01001, Київ, Україна

У Росії вперше виявили понад 200 тисяч випадків COVID-19 за добу

Зростання числа хворих у країні розпочалося після новорічних свят. Медики повʼязують це із поширенням нового штаму «омікрон»

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Занедбаний стан техніки для ремонту колій призвів до зниження швидкості й рівня безпеки на «Укрзалізниці» – «Схеми»

Машини австрійського виробника Plasser&Theurer через неналежне обслуговування виходять в ладу, що впливає на швидкість та безпеку руху потягів

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Головне на ранок: ДТП Ярославського, російська морська блокада та зустріч радників «нормандського формату»

Тим часом Великобританія розширила перелік пов’язаних з Росією осіб, які опиняться під санкціями в разі вторгнення в Україну, повідомляє Reuters

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Помер французький вірусолог Монтаньє, який відкрив ВІЛ

Люк Монтаньє у 2008 році отримав Нобелівську премію з медицини

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US Plans Half Million EV Charging Stations Along Highways

Several senior members of President Joe Biden’s administration led the charge Thursday for a significant practical expansion of the nationwide use of electric vehicles.

The federal government is “teaming up with states and the private sector to build a nationwide network of EV chargers by 2030 to help create jobs, fight the climate change crisis, and ensure that this game-changing technology is affordable and accessible for every American,” said Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg outside the headquarters of the U.S. Department of Transportation.

In the largest investment of its kind, the Biden administration is to distribute $5 billion to begin building up to a half million roadside rapid charging stations across the country for electric cars and trucks.

To rid EV drivers of “range anxiety,” there will be a “seamless network” of charging stations along the nation’s highways, said Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm.

“Most of them will have more than one [charging] port associated with them,” Granholm added.

“The future is electric, and this administration is moving toward it at lightning speed,” she said.

“Soon we’ll be rolling out an additional two and a half billion [dollars] for a new grant program with even more funding for chargers at the community level across the country,” Buttigieg announced.

Most EVs are hampered from driving long distances by the gap between charging stations and the time it takes to recharge their batteries, which have limited range. Most new electric cars can travel about 500 kilometers or less between charging stops, although some models with ranges beyond 800 kilometers are set to come on the market in the next several years.

The federal money being distributed will “help states create a network of EV charging stations along designated Alternative Fuel Corridors, particularly along the Interstate Highway System,” according to the Transportation Department.

It is estimated that nearly $40 billion will need to be spent to build public charging stations to reach the goal of 100% EV sales in the United States by 2035.

Some analysts see a bumpy road toward Biden’s clean energy destination.

“EVs do not necessarily generate lower carbon emissions than gasoline-powered vehicles,” said Jeff Miron, vice president of research at the Cato Institute, a public policy think tank. “The energy needed to charge batteries comes from somewhere, and in some parts of the country, that source tends to be coal, which generates even more carbon than gasoline,” he told VOA.

“Building charging stations will lower the cost of using EVs, which might encourage more driving,” added Miron, who is also a senior lecturer in economics at Harvard University. “More generally, unless an anti-carbon policy raises the price of using carbon-based fuels, it is unlikely to be the most efficient way to reduce carbon emissions.”

To tap the funds, the 50 states must submit an EV Infrastructure Deployment Plan by August 1, with approvals from the federal government to come by the end of the following month.

The federal guidance requests that states explain how they will deliver projects with at least 40% of the benefits going to disadvantaged communities.

The Biden White House has an initiative named “Justice40,” which calls for a minimum of 40% of the federal funds for climate mitigation and clean energy to go to disadvantaged areas.

The initial $5 billion in funds for the public charging stations comes from the $1 trillion infrastructure law. The investment is seen as a significant contribution toward the president’s stated goal of cutting carbon emissions caused by transportation and ensuring half of new cars are electric by 2030.

“We will have to expand both the transmission grid as well as the sources of clean energy that we add to it in order to get to the president’s goal,” acknowledged Granholm.

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В ОПУ розповіли про нову розмову Зеленського із генсекретарем НАТО

Йшлося про дипломатичні заходи, яких Україна та НАТО вживають у відповідь на загрози з боку Росії, повідомили в ОПУ

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Зустріч радників лідерів «нормандського формату» у Німеччині триває понад 6 годин – журналіст

Очікуваний за підсумками зустрічі у посольстві України в Німеччині брифінг голови Офісу президента Андрія Єрмака переносився вже кілька разів

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Британія розширила санкційне законодавство проти РФ через можливе вторгнення в Україну – Reuters

Прем’єр Британії Борис Джонсон також заявив, що нарощування Росією військових сил біля кордонів України спровокувало найсерйознішу безпекову кризу в Європі за останні десятиліття

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Президент Туреччини одужав від COVID-19

Реджеп Таїп Ердоган і Володимир Зеленський зустрілися у Києві 3 лютого, через два дні турецький лідер повідомив про позитивний тест на COVID-19

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У Празі почалися слухання справи щодо екстрадиції росіянина Франчетті

Росіянин Олександр Франчетті не був присутній у суді – через карантинні обмеження він долучився до судового засідання за допомогою відеозв’язку

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СБУ повідомила, що російські спецслужби замовили українських «тітушок» для провокацій у РФ

За участь у провокаціях учасникам обіцяли по 4 тисячі доларів, кажуть в СБУ

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Данія заявила про готовність розмістити американські війська на своїй території

Американські військові вже розмістили війська у кількох європейських країнах, зокрема в Німеччині, Бельгії та Великобританії

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Кулеба закликав ОБСЄ підготувати доповідь щодо паспортизації жителів ОРДЛО з боку РФ

За даними секретаря РНБО, кількість російських паспортів, виданих на окупованих територіях, сягнула 630 тисяч

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Росія: 16-річній дитині дали 5 років колонії за «підрив будівлі ФСБ» у компʼютерній грі Minecraft

Двоє інших підсудних підлітків звільнені від відповідальності, як стверджується, через те, що вони сприяли слідству

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У Вірменії затримали 19 осіб, підозрюваних у шпигунстві з використанням сервісу знайомств

У рамках операції передбачалося, що сервіс отримуватиме платежі за передачу секретних даних іноземним спецслужбам з мобільних пристроїв

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Міноборони закликало партнерів України дати «сильну відповідь» Росії на блокування в морі

«Коли кораблі Росії не зможуть спокійно заходити в цивілізовані порти, вони зрозуміють ціну своєї нахабності»

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У Берліні 10 лютого зустрінуться радники голів держав «нормандського формату»

Лідери «нормандської четвірки» – керівники України, Німеччини, Франції і Росії – востаннє проводили зустріч 9 грудня 2019 року в Парижі

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Головне на ранок: допомога США, COVID-19, НАБУ заявило про корупцію в Київраді

Про ці та інші новини – в огляді Радіо Свобода

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У Болгарії відбулася акція проти дій Кремля щодо України

Серед учасників заходу, за інформацією видання Factor.bg, були політики, громадські діячі, журналісти, а також російські та українські громадяни, які живуть у Болгарії

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Литва попросить США про постійну військову присутність – президент Науседа

З 2019 року Сполучені Штати здійснюють регулярні ротації кількістю приблизно по 500 солдатів одночасно в Литві

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Satellite Losses Show Threat Solar Storms Pose to Tech

As if we didn’t have enough to worry about: Some scientists are warning about the inevitable catastrophic effects on modern life from a super-sized solar storm.

These outbursts from the sun, which eject energy in the form of magnetic fields and billions of tons of plasma gas known as “flares,” are unpredictable and difficult to anticipate.

The Earth suffers a devastating direct hit every century or two, according to recent analysis of scientific data and historic accounts. In the past, these were mainly celestial events with spectacular aurora light shows but scant impact on humanity. Modern technology, however, is vulnerable to the shocks from extreme solar storms.

“It’s not as rare as an asteroid or a comet hitting the Earth, but it’s something that really needs to be dealt with by policymakers,” said Daniel Baker, distinguished professor of planetary and space physics at the University of Colorado. “Certainly, in the longer term, it’s not a question of if but when.”

Astrophysicists estimate the likelihood of a solar storm capable of causing catastrophe to be as high as 12% in a decade.

“It’s just a matter of time,” according to professor Raimund Muscheler, chair of quaternary sciences in the geology department of Lund University in Sweden. “One has to be aware of it and one has to calculate the risks and be prepared as much as possible.”

A new study of ancient ice samples conducted by the Swedish scientist concludes that a previously unknown, huge solar storm about 9,200 years ago would have crippled communications if it had hit Earth in modern times.

“A failure in one kind of sector can propagate through the system and affect a lot of other things, and I think that’s probably the thing that worries me most about storms is that they can be widespread and can have consequences in all kinds of systems that that we might not otherwise think about,” Baker said.

A relatively minor solar storm, that caused a disturbance in the Earth’s magnetic field, is blamed for the loss of as many as 40 of the 49 Starlink internet-access satellites launched February 3 from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

Phases of disturbance

When the sun shoots out energy, it affects Earth in phases. The first occurs here eight minutes after the solar event 150 million kilometers away, the time it takes light to travel from the sun.

The initial trouble occurs on the daylight side of the planet from the early arriving X-rays, which dramatically disrupt the ionosphere — where the Earth’s atmosphere meets space — and radio communications. They also create additional drag on some satellites, degrading their orbits, which is what happened to the Starlink satellites.

In subsequent minutes and hours, highly charged particles unleash a radioactive storm, posing a danger to astronauts in orbit.

The third phase, known as the coronal mass ejection — gas and magnetic field explosions on the surface of the sun — disturbs the planet’s magnetosphere, lighting up the sky and inducing electrical currents on the surface, which can overload power grids and speed corrosion of pipelines.

“The geomagnetic storm can actually cause transformers to burn through if they are not adequately protected,” said Muscheler of Lund University.

The power industry in North America has taken steps in recent years to harden its infrastructure to protect from the dangerous surges. U.S. government agencies have a program to deploy emergency transformers to replace those that would fail.

“Although the U.S. government has estimated the cost of a severe space weather event to be in the billions, this worst-case scenario is typically not considered by most policy planners,” said Sangeetha Abdu Jyothi, assistant professor in the computer science department at the University of California, Irvine. “In short, the risk is well-known, but not always considered during design and planning in most cases.”

Long-distance fiber-optic and submarine telecommunications cables at higher latitudes, where the Earth is more exposed, can also suffer serious damage.

“The U.S. is highly susceptible to disconnection from Europe,” Jyothi wrote in a recent research paper. “Europe is in a vulnerable location but is more resilient due to the presence of a larger number of shorter cables. Asia has relatively high resilience with Singapore acting as a hub with connections to several countries.”

The sun frequently hurls big flares at Earth, but most are not large enough to wreak havoc or don’t strike the planet directly. But, as SpaceX experienced this week, even some of the less severe flares can neutralize satellites.

“The timing is unfortunate for SpaceX,” said Bill Murtagh, program coordinator for the Space Weather Prediction Center of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. He added that the 1,500 SpaceX satellites already in orbit were not affected.

Any major solar storm poses a threat to Global Positioning System satellites, which provide accurate time signals and precise navigation, technology critical in modern life from agriculture to aviation.

A big storm can also trigger ozone depletion, meaning there are possible effects on the terrestrial climate, according to atmospheric scientists.

Previous disruptions

The societal reactions to the solar outbursts of past centuries now seem quaint, although they were sensational events at the time.

When an intense geomagnetic storm hit the Earth in September 1859, known as the Carrington Event, telegraph systems across North America and Europe failed and some operators reported receiving electrical shocks.

A solar storm in March 1989 caused power failures in Quebec, Canada.

The Halloween Storms of 2003 affected more than half of the orbiting satellites, and disrupted aviation for more than a day because planes could not be accurately tracked. Electrical service was also knocked out in parts of Europe for several hours, and transformers in South Africa were permanently damaged.

Since the Carrington Event, state-of-the-art communication has gone from the telegraph to the internet.

“Are we ready for a Carrington class event? No, we still have work to do,” Murtagh of NOAA told VOA.

“While the frequency of climate disasters is increasing gradually, we will be caught by surprise by an extreme solar event that causes significant disruptions. Most people alive today have never experienced an extreme space weather event that has a global impact during our lifetime,” Jyothi of University of California-Irvine told VOA.

She also warned that solar superstorms could cause large-scale internet outages covering the entire globe and lasting several months.

The geomagnetic storms tend to happen more frequently when there are more sunspots (each such freckle on the sun being about the size of Earth). The sun is heading into a new cycle, meaning there is an increasing likelihood of disruptive events as this cycle ramps up to its predicted peak in July 2025.

“We’re going to see more sunspots, more solar flares, more eruptions and consequently more effects on technology here on Earth,” Murtagh said.

Intensity levels

One bit of good news: Solar scientists predict this cycle will be less intense than the most active cycles of past centuries.

Society in the 21st century, however, seems unprepared for the consequences of cascading inter-connected technological failings likely to be caused by future major storms.

“The sun is the giver of life, but it can be cruel too — especially on the technology we rely on for so much of what we do today,” Murtagh said.

Congress passed a bill in 2020 directing the National Science Foundation, NASA and the Defense Department to continue supporting basic research related to space weather.

Some other governments seem less focused on the issue.

Baker recalls a letter he received from a concerned woman in France who contacted officials there for advice on how to prepare for a major geo-magnetic storm.

“We suggest you buy a chocolate cake, eat it and wait for the end of the world,” she was told, according to Baker.

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China Suspected of Cyberattacks Targeting US Organizations

Media giant News Corp is investigating a cyberattack that has accessed the email and documents of some of its employees and journalists.

On Friday, New York-based News Corp, whose entities include The Wall Street Journal and the New York Post, sent an internal email to staff, stating that it had been the target of “persistent nation-state attack activity.”

“On January 20th, News Corp discovered attack activity on a system used by several of our business units,” David Kline, News Corp chief technology officer, wrote in the email.

News Corp said that as soon as it discovered the attack, it notified law enforcement and launched an investigation with the help of Mandiant, a cybersecurity firm.

The cyberattack affected a “limited number of business email accounts and documents” from News Corp headquarters as well as its News Technology Services, Dow Jones, News UK and New York Post businesses.

“Our preliminary analysis indicates that foreign government involvement may be associated with this activity, and that some data was taken,” Kline wrote. “We will not tolerate attacks on our journalism, nor will we be deterred from our reporting.”

“Mandiant assesses that those behind this activity have a China nexus, and we believe they are likely involved in espionage activities to collect intelligence to benefit China’s interests,” Dave Wong, Mandiant vice president and incident responder, said in an email to VOA.

Wong’s suspicion echoed that of human rights groups, which have also faced an increase in cyberattacks thought to originate from a “foreign government” they also believe is China.

Liu Pengyu, spokesperson for the Chinese Embassy in the U.S., told VOA in an email Friday that rather than making allegations based on speculations, he hoped there could be “a professional, responsible and evidence-based approach” to identifying cyberattacks.

“China is a staunch defender of cybersecurity and has long been a main victim of cyberthefts and attacks,” Liu said. “China firmly opposes and combats cyberattacks and cybertheft in all forms.”

Rights groups targeted

Cyberattacks might be used to intimidate those who are critical of the Chinese government, according to Peter Irwin, senior program officer for advocacy and communications at Uyghur Human Rights Project (UHRP) in Washington.

“They might want journalists to think twice before they continue to do critical work uncovering issues in the country,” Irwin told VOA, adding that his organization had also seen a major spike in cyberattacks believed to be from China in recent weeks, targeting its website and staff email.

Uyghur rights groups such as UHRP have been calling for a boycott of the Beijing Winter Olympics on social media, using the hashtag #GenocideGames and citing allegations of human rights abuses of Uyghurs and other Turkic ethnic groups in Xinjiang, where China has been accused of arbitrarily detaining more than 1 million people in internment camps.

On Tuesday, The Wall Street Journal reported that pro-China accounts had flooded Twitter messages with the #GenocideGames hashtag. Hashtag flooding is the act of hijacking a hashtag on social media platforms to dilute or change its meaning.

In early December, the U.S. announced a diplomatic boycott of the Beijing Winter Olympics, citing China’s “ongoing genocide and crimes against humanity in Xinjiang and other human rights abuses.”

Beijing denies accusations of mass detention and says that all ethnic groups in Xinjiang “live in together in harmony” and experience “healthy and balanced development.”

Tahir Imin, a Uyghur activist and founder of the Washington-based Uyghur Times, says his news organization has long been the target of cyberattacks he believes are coming from China.

Volexity, a Washington-based cybersecurity firm, stated in a September 2019 blog post that “cyberspace has become a battleground for the Uyghur people. The level of surveillance occurring in China against Uyghurs extends well beyond their borders and has fully entered the digital realm.”

“Recently, especially starting from January 10, 2022, we have seen more cyberattacks by unknown hackers aimed at the main index of English and Chinese websites of Uyghur Times,” Imin told VOA, adding that his organization’s email server had also been the target of similar attacks.


FBI assessment

In a speech at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum in California, FBI Director Christopher Wray said that in the U.S., Beijing had unleashed “a massive, sophisticated hacking program that is bigger than those of every other major nation combined.”

“They’re not just hacking on a huge scale but causing indiscriminate damage to get to what they want,” Wray said. “Like in the recent Microsoft Exchange hack, which compromised the networks of more than 10,000 American companies in a single campaign alone.”

According to Salih Hudayar, president and founder of the East Turkistan National Awakening Movement, a Washington-based Uyghur independence advocacy group, his group’s website has seen a “severe increase” in cyberattacks in recent weeks, especially since the beginning of the Beijing Winter Games.

“It seems, on average, in the past 24 hours (per hour), we had over 15 million attacks against our website,” Hudayar told VOA, adding that most of the attacks were originating from Singapore.

He said he believed Singapore was being used “to mask the true location” of the origin of the attacks. “We definitely think China is behind this attack,” Hudayar said.

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У МЗС Росії назвали умови деескалації ситуації довкола України

У російському зовнішньополітичному відомстві переконані, що Захід «накачує» Україну зброєю

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Ще одна партія військової допомоги від США прибула в Україну – Міноборони

Раніше сьогодні зі США та Британії прибули вантажі з військовою допомогою Києву

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На конференції з безпеки у Мюнхені офіційної делегації РФ не буде – Захарова

Конференція з безпеки в Мюнхені відбудеться з 18 до 20 лютого

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Лідер ЛДПР Жириновський перебуває у тяжкому стані через COVID-19 – російські ЗМІ

Російський політик, родом із Казахстану Володимир Жириновський відомий своєю агресивною риторикою

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Депутата Київради та ще кількох осіб викрили на 1,26 млн грн хабаря – НАБУ

Раніше низка ЗМІ, в тому числі журналіст Юрій Бутусов, повідомляли, що на хабарі впіймали депутата Київської міської ради від «Слуги народу» Владислава Трубіцина. Від нього самого немає ніяких коментарів

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Грузія: Саакашвілі заявив, що таємно зустрічався з Лукашенком у Лондоні

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