01001, Київ, Україна

Москва під надуманим приводом блокує зерновий коридор – Кулеба

«Закликаю всі держави вимагати від РФ припинити голодні ігри та повернутися до своїх зобов’язань»

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Росія «поширює неправдиві заяви епічного масштабу» –  Міноборони Британії

На думку британського відомства, Росія намагається «відволікти увагу від катастрофічного перебігу свого незаконного вторгнення в Україну»

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В ООН відреагували на вихід Росії із «зернової угоди»

В ООН бачили російську заяву про вихід з зернової угоди. Зараз щодо цього тривають переговори із владою Росії

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Авіація ЗСУ 17 разів атакувала позиції армії РФ, знищено техніку та опорні пункти – Генштаб

Від початку доби 29 жовтня російські війська завдали п’ять ракетних, а також сім авіаційних ударів, повідомляє Генштаб ЗСУ

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Київ провів черговий обмін полоненими з РФ – звільнено 52 українців

Андрій Єрмак: «В нас ще багато роботи, але маємо важливий результат – наші вдома. Повернемо всіх»

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Вибухи у бухті Севастополя: міноборони РФ звинуватило підрозділ ЗСУ, який буцімто готували британські військові

Офіційний Київ і українське військове командування зокрема, наразі не коментували заяви російської сторони щодо подій в окупованому Севастополі

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Російські війська не просунулися суттєво в районі Бахмута, хоча стверджують протилежне – ISW

Аналітики Інституту вивчення війни кажуть: російські війська «продовжують свої спроби стерти українську історію, культуру та національну ідентичність в окупованих Росією частинах України»

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В окупованому Севастополі закрили водну переправу після серії вибухів

звуки були схожі на роботу ППО

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Залужний розповів генералу США Міллі, що «противник успіху не має»

Український воєначальник також поінформував американського колегу про ключові завдання ЗСУ

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Березовець і Яковина оголошені в Росії «іноагентами»

У Росії визнання так званим іноземним агентом накладає на організації та людей низку обмежень та вимог, за невиконання яких може загрожувати переслідування, зокрема кримінальне

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Зеленський відповів на петицію про припинення громадянства екссудді Верховного суду, в якого «Схеми» знайшли паспорт РФ

Зеленський доручив профільній комісії перевірити наявність підстав для припинення українського громадянства Богдана Львова

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Шойгу розповів Путіну про «завершення мобілізації». Указ про це Путін не підписував

Міністр оборони Росії прозвітував, що всього призвано 300 тисяч осіб

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Україна отримає новий пакет військової допомоги на 275 мільйонів доларів – Пентагон

Загальний обсяг військової допомоги Україні з боку США з початку повномасштабного вторгнення перевищив 18 мільярдів доларів

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Пристайко повідомив про підготовку візиту нового прем’єра Британії до України

Ріші Сунак офіційно вступив на посаду премʼєр-міністра Британії 25 жовтня

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США: чоловік Ненсі Пелосі в лікарні після нападу

Пол Пелосі перебуває в лікарні і, «як очікується, повністю одужає»

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Заяви Медведєва про енергопостачання є «офіційним зізнанням у тероризмі» – Подоляк

«Про які перемовини тут можна говорити? Із ким?»

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Висловлювання Путіна «ставлять крапку» в питанні пам’ятника Катерині ІІ в Одесі – речник ОВА

На думку Братчука, Путін нагадав, що пам’ятник Катерині Другій в Одесі є «російським імперським наративом»

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У ЄС домовились про заборону продажу авто з двигунами внутрішнього згоряння із 2035 року

Міжнародна екологічна організація Greenpeace розкритикувала угоду, заявивши, що вона лише маскує численні невдачі політиків у боротьбі з кліматичними змінами

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Путін виділив пілотові, засудженому у США за перевезення кокаїну, місце у Громадській палаті РФ

У документі Ярошенка названо «правозахисником та громадським діячем»

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З окупованих міст на Запоріжжі вивезли понад 300 дітей і не повертають батькам – Федоров

Дітей з окупованих територій Запорізької області до Росії вивозять під приводом канікул

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ООН відкинула звинувачення Росії в діяльності біолабораторій США в Україні

Раніше РФ надіслала Раді безпеки ООН проєкт резолюції щодо створення комісії для розслідування «діяльності біолабораторій США в Україні»

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РФ за добу втратила близько 500 своїх вояків на війні в Україні – ЗСУ

Росія за добу втратила в Україні близько 480 своїх військових, повідомив вранці 28 жовтня Генеральний штаб Збройних сил України. Загалом від початку повномасштабного вторгнення російські війська втратили близько 69 700 осіб, йдеться в повідомленні.

Серед інших втрат Росії, за даними Генштабу, такі:

танків ‒ 2640 (9 за останню добу)
бойових броньованих машин ‒ 5378 (+14)
артилерійських систем – 1698 (+8)
РСЗВ – 379
засобів ППО ‒ 192
літаків – 251 (+2)
гелікоптерів – 248
БПЛА оперативно-тактичного рівня – 1401 (+3)
крилатих ракет ‒ 351
кораблів /катерів ‒ 16
автомобільної техніки та автоцистерн – 4088 (+10)
спеціальної техніки ‒ 151 (+!1.

21 вересня Росія вперше за останні шість місяців назвала свої втрати у війні проти України. Міністр оборони Росії Сергій Шойгу заявив, що втрати російської армії у війні в Україні становлять 5937 загиблих.

За даними Пентагону на 9 серпня, від початку повномасштабної війни в Україні загинули чи зазнали поранення 70-80 тисяч російських військовослужбовців.

Міністр оборони Великої Британії Бен Воллес 5 вересня заявив, що втрати російської армії під час повномасштабного вторгнення в Україну сягнули 25 тисяч осіб убитими.

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Ілон Маск офіційно очолив Twitter після придбання компанії за 44 млрд дол

Маск прокоментував закриття угоди щодо купівлі соціальної мережі твітом the bird is freed («Пташка на волі»)

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Timeline of Billionaire Elon Musk’s Bid to Control Twitter

On Oct. 4, Elon Musk reversed himself and offered to honor his original proposal to buy Twitter for $44 billion — a deal he had spent the previous several months trying to wriggle out of. He posted a video of himself arriving at Twitter headquarters Wednesday, and Thursday evening new outlets announced the deal had been completed and Musk had fired at least two top Twitter executives.

If the case has your head spinning, here’s a quick guide to the major events in the saga featuring the billionaire Tesla CEO and the social platform.

January 31: Musk starts buying shares of Twitter in near-daily installments, amassing a 5% stake in the company by mid-March.

March 26: Musk, who has tens of millions of Twitter followers and is active on the site, says he is giving “serious thought” to building an alternative to Twitter, questioning the platform’s commitment to “free speech” and whether Twitter is undermining democracy. He also privately reaches out to Twitter board members including his friend and Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey.

March 27: After privately informing Twitter of his growing stake in the company, Musk starts conversations with its CEO and board members about potentially joining the board. Musk also mentions taking Twitter private or starting a competitor, according to later regulatory filings.

April 4: A regulatory filing reveals that Musk has rapidly become the largest shareholder of Twitter after acquiring a 9% stake, or 73.5 million shares, worth about $3 billion.

April 5: Musk is offered a seat on Twitter’s board on the condition he amass no more than 14.9% of the company’s stock. CEO Parag Agrawal said in a tweet that “it became clear to us that he would bring great value to our Board.”

April 9: After exchanging pleasantries and bonding by text message over their love of engineering, a short-lived relationship between Agrawal and Musk sours after Musk publicly tweets “Is Twitter dying?” and gets a message from Agrawal calling the criticism unhelpful. Musk tersely responds: “This is a waste of time. Will make an offer to take Twitter private.”

April 11: Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal announces Musk will not be joining the board after all.

April 14: Twitter reveals in a securities filing that Musk has offered to buy the company outright for about $44 billion.

April 15: Twitter’s board unanimously adopts a “poison pill” defense in response to Musk’s proposed offer, attempting to thwart a hostile takeover.

April 21: Musk lines up $46.5 billion in financing to buy Twitter. Twitter board is under pressure to negotiate.

April 25: Musk reaches a deal to buy Twitter for $44 billion and take the company private. The outspoken billionaire has said he wanted to own and privatize Twitter because he thinks it’s not living up to its potential as a platform for free speech.

April 29: Musk sells roughly $8.5 billion worth of shares in Tesla to help fund the purchase of Twitter, according to regulatory filings.

May 5: Musk strengthens his offer to buy Twitter with commitments of more than $7 billion from a diverse group of investors including Silicon Valley heavy hitters like Oracle co-founder Larry Ellison.

May 10: In a hint at how he would change Twitter, Musk says he’d reverse Twitter’s ban of former President Donald Trump following the Jan. 6, 2021 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, calling the ban a “morally bad decision” and “foolish in the extreme.”

May 13: Musk declares his plan to buy Twitter “temporarily on hold.” Musk says he needs to pinpoint the number of spam and fake accounts on the social media platform. Shares of Twitter tumble, while those of Tesla rebound sharply.

June 6: Musk threatens to end his $44 billion agreement to buy Twitter, accusing the company of refusing to give him information he requested about its spam bot accounts.

July 8: Musk says he will abandon his offer to buy Twitter after the company failed to provide enough information about the number of fake accounts.

July 12: Twitter sues Musk to force him to complete the deal. Musk soon countersues.

July 19: A Delaware judge says the Musk-Twitter legal dispute will go to trial in October.

August 23: A former head of security at Twitter alleges the company misled regulators about its poor cybersecurity defenses and its negligence in attempting to root out fake accounts that spread misinformation. Musk eventually cites the whistleblower as a new reason to scuttle his Twitter deal.

October 5: Musk offers to go through with his original proposal to buy Twitter for $44 billion. Twitter says it intends to close the transaction after receiving Musk’s offer.

October 6: Delaware judge delays Oct. 17 trial until November and gives both sides until Oct. 28 to reach agreement to close the deal.

October 20: The Washington Post reports that Musk told prospective Twitter investors that he plans to lay off 75% of the company’s 7,500 employees.

October 26: Musk posts a video of himself entering Twitter headquarters carrying a kitchen sink, indicating that the deal is set to go through.

October 27: In a message to advertisers, Musk says Twitter won’t become a “free-for-all hellscape.”  News organizations report the deal to buy Twitter has been completed.

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Elon Musk Completes $44 Billion Acquisition of Twitter

Elon Musk became Twitter Inc’s new owner on Thursday, firing top executives he had accused of misleading him and providing little clarity over how he will achieve the lofty ambitions he has outlined for the influential social media platform.

The CEO of electric car maker Tesla Inc TSLA.O has said he wants to “defeat” spam bots on Twitter, make the algorithms that determine how content is presented to its users publicly available, and prevent the platform from becoming an echo chamber for hate and division, even as he limits censorship.

Yet Musk has not offered details on how he will achieve all this and who will run the company. He has said he plans to cut jobs, leaving Twitter’s approximately 7,500 employees fretting about their future. He also said on Thursday he did not buy Twitter to make more money but “to try to help humanity, whom I love.”

Musk terminated Twitter Chief Executive Parag Agrawal, Chief Financial Officer Ned Segal and legal affairs and policy chief Vijaya Gadde, according to people familiar with the matter. He had accused them of misleading him and Twitter investors over the number of fake accounts on the social media platform.

Agrawal and Segal were in Twitter’s San Francisco headquarters when the deal closed and were escorted out, the sources added.

Twitter, Musk and the executives did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

The $44-billion acquisition is the culmination of a remarkable saga, full of twists and turns, that sowed doubt over whether Musk would complete the deal. It began on April 4, when Musk disclosed a 9.2% stake in the San Francisco company, making him its largest shareholder.

The world’s richest person then agreed to join Twitter’s board, only to balk at the last minute and offer to buy the company instead for $54.20 per share, an offer that Twitter was unsure whether to interpret as another of Musk’s cannabis jokes.

Musk’s offer was real, and over the course of just one weekend later in April, the two sides reached a deal at the price he suggested. This happened without Musk carrying out any due diligence on the company’s confidential information, as is customary in an acquisition.

In the weeks that followed, Musk had second thoughts. He complained publicly that he believed Twitter’s spam accounts were significantly higher than Twitter’s estimate, published in regulatory filings, of less than 5% of its monetizable daily active users. His lawyers then accused Twitter of not complying with his requests for information on the subject.

The acrimony resulted in Musk giving notice to Twitter on July 8 that he was terminating their deal on the grounds that Twitter misled him on the bots and did not cooperate with him. Four days later, Twitter sued Musk in Delaware, where the company is incorporated, to force him to complete the deal.

By then, shares of social media companies and the broader stock market had plunged on concerns that the Federal Reserve’s interest rate hikes, as it seeks to fight inflation, will push the U.S. economy into recession. Twitter accused Musk of buyer’s remorse, arguing he wanted to get out of the deal because he thought he overpaid.

Most legal analysts said Twitter had the strongest arguments and would likely prevail in court. Their view did not change even after Twitter’s former security chief Peiter Zatko stepped forward as a whistleblower in August to allege that the company failed to disclose weaknesses in its security and data privacy.

On Oct. 4, just as Musk was set to be deposed by Twitter’s lawyers ahead of the start of their trial later in the month, he performed another u-turn and offered to complete the deal as promised. The Delaware judge gave him an Oct. 28 deadline to close the transaction and avoid the trial.

‘Chief Twit’

Since then, Musk has indulged the deal hype. He walked into Twitter’s headquarters on Wednesday with a big grin and carrying a porcelain sink, subsequently tweeting “let that sink in.” He changed his description in his Twitter profile to “Chief Twit.”

He also tried to calm fears among employees that major layoffs are coming and assured advertisers that his past criticism of Twitter’s content moderation rules would not harm its appeal.

“Twitter obviously cannot become a free-for-all hellscape, where anything can be said with no consequences!” Musk said in an open letter to advertisers on Thursday.

Musk has indicated he sees Twitter as a foundation for creating a “super app” that offers everything from money transfers to shopping and ride hailing.

“The long-term potential for Twitter in my view is an order of magnitude greater than its current value,” Musk said on Tesla’s call with analysts on Oct 19.

But Twitter is struggling to engage its most active users who are vital to the business. These “heavy tweeters” account for less than 10% of monthly overall users but generate 90% of all tweets and half of global revenue.

Musk said in May he would reverse the ban on Donald Trump, who was removed after the attack on the U.S. Capitol, although the former U.S. President Donald Trump has said he won’t return on the platform. He has instead launched his own social media app, Truth Social.

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Естонія достроково припинить імпорт нафтопродуктів із Росії

З 5 грудня повністю припиняється транзит російської нафти та нафтопродуктів до Естонії

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Musk Says He Doesn’t Seek ‘Free-for-All Hellscape’ for Twitter

Elon Musk is telling Twitter advertisers he is buying the platform to “help humanity” and doesn’t want it to become a “free-for-all hellscape” where anything can be said with no consequences.

The message to advertisers posted Thursday on Twitter came a day before Musk’s deadline for closing his $44 billion deal to buy the social-media company and take it private.

“The reason I acquired Twitter is because it is important to the future of civilization to have a common digital town square, where a wide range of beliefs can be debated in a healthy manner, without resorting to violence,” Musk wrote, in an unusually-long message for the billionaire Tesla CEO who typically projects his thoughts in one-line tweets

He continued: “There is currently great danger that social media will splinter into far right wing and far left wing echo chambers that generate more hate and divide our society.”

The message reflects concerns among advertisers — Twitter’s chief source of revenue  that Musk’s plans to promote free speech by cutting back on moderating content will open the floodgates to more online toxicity and drive away users.

Friday’s deadline to close the deal was ordered by the Delaware Chancery Court in early October. It is the latest step in an epic battle during which Musk signed an April deal to acquire Twitter, then tried to back out of it, leading Twitter to sue the Tesla CEO to force him to conclude the deal. If the two sides don’t meet the Friday deadline, the next step could be a November trial that would likely lead to a judge forcing Musk to complete the deal.

But Musk has been signaling that the deal is going through by Friday, paying a visit to Twitter’s San Francisco headquarters Wednesday and changing his Twitter profile to “Chief Twit.”

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US Rolls Out Voluntary Cybersecurity Goals

The United States is trying to make it easier for companies and organizations to bolster their cybersecurity in the face of growing attacks aimed at crippling their operations, stealing their data or demanding ransom payments.

Officials with the Department of Homeland Security and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) rolled out their new Cybersecurity Performance Goals on Thursday, describing them as a critical but voluntary resource that will help companies and organizations make better decisions.

“Really what these cybersecurity performance goals present is a menu of options to advance one’s cybersecurity,” Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas told reporters, describing the rollout as a “watershed moment” for cybersecurity.

“They are accessible, they are easy to understand, and they are identified according to the cost that each would entail, the complexity to implement the goal, as well as the magnitude of the impact that the goal’s implementation would have,” he added.

For months, U.S. officials have been warning of an ever more complex and dangerous threat environment in cyberspace, pushing the government’s “Shields Up” awareness campaign, driven in part by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine earlier this year.

They have also called attention to cyberattacks by Iran and North Korea, while warning that both nation states and non-state actors have increasingly been scanning and targeting U.S. critical infrastructure, from water and electric companies to airports, which were struck by a series of denial-of-service attacks earlier in October.

Private cybersecurity companies have likewise warned of a growing number of attacks against health care companies and education and research organizations.

While some bigger U.S. companies and organizations have been able to devote time, money and other resources to confront the growing dangers, U.S. officials are concerned that others have not.

In particular, CISA has worried about small to mid-sized businesses, along with hospitals and school systems, often described by officials as target rich but resource poor because they do not have the money or resources to defend systems and data from hackers.

Officials said the new guidelines, which focus on key areas like account security, training, incident reporting, and response and recovery, and come with checklists, are designed to ease the burden. The officials also said they anticipate the goals will change and evolve along with the threat.

The newly unveiled goals “were developed to really represent a minimum baseline of cyber security measures that if implemented, will reduce not only risk to critical infrastructure but also to national security, economic security and public health and safety,” said CISA Director Jen Easterly, calling them a “quick start guide.”

“[It’s] really a place to start to drive prioritized investment toward the most critical practices,” she said.

According to CISA, many of the new goals are already resonating, including with state and local officials running U.S. elections.

“We’ve been working with them to implement several of these best practices, as well as ensuring that they have the tools and resources and the capabilities to ensure the security and resilience of election infrastructure,” Easterly told reporters Thursday. “I’ve met with election officials even just over the past few days … and they all expressed confidence in particular in the cybersecurity across all of their systems.”

CISA also said Thursday that U.S. states and territories needing more help can take advantage of $1 billion in grants that are being made available over the next four years.

The grants, designed specifically to help protect U.S. critical infrastructure, were first announced last month.

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