiford and Serge Atlaoui, a Frenchman who has been on death row since 2007.

Last year, eight Taiwanese drug smugglers were sentenced to death by an Indonesian court after being caught with around a tonne of crystal methamphetamine.

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Battle Breaks out for WikiLeaks Founder Assange’s Computers

With Julian Assange locked away in a London jail, a new battle has broken out over what may contain some of the WikiLeaks founder’s biggest secrets: his computers.

On Monday, judicial authorities from Ecuador carried out an inventory of all the belongings and digital devices left behind at the London embassy following his expulsion last month from the diplomatic compound that had been his home the past seven years.  

It came as Sweden announced it was seeking Assange’s arrest on suspicion of rape, setting up a possible future tug-of-war with the United States over any extradition of Assange from Britain.

It’s not known what devices authorities removed from the embassy or what information they contained. But authorities said they were acting on a request by the U.S. prosecutors, leading Assange’s defenders to claim that Ecuador has undermined the most basic principles of asylum while denying the secret-spiller’s right to prepare his defense.  

“It’s disgraceful,” WikiLeaks’ editor in chief, Kristinn Hrafnsson, said in an interview with The Associated Press. “Ecuador granted him asylum because of the threat of extradition to the U.S. and now the same country, under new leadership, is actively collaborating with a criminal investigation against him.”

Assange, 47, was arrested on April 11 after being handed over to British authorities by Ecuador. He is serving a 50-week sentence in a London prison for skipping bail while the U.S. seeks his extradition for conspiring to hack into military computers and spill secrets about U.S. operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Hrafnsson, who has visited the Australian activist in jail, said Assange saw his eviction coming for weeks as relations with President Lenin Moreno’s government deteriorated, so he took great care to scrub computers and hard drives of any compromising material, including future planned leaks or internal communications with WikiLeaks collaborators.

Still, Hrafnsson said he fully expects Moreno or the Americans to claim revelations that don’t exist. He called Monday’s proceedings a “horse show” because no legal authority can guarantee Assange’s devices haven’t been tampered with, or the chain of custody unbroken, in the six weeks since his arrest.

“If anything surfaces, I can assure you it would’ve been planted,” he said. “Julian isn’t a novice when it comes to security and securing his information. We expected this to happen and protections have been in place for a very long time.”

A group of Assange’s supporters gathered outside Ecuador’s Embassy in London to protest the judicial proceeding. Demonstrators put banners on the railings with images of Assange, his mouth covered by an American flag, and chanted “Thieves! Thieves! Thieves! Shame on you!”

Ecuadorian authorities said they will hand over any belongings not given to U.S. or Ecuadorian investigators to Assange’s lawyers, who weren’t invited to Monday’s inventory-taking. Hrafnsson said he didn’t have a full inventory of Assange’s devices.

Moreno decided to evict Assange from the embassy after accusing him of working with political opponents to hack into his phone and release damaging personal documents and photos, including several that showed him eating lobster in bed and the numbers of bank accounts allegedly used to hide proceeds from corruption.

Moreno’s actions immediately were celebrated by the Trump administration, which was key in helping Ecuador secure a $4.2 billion credit line from the International Monetary Fund and has provided the tiny South American country with new trade and military deals in recent weeks.

“The Americans are the ones pulling the strings, and Moreno their puppet dancing to the tune of money,” said Hrafnsson.

Separately on Monday, Swedish authorities issued a request for a detention order against Assange.

On May 13, Swedish prosecutors reopened a preliminary investigation against Assange, who visited Sweden in 2010, because two Swedish women said they were the victims of sex crimes committed by Assange.

While a case of alleged sexual misconduct against Assange in Sweden was dropped in 2017 when the statute of limitations expired, a rape allegation remains. Swedish authorities have had to shelve it because Assange was living at the embassy at the time and there was no prospect of bringing him to Sweden.

The statute of limitations in the rape case expires in August next year. Assange has denied wrongdoing, asserting that the allegations were politically motivated and that the sex was consensual.

According to the request for a detention order obtained by The Associated Press, Assange is wanted for “intentionally having carried out an intercourse” with an unnamed woman “by unduly exploiting that she was in a helpless state because of sleep.”

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На шахрая Коломойського заведено чергову кримінальну справу в США і Україні. Пане Зеленський, у вас дуже каламутні друзі…

Трамп проти Коломойського

Громадяни США Ігор Фруман і Лев Парнас, які є клієнтами Рудольфа Джуліані – особистого адвоката американського президента Дональда Трампа – написали заяву у правоохоронні органи України та США на Ігоря Коломойського після його інтерв’ю, в якому товстозадий Бенжамен (дружнє прізвисько Коломойського – ред.) назвав їх «аферистами» і пообіцяв «вивести на світло боже».

Ігор Фруман та Лев Парнас вимагають розпочати досудове розслідування щодо можливого вчинення Коломойським «злочину проти життя». У заяві, яку надала нам адвокатка Аліна Самарець, що представляє їхні інтереси в Україні, зокрема йдеться:

«… У зв’язку з погрозами Ігоря Коломойського ми вимушені задля своєї безпеки виїхати з України до свого місця проживання в США, не закінчивши своїх особистих справ в Україні. Таким чином, Ігорем Коломойським вчинено злочин проти життя, а саме: готування до вбивства», – мовиться у документі від імені Парнаса та Фрумана.

Відповідні заяви, за словами Самарець, відправлені на ім’я генерального прокурора України Юрія Луценка, міністра внутрішніх справ Арсена Авакова та голови Державного бюро розслідувань Романа Труби. Надходження цих заяв у відомствах підтвердили.

У коментарі щодо інтерв’ю Коломойського Лев Парнас заявив: «Це все брехня, що ми якісь аферисти, що ми в когось гроші просимо або те, що в нас начебто кримінальні справи в Америці… Чому він нам пред’явив такі погрози, такі небезпечні заяви, я не можу пояснити, ми самі у шоці. Ми боїмося за наше життя. Тому ми і написали заяви. Все, що ми робимо – це рекомендація наших захисників. Головний адвокат – це Руді Джуліані».

Раніше у першому бліц-інтерв’ю після повернення в Україну Ігор Коломойський так відреагував на слова Рудольфа Джуліані про те, що для виконання передвиборчих обіцянок Зеленському треба позбутися людей «з минулого»:

«В Україні діють два аферисти, які перебувають під розслідуванням США. Один, здається, Лев Парнас, а інший – Ігор – чи то Фруман, чи то Фурман. І вони ходять тут Україною, збирають з людей гроші, розповідають, що вони близькі з паном Джуліані – і що вони вирішать із паном Луценком будь-яке питання. Пан Луценко про це навіть не знає. І, я думаю, пан Джуліані теж про це не знає. Два «Остапи Бендери», які ходять поміж двома країнами й розповідають всіляке… І в найближчому майбутньому, повірте мені, ми цих двох «субчиків» виведемо на світло боже. Щоб вони не думали…Запам’ятайте ці два імені: Лев Парнас і Ігор Фруман. Вони приїжджали до мене в Ізраїль і розповідали, як мені треба із Зеленським спілкуватися. Я сказав – я не маю відношення до Зеленського. Після цього вони зникли – і тут почалися всі ці провокації: щодо Джуліані, оточення, позбутися, ще якоїсь маячні».

Після виходу інтерв’ю Ігоря Коломойського особистий адвокат Дональда Трампа Рудольф Джуліані звинуватив ізраїльського шахрая у наклепі щодо двох громадян США і заявив, що порадив своїм клієнтам cудитись.

«Американський аналітик описує Коломойського як «супер-небезпечного». Він повернувся з тривалого екзилу і одразу почав погрожувати і зводити наклеп на двох американців, Лева Парнаса і Ігоря Фрумана. Вони – мої клієнти, і я порадив їм пред’явити звинувачення», – написав він у мережі.

Парнас додав, що заява про можливий злочин з боку Коломойського також буде подана до американських правоохоронних органів.

Лев Парнас та Ігор Фруман – американські бізнесмени, причетні до благодійної організації American Friends of Anatevka. Анатівка – побудований на кошти єврейської громади населений пункт на Київщині для єврейських переселенців зі сходу України.

Парнас і Фруман раніше також розповідали, що робили пожертви до фонду виборчої кампанії президента США Дональда Трампа.

Мережа Правди

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Ніби народний президент Зеленський виявився власником з десятка квартир і будинків в Україні, анексованому Криму, Італії та Британії


Президент України Володимир Зеленський подав електронну декларацію про доходи за 2018 рік. Її опублікувало Національне агентство з питань запобігань корупції.

Серед нерухомості, якої володіє Зеленський вказані будинок площею 353,5 квадратних метри та земельна ділянка у 1200 квадратів у Київській області, три квартири у Києві – 131,9, 254,5 та 198,6 квадратів, частина з них у спільній власності. Також у документі згадана квартира у анексованому Криму площею 129,8 квадратних метри, яка належить дружині президента Олені. Їй же належить ще одна квартира у Києві площею 284 квадрати.

З закордонної нерухомості вказаний будинок в Італії площею 431 квадратних метри, яким президент володіє через компанію San Tommaso S.R.L. Ця вілла не була вказана у декларації Зеленського за минулий рік. Також Зеленський разом з дружиною орендують квартиру в Великій Британії площею 91,9 квадратних метри.

За 2018 рік на основному місці роботи Зеленський заробив 4,2 мільйона гривень та задекларував ще понад 5,5 мільйона гривень. Його дружина Зеленська заробила 4,9 мільйона гривень.

Наприкінці березня українські журналісти повідомили, що Володимир Зеленський має 15-кімнатну віллу в Італії. У 2017 році за 3,8 мільйона євро її придбала фірма, кінцевими бенефіціарами якої є Володимир і Олена Зеленські.

Мережа Правди

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Huawei тепер не зможуть використовувати систему Android, Google Play Market, Gmail, YouTube, Chrome, карти і процесори Qualcomm

Huawei Stop

Американська компанія Google оголосила про призупинення бізнесу з китайським партнером, компанією Huawei. Про це 20 травня повідомляють світові інформагенції.

Таке рішення означає, що смартфони Huawei залишаться без Google Play і оновлень операційної системи Android, створеної Google для мобільних телефонів та планшетів.

Серед сервісів, які стануть недоступними в нових смартфонах Huawei одразу після купівлі – Gmail, YouTube, браузер Chrome, карти і сам магазин додатків Play Market.

Huawei залишиться також без процесорів Snapdragon, які виробляє інша американська компанія, Qualcomm.

Минулого тижня президент США Дональд Трамп підписав розпорядження про заборону американським компаніям використовувати телекомунікаційне обладнання від виробників, що становлять загрозу національній безпеці. У документі жодна країна чи компанія не називається, але його одразу назвали націленим саме на Huawei.

Міністерство торгівлі США заявило про внесення продукції китайської компанії Huawei і 70 афілійованих із нею компаній у «список суб’єктів», який вже назвали «чорним».

Мережа Правди

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2017 Smart Fortwo Orange

Продається електричний Smart Fortwo Coupe Lava Orange Metallic 2017 року!

2017 Smart Fortwo Orange

2017 Smart Fortwo Orange

2017 Smart Fortwo Orange

2017 Smart Fortwo Orange

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Tens of Thousands Rally Against Nationalism Before EU Votes

Tens of thousands of demonstrators opposed to right-wing populism and nationalism took to the streets Sunday in a number of European cities before May 23-26 elections to the European Parliament.

Marches in Germany were held under the banner of “One Europe for Everyone: Your Voice Against Nationalism” in cities including Berlin, Cologne, Leipzig, Frankfurt, Munich and Hamburg.

Organizers from more than 70 groups support the European Union, but also urge changes in migration policy such as support for refugee rescue missions in the Mediterranean Sea.

Other gatherings under the slogan “No to Hate, Yes to Change” were planned in Budapest, Genoa, Utrecht, Warsaw, Bucharest and other cities.

The dpa news agency said organizers reported 20,000 protesters in Berlin, while police estimated 10,000 in Munich, 14,000 in Frankfurt, and 10,000 in Hamburg.

The 751-seat European Parliament has limited powers but the poll is being seen as a test of strength both by right-wing, populist and nationalist groups who want curbs on immigration and more authority for national governments on the one hand, and on the other by center-left and center-left mainstream parties who support the EU as a bulwark of cooperation among its 28 member states, rule of law and democracy.


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Convicted Russian Agent Butina Appeals for Money

A Russian gun rights activist serving a U.S. prison sentence for acting as an unregistered foreign agent has released a video asking for money to help pay her legal costs.

Maria Butina was sentenced in April to 18 months after she admitted gathering intelligence on the National Rifle Association and other groups at the direction of a former Russian lawmaker.


In the video that appeared on social media, Butina speaks on a phone in a dormitory with bunk beds. She says her lawyer is filing an appeal and she asks for contributions to help pay him.


Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said Sunday on state TV that “we aren’t financing a lawyer, but we are doing everything so that she will be afforded all rights as a Russian citizen.”



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До відома прибічників ЗК-команди: убивця Лозінський купив зняття судимості і йде в депутати

Убивця Лозінський

Дніпровський районний суд міста Києва достроково зняв судимість з колишнього депутата Верховної Ради Віктора Лозінського, який був засуджений за вбивство жителя Кіровоградської області Валерія Олійника. За інформацією з достовірних джерел, убивця Лозінський готується стати депутатом Верховної Ради України!!!!!

Згідно з інформацією, Лозінський звернувся до суду із заявою-проханням, зняти судимість за вироком Дніпровського районного суду Києва від 20 квітня 2011 року, зміненого ухвалою Апеляційного суду Києва від 26 березня 2012 року та постановою Вищого спеціалізованого суду з розгляду цивільних кримінальних справ від 1 березня 2013 року.

Лозінський зазначив, що хоч чинним законодавством забороняється дострокове зняття судимості з осіб, засуджених за тяжкі злочини, але він не може підпадати під цю норму, оскільки вона не має зворотної дії у часі була прийнята пізніше, ніж він отримав вирок суду.

Сторона обвинувачення заперечувала задоволення клопотання про зняття судимості, посилаючись на необґрунтованість і відсутність підстав для дострокового звільнення.

Водночас, суд заявив, що з моменту його звільнення з колонії пройшло близько 3 років, і відповідно до норм раніше чинного законодавства, чоловік відбув більш ніж половину необхідного терміну (6 років) для розгляду питання про зняття судимості.

Також суд додав, що Віктор Лозінський після звільнення з квітня 2016 року займався створенням нових підприємств у сфері сільського господарства та займався благодійністю, надаючи допомогу освітнім, спортивним і дитячим установам, релігійним громадам, сім’ям загиблих в зоні АТО й у війні в Афганістані, а також надавав матеріальну допомогу ветеранським організаціям району.

Відтак, такі обставини, на думку суду, дають підстави вважати, що засуджений, після відбуття покарання у вигляді позбавлення волі, своєю зразковою поведінкою і сумлінним ставленням довів своє виправлення.

“Суд вважає за можливе зняти з особи судимість за вироком Дніпровського районного суду м.Києва від 20 квітня 2011 року, зміненого ухвалою Апеляційного суду м.Києва від 26.03.2012 року та ухвалою Вищого спеціалізованого суду України з розгляду цивільних і кримінальних справ від 01 березня 2013 року”, — йдеться в ухвалі суду.

Нагадаємо, 20 квітня 2011 року Дніпровський райсуд Києва засудив Лозінського до 15 років позбавлення волі за вбивство громадянина Валерія Олійника у мисливських угіддях у Голованівському районі Кіровоградської області 16 червня 2009 року.

9 квітня 2012 Апеляційний суд м.Києва пом’якшив вирок Лозінському, і зменшивши термін покарання до 14 років. У березні 2013 року Вищий спеціалізований суд з цивільних і кримінальних справах переглянув справу Лозінського.

Суд перекваліфікував статтю звинувачення з умисного вбивства на заподіяння тяжких тілесних ушкоджень і призначив нове покарання у вигляді 10 років позбавлення волі.

А 6 квітня 2016 року, колишній народний депутат Віктор Лозінський вийшов на волю, покинувши територію Бориспільської колонії.

Мережа Правди

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Ну що любителі ЗК-команди дочекалися? “Б*ядина Януковича” Портнов уже в Україні, скоро приїдуть інші кровосісі


Повернення в Україну скандального екс-заступника глави адміністрації президента Януковича Андрія Портнова не на жарт розлютило користувачів соціальних мереж.

Зокрема, раніше на своєму каналі в мережі Портнов показав фото, на якому він стоїть біля терміналу аеропорту “Бориспіль”. Також він натякнув на своє швидке повернення в політику.

“Настав час вертатися, будувати і відновлювати”, – заявив він.

Втім, його приїзду явно не зраділи в мережі.

Коментуючи подію, економіст Сергій Фурса пов’язав повернення Портнова з достроковими парламентськими виборами.

“Ну, тепер буде кому скласти указ про розпуск парламенту. Епоха професіоналів”, – саркастично зауважив аналітик.

Блогер Іван Оберемко неприємно відгукнувся про Портнова, зв’язавши його появу з перевіркою Зеленського на “мінімальну відвертість”.

“Бл**іна Януковича Портнов повернувся, і це перша реальна перевірка Зеленського”, – написав журналіст.

Екс-учасник війни на Донбасі Павло Тука натякнув, що “активній меншості” може не сподобатися візит Портнова.

“Більша частина звичайно знову все проковтне, в цьому немає сумнівів, а ось як буде реагувати активна меншість … час покаже”, – вважає Тука.

Мережа Правди

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UN Tells Italy Proposed Decree Violates Migrants’ Rights

The Italian interior ministry vowed Sunday to press ahead with a new decree formalizing the closure of Italian ports to aid groups that rescue migrants, even after U.N. human rights investigators said it violated international law.

Ministry officials said the security decree was “necessary and urgent” and was expected to be approved at a Cabinet meeting Monday.

In a May 15 letter to Italy’s government released Saturday, the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights urged Italy to withdraw the decree, calling it “yet another political attempt to criminalize search and rescue operations.”

The decree “further intensifies the climate of hostility and xenophobia against migrants,” said the letter, which was signed by several U.N. human rights rapporteurs.

Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, a hard-line populist, proposed the decree before the European Parliament elections this week, where nationalist, anti-migrant parties are hoping to make strong gains. Salvini’s League has soared in popularity in part because of his hard-line migration policy, which has involved boosting the Libyan coast guard’s ability to rescue migrants and bring them back.

Among other provisions, the decree leaves it to the interior minister to limit or prohibit entry into Italian territorial waters any ships for public security reasons. It foresees fines of up to 5,500 euros ($6,145) for each migrant transported.

The U.N. letter says the measures would violate migrants’ human rights, which are enshrined in U.N. conventions that Italy has signed. It said Italy is obliged to rescue migrants in distress and can’t impede others from doing so. And it says that Libya can’t be considered a safe port for migrants rescued at sea, particularly after the recent spike in fighting.

Interior ministry officials told journalists in a statement Sunday that Turkey and North Korea similarly punish border violations and that Italy has long had fines in its legal code, which have merely been updated.

“The hope is that the authoritative U.N. dedicates its energies to the humanitarian emergency in Venezuela rather than engage in electoral campaigning in Italy,” they said.

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Belfast Marchers Call for Same-Sex Marriage Rights

Thousands of people marched through Belfast Saturday to demand the recognition of same-sex marriage in Northern Ireland, the only region of the United Kingdom where it does not have legal status.

Attempts to legislate for same-sex marriage have been blocked by the Democratic Unionist Party, a key ally of British Prime Minister Theresa May, despite opinion polls in recent years showing most in the region are in favor.

Sara Canning, the partner of journalist and LGBT rights campaigner Lyra McKee who was killed in April, led the march alongside a number of gay and lesbian couples. Canning said that she and McKee had been planning to marry.

“We pay our taxes, we are governed by the same laws, why should we not be afforded the same rights in marriage” as the rest of the United Kingdom, said Canning, who was wearing a “Love Equality” T-shirt. Protesters waved rainbow flags and placards saying “Love is a human right.”

Protesters called on May’s government to bypass the DUP and introduce legislation in the British parliament in Westminster. The Northern Ireland power-sharing government has been frozen for two years because of disagreement between the DUP and the largest Irish nationalist party Sinn Fein.

“If Stormont is incapable of delivering equality for people here, then it is the responsibility of the Westminster to end discrimination against the LGBT community,” Amnesty International spokesman Patrick Corrigan said.

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Maltese Soldiers Questioned in Shooting Death of Migrant

Maltese police Saturday said they were questioning two soldiers over a drive-by shooting in April in which an African migrant was killed.

Ivorian national Lassana Cisse was killed April 6 when he was shot from a car as he walked down a street in Hal Far, close to an army barracks and a migrants’ center.

Two men, one from Gambia and the other from Guinea, were injured.

Police said the attack was racially motivated and a source in the investigation said one of the suspects had admitted to targeting the migrants “just because they were black.”

On Saturday, the police confirmed that two Maltese suspects, both soldiers in the Armed Forces of Malta, were in custody.

The weapon and the vehicle used in the crime had been seized, police said.

The deceased man used to work in a factory near Hal Far, in the south of Malta. He was known for checking on his fellow countrymen in the migrants’ center after work, media reported.

In a series of tweets, Maltese Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said an investigation involving other security services would determine whether the suspects were rogue individuals or part of a wider network.

He said hatred and division had no place in Malta’s society.

“There are consequences to spreading such ill-placed sentiments,” he said. “We remain steadfast in our call for unity among the Maltese and all those who live in Malta.”

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Erdogan Tells of Two Missile Defense Deals With Russia

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said Saturday that the purchase of S-400 defense systems from Russia was a done deal, adding that Ankara would also jointly produce S-500 defense systems with Moscow. 


U.S. officials have called Turkey’s planned purchase of the S-400 missile defense system “deeply problematic,” saying it would risk Ankara’s partnership in the joint strike fighter F-35 program because it would compromise the jets, made by Lockheed Martin Corp. 


However, Erdogan said at a televised question-and-answer session with university students in Istanbul that Turkey had carried out technical work and found that such a problem did not exist. 


“They [the U.S.] are passing the ball around in the midfield now, showing some reluctance. But sooner or later, we will receive the F-35s. [The U.S.] not delivering them is not an option,” he said.

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Перша пропозиція Народної Ініціативи для Зеленського: посадити Коломойського, Пінчука, Фірташа та Ахметова за несплату податків як Альфонса Капоне

Олігархи в тюрму!

Як стало відомо, у команді новообраного президента України Володимира Зеленського пропонують впровадити в Україні систему народовладдя за принципом “прямої демократії”, наприклад, референдуми, реагування на народні ініціативи та “народне вето”.

“Система народовладдя, яку пропонуємо ми, це система, яка у всьому світі називається “пряма демократія”. Ми вивчали досвід країн Скандинавії, Швейцарії, Канади, США, і з кожного намагалися взяти ті речі, які дадуть можливість народу відчути реальний контроль і владу в цій державі”, – сказав ідеолог команди Зеленського Руслан Стефанчук.

Ми пропонуємо першу Народну Ініціативу для Зеленського: посадити Коломойського, Пінчука, Фірташа та Ахметова за несплату податків в особливо великих розмірах, як колись ФБР знайшли можливість закрити на 11 років відомого американського гангстера Альфонса Капоне!

Це можна зробити досить швидко і просто. За допомогою лідерів міжнародного аудиторського ринку і чесного суду!

Мережа Правди

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Austria’s Vice Chancellor Resigns

Austria’s vice chancellor has resigned.

Heinz-Christian Strache stepped down Saturday after two German newspapers — Der Spiegel and the Sueddeutsche Zeitung — posted video footage of him appearing to offer state contracts to a potential Russian benefactor.

Strache said Saturday he was the “victim of a targeted political attack,” but admitted that his actions in the video were “stupid and a mistake.”

Political analysts say the scandal throws into the question the governing coalition between Strache’s anti-immigration Freedom Party and Chancellor Sebastian Kurz’s center-right People’s Party.

Neither politician has commented on the future of their alliance.


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Survivors of Nazi Commune in Chile: Germany’s Compensation Not Enough

The victims of an infamous Nazi pedophile commune in Chile say the compensation of up to $11,000 Germany has agreed to pay each of them is not enough.

Germany said Friday it would pay the funds to the victims of Colonia Dignidad commune founded in 1961 by Paul Schaefer, a former Nazi soldier.

The commune was promoted as an idyllic German family village. The reality of the place, however, was something sinister.

Dozens of children were sexually abused at Colonia Dignidad by Schaefer.

Its approximately 300 German and Chilean residents were abused and drugged. They were prevented from leaving the site that was surrounded by armed guards with dogs.

Survivors say they were virtual slaves.

Horst Schaffrick told the French news agency AFP that the money is “a help, yes, but it does not solve the problem. We are a lost generation.” Schaffrick, who was three when he arrived at the commune with his family, says he was sexually molested by Schaefer.

A lawyer for the survivors said, “What we would have wanted, and what we are arguing for, would be that we give settlers who are old enough to retire a decent pension, no more and no less.”

A German report released Friday said, “The survivors still suffer massively from the severe psychological and physical consequences after years of harm caused by violence, abuse, exploitation and slave labor.”

The report also said that compensation to the victims would be paid “exclusively out of moral responsibility and without recognition of a legal obligation.”

The commune also “actively collaborated with Pinochet dictatorship henchmen on torture, murder and disappearances,” according to the German report in a reference to Augusto Pinochet, Chile’s dictator from 1973 – 1990, who tortured and “disappeared” his critics.

Schaefer was arrested in 2005 in Argentina. He was jailed in Chile for child sexual and other abuses.

He died in 2010 in prison at the age of 88.

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Austrian Leader Calls Crisis Meeting After Deputy Filmed Discussing Deals

Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz called a crisis meeting late on Friday after two German newspapers published footage purportedly showing his deputy discussing state contracts with a potential Russian backer in return for political support.

Vice-Chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache was filmed talking about the contracts with someone posing as the niece of a Russian oligarch in Ibiza in July, 2017, months before parliamentary elections, Der Spiegel and Sueddeutsche Zeitung said. 

Strache did not reply to a request for comment on the video. Reuters was not able to verify the authenticity of the footage independently, and the German newspapers did not say how they obtained it.

Kurz planned to make a statement on the case on Saturday, a government source told Reuters. The opposition called for Strache to resign.

Strache is head of the far-right Freedom Party (FPO), which became junior partner in a coalition with Kurz’s conservatives in December 2017 after winning 26 percent of the votes in the October elections.The FPO’s General Secretary, Christian Hafenecker, said the party’s lawyers were evaluating the material. Neither Strache nor the Freedom Party ever received or granted any benefits from the persons concerned, Hafenecker said in a statement.

“Since the video was obviously recorded illegally, we are also preparing appropriate legal steps.”

The footage, parts of which were posted by the newspapers, showed Strache and party colleague Johann Gudenus with the woman in a room in what the newspapers said was a villa in Ibiza.

The woman said she wanted to invest several hundred million euros in Austria, according to the newspapers. Strache and Gudenus discussed investment opportunities for her, including taking over a 50 percent stake in Austria’s influential tabloid Kronen Zeitung and using it to support Strache and the FPO party in the election.

Gudenus was not immediately available for comment.

“If she takes over the Kronen Zeitung three weeks before the election and get us into first place, then we can talk about everything,” Der Spiegel quoted Strache as saying in the video.

Strache held out the prospect of awarding her public contracts in road construction if she helped the Freedom Party succeed, according to the video.

Vienna prosecutors said they would study the reports and decide whether there was sufficient cause to open an investigation, a spokeswoman for the prosecutors said.

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Britain’s Labor Party: No Chance of Brexit Ratification by July  

Brexit talks appear to have collapsed a day after British Prime Minister Theresa May set out a timetable for her exit from office — the latest sign of a government in tatters.

Britain’s Labor party head Jeremy Corbyn has sent a letter to May saying the Brexit talks have “gone as far as they can” because of the instability of her government and its refusal to change its position. 

The two major British parties have been at a stalemate for weeks over a deal outlining the conditions by which Britain will withdraw from the European Union. The deadline for withdrawal was originally set for March 29, but the revised date — to give time for more negotiation — is Oct. 31.

Corbyn said in his letter to the prime minister that the two parties “have been unable to bridge important policy gaps between us.” He added, “Even more crucially, the increasing weakness and instability of (May’s) government means there cannot be confidence in securing whatever might be agreed” between the Tory and Labor parties.

Corbyn also told reporters Friday there is no chance of ratifying even a partial Brexit deal by July.

May has said the process is hampered by a lack of consensus among Labor party members about whether they want to deliver Brexit or hold a new referendum in hopes of stopping it.

Parliament has rejected May’s plan in three separate votes and is set to hold another vote in early June. While May has promised some tweaks to the bill before the next vote, the plan is not expected to undergo any radical changes — meaning the impasse between the lawmakers likely is to remain unchanged.

Conservative lawmaker and former London mayor Boris Johnson, who has led the Brexit movement and supports leaving the EU even without a plan in place, has announced he will stand for the prime minister’s position after May vacates it.

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Germany Green-Lights E-Scooters on Roads, Not Pavements

Germany on Friday authorized battery-powered scooters on its streets and cycle paths but banned them from pavements to protect pedestrians as the two-wheeled craze continues to spread across Europe.

Following fierce debate over road safety and the impact on traffic, the upper house adopted a proposal by Transport Minister Andreas Scheuer to approve the “electric propulsion vehicles” for road use.

They are either loved or loathed in Europe’s biggest economy.

“In Germany, souls are divided over e-scooters. Rarely has a new technology aroused such strong popularity — and such strong rejection,” said Achim Berg, president of Germany’s IT federation Bitkom.

Scheuer was forced to amend his initial suggestion to allow electric scooters on pavements, after it sparked an outcry from politicians, police unions and insurance groups.

Electrical scooters will only be allowed on pavements in exceptional cases, to be expressly indicated by signs.

E-scooter users must respect a speed limit of 20 kilometers (12.4 miles) per hour and be aged 14 years or older.

‘Would be a Ferrari’

The decision opens up the market for mobility companies vying to provide rented e-scooters in Germany’s cities with Berlin-based startup Tier and Sweden’s Voi up against US firms Lime and Bird, leaders in the fast-growing sector.

Europe’s leading economy, with its mostly flat, highly urbanized geography and spiderweb network of cycle paths is a potential goldmine for e-scoot rental providers waiting in the wings.

“You have to expect a greyhound race. Whoever can convince people first will win the market,” said Hans Preissl, a spokesman for Frankfurt’s traffic authority.

The economic model of the booming e-scooter market still needs refining however, warns a study by the Boston Consulting Group on Friday.

“If market growth were vehicle acceleration, the humble electric scooter – the latest answer to urban mobility — would be a Ferrari,” said BCG, which predicts “consolidation is inevitable” in such a crowded market.

Undeterred, German car behemoth Volkswagen is eyeing the e-scooter market with plans to incorporate them into its own car-sharing scheme by the end of the year.

However, an influx of scooters could intensify the battle for space on Germany’s streets, where cycling associations have long demanded more and wider bicycle paths.

The co-existence of cyclists and e-scooter users on Germany’s cycle paths could quickly become untenable, warns Der Spiegel, “while imposing half-empty cars will continue to occupy lanes,” referring to Germans’ love of large cars.

‘Inevitable’ conflicts

“Conflicts are inevitable,” Social Democrat politician Anke Rehlinger said Thursday, adding that “continuous” effort should be made to define new rules for the e-scooters.

Scheuer labeled them a “genuine additional alternative for cars” in Germany’s traffic-choked cities yet there are also medical warnings against their use on Germany’s roads.

“E-scooters are highly dangerous in city traffic — not least because other road users find it extremely difficult to adjust to them,” Christopher Spering, from the German Society for Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery, told the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung newspaper.

There are also fears cyclists could be pushed off cycle paths specifically built for them.

“The already very limited area, currently granted to cycle traffic, should not have its use further extended,” said Jens Hilgenberg, traffic expert of the environmentalist group BUND told magazine Der Spiegel.

Daily newspaper Maerkische Oderzeitung says German cities have a choice — either they “risk chaos and even war between the modes of transport” or they prioritize cyclists, e-scooters users and pedestrians resulting in “painful losses for motorists” in inner city areas.

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Airstrike Kills, Injures Dozens of Civilians in Yemeni Capital

U.N. agencies are expressing anger and sadness at the deaths and injuries of dozens of civilians, including children, hit by airstrikes on the Yemeni capital, Sanaa, Thursday night.

This is just the latest tragedy to hit Yemen, which has been at war for more than four years.The U.N. human rights office reports nearly 7,000 civilians have been killed and 10,800 wounded as of November 2018.

Most of the deaths and injuries are due to aerial bombardments by the Saudi-led coalition, it reports. Saudi Arabia entered the civil conflict in March 2015 in support of the Yemeni government, which is locked in a fight for power with the Houthi rebels, who are backed by Iran.

A spokesman for the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, Jens Laerke, said preliminary reports indicate five children were killed and 16 wounded by the airstrike.He says a number of health workers are among dozens of other casualties.

“The injured, including the children, were rushed to hospital for medical treatments,” Laerke said. “There are several hospitals functioning there. Two of them are being provided with support from humanitarian partners and they have received the wounded.”

A Somali refugee woman and her daughter reportedly are among the injured receiving critical treatment. The U.N. refugee agency reports Somalis comprise more than 90% of the 275,000 refugees and asylum-seekers in Yemen.

UNHCR spokesman Andrej Mahecic said the already precarious situation of asylum-seekers and migrants in Yemen has deteriorated significantly as a result of the conflict.

“Incidents like these obviously result in tragic loss of civilian life and injury and continue to illustrate the fact that the war in Yemen is taking a brutal toll on the civilian population,” he said. “We add our voice to the calls that civilians must be protected and parties to the conflict must ensure adherence to their obligations enshrined under the international Humanitarian Law.”

The United Nations calls Yemen the world’s worst humanitarian crisis.It reports nearly 80% of the country’s population of 24 million needs humanitarian assistance and protection.

Unfortunately, aid agencies report the security situation and lack of access are hampering their ability to reach the millions of people in desperate need of aid.Another problem is the lack of support from the international community.The U.N. reports its $4.2 billion appeal to assist more than 20 million Yemenis is only 21% funded.

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EU Defends Military Reforms Against US Criticism

The EU on Thursday defended its push to reform the European defense industry in a retort to U.S. accusations that the overhaul would shut out allies such as Washington from European projects.

The skirmish over military spending comes as transatlantic ties are at a long-time low with fears running high that cooperation at NATO could be endangered.

In a letter seen by AFP, two senior officials said that the European Union “remains fully committed to working with the U.S. as a core partner in security and defense matters” despite the planned changes.

However, the EU officials also insisted that the mooted reforms are merely a reflection of rules already imposed by the U.S.

“The transatlantic trade balance is resolutely in favor of the U.S.,” they insisted.

The U.S. concerns, set out in a letter on May 1 from two of President Donald Trump’s top defense officials, focused on the European Defense Fund (EDF), a seven-year 13-billion euro ($14.6 billion) pot approved by the European Parliament last month, and a key new EU defense cooperation pact known as PESCO.

Washington warned the proposed rules “would not only damage the constructive NATO-EU relationship we have built together over the past several years but could potentially turn the clock back to the sometimes divisive discussions about EU defense initiatives that dominated our exchanges 15 years ago.”

Along with the warnings, the U.S. officials also make a veiled threat to hit back, saying the EU would object to similar U.S. restrictions “and we would not relish having to consider them in the future.”

EU countries launched PESCO in late 2017 to try to harmonize a highly fragmented approach to defense spending.

Under the pact, countries cooperate on projects to develop new military equipment and on support systems such as military hospitals and training centers.

The U.S. letter chimed with bitter divisions within the bloc on what rules to set for non-EU allies such as the U.S., Norway — and for Britain after Brexit — who want to contribute to future defense projects.

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US Sanctions Chechen Group, Russians for Alleged Human Rights Abuses

The United States on Thursday imposed sanctions on a Chechen group and five individuals, including at least three Russians, for alleged human rights abuses under the Global Magnitsky Act, including extrajudicial killings and the torture of LGBTI individuals.

The sanctions against the Terek Special Rapid Response Team in the Chechen Republic and the five individuals were announced by the U.S. Treasury on its website.

The Treasury Department imposed the sanctions, which freeze the banks accounts of those targeted, under a 2012 law known as the Magnitsky Act.

The Magnitsky Act imposed visa bans and asset freezes on Russian officials linked to the death in prison of Sergei Magnitsky, a 37-year-old Russian auditor and whistleblower. The act also seeks to hold responsible those U.S. authorities allege orchestrated or benefited from the death of Magnitsky.

Those targeted on Thursday included Elena Anatolievna Trikulya and Gennady Vyacheslavovich Karlov, members of an investigative committee who allegedly “participated in efforts to conceal the legal liability for the detention, abuse, or death” of Magnitsky.

Also designated was Abuzayed Vismuradov, commander of the Terek Special Rapid Response Team in Chechnya who was accused of “being responsible for extrajudicial killings, torture, or other gross violations of internationally recognized human rights” against those seeking to expose illegal activity by Russian government officials.

The Treasury Department said Vismuradov was in charge of an operation that “illegally detained and tortured individuals on the basis of their actual or perceived LGBTI status.”

LGBTI is an acronym for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex.

The Treasury also named Sergey Leonidovich Kossiev as being “responsible for extrajudicial killing, torture, or other gross violations of internationally recognised human rights” as head of a penal colony in the Republic of Karelia.

The fifth individual targeted was named as Ruslan Geremeyev for acting on behalf of the head of Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, “in a matter relating to extrajudicial killings, torture, or other gross violations of internationally recognized human rights.”

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Turkey Struggles to Balance Ties With US, Russia

Analysts say Turkey is running out of time to balance its relationship with Russia and the United States as Moscow and Washington step up pressure on Ankara over its pending acquisition of Russian missile defense systems.

The U.S. opposes the missile system transaction, maintaining that Turkey’s use of the S-400s would compromise the technology of the F-35 fighter jet, which the U.S. and other NATO allies own. Turkey, also a NATO member, is due to take delivery of the F-35 this year. The U.S. has warned that if the Russian missiles are delivered, Turkey’s purchase of the F-35 will be in jeopardy and sanctions will be possible. 


Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu has dismissed Washington’s concerns. “If these claims by the U.S. were true, S-400s would have already accessed [secrets] to the F-35 [aircraft] technology [as both are deployed] in Syria, the Baltic region and the north,” he said Thursday during a visit to Latvia. 


According to reports, Washington had requested that Ankara postpone the July delivery of the Russian missiles. However, in what was widely seen as a slap in the face to the United States, Turkish Defense Industries President Ismail Demir suggested the missiles could be delivered as early as next month.

“We are a serious country. Our deal with Russia continues,” Demir said to reporters Thursday. 

‘No such thing as postponing’


Cavusoglu on Wednesday dismissed reports of any delay. “There is no such thing as postponing or canceling at this stage,” he said. “It’s not on the agenda, either.” 


Ankara’s resistance to Washington coincides with Moscow’s agreeing to Turkish requests for creation of a joint working group on the Syrian rebel enclave of Idlib. The working group is seen as giving breathing space to rebels, who have been under sustained Russian and Syrian government bombardment. 

The latest assault was the most intense since Ankara and Moscow reached an agreement in September, preventing Syrian forces from overrunning the enclave. 


“There are 2 million people in the [Idlib] enclave — jihadis and their families and those Sunni elements who will not make a deal with Damascus,” said former senior Turkish diplomat Aydin Selcen. 


“Turkey will be determined to avoid this enclave being overrun as those people have nowhere to go but to Turkey,” said Selcen, who is a regional analyst. 


“Turkey will not want this to happen as it would impose major security and humanitarian problems. While Ankara insists it will not allow this to happen, Moscow could be the key player,” he added. 

​Peace efforts snagged

Russia and Turkey, along with Iran, are working together under the auspices of the so-called Astana Process to end Syria’s civil war and secure a long-term peace. Those efforts have hit an impasse with disagreements on the formation of a committee to create a new constitution. 


Turkish and U.S. diplomats are continuing their efforts to resolve a key point of tension. The diplomats aim to create a safe zone in Syria to protect Turkey’s border from the Syrian Kurdish YPG militia, designated by Ankara as a terrorist organization. 


Washington’s support of the YPG in the war against the Islamic State group has soured relations with Turkey. The safe zone is seen as a way of putting ties between the two NATO allies back on track. 


Expediting the delivery of S-400 missiles is interpreted to mean Moscow seeks to thwart U.S.-Turkish efforts to resolve differences on Syria. Ankara’s procurement of the weapons would open the door to wide-ranging and severe U.S. sanctions under the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA), which bans significant Russian military purchases. 


“Our understanding is that Ankara has resigned to being sanctioned under CAATSA,” said analyst Atilla Yesilada of GlobalSource Partners, a business management consultant in New York.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan “still clings to the hope that a summit with [U.S. President Donald] Trump will allow him to keep the S-400s, with the latter applying only the least damaging articles of CAATSA,” he said. 

​Fundamental differences


Ankara says Erdogan has built a unique working relationship with Trump, and that the problems in bilateral ties are the result of those working around the U.S. leader. However, some analysts suggest that the difficulties between the NATO allies are more fundamental. 


“Turkish and U.S. understanding of the world order has been diverging rather than converging,” said international relations professor Serhat Guvenc of Istanbul’s Kadir Has University. “They view the international developments through a totally different lens. I think the problem is structural rather than conjectural.” 


Prying Turkey away from its Western partners is a decades-long strategic dream if not the goal of Moscow, but analysts contend that any Russian-Turkish alliance would inevitably fail on historical and regional rivalries, with Syria the likely flash point. 


“Unfortunately, Ankara thinks they can play the Russians and Americans against each other. It won’t work,” said political scientist Cengiz Aktar of Athens University.

“The Russians sooner or later will clear Idlib, which is filled with tens of thousands of terrorists, and this is the first and foremost point of disagreement between Ankara and Moscow,” he said. 

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Venezuelan, Opposition Envoys in Norway for Talks

Representatives of the Venezuelan government and the opposition are in Norway for talks on resolving the stalemate that has mired the South American nation in a political and economic crisis.

Venezuelan officials say Information Minister Jorge Rodriguez is representing President Nicolas Maduro, while lawmaker Stalin Gonzalez is leading the opposition delegation.

President Maduro said Rodriguez was on “a very important mission” abroad during a televised speech Wednesday, but did not provide any details.

The negotiations in Norway are being held after the military failed to heed a call April 30 by opposition leader and self-declared president Juan Guaido to rise up against Maduro. Guaido, the leader of the National Assembly, declared himself interim president earlier this year after the opposition-majority legislative body determined Maduro won another term in a fraudulent election.

The United States and about 50 other countries recognize Guaido as Venezuela’s legitimate president. Venezuela has put the United States at odds with Russia, which has supplied military equipment to the Maduro regime, and Cuba, who the U.S. accuses of placing pro-Maduro troops on the ground in Venezuela.

Also on Wednesday, the United States has suspended all commercial flights between the U.S. and Venezuela.

Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao says she, along with the secretaries of state and homeland security, has determined conditions exist in Venezuela “that threaten the safety or security of passengers, aircraft, or crew.”

Many international airlines, including those in the United States, have already stopped flying to and from Venezuela because of the political upheaval.

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