01001, Київ, Україна

Notre Dame’s Age, Design Fueled Fire and Foiled Firefighters

Is there anything firefighters could have done to control the blaze that tore through Paris’ historic Notre Dame Cathedral sooner?


Experts say the combination of a structure that’s more than 850 years old, built with heavy timber construction and soaring open spaces, and lacking sophisticated fire-protection systems left firefighters with devastatingly few options Monday once the flames got out of control.


“Very often when you’re confronted with something like this, there’s not much you can do,” said Glenn Corbett, a professor of fire science at John Jay College.


Fire hoses looked overmatched — more like gardening equipment than firefighting apparatus — as flames raged across the cathedral’s wooden roof and burned bright orange for hours. The fire toppled a 300-foot (91-meter) spire and launched baseball-sized embers into the air.


While the cause remains under investigation, authorities said that the cathedral’s structure — including its landmark rectangular towers — has been saved.

Some of the factors that made Notre Dame a must-see for visitors to Paris — its age, sweeping size and French Gothic design featuring masonry walls and tree trunk-sized wooden beams — also made it a tinderbox and a difficult place to fight a fire, said U.S. Fire Administrator G. Keith Bryant.

With a building like that, it’s nearly impossible for firefighters to attack a fire from within. Instead, they have to be more defensive “and try to control the fire from the exterior,” said Bryant, a former fire chief in Oklahoma and past president of the International Association of Fire Chiefs.


“When a fire gets that well-involved it’s very difficult to put enough water on it to cool it to bring it under control,” Bryant said.


And while there’s a lot of water right next door at the Seine River, getting it to the right place is the problem, he said: “There are just not enough resources in terms of fire apparatus, hoses to get that much water on a fire that’s that large.”


Because of narrower streets, which make it difficult to maneuver large ladder fire trucks, European fire departments don’t tend to have as large of ladders as they do in the United States, Bryant said.


And what about President Donald Trump’s armchair-firefighter suggestion that tanker jets be used to dump water from above on Notre Dame?


French authorities tweeted that doing so would’ve done more harm than good. The crush of water on the fire-ravaged landmark could’ve caused the entire structure to collapse, according to the tweet.


Other landmark houses of worship have taken steps in recent years to reduce the risk of a fire.


St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City, built in 1878, installed a sprinkler-like system during recent renovations and coated its wooden roof with fire retardant. The cathedral also goes through at least four fire inspections a year.


Washington National Cathedral, built in 1912 with steel, brick and limestone construction that put it at less risk of a fast-moving fire, is installing sprinklers as part of a renovation spurred by damage from a 2011 earthquake.


That cathedral faces fire inspections every two years, but D.C. firefighters stop by more often to learn about the church’s unique architecture and lingo — so they’ll know where to go if there’s a fire in the nave, or main area of the church — for instance.


“It’s really important for us to make sure that those local firefighters are aware of our building and our kooky medieval names that we use for all the different spaces and that they know where to go,” said Jim Shepherd, the cathedral’s director of preservation and facilities.

Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the New York Archbishop who often visited the Notre Dame Cathedral while studying in Europe, saw significance in the fact that the fire broke out at the beginning of Holy Week, when Christians there and around the world prepare to celebrate Easter and the resurrection of Jesus Christ.


“Just as the cross didn’t have the last word, neither — for people of faith in France — will this fire have the last word,” Dolan said.

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World Mourns Paris’ Fire-Damaged Notre Dame Cathedral

VOA’s Lisa Bryant in Paris contributed to this report.

The world reacted with shock, tears and prayers as it watched images of the iconic Notre Dame Cathedral burning in Paris on Monday. 

French President Emmanuel Macron addressed the nation just before midnight. “I tell you solemnly tonight: We will rebuild this cathedral,” he vowed. 

He said he would seek international help, including from the “greatest talents” in the world for the task. 

Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said Spain was ready to help. He called the fire a “catastrophe for France, for Spain and for Europe.” 

On the streets of Paris, hundreds gathered, some wept, as they watched the flames engulf the cathedral’s spire.

Paris resident Lisa Sussman, originally from Atlanta, in the U.S. state of Georgia, said, “It’s horrible. It really is the center of Paris. I was at the apartment with my friends. It really hurts everyone’s heart — they really feel that connected to it. I feel it, too. It was really tragic to watch the spire fall.”

Nearby, another Parisian resident, George Castro, said he was in shock.

“I’m a Christian, a Catholic. I think it’s really, really sad to see this happening right now. Right now, we don’t have many symbols, and this is a huge symbol for the West. It’s very, very sad,” he said.

Pope Francis issued a statement late Monday expressing the Vatican’s “shock and sadness” at “the news of the terrible fire that devastated the Cathedral of Notre Dame, a symbol of Christianity in France and in the world.” 

Archbishop of New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan prayed at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Manhattan for intercession. “God preserve this splendid house of prayer, and protect those battling the blaze,” Dolan said in a statement.

The Russian Orthodox Church’s secretary for inter-Christian relations Hieromonk Stefan called the fire “a tragedy for the entire Christian world and for all who appreciate the cultural significance of this temple,” the state news agency RIA-Novosti reported: 

U.S. President Donald Trump called it a “terrible, terrible fire” that devastated “one of the great treasures of the world.” He also had advice for the French on how to fight the fire. “Perhaps flying water tankers could be used to put it out. Must act quickly!,” Trump said on Twitter. 

France’s Civil Security agency said that wasn’t possible. “Hundreds of firemen of the Paris Fire Brigade are doing everything they can to bring the terrible #NotreDame fire under control. All means are being used, except for water-bombing aircrafts which, if used, could lead to the collapse of the entire structure of the cathedral,” the agency tweeted in English. 

Former U.S. President Barack Obama, in a tweet, called Notre Dame “one of the world’s great treasures, and we’re thinking of the people of France in your time of grief. It’s in our nature to mourn when we see history lost – but it’s also in our nature to rebuild for tomorrow, as strong as we can.” He also posted an old photo of himself, his wife Michelle and their two daughters lighting candles in the cathedral. 

Celebrities also poured their grief and dismay in tweets. American actress Laura Dern said she was moved to tears. “I’m weeping. Our gift of light,” she wrote. “Notre Dame on fire. My heart is breaking. My grandmother’s and mother’s heart home.” 

Hamilton creator Lin-Manuel Miranda wrote, “Standing here next to you, heartsick for Notre Dame. …”

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Prayers, Hymns, Community Shared in Firelight of Notre Dame

Some kneeled, some folded their hands to make silent entreaties. Others sang with their eyes focused on the sky that had gone from blue to yellow and orange, and filled with acrid smoke.

In an impromptu act of togetherness and hope, Parisians and people just visiting France’s charismatic capital came together to pray for Notre Dame as a fire quickly advanced through the cathedral. 

The blaze that engulfed Notre Dame brought memories and sorrow to people around the world who had seen or dreamed of seeing the church known for its sculpted gargoyle guards and place in literary history. But emotions might have run highest in the crowd outside another Gothic church, not far from where Notre Dame burned. 

In front of the Saint-Julien-des-Pauvres church, a couple hundred people knelt in prayer in the middle of a larger group. More voices joined an unceasing communal hymn sung mostly a cappella, though accompanied at one point by two violins.

“The cathedral is more than walls. It’s a symbol of Catholic France,” said Paris resident Gaetane Schlienger, 18, who tried to climb a tree near the vigil. “But I have a lot of friends who are not Catholic, and for them it also has a huge impact.”

Schlienger said she comes to Notre Dame nearly every week because gazing at it “you feel in security, in peace. It’s magnificent.”

The cathedral also called to Quentin Salardaine, 25, a doctor from Paris, as flames devoured it and colored the sky.

“I think this building just symbolizes Paris, no matter if you’re Catholic or not. I’m not,” Salardaine said. “I’m just here because I couldn’t stay at my place just knowing that this thing is happening and there are people gathering, singing this religious anthem.”

Elsewhere in Paris, hundreds, and then thousands of people lined the banks of the Seine River around the small island on which Notre Dame stands, watching in disbelief and horror.

The flames spread along the roof at the back of the structure. The spire burned and fell. 

​The fire chief in Paris reported crews were struggled to contain the fire, which progressed into the cathedral’s wooden interior and one of the architecturally distinctive towers. Streams of water from fire hoses whipped across the exterior. 

Even after firefighters started getting a handle on the blaze, bits of flame could be seen from the Left Bank still licking above exposed walls where the roof used to be. Lights moving past the huge stained-glass windows at the front of Notre Dame appeared to be guiding investigators doing inspections.

Later, an Associated Press reporter got a glimpse inside the cathedral. The only illumination inside the darkened structure came from a glowing red hole in the soaring ceiling. Hours earlier, the spire had risen from that spot into the Paris skyline. Streams of sparks instead spilled onto the floor where the church choir usually stands. 

Outside Saint-Julien-des-Pauvres, people kept approaching the spontaneous chorus. Blandine Bouret, 68, said she knew the neighborhood well. Her grandfather had a small store on a street in the shadow of Notre Dame. Her father had an engraving boutique nearby.

“It’s terrible, it’s catastrophic. This is the soul of Paris,” Bouret said.

Americans Lucy Soule and her father Win, of Freeport, Maine, felt lucky to have visited Notre Dame an hour before flames engulfed it. Lucy Soule, 22, said it also felt “weird.” 

“Now you can smell it burning,” she said of the monument she’d stood in so recently.

Her father said, “I feel sorry for the people tomorrow. They won’t be able to see it.”

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Зеленський – це тупий-москаль-янукович-2, а вибори 2019 року є клоном виборів Президента 2010 року

Будувати будь-які прогнози – справа геть невдячна. Але, я вважаю, суспільство має знати, до чого треба бути готовим. Тому пропоную найбільш вірогідний сценарій після можливої перемоги Володимира Зеленського в другому турі виборів. Яким президентом буде Зеленський і яка ситуація складеться в країні на чолі з людиною без політичного досвіду?

Зеленський буде слабким президентом

Жорстко огризатися, зухвало перебивати та демонстративно класти слухавку під час розмови з Петром Порошенком – це одне. В якійсь мірі, це демонстрація альфа-поведінки. Це була така відповідь Порошенку на заклики «будь мужиком». Формат дозволяв проявити себе «сильним».

Але формат управління державою набагато складніший. Однієї нахабності, нічим не підкріпленої, недостатньо.

Зокрема, в нашій парламентсько-президентській республіці Зеленський, на відміну від Порошенка, не буде мати в парламенті власної політичної сили, яка входить до коаліції. Принаймні, в період до чергових виборів 27 жовтня.

А шансів на розпуск парламенту в Зеленського практично немає. Згідно з Конституцією, у Зеленського буде гіпотетична можливість, за умови відсутності коаліції протягом 30 днів, на розпуск парламенту до 27 травня. Але Верховна Рада може призначити день інавгурації на період 28 травня–3 червня. І тоді терміни будуть прострочені.

Тому Зеленський вимушений буде тимчасово співіснувати з чинним складом парламенту. Причому, не просто співіснувати, а домовлятися. Бо єдині кадрові рішення, які Зеленський зможе самостійно зробити без узгодження з парламентом – це призначити секретаря РНБО, вище командування ЗСУ, половину складу Нацради з питань телебачення і радіомовлення, половину складу Ради Нацбанку.

А кандидатури на посади міністра закордонних справ, міністра оборони, генпрокурора, голови СБУ мають отримати більшість підтримки в парламенті. Інакше, президент буде, як валіза без ручки.

Радники Зеленського вже обмовились у ЗМІ щодо «секретного плану» для Верховної Ради. Можна припустити, що Зеленський спробує шантажувати депутатів відмовою підписувати ухвалені закони (тоді доведеться долати вето 2/3 голосів), а уряд – зупинкою дії актів з подальшою перевіркою їх на конституційність у Конституційному суді.

Це буде параліч влади і взагалі стан кризи до парламентських виборів. Однак є сумніви, що Зеленський виграє від цього. Він, звичайно, буде пояснювати громадськості, що погані депутати ставлять палки в колеса – блокують не тільки кадрові ініціативи, але й всі внесені ним законопроекти. Суспільство спочатку може поставитись до цього з розумінням, а потім перейти до оцінки «поганому танцюристу завжди щось заважає».

До речі, конфлікт з урядом і парламентом вже має яскравий прецедент за часів президентства Віктора Ющенка. Перемогти законодавчий та виконавчий органи влади Віктору Андрійовичу не вдалося. Це мав би бути дуже гарний урок для Зеленського.

Крім того, через відсутність політичного досвіду в Зеленського з великою ймовірністю буде побудована криптократія. Тобто реальною владою володітиме тіньове та приховане коло осіб. Дії та рішення Зеленського будуть визначатися не власними переконаннями, а позицією радників. Коридорами Адміністрації президента буде ходити не один «сірий кардинал». Одним словом, Зеленський буде не суб’єктом, а фактично об’єктом політики.

Зеленський десакралізується через величезне розчарування суспільства

Згідно з соцопитуванням групи «Рейтинг», проведеним 5–10 квітня, Зеленський переможе в другому турі. Він нагадує персонажа Гудвіна з «Чарівника смарагдового міста», який працював у цирку, потрапив до Зеленої країни, і мешканці цієї країни сприймали його за чарівника.

Але Зеленський, як і будь-яка інша людина – не чарівник. Зеленський, на якого проектують свої мрії українці, вийде в реальність і перетвориться на «Попелюшку» в чоловічому роді. Це невідворотно. Бо 52% українців, згідно з соцопитуванням групи «Рейтинг», «очікують покращення ситуації в країні в результаті президентських виборів». А цього не відбудеться.

Війна на Донбасі не закінчиться. Знайти компроміс із Путіним і «зійтися посередині» не вийде – Кремль ще раз нагадає про «громадянську війну» в Україні та необхідність Зеленському домовлятися з черговим «пушиліним». «Перестати стріляти» не вийде. Депутатів, як у серіалі «Слуга народу», Зеленський не розстріляє. Олігархи з їхніми монополіями нікуди не дінуться. «Кінця епохи бідності» не настане. Справедливого покарання топ-корупціонерів за нинішньої судової системи не буде. Дороги ще тривалий час не будуть європейськими. Обіцяних ним зарплат учителям по $4000 не буде.

І люди, наче під струменями крижаної води, будуть стрімко тверезішати. Поки Зеленський буде зустрічатись із лідерами країн світу – Трампом, Меркель, можливо, навіть зі своїм кумиром Болсонару – українці будуть волати: «Він нас зрадив! Де обіцяна країна мрій?»

Хоча Зеленський буде намагатись компенсувати цей негатив гучним піаром. Наприклад, не здивуюсь, якщо одним із перших своїх указів він перейменує Адміністрацію президента та заявить про скорочення бюрократів. Може ще зріжуть паркан біля будівлі та почнуть водити екскурсії, як у Білому домі в США.

Олігарх Ігор Коломойський розправить крила

Не треба розповідати наївні казки про виключно бізнес-партнерство Зеленського з Коломойським на телеканалі «1+1» і нічого більшого. Згідно з розслідуванням програми «Схеми: корупція в деталях», за 2 роки Зеленський 13 разів злітав до Женеви та Тель-Авіва, де мешкає Коломойський. Не кажучи вже про використання Зеленським транспорту та охоронців Коломойського. Їхній взаємозв’зок – це дещо більше, ніж просто партнерство.

Я думаю, Коломойський навіть не буде чекати на потрапляння партії «Слуга народу» до парламенту. І суттєво активізується ще до того часу. Адже відчувши близькість перемоги Зеленського на виборах президента, олігарх вже після першого туру виборів дав інтерв’ю журналістам, у якому без зайвого сорому заявив «нехай повернуть мені $2 мільярди». А наступного дня після цього стало відомо, що Господарський суд Києва прийняв до розгляду позов Коломойського про повернення йому акцій «ПриватБанку».

Чи є трагедія в тому, що цей олігарх розправить крила? Справа в тому, що в нас ще є олігарх Рінат Ахметов, який пречудово себе почуває. У нас є олігарх Віктор Пінчук, який також себе непогано почуває. У нас є олігархи Дмитро Фірташ і Сергій Льовочкін. Країна живе з олігархами вже 28-й рік. Просто розплачується за їхні корупційні «схеми» багатостраждальний український народ.

Таким чином, реалістичний сценарій перших місяців президентства Зеленського не є оптимістичним за своєю суттю. Після пост-модерної виборчої кампанії Зеленський потрапить до жорстких реалій модерну в управлінні державою. Людині, яка ніколи не бачила воду і не вміє плавати, доведеться бовтатися у воді з піраньями. Рейтинг довіри до Зеленського приречений падати зі швидкістю блискавки. Бо навіть ті, хто сприймаються «новими обличчями», не мають протидії від законів розчарування. Їм так само не пробачають відсутності швидких змін.

Правда України

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Classified Note Confirms French Weaponry in Yemen: Report

French weapons are being used by the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia in Yemen, according to a classified military note revealed on Monday which contradicts public statements from France’s government.

The note from the French military intelligence service, published by new investigative media outlet Disclose, concluded that the UAE and Saudi Arabia had deployed French weaponry from artillery to ships in their war against Huthi rebels.

Under pressure for years by rights groups over the sales, the Paris government has always insisted that the arms are only used in defensive circumstances to deter attacks by the Huthis.

France, the third-biggest arms exporter in the world, counts Saudi Arabia and the UAE as loyal clients in the Middle East and has resisted pressure to stop the arms trade — unlike Germany, which has suspended sales.

Rights groups have regularly accused Paris of being complicit in alleged war crimes committed in Yemen where around 10,000 have died and millions have been forced to the brink of starvation.

“The government can no longer deny the risk of complicity in war crimes,” the head of Human Rights Watch in France, Benedicte Jeannerod, wrote on Twitter in response to the revelations on Monday.

Artillery, tanks, ships, helicopters

The UAE and Saudi Arabia, which own billions of dollars’ worth of weapons bought from the United States, France and Britain, intervened in 2015 to support the Yemeni government against Huthi rebels, which are backed by rival Iran.

The UN calls the situation in the war-torn country the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. Experts have concluded that all the warring parties have violated international humanitarian law.

The classified French intelligence note – provided to the government in October 2018, according to Disclose – said that 48 CAESAR artillery guns manufactured by the Nexter group were being used along the Saudi-Yemen border.

Leclerc tanks, sold in the 1990s to the UAE, have also been used, as have Mirage 2000-9 fighter jets, while French missile-guiding technology called DAMOCLES might have been deployed, according to the assessment.

Cougar transport helicopters and the A330 MRTT refuelling plane have also seen action, and two French ships are serving in the blockade of Yemeni ports which has led to food and medical shortages, the DRM military intelligence agency concluded.

The revelations risk causing embarrassment for French Armed Forces Minister Francoise Parly.

She said during an interview on the France Inter radio station in January this year: “I’m not aware that any (French) arms are being used in this conflict.”

Asked for comment by AFP on Monday, the French government said that “to our knowledge, the French weapons owned by members of the coalition are for the most part in defensive positions, outside of Yemen or in military bases, not on the frontline.”

Disclose is a new investigative website working in partnership with established media companies including public broadcaster France Info, online brand Mediapart and Franco-German television channel Arte.

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As Russia Touts Expanded Arctic Sea Routes, US Observers See Veiled Threat

This story originated in VOA’s Russian Service.

WASHINGTON – At this year’s International Arctic Forum in St. Petersburg, Russian leaders made the most peaceable statements to date about Moscow’s long-term plans for the a rapidly melting Arctic.

Answering questions during the forum’s international plenary session, President Vladimir Putin extolled Moscow and Washington’s common interests in the region, explaining that he doesn’t sense any “special military tension” in the region.

Not only does Russia forego military exercises in the Arctic, it’s focused on helping neighbors dramatically increase cargo shipments across Arctic sea routes, he explained.

“Our aviation activity in the Baltic Sea zone, the Arctic, is an order of magnitude lower than the activity of the NATO countries,” he announced to those in attendance, which included the leaders of Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden.

“This is a realistic, well-calculated and concrete task. We need to make the Northern sea route safe and commercially feasible,” Putin added.

Some activities omitted

But Putin’s account of an ambitious commercial program to secure an Arctic foothold, which includes the planned construction of ports, infrastructure and even an expanded fleet of icebreakers, omitted the following activities.

May 2017: At Moscow’s annual Victory Day parade, Russia unveils new weapons system with missiles outfitted for use in the Arctic.

October 2017: Arctic detachment of Russian Navy Northern Fleet combat ships practice live-fire missile drills.

February 2018: Admiral Nikolai Yevmenov, commander of the Northern Fleet, declares the strengthening of Russia’s Arctic military presence with the placement of tactical unit outposts. “This is an Arctic-motorized rifle brigade, a tactical group of coastal troops, air defense units that maintain a watch on the islands of the Arctic Ocean, in the archipelagoes of Franz Josef Land, Novaya Zemlya, Severnaya Zemlya and the New Siberian Islands.”

March 2018: “Putin,” a newly released campaign-trail film, shows the president boasting of Arctic-based, state-of-the-art missile-launch detection and tracking systems. “The Arctic region is extremely important for Russia,” Putin is recorded saying, and that U.S. submarines “keep constant watch in the Norwegian Sea off the coast of Norway.”

April 2018: Rosgvardia, Russia’s National Guard, conducts transport and assault exercises on the militarily inhabited Franz Josef Land.

September 2018: Colonel General Oleg Salyukov, commander of the Russia’s ground forces, announces a new generation “Tor-M2” air-defense missile system for use in the Arctic, and he says that the Bastion-P mobile anti-ship and surface-to-surface missile defense systems have already been placed on Kotelny Island.

February 2019: Pro-Kremlin Izvestia newspaper reports on Russian plans for MiG-31 fighter jet patrols of the Arctic, with two squadrons based at the Murmansk region aerodrome and plans for a permanently stationed regiment.

US voices: Arctic strategy needs update

Some U.S. military officials and legislators have expressed concern that Washington isn’t paying enough attention to Russia’s military entrenchment in the region.

They say the Department of Defense Arctic Strategy, last updated in 2017, largely got overlooked in the more all-encompassing National Defense Strategy, the main U.S. military strategy document signed by the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

In August 2018, Congress passed a National Defense Authorization Act that approved unprecedented funds for the construction of six new polar class icebreakers by 2029. The U.S. Coast Guard has only two — one of which is 10 years beyond its intended use — compared to Russia’s 46.

The bill also calls for an updated Arctic strategy, including regularly updated summaries of regional foreign threats posed by Russia and China, along with specific roles and missions for each branch of the U.S. military.

According to one expert, the asymmetry of U.S. and Russian assets in the Arctic may have to do with how Russia sees itself and the resources it needs for long-term planning.

“The Arctic is extremely important for Russia, because it’s really part of their national identity,” said Robert Orttung of the George Washington University Elliott School of International Affairs. “In contrast to the United States, Russia really is an Arctic country. Much of the territory is in the Arctic, whereas in the U.S., it’s simply Alaska, so we don’t really think of ourselves as an Arctic country.

“I think the most important question for Russia is the energy there, because they depend heavily on the resources,” he added. “And going forward, that’s going to be the main source of oil and gas for the country. Second, of course, is defense, and they see that as the main way to build up their Arctic resources and to protect themselves against what they see as a potential threat coming from the north.”

Orttung also says the melting ice has drained the region of its historically romantic mystique, and that easier access to natural resources may open up more possibilities for international trade and cooperation.

“In the past, the Arctic was an area that people were extremely interested in, and there were these heroic explorers who really stirred the imagination in Russia and in the West,” he said. “Of course, that’s kind of changed now. Now the Arctic is seen more as a place of climate change and dramatic changes — and possibilities — in terms of trade and energy development.”

Military dominant situation

But the ultimate Russian goal is to have a militarily dominant situation in the Arctic, “especially at a time when the U.S. is perceived as an adversary,” he added.

“And the U.S. has been spending less money on the Arctic, but I think we have to look at the difference between the rhetoric coming from the Kremlin and President Putin, and the actual development on the ground,” he said. “I think [Putin] talks a better game than actually exists, and it’s more about presenting the face of developing this military capacity, when in fact there aren’t the funds in Russia to actually do that.”

Orttung also says he sees the Arctic as one of the last areas for prospective cooperation.

“The Arctic for Russia and the U.S. in particular is one of the last areas of actual cooperation, where we can work together as a citizen, as scientists, as observers,” he said. “So far, it hasn’t been infected by the difficulty of Russia’s invasion and occupation of Ukraine, for example. That’s sort of been kept as a separate issue. So all this increased talk about militarization — and of course, the U.S. is putting more airplanes and fighter planes in Alaska — and it’s just making it more and more difficult to see how the traditional cooperation that we’ve had in the Arctic can be preserved in the future.”

Retired Admiral Gary Roughead, former chief of U.S. Naval Operations, told VOA’s Russian Service that Russia, like any country, has a primary interest in protecting and defending its coastal borders, and that it has a geopolitical interest in influencing how sea routes are developed and used.

“To see the transpolar routes become more accessible and used … I think that it adds stature to Russia, and particularly to Putin, to begin to identify as being the premier, most powerful Arctic nation by virtue of what it’s doing from a military perspective,” he said.

While he’s no longer directly engaged in U.S. military strategic investments, Roughead said U.S. and European allies should enhance communications and transnational infrastructure for cooperative naval and aerial patrols with conventional and unmanned vessels.

“Something that we looked at was the ability to use unmanned aircraft to be able to patrol in the Arctic, because of their long endurance,” he said. “And that’s something that not only the United States should look at, but Canada and the some of the European Arctic nations to begin to put in place, some cooperatives, activities, perhaps cooperative investments, cooperative operations that allow us to operate up in the high north, routinely, reliably and safely.

“For example, unmanned airplanes being able to take off in one country, conduct the patrol and then land in another country,” he said. “Just having the infrastructure in place to do that — that’s something Arctic nations should strive toward.”

Twenty percent of Russia’s gross domestic product is drawn from the Arctic via mining and shipping, whereas less than 1% of U.S. GDP is taken from the region.

In 2013, the U.S. and Russian signed the Arctic Council’s “Agreement on Cooperation on Marine Oil Pollution Preparedness and Response in the Arctic,” which aims to improve U.S.-Russia collaboration on research in the environmental sciences, biology, ecology and shipping in the region.

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Swarm of Custom Italian Scooter-Vans Buzz Through Tuscan Terrain

The manufacturer of the iconic Italian scooter, Vespa, makes another line of noisy but affordable three-wheeled transportation vehicles. The name literally means “bee” in Italian, and fans of the motorized tricycle hummed across the Tuscan countryside to celebrate more than seventy years of its production. Arash Arabasadi has the buzz.

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Перший раз Зеленський засцяв ще в 2014 році!

Як заявили у Генштабі, для призову під час мобілізації Зеленському надсилали повістки чотири рази.

«Для призову під час мобілізації громадянину Зеленському В.О. надсилалися повістки: 15.04.2014, 23.06.2014, 15.08.2014, 10.05.2015 за адресою, визначеною у його облікових документах. Громадянин Зеленський В.О. до військового комісаріату за його викликом не прибував», – інформує Міноборони.

Генеральний штаб ЗСУ заявив про проведення перевірки щодо проходження військової служби кандидата на посаду президента України Володимира Зеленського. Про це мовиться у повідомленні на сайті Міноборони.

За даними міністерства, це було зроблено на запит народних депутатів від фракцій «Блок Петра Порошенка» Олександра Бригинця, Юлія Мамчура, «Народний фронт» Тетяни Чорновол та позафракційного депутата Віктора Бондаря.

«Інформуємо, що громадянин Зеленський В.О. перебуває на військовому обліку військовозобов’язаних у Металургійно-Довгинцівському об’єднаному районному територіальному центрі комплектування та соціальної підтримки міста Кривого Рогу з 22.12.2008 року і по теперішній час, військове звання – солдат, військово-облікова спеціальність – діловод діловодства. Придатний до військової служби. Військову службу у ЗС України не проходив», – зазначається у повідомленні.

Водночас Римма Зеленська, мати кандидата у президенти Володимира Зеленського, у коментарі «Громадському» телебаченню 13 квітня заявила, що її син давно зареєстрований у Києві, і жодних адресованих йому повісток у Кривому Розі вона не отримувала і не бачила.

У штабі Зеленського цю інформацію наразі не коментували.

За повідомленнями ЗМІ, у квітні 2014 року, якраз через кілька днів після направлення першої зі згаданих Генштабом повісток, мати Зеленського телефонувала йому просто під час його публічної прес-конференції з нагоди представлення нового комедійного телешоу, щоб повідомити про цю повістку. За тими повідомленнями, тоді Зеленський заявляв, що, як військовозобов’язаний, «піде воювати», але стверджував, що документи мали переслати за місцем його проживання в Києві, де він зареєстрований.

Одне з українських видань також навело тоді коментар із Дніпропетровського обласного військкомату, що чоловіки в Україні зобов’язані, змінюючи місце проживання, не тільки оформити нову «прописку» (реєстрацію), але і знятися з військового обліку за старою адресою і стати на облік за новою.

Правда України

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Зе сьогодні став – ЗеЗа, бо Зеленський Засцяв!!!

Кандидат у президенти України Володимир Зеленський 14 квітня не прийшов на дебати зі своїм опонентом, чинним главою держави Петром Порошенком.

Порошенко близько години спілкувався з представниками ЗМІ, попередньо давши Зеленському 40-45 хвилин, на те, щоб прибути на зустріч.

Президент ще раз закликав свого опонента прийти на офіційні дебати, які мають, відповідно до закону, відбутися на «Суспільному» 19 квітня, зазначивши, що він планує там бути. Він також додав, що завтра його та Зеленського запрошено на «Свободу слова» на українському телеканалі, тому вони можуть зустрітися і там.

8 квітня Порошенко запросив свого опонента на виборах президента Володимира Зеленського, а також глядачів і журналістів на дебати на НСК «Олімпійський» – 14 квітня. У відповідь Зеленський заявив, що зустріч на стадіоні має відбутися 19 квітня.

Голова НСТУ Зураб Аласанія заявляв, що офіційні, передбачені відповідною статтею закону про вибори президента дебати не можуть пройти на національному спортивному комплексі «Олімпійський» увечері 19 квітня.

За офіційними результатами першого туру виборів президента України, за Володимира Зеленського проголосували 30,24% виборців, за чинного главу держави Петра Порошенка – 15,95% виборців. Другий тур відбудеться 21 квітня.

Правда України

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Finnish Social Democrats Score First in Advance Voting in Election

Finland’s leftist Social Democrats won first place in advance voting ahead of Sunday’s parliamentary election, with 18.9 percent of the votes, after 35.5 percent of ballots had been counted, justice ministry data showed.

The center-right National Coalition of outgoing Finance Minister Petteri Orpo came in second, with 17.2 percent of the advance ballots. The Center Party of outgoing Prime Minister Juha Sipila scored third, with 15.4 percent.

The nationalist True Finns party came in fourth, with 15.1 percent of the vote.

About 36 percent of voting-age Finns cast their votes in a seven-day advance voting period that ended on Tuesday.

The results from these votes are often skewed due to differences in voter behavior in different regions.

Public broadcaster Yle is expected to publish its forecast of the final election result at 1830 GMT.

With the top contenders running close, the final results could still show another group winning and getting the first shot at forming government.

The Finns’ strong showing further complicates coalition talks, with most party leaders ruling out any cooperation with them.

At the stake in the election is the future shape of Finland’s welfare system, a corner of its social model, which the leftist want to preserve through tax hikes and the center-right wants to see streamlined because of rising costs.

The Finns call for limits on the country’s environmental policies, arguing the nation has gone too far in addressing issues such as climate change at its own expense, as well as a revamp of its immigration stance.

With the European Parliament election less than two months away, the Finnish ballot is also being watched in Brussels.

A strong result for the Finns Party could bolster a nationalist bloc threatening to shake up EU policy-making.

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Pope Celebrates Palm Sunday Mass

Tens of thousdands gathered at St. Peter’s Square as Pope Francis celebrated Palm Sunday Mass. Palm Sunday marks the start of the holiest and one of the busiest times on the Pope’s calendar. On the day the Church also celebrated the day of the youth, the pope urged young people not to be ashamed to show their enthusiasm for Jesus.

As is tradition, Sunday Mass in Saint Peter’s Square on Palm Sunday began with Pope Francis sprinkling holy water and blessing palm fronds and olive branches for the service in front of the towering obelisk in the center of the square. The Vatican said over 40,000 people were present for the occasion.

The pope wore bright red vestments and held a braided palm as he and many cardinals and bishops took part in a long procession before he held mass at an open-air altar in front of Saint Peter’s Basilica. Palm Sunday marks the day Jesus made his triumphant entry into Jerusalem.

Pope Francis began his homily by saying, “Joyful acclamations at Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem, followed by his humiliation. Festive cries followed by brutal torture. This two-fold mystery accompanies our entrance into Holy Week each year.”

The pope said that it was important to resist the temptations of triumphalism and remain humble. He added, “One subtle form of triumphalism is spiritual worldliness, which represents the greatest danger, the most treacherous temptation facing the Church”. The pope said that “Jesus destroyed his triumphalism by his Passion”.

On Palm Sunday, the church also marks World Youth Day. The pope called on young people not to be ashamed to show their enthusiasm for Jesus but at the same time not to fear following “him on the way to the cross.” The Vatican has announced that the next World Youth Day will be held in Portugal in 2021.

Pope Francis asked those gathered at the end of the mass to pray for peace in the Holy Land and all of the Middle East.

Like every year the pope has a busy schedule this week. On Holy Thursday he will visit the prison of Velletri, south of Rome, where he will wash the feet of 12 prisoners. On Good Friday he will lead the Way of the Cross procession at Rome’s ancient Colosseum. And, on Easter Sunday the pope will give his traditional blessing to the city and to the world.



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Assange Lawyer: Ecuador Spread Lies about WikiLeaks Founder

A lawyer representing jailed WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange says the Ecuadorian government has been spreading lies about his behavior inside its embassy in London.

Jennifer Robinson told Sky News on Sunday that Ecuador is making “pretty outrageous allegations” to justify allowing British police into its embassy Thursday in order to take Assange into custody.

Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno withdrew Assange’s political asylum this week, opening the way for his seizure by British police.

Robinson says Assange has had “a very difficult time” since Moreno came to power in 2017.

Assange is jailed in Britain for jumping bail and faces an extradition request from the United States for conspiracy. Sweden also is considering reviving a rape investigation of him.

His next court appearance is May 2 via video link.


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London Police Open Fire as Vehicle Rams Ukraine Embassy Car

Police in London opened fire outside the Ukrainian embassy on Saturday after a man rammed his vehicle into the ambassador’s empty parked car at least twice before being arrested, officials said.

No one was hurt in the incident, which happened early on Saturday outside the embassy building in the affluent Holland Park area of west London, and it was not being treated as terrorism, police said in a statement.

The embassy said in a statement that the ambassador’s empty official vehicle had been deliberately rammed as it sat parked in front of the building.

“The police were called immediately, and the suspect’s vehicle was blocked up,” it added.

“Nevertheless, despite the police actions, the attacker hit the ambassador’s car again. In response, the police were forced to open fire on the perpetrator’s vehicle.”

TV footage later showed a silver car slewed across the cordoned-off road with its driver’s door open and window shattered.

Police said they had been called at around 9.50 am on Saturday to reports of a car having hit several vehicles in the road.

“On arrival at the scene, a vehicle was driven at police officers,” they added in a statement. “Police firearms and Taser were discharged, the vehicle was stopped and a man, aged in his 40s, was arrested.”

The man was taken to hospital as a precaution but was not injured, they added.


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4 EU Nations to Take in 64 Migrants Rescued at Sea

Malta’s prime minister announced on Twitter Saturday that four European Union countries have finally come forward to take in the 64 migrants who were rescued off the coast of Libya by a German vessel ten days ago.

Joseph Muscat wrote that all 64 migrants onboard vessel Alan Kurdi will be disembarked and redistributed between Germany, France, Portugal and Luxembourg thanks to effective coordination by the EU Commission and Malta. He added that “None will remain in Malta, which cannot shoulder this burden alone.”

Officials for the German humanitarian group Sea Eye said it responded to a call made to Alarm Phone, the telephone service migrants can call if they are in distress in the Mediterranean. Sea Eye said the migrants were rescued from an overcrowded dinghy.  

Sea Eye, using a German vessel named the Alan Kurdi, said it was in the area searching for another dinghy with some 50 people on board, which issued a distress call and then disappeared.

The rescued included ten women, five children and a newborn baby.  One young woman was evacuated earlier this week after complaining of dizziness and faintness.

Jan Ribbeck, operations manager of the Alan Kurdi and who is also a doctor, said earlier this week the migrants for the most part had to sleep on deck and were not protected from the weather or the sea water.  

He said the migrants were cold, wet and did not have dry clothes to change into. He added that due to the bad weather, they had to be taken below deck. Since Sunday evening, 81 people were huddled together in a room designed for 20 people.  

Many of the migrants are suffering with seasickness, Ribbeck said.

“It leaves me speechless that Europe is not in a position to spare 81 people such ordeals,” he said as the migrants lingered on the boat waiting to find a safe port.

Italy’s Interior Minister Matteo Salvini said the Alan Kurdi is flying a German flag and is run by a German non-governmental organization and with a German captain and therefore it should head to Germany.

Maltese authorities were informed Tuesday morning about the shortage of water and food and a need for some clothing. Malta allowed a transport to replenish supplies on Wednesday.

Sea Eye spokesman Dominik Reisinger said the “political question about the distribution of the rescued overshadows the human rights” of those onboard.



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US-Turkish Tensions Escalate Over Russian Missile Purchase

With Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan reaffirming his commitment to buy Russian missiles in the face of renewed warnings from NATO ally the United States about sanctions, Ankara and Washington remain on a collision course. Analysts warn that with a July date looming for Ankara to take delivery of the missiles, time is running out to avert a rupture in bilateral ties.

“Turkey must choose — does it want to remain a critical partner in the most successful military alliance in history?” said David Satterfield, the U.S. nominee to be the ambassador to Turkey, speaking at a confirmation hearing Thursday before the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee. “Or does it want to risk the security of that partnership by making such reckless decisions that undermine our alliance?” 

“We tell them [journalists], ‘This is a job done, all is ready,’ ” said Erdogan. He confirmed the purchase of the S-400 missiles as he spoke to Turkish reporters Monday, while returning from Moscow after his third meeting this year with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“It’s like a slow-motion car crash. It’s even difficult now to call Turkey and the U.S. allies, so I am not very optimistic about the relationship,” said former senior Turkish diplomat Aydin Selcen, who served in Washington.

Washington claims the S-400 missiles will compromise U.S.-made military defense systems used by Turkey, in particular the F-35 fighter jet. The Pentagon has warned that delivery of the F-35 planes to Turkey, which is a co-producer of the aircraft, is in jeopardy with any deployment of the Russian missiles.

The U.S. Congress is also warning that Ankara’s procurement of Russian weapons would open the door to financial sanctions, under CAATSA — the Countering American Adversaries Through Sanctions Act. Under the 2017 legislation, Turkish institutions and individuals can be targeted by hefty fines.

Any U.S. fine could rock Turkey’s economy, which is in recession after last year’s collapse of the lira, triggered by the Trump administration’s decision to impose sanctions on Turkey over the detention in Turkey of American pastor Andrew Brunson, who has since been released.

“I don’t think market participants have a very good handle on how high the stakes are,” said analyst Atilla Yesilada of Global Source Partners, “in the bad-case scenario of Turkey-U.S. brinkmanship in the S-400 drama.”

On Friday, the lira fell sharply amid growing investor concerns about U.S.-Turkish tensions and reports of a steep fall in Turkey’s foreign currency reserves. “I fear Erdogan has not been told by his advisers how little foreign reserves Turkey has left,” said an analyst for a foreign bank, speaking anonymously. “Turkey has very little room and time to maneuver now.”

Some analysts suggest Turkey is too important for the U.S. to crack down on. “I was speaking to American diplomats. I told them, ‘It’s America’s choice — do they want to hit Turkey with sanctions that will make an unstable Turkey, that will destabilize the rest of the region?’ ” asked international relations professor Huseyin Bagci, of Ankara’s Middle East Technical University.

Bagci says a lack of clarity by Washington about its intentions exacerbates the current tensions.

“The Americans are confused. What we hear from the American Pentagon, the State Department, is it [the S-400 sale] will create troubles and reduce trust and cause sanctions. But the American president has said nothing,” said Bagci.

“If [U.S. President Donald] Trump says don’t buy [the S-400 missiles],” he added, “it will carry much more political weight. However, as long as there is no statement from the American president, there will probably be no return from this deal.”

The Turkish president’s advisers routinely maintain that the only voice that counts in Washington is that of Trump. They allege dark forces are operating around the U.S. president, seeking to sour ties with Ankara.

Analysts warn that any strategy by Ankara of relying on Erdogan’s relationship with Trump is risky. “There is a danger for Ankara in miscalculating U.S. intentions,” said Selcen. “But the [U.S.] intentions are there, clearly stated, it is also true, Trump did not come out publicly on these issues.”

Berat Albayrak, Turkey’s economy czar and Erdogan’s son-in-law, is due in Washington in the coming days for a series of meetings and conferences. According to Turkish media reports, Albayrak is expected to meet high-level U.S. officials including Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser. The two men reportedly have developed a close working relationship.

“It remains to be seen whether those parties at the Pentagon [and] White House will use this visit by Mr. Albayrak as a last measure to convey once again America’s message on these issues concerning Turkey’s national security,” said Selcen. “But time is ticking, and we’re in the middle of April, and the S-400 is due to be delivered to Turkey in July. So there is not much time.” 

Some analysts warn that Washington has already run out of time. “The S-400s will be delivered; the question is not delivery,” said Bagci. “But the question is: Is it going to be used? It could be deployed to Turkish Cyprus, so it’s not in Turkey. In Turkey, every home has a guest room. So the S-400 could be like a vase in the guest room, not unused.”

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Czech Envoy: Bids Welcome From US Arms Manufacturers

As the Czech Republic moves to boost its arms spending under a proposed defense accord with Washington, its ambassador in Washington says his government hopes U.S. defense contractors will bid aggressively for his country’s business. 


“Obviously, our American friends are [submitting] some tenders for what we intend to buy in the next year. I wish them success,” Hynek Kmoníček told VOA in an interview this week. 


“Nobody says how the tender will end up, but we definitely have the intention to bring as many American military partners to our tenders as possible, because the more competitors you have, the better price you get at the end,” he said. 


Kmoníček said the defense agreement under negotiation is likely to resemble a pact signed several days ago between the United States and Hungary. The U.S. State Department said the Hungary deal “will facilitate greater partnerships to address shared threats and global challenges.” 


The Czech Republic, Kmoníček said, is a nation of just 10 million people, strategically located “on the way from Western Europe to Russia and back.” 


“If you look at our history, it’s not an easy history; everybody liked us, everybody occupied us,” he said in explaining his country’s reasons for pursuing the bilateral defense agreement. 

WATCH: Czech Ambassador: Our Main Defense Partner Is US

“We need friends who understand why we are who we are” and who are willing to form an alliance, he said, adding that the majority of his fellow citizens see NATO as a “seal” of their defense. 


Kmoníček said the Czech Republic has committed to doubling its current defense expenditures in order to reach the NATO benchmark of 2% of GDP by 2024 — a significant increase but one that enjoys popular support in his country. 


“If you look at the opinion of the man in the street, he knows that times have changed, that we’re not living in a world as safe as it was 20 or 25 years ago,” he said.  

WATCH: Czech Ambassador: ‘These Are Our Sons’ 

Ultimately, “what we want to know is whatever we buy for our army” provides the best protection available. “These are our sons,” and ensuring their safety is the government’s obligation, Kmoníček said.   


A second component of the proposed defense accord calls for the Czech Republic to work toward “full compatibility with all the other NATO equipment because you need to synchronize with your partners,” Kmoníček said. 


“The main defense partner for the Czech Republic is the United States, so anything new which will come in that respect is more than welcome.”  


The ambassador said a defense dialogue takes place between the United States and the Czech Republic once a year. He said the new bilateral agreement could be in sight by the time the next round takes place a year from now. 

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Ex-Venezuelan Intelligence Chief Arrested in Madrid for Drug Trafficking

Spanish police on Friday arrested Hugo Carvajal, a former general and close ally of the late Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez, on drug trafficking charges on an arrest warrant issued by the United States, a police spokeswoman said.

The spokeswoman would not provide further details about the charges against Carvajal. In 2008, the U.S. Treasury sanctioned Carvajal for “materially assisting the narcotics trafficking activities” of Colombia’s FARC rebel group.

A court spokesman said Carvajal would appear before Spain’s High Court on Saturday. The court needs to decide within 24 hours of his arrest whether he will be jailed pending a decision on his extradition or if he will be set free.

The U.S. Justice Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Carvajal, head of military intelligence from 2004 to 2008,denounced Chavez’ successor Nicolas Maduro in February and gave his support to Juan Guaido, who in January invoked the constitution to become Venezuela’s interim president. Guaido was later recognized by the United States and dozens of governments, but Maduro remains in office with support of the military and has denounced Guaido as a U.S. puppet.

The U.S. Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), in its 2008 statement, said Carvajal’s assistance to the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia included protecting drug shipments from seizure by Venezuelan anti-narcotics authorities and providing them with weapons.

Carvajal also provided FARC with official Venezuelan government identification documents that allowed its members to travel to and from Venezuela, OFAC said.

In 2014, Carvajal was arrested on the Dutch Caribbean island of Aruba on a U.S. drug trafficking warrant, but the Dutch government accepted Venezuela’s argument that he had diplomatic immunity because he had been nominated consul to Aruba.

In an interview with the New York Times published in February, Carvajal said any dealings he had with drug traffickers resulted from his role investigating them as intelligence chief.

Carvajal said he had met with FARC members in 2001 to engage them as a government negotiator in the kidnapping of a Venezuelan businessman, a trip that had been approved by presidents in both Venezuela and Colombia.

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Продається Chrysler Prowler Roadster Candy Red в Києві!

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На Донбасі гинуть Герої України, а до влади рвуться зе-москалі і зе-похвостичі грабіжників

Увечері 11 квітня в зоні бойових дій на Донбасі під час виконання бойового завдання на Приазов’ї зазнав поранення, несумісного з життям, старший солдат Роман Чибінєєв. Про це повідомила прес-служба базованої в Миколаєві 79-ї окремої десантно-штурмової бригади, командиром відділення в якій був солдат Чибінєєв.

«Полеглий воїн був вправним і навченим військовослужбовцем, який гідно виконував свої обов’язки, був вимогливим командиром і вірним товаришем для своїх побратимів. Влітку йому виповнилося б 30 років», – ідеться в повідомленні.

«Командування та особовий склад військової частини висловлює глибокі співчуття рідним і близьким, слова підтримки брату полеглого – колишньому військовослужбовцю бригади, Герою України Валерію Чибінєєву з приводу невимовної втрати», – вказують у 79-й бригаді.

У штабі операції Об’єднаних сил повідомили зранку 12 квітня, що минулої доби на Донбасі один український військовий загинув і ще восьмеро були поранені.

На Донбасі від 8 березня діє новий режим тиші, про який домовилися на засіданні Тристоронньої контактної групи в Мінську. Цього разу, як і раніше, перемир’я не дотримується і порушувалося відразу в перші години після проголошення.

Збройний конфлікт на Донбасі триває від 2014 року після російської окупації Криму. Україна і Захід звинувачують Росію у збройній підтримці бойовиків. Кремль відкидає ці звинувачення і заявляє, що на Донбасі можуть перебувати хіба що російські «добровольці».

За даними ООН, станом на кінець грудня 2018 року, за час конфлікту загинули близько 13 тисяч людей, майже 30 тисяч – поранені.

Правда України

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Trump: ‘I Know Nothing About WikiLeaks’; US Seeks Assange Extradition

U.S. President Donald Trump said Thursday he has no knowledge of the website WikiLeaks, after the whistleblowing site’s founder, Julian Assange, was arrested in Britain.

The 47-year-old Australian national had been living in the Ecuadorean Embassy in London since 2012, but was ejected Thursday and taken into custody by British police.

Ecuador said Assange had broken asylum conventions by continuing to interfere in other countries’ affairs through the publishing of confidential information.


WATCH: Trump Denies Knowledge of WikiLeaks

Trump was questioned by reporters on the arrest Thursday.

“I know nothing about WikiLeaks. It’s not my thing,” Trump said. “I know there is something to do with Julian Assange, and I’ve been seeing what’s happened to Assange. And that would be a determination, I would imagine, mostly by the attorney general, who’s doing an excellent job. So, he’ll be making a determination.”

On the campaign trail in 2016, Trump repeatedly referred to WikiLeaks after it published hacked emails from the Democrat National Committee. He once declared, “WikiLeaks! I love WikiLeaks,” at a rally in Pennsylvania.

In 2010, WikiLeaks published a cache of more than 700,000 documents, videos, diplomatic cables and battlefield accounts from Iraq and Afghanistan, obtained by former U.S. Army soldier Chelsea Manning, then known as Bradley Manning. They detailed civilian casualties, along with details of suspected terrorists held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Manning was prosecuted under the Espionage Act and jailed in 2010. She was released in 2017, but was jailed again in March 2019 for refusing to testify before a grand jury about WikiLeaks.

​Asylum in embassy

Assange sought asylum in the Ecuadorian Embassy after facing rape charges in Sweden, which have since been dropped. He predicted then that he would face extradition to the United States.

“As WikiLeaks stands under threat, so does the freedom of expression and the health of all our societies,” Assange told a crowd of supporters from the balcony of the embassy.

The United States accuses Assange of conspiring with Manning to access classified information on Department of Defense computers and has requested his extradition from Britain.

Freedom of the Press

Freedom of the press is protected under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, so the precise charges against Assange will be key, said legal analyst Caroline Mala Corbin of the University of Miami School of Law.

“If you break the law while you gather information, that is not protected by the free speech clause. If, however, you publish information — even if someone else has illegally obtained it — the free speech clause does come into play,” she told VOA.

Assange supporter and prominent human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell said Assange must be afforded the rights of other journalists.

“It smacks of double standards, and it has the whiff of a vendetta against WikiLeaks and against Julian Assange,” he said.

British judges will now decide whether to fulfill the U.S. extradition request.

Geoffrey Robertson, an attorney who has represented Assange in the past, said Assange could face up to 40 years in prison if he is extradited to the United States.

“I have faith in the British justice system, and I think he will argue that this is a breach of his right of freedom of speech,” Robertson said.

Assange will first face sentencing for failing to surrender to authorities on sexual assault charges in 2012.

Meanwhile, one of the Swedish women who accused Assange of rape has requested the case be reopened, further complicating the legal case against him.

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Brexit Delay Offers Britain Respite, Enrages PM’s Critics

Pro- and anti-Brexit supporters have vowed to step up their campaigns after European Union leaders have given Britain a six-month extension to Brexit, averting the immediate danger of Britain crashing out of the bloc with no deal. However, it could mean Britain having to take part in EU elections scheduled in May, and there are still few signs that lawmakers will vote on Prime Minister Theresa May’s Brexit deal, further prolonging the political chaos. Henry Ridgwell reports from London.

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Vatican Holds Spiritual Retreat for Peace in South Sudan

Pope Francis has told leaders of South Sudan that peace is possible and urged the country’s leaders to seek what unites and overcome what divides.

At the end of a two-day meeting in the Vatican, the pope shocked those present by kneeling and kissing the feet of South Sudan’s former warring leaders. 

At the end of the two-day meeting in the Vatican, originally proposed by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, Pope Francis told South Sudanese leaders to recognize the enormous shared responsibility they hold for the present and future of their country. 

Those attending the meeting included South Sudan’s President Salva Kiir, vice president and former rebel leader Riek Machar, and three other vice presidents.

The pope called on them to commit themselves to the building of their nation. 

The pope said, “People are wearied, exhausted by past conflicts: remember that with war, all is lost! Your people today are yearning for a better future, which can only come about through reconciliation and peace.”

The pope said this meeting was “something altogether special and in some sense unique,” as it was neither an ordinary bilateral nor diplomatic meeting between the pope and heads of state, nor an ecumenical initiative involving representatives of different Christian communities. Instead, it was a spiritual retreat. 

South Sudan’s civil war, which broke out in late 2013, has killed tens of thousands and displaced more than 4 million South Sudanese from their homes. A peace deal last August has reduced but not stopped the fighting.

One of the South Sudanese religious leaders attending said these were days of intense prayer and deep reflection and of open and frank dialogue and spiritual conversation.

“The leaders leave here renewed and committed to the task of working for peace, striving for reconciliation and seeking justice for the 13 million people, the South Sudanese, whose prayer and hope they all carry.”

Pope Francis told them how he learned last September that a peace agreement for the country had been signed and congratulated political leaders for “having chosen the path of dialogue.” He urged them to implement what has been agreed on.

The pope expressed his heartfelt hope that hostilities would finally cease, that the armistice would be respected, that political and ethnic divisions would be surmounted, and that there would be a lasting peace for all those citizens who dream of beginning to build the nation.

After his speech at the end of the retreat, Pope Francis kissed the feet of the former warring leaders and told them their people are waiting for their return home, for reconciliation, and a new era of prosperity.    

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Retired Pope’s Essay on Sex Abuse Raises Eyebrows, Contradicts Pope Francis

Retired Pope Benedict XVI has published an analysis on the Catholic Church’s clergy sex abuse scandal, blaming it on the sexual revolution of the 1960s and church laws that protected priests.

The essay immediately raised eyebrows, seeming to interfere with or even contradict Pope Francis’ own efforts to confront one of the most critical issues facing the church.

One church historian called Benedict’s essay “catastrophically irresponsible,” because it conflicted with Francis’ own efforts to lead the church out of the sex abuse crisis.

Benedict in 2013 had said he planned to retire to a lifetime of penance and prayer and would leave Francis to guide the church.

U.S. church analysts said the essay, published in the German monthly Klerusblatt, was both flawed in content and problematic on universal church level, exacerbating existing divisions in the church that have emerged between supporters of Francis and Catholics nostalgic for Benedict’s doctrine-minded papacy.

In his introduction, Benedict said both the Vatican secretary of state and Francis had given him permission to publish it. The Vatican press office confirmed it was written by Benedict.

In the essay, Benedict traced the start of the clergy abuse crisis to the sexual revolution of the 1960s, citing the appearance of sex in films in his native Bavaria. He also blamed the crisis on failures of moral theology in that era, as well as church laws that gave undue protection to accused priests.

Benedict wrote that during the 1980s and 1990s, “the right to a defense [for priests] was so broad as to make a conviction nearly impossible.”

As Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Benedict reformed those laws in 2001 to make it easier to remove priests who abused children. Benedict took a hard line against clerical sex abuse as the Vatican’s conservative doctrine chief, and later as pope, defrocking hundreds of priests accused of raping and molesting children.

“Why did pedophilia reach such proportions? Ultimately, the reason is the absence of God,” he wrote.

Francis has blamed the scandal on a clerical culture in the church that raises priests above the laity.

Villanova University theologian Massimo Faggioli said the essay was thin in its analysis by effectively attributing the scandal to the sexual revolution. He said it omitted key cases, such as the Legion of Christ founder’s pedophilia, which began well before then.

“If a pope emeritus decides to stay silent, it’s one thing and can be defended. But speaking and telling a tiny part and a very personal version of the story, it’s hard to defend,” he said on twitter.

“Everything we know in the global history of the Catholic abuse crisis makes Benedict XVI’s take published yesterday very thin or worse: a caricature of what happened during in the Catholic Church during the post-Vatican II period — with all its ingenuities and some tragic mistakes,” he tweeted.

Church historian Christopher Bellitto questioned if Benedict, who turns 92 next week, was being manipulated by others. He said the essay undermined Francis’ own efforts to steer the church out of the crisis.

Bellitto said the essay omitted the critical conclusions that arose from the pope’s February sex abuse summit in Rome, including that “abusers were priests along the ideological spectrum, that the abuse predated the 1960s, that it is a global and not simply Western problem, that homosexuality is not the issue in pedophilia.”

“It is catastrophically irresponsible, because it creates a counter-narrative to how Francis is trying to move ahead based on the 2019 summit,” he said. “The essay essentially ignores what we learned there.”

David Gibson at Fordham University’s Center on Religion and Culture agreed with that assessment.

“For a retired pope to try to undo the critical work of a sitting pope and on such a crucial issue seems … bad,” he said.

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Swedish Prosecutor Receives Request to Reopen Assange Investigation

Swedish prosecutors said on Thursday they have received a formal request to reopen the rape investigation closed in 2017 involving WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, from the legal counsel representing the alleged victim.

“Following today’s media reports that Julian Assange has been arrested in London, the legal counsel in Sweden has requested that the Swedish preliminary investigation regarding rape be reopened,” the authority said.

The request has been assigned to Deputy Chief Prosecutor Eva-Marie Persson, it added.

“We will now look into the matter and determine how to proceed. We cannot pledge any time frame for when a decision will be made,” Persson said in the statement.

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Italy, France Spar Over Escalating Conflict in Libya

France and Italy wrangled on Thursday over how best to tackle renewed conflict in Libya as a bid by eastern forces under Khalifa Haftar to seize Tripoli stalled in the face of strong resistance on the capital’s southern outskirts.

The United Nations said the fighting between Haftar’s forces and troops under the internationally-backed Tripoli government had killed at least 56 people and forced 8,000 to flee their homes in the city in the last week.

A Reuters reporter heard occasional heavy gunfire and explosions as the eastern Libyan National Army (LNA) faced off with forces of Prime Minister Fayez al-Serraj’s government around the ex-international airport and the Ain Zara district.

Officials brought families displaced by fighting on Tripoli’s southern fringes to area schools. Red Crescent workers were heading out rations in one school as gunfire clattered in the distance.

Haftar’s push on Tripoli in Libya’s northwest is the latest turn in a cycle of factional violence and chaos in Libya dating to the 2011 uprising that overthrew veteran dictator Muammar Gaddafi.

After sweeping up from the south, LNA bogged down in Tripoli’s southern suburbs 11 km (7 miles) from the city center.

In Rome, Libya’s former colonial ruler Italy warned France, which has good relations with Haftar, to refrain from supporting any one faction after diplomats said Paris had scuttled a European Union statement calling on him to halt his offensive.

“It would be very serious if France for economic or commercial reasons had blocked an EU initiative to bring peace to Libya and would support a party that is fighting,” Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini told Radio RTL 102.5. “As minister of the interior I will not stand by and watch.”

France, which has oil assets in eastern Libya, has provided military assistance in past years to Haftar in his eastern stronghold, Libyan and French officials say. It was also a leading player in the war to unseat Gaddafi. Italy supports the U.N.-backed government of Serraj.

Italy spars with France

“Some think that the [2011 Nato-led military intervention] in Libya promoted by [then-French President Nicolas] Sarkozy was triggered more by economic and commercial interests than by humanitarian concerns,” Salvini said.

“I hope we are not seeing the same film all over again.” An EU draft statement on Wednesday said Haftar’s attack on Tripoli put civilians at risk, disrupted normalization efforts and risked an escalation with serious consequences for Libya and the wider region. That statement was sidelined by France . French diplomatic sources said Paris did not object to calls on Haftar to halt his advance, but rather had only requested amendments including mentions of the plight of migrants in Libya and the presence in anti-Haftar forces of Islamist militants designated as terrorists by the United Nations.

The latest tally of casualties from the U.N. World Health Organization (WHO) said 56 people – mainly combatants though also some civilians including two doctors and an ambulance driver – had been killed, and another 266 wounded in Tripoli.

In addition, 28 LNA soldiers had been killed and 92 wounded since the start of the offensive a week ago, according to the LNA.

The number of people forced out of their homes by fighting rose to 8,075, the U.N. migration agency IOM said.

As well as the humanitarian consequences, renewed conflict in Libya threatens to disrupt oil supplies, increase migration across the Mediterranean to Europe, scupper the U.N. peace plan for the country and encourage militants to exploit the chaos.

Libya is a main transit point for migrants who have poured into Europe in recent years, mostly by trafficking gangs.

The LNA forces swept out of their stronghold in eastern Libya to take the sparsely populated but oil-rich south earlier this year, before heading towards Tripoli, where Serraj’s U.N.-backed government sits.

Haftar was among the officers who helped Gaddafi seize power in a 1969 coup before parting ways with him later. But critics call Haftar another strongman in Gaddafi’s mold.

Haftar has resisted U.N. pressure to accept a power-sharing settlement to stabilize the country, using his leverage as a Western ally against militant Islam in North Africa.

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EU Offers May Brexit Pause to Oct. 31, Diplomats Say

European Union leaders agreed on Thursday to grant British Prime Minister Theresa May a new Brexit deadline of Oct. 31, diplomats told Reuters after French President Emmanuel Macron opposed summit efforts to give her another year.

Summit chair Donald Tusk tweeted that an extension had been agreed upon but gave no details as he went to brief May on the outcome and seek her necessary agreement to the deal.

The late-night deal means Britain will not crash out of the bloc on Friday and gives May more than the three months she had asked for to build a parliamentary majority behind the withdrawal treaty she negotiated with the EU last year.

But Macron’s push for a June Brexit, and strong opposition to other leaders’ preference for a much longer extension that might increase the chances of Britain changing its mind to stay in the bloc, meant the meeting ended up with the October compromise.

Oct. 31 would correspond to the end of the five-year mandate of the present EU Executive Commission.

Leaders would meet again in June, EU diplomats said, to assess the situation. Britain could have left by then if May succeeds in building a coalition for her deal with the Labour opposition — though there is no sign of agreement yet.

In order to continue as an EU member beyond June 1, May has agreed to organize British elections to the European Parliament on May 23, though it is still unclear if that vote will go ahead and how far it might turn into a virtual second referendum on EU membership that some hope could mean a British cancellation of Brexit.

Late-night wrangling

Other leaders had all but ruled out pitching Britain, and parts of the EU economy, into chaos on Friday. But a drive by Macron to keep London on a tight leash with an extension no longer than to June saw the emergency summit bogged down in late-night wrangling as German Chancellor Angela Merkel and others argued the merits of granting up to a year.

As at a summit last month that put back Brexit for two weeks, several EU diplomats said May failed to persuade her peers that she could definitely break the paralysis of repeated failures to ratify the treaty within the coming months.

But Macron had told reporters on arrival that he was concerned that letting Britain stay in the bloc longer, notably if it takes part in elections to the European Parliament on May 23-26, posed a serious risk to the functioning of the Union.

“Nothing can be taken for granted,” the French president warned.

French officials said the EU faced “blackmail” by hard-line pro-Brexit potential successors to May, such as Boris Johnson. The thinking was that they might try to sabotage decision-making, so any longer EU membership must come with tighter commitments from Britain to play fair than were so far drafted into a summit accord.

An aide to Macron warned that France could even be ready to let Britain crash out without a treaty to avoid legal limbo and provide a transition to new trading terms: “Not everything is preferable to a no-deal. A no-deal situation is a real option.”

Laughter with Merkel

However, Merkel has urged the bloc to do all it can to avoid such disruption. She said before leaving Berlin that she favored a delay of “several months” for May, who has pledged to quit if hard-core Brexit supporters in her own Conservative Party drop objections to her “soft Brexit” and help ratify the deal.

Keen to ease tension, Merkel had broken the ice as talks began by showing May a photo montage on a tablet of both wearing similar jackets when addressing their parliaments earlier in the day. It provoked mutual laughter as other leaders joined in.

As talks wore on beyond midnight, with May patiently waiting elsewhere in the building for word on her nation’s fate, Macron rallied support for his concerns about a long extension.

May said on arrival that she did not want a long delay: “I want us to be able to leave the European Union in a smooth and orderly way as soon as possible,” she told reporters.

Her EU peers, however, are skeptical about her ability to break the deadlock soon and discussed a proposal by Tusk of a “flextension” of nine months to a year. This, some argued, could increase pressure on May’s pro-Brexit critics to back her deal rather than risk Brexit fizzling out.

EU leaders are exasperated with May’s handling of a tortuous and costly divorce that is a distraction from ensuring the bloc can hold its own against global economic challenges.

Across from the summit venue, the EU executive celebrated its part in funding a global project that produced the first picture of a black hole, prompting no shortage of ironic comments on social media about the juxtaposition.

Blogger Eliot Higgins tweeted: “We’re now more certain about what black holes look like than what Brexit looks like.”

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May to Ask EU for Brexit Delay, Macron Says No Guarantee

Just two days away from a potentially calamitous no-deal Brexit, European Union leaders were moving closer to granting the United Kingdom a new delay — possibly of up to a year — to its departure from the bloc.

British Prime Minister Theresa May headed Wednesday into an emergency EU summit, pleading for a second extension until June 30, but indicated she could accept a longer extension as many EU leaders have called for.

“What is important is that any extension enables us to leave at the point at which we ratify the withdrawal agreement,” May said as she arrived in Brussels. She added she was hopeful it could be as soon as May 22.

Most EU leaders indicated they could accept such an extension as long as Britain pledges not to use it to play an obstructionist course and undermine EU policies.

French president Emmanuel Macron was more critical, saying that no extension was guaranteed as long as there was no assurance that Britain would not upset EU policies during any transition.

“Nothing is decided,” Macron said upon arrival at the EU summit and insisted on “clarity” from May about what Britain wants, because, he said, “nothing should compromise the European project.”

According to the latest draft conclusions, Britain would be required to act “in a constructive and responsible manner throughout this unique period” of extended withdrawal, and would have to show “sincere cooperation.” It would have to act in “a manner that reflects its situation as a withdrawing member state.”

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said the EU had “expectations” of Britain so that EU institutions can continue functioning “seamlessly.”

The issue came up after some British Conservative politicians threatened to become obstructionist. One of them, Mark Francois, said that if the U.K. remained in the bloc, “then in return we will become a Trojan Horse within the EU.”

If no extension materializes Wednesday, Britain would crash out of the bloc on Friday with no deal regulating the departure, unless it cancels Brexit independently. A drastic cliff-edge exit would bring huge costs to businesses and trade across the English Channel and be very cumbersome to travelers as it would likely hit airports, ports, tariff rules and standard regulations overnight.

EU countries, especially Macron’s France, have become increasingly exasperated with the political division and uncertainty in Britain about a way forward. In France, concerns have been growing about how badly a hard Brexit would hit the French economy.

Among conditions France is now setting to agree to a new delay: A “credible prospect” of some kind of solution to the British political deadlock; a promise that Britain won’t keep asking for more delays; and guarantees that Britain would not be involved in future EU decisions while its Brexit drama is playing out.

The bloc’s leaders have tried to help May over two years of negotiations, even after she missed her hand-picked Brexit departure date on March 29 because of a parliamentary revolt.

May’s future is uncertain whatever the EU decides.

She has previously said that “as prime minister” she could not agree to let Britain stay in the EU beyond June 30, and she has also promised to step down once Brexit is delivered.

Many Conservative Party lawmakers would like her to quit now and let a new leader take charge of the next stage of Brexit. But they can’t force her out until the end of the year, after she survived a no-confidence vote in December.

Every British initiative to get a deal so far has floundered. Several days of talks between May’s Conservative government and the main opposition Labour Party aimed at finding a compromise have failed to produce a breakthrough.

Labour favors a softer Brexit than the government has proposed, and wants to retain a close economic relationship with the bloc.

The two sides said they would resume their discussions after Wednesday’s EU summit.

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