01001, Київ, Україна

У Росії заявили про атаки безпілотників у трьох регіонах

Йдеться про Ростовську, Тульську та Калузьку області РФ

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Уряд Британії оголосив про плани «найбільшого за останні 70 років розширення ядерної енергетики»

Ці плани означатимуть, що Великобританія «ніколи більше не буде змушена платити викуп за енергоносії таким тиранам, як Владимир Путін»

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Законопроєкт про мобілізацію вирішили повернути уряду на доопрацювання – Арахамія

За словами Давида Арахамії, депутати одночасно передають уряду пропозиції, напрацьовані у комітеті та у робочих групах

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Мар’яна Безугла повідомила про вихід із фракції та партії «Слуга народу»

Безугла додала, що їй «не потрібна квота заступника голови Комітету Верховна Рада України з питань національної безпеки оборони та розвідки»

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Зеленський прибув із візитом до Естонії

Відомо, що разом із Зеленським до Таллінна прибув і міністр закордонних справ України Дмитро Кулеба

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Рада безпеки ООН схвалила резолюцію, яка вимагає від Хуті припинити напади в Червоному морі

У резолюції, авторами якої є США і Японія, сказано, що щонайменше два десятки атак Хуті перешкоджають світовій торгівлі «і підривають навігаційні права і свободи, а також регіональний мир і безпеку»

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КНДР може продати нові ракети Росії – міністр оборони Південної Кореї

«Північна Корея, яка потребує грошей, активно продає нову зброю, яку хоче Росія»

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Арахамія: рішення щодо законопроєктів про мобілізацію ухвалять завтра на погоджувальній раді

Раніше депутат від «ЄС» Олексій Гончаренко заявив, що фракція «Слуга народу» нібито висловилася за повернення законопроєкту КМУ на доопрацювання

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Засідання Ради Україна-НАТО: союзники окреслили плани надати Києву допомогу на мільярди євро

«Багато членів Альянсу окреслили плани щодо надання додаткових можливостей на мільярди євро у 2024 році»

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У Боснії від влади вимагають протестувати через надання Росією громадянства підозрюваному у воєнних злочинах

«Це ганьба, і необхідно надіслати дипломатичну ноту Росії. Ми запитуємо, кому [Росія] надала громадянство і за які заслуги – за те, що він убивав невинних людей на війні?»

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ООН проситиме 3,1 мільярда доларів на гуманітарну допомогу Україні в 2024 році

«Поки триває війна в Україні і зростають гуманітарні потреби, фінансова підтримка не повинна слабшати»

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How AI Could Act as Boost for Investigative Journalism

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«Поки Москва посилює свої удари, союзники посилюють ППО України» –Столтенберґ на екстреному засіданні в НАТО

Єнс Столтенберґ заявив, що НАТО рішуче засуджує російські ракетні та безпілотні атаки, у тому числі зі зброєю з Північної Кореї та Ірану

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Члени Радбезу ООН кажуть, що Росія використовує свою позицію в ООН, купуючи ракети у КНДР

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Білорусь відправила дітей з окупованих територій України на навчання зі своєю армією

Йдеться про 35 дітей з окупованого Росією українського міста Антрацит

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У Німеччині пошкодження газопроводу на півночі країни розслідують як диверсію

Прокуратура розглядає всі версії того, що сталося

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AI-Powered Misinformation Is World’s Biggest Short-Term Threat, Davos Report Says 

London — False and misleading information supercharged with cutting-edge artificial intelligence that threatens to erode democracy and polarize society is the top immediate risk to the global economy, the World Economic Forum said in a report Wednesday.

In its latest Global Risks Report, the organization also said an array of environmental risks pose the biggest threats in the longer term. The report was released ahead of the annual elite gathering of CEOs and world leaders in the Swiss ski resort town of Davos and is based on a survey of nearly 1,500 experts, industry leaders and policymakers.

The report listed misinformation and disinformation as the most severe risk over the next two years, highlighting how rapid advances in technology also are creating new problems or making existing ones worse.

The authors worry that the boom in generative AI chatbots like ChatGPT means that creating sophisticated synthetic content that can be used to manipulate groups of people won’t be limited any longer to those with specialized skills.

AI is set to be a hot topic next week at the Davos meetings, which are expected to be attended by tech company bosses including OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella and AI industry players like Meta’s chief AI scientist, Yann LeCun.

AI-powered misinformation and disinformation is emerging as a risk just as a billions of people in a slew of countries, including large economies like the United States, Britain, Indonesia, India, Mexico, and Pakistan, are set to head to the polls this year and next, the report said.

“You can leverage AI to do deepfakes and to really impact large groups, which really drives misinformation,” said Carolina Klint, a risk management leader at Marsh, whose parent company Marsh McLennan co-authored the report with Zurich Insurance Group.

“Societies could become further polarized” as people find it harder to verify facts, she said. Fake information also could be used to fuel questions about the legitimacy of elected governments, “which means that democratic processes could be eroded, and it would also drive societal polarization even further,” Klint said.

The rise of AI brings a host of other risks, she said. It can empower “malicious actors” by making it easier to carry out cyberattacks, such as by automating phishing attempts or creating advanced malware.

With AI, “you don’t need to be the sharpest tool in the shed to be a malicious actor,” Klint said.

It can even poison data that is scraped off the internet to train other AI systems, which is “incredibly difficult to reverse” and could result in further embedding biases into AI models, she said.

The other big global concern for respondents of the risk survey centered around climate change.

Following disinformation and misinformation, extreme weather is the second-most-pressing short-term risk.

In the long term — defined as 10 years — extreme weather was described as the No. 1 threat, followed by four other environmental-related risks: critical change to Earth systems; biodiversity loss and ecosystem collapse; and natural resource shortages.

“We could be pushed past that irreversible climate change tipping point” over the next decade as the Earth’s systems undergo long-term changes, Klint said.

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Польща проти продовження торгових преференцій для України – аграрний міністр у листі до Єврокомісії 

У листі до комісара Валдіса Домбровскіса польський міністр сільського господарства Чеслав Секерський дав зрозуміти, що позиція нового польського уряду щодо проблем у торгівлі з Україною мало змінилася

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Президент Литви анонсував коаліцію з розмінування та нові постачання допомоги Україні

«У січні ми знову відправимо в Україну боєприпаси, генератори, системи детонації, а в лютому бронетранспортери М577»

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Британія та США заявляють про відбиття «найбільшої» атаки хуситів у Червоному морі

Центральне командування США повідомило, що атака сталася увечері 9 січня за єменським часомnews

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Дезінформація, ШІ, війна в Україні: Всесвітній економічний форум назвав ризики найближчих 2 років

«Протягом наступних двох років війна в Україні може періодично чергуватися між ескалацією й замороженням»

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В Еквадорі озброєні люди захопили телеканал у прямому ефірі

Напад на телеканал, як пише Reuters, стався після викрадення щонайменше семи поліцейських та серії вибухів у різних містах

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ООН: близько 40% населення України потребуватимуть гуманітарної допомоги в 2024-му

«Щодня гинуть і зазнають поранення цивільні, а їхні будинки і критична інфраструктура руйнуються»

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WSJ: Китай рекордно наростив експорт автомобілів – на тлі попиту в Росії

За даними Китайської асоціації легкових автомобілів, у 2023 році китайські автовиробники продали до Росії щонайменше вп’ятеро більше машин, ніж 160 тисяч одиниць роком раніше

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Cyber ‘Kidnapping’ Scams Target Chinese Students Around the World

WASHINGTON — A recent cyber kidnapping incident involving a Chinese exchange student in Utah appears to be part of an international pattern in which unknown perpetrators, often masquerading as Chinese police or government officials, target Chinese students around the world and extort their families for upwards of tens of thousands of dollars.

In late December, 17-year-old Chinese student Kai Zhuang was reported missing near Salt Lake City, only to be found days later alone and freezing in a tent in the mountains. Authorities have said the case was part of an apparent cyber kidnapping scheme to scam his family in China out of $80,000.

Cyber kidnapping is when perpetrators pretend to have abducted someone to coerce their family into paying a ransom.

“At the heart of it are the heartstrings of the victim, who is told to go run and hide, and the heartstrings of the people who think their loved one is actually in the possession of kidnappers,” said Theresa Payton, CEO of cybersecurity company Fortalice Solutions.

“Virtual kidnapping is, at its very root, manipulative. It is coercive. It is emotionally draining and complex,” said Payton, who is based in Charlotte, North Carolina.

On January 3, just days after Kai Zhuang was found, the FBI issued a warning about criminals impersonating Chinese police officers to defraud Chinese people based in the United States, especially Chinese students.

Around the world

VOA has learned that the cyber scams aren’t targeting only Chinese students studying in the United States.

Over the past year, Chinese students studying abroad in Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom and Japan have also been targeted by cyber kidnapping scams and other cybercrime schemes, VOA found.

In these countries, the perpetrators also often pretended to be Chinese police officers or government officials. Cybersecurity experts said this tactic indicates criminals are leveraging China’s authoritarian system, in which deference to and fear of the police are the norm, to their advantage.

“Chinese people are naturally afraid of the police,” said Han Jiang Du Diao Seng, a pharmacist based in the United States who runs accounts on YouTube and Weibo that are popular among Chinese exchange students.

Han Jiang Du Diao Seng has helped four Chinese students caught up in cyber kidnapping scams, he said. In his experience, he said, scammers posing as government officials tend to approach Chinese students and first ask if they recently received money from their family in China.

If the student says yes, he said, the scammer either claims the money was transferred illegally or that their family is being targeted by criminals, before requiring the student to halt contact with their family during an investigation — all of which is a ploy to then extort money from the family.

Left their homes

In the incidents Han Jiang Du Diao Seng worked on, he said, the criminals coerced all the students to leave where they lived and go stay at a hotel, which helped convince their parents that they were actually kidnapped.

He said that these criminals may be taking advantage of the fact that Chinese parents may be less likely to report the incidents to American police — in part due to language barriers but also due to general distrust among Chinese people of the American police. Chinese state media regularly depict American police as violent and irresponsible.

“You have a fear of government involvement and law enforcement involvement because the relationship to the government is different,” cybersecurity expert Joseph Steinberg said, referring to people from authoritarian countries such as China.

There is no clear data on the number of cyber kidnapping cases in the United States or around the world, cybersecurity experts told VOA, but incidents seem to be rising. Technological advancements, particularly with artificial intelligence, risk making the schemes even easier to perpetrate, they said.

There are different tiers of sophistication in these cybercrime syndicates, according to Payton. At the lower end, perpetrators may use an auto dialer to target random people in hopes of getting a few hundred dollars, she said.

More sophisticated schemes

At the upper end, perpetrators use artificial intelligence algorithms to identify targets and deepfake technology to create photos and audio intended to make victims believe their loved one has actually been kidnapped, Payton said.

“You do not actually have to be technically minded to get into this type of crime. You just have to be a twisted, evil individual,” she said.

AI advancements mean perpetrators don’t even need to speak the same language as their victims, according to Steinberg, who is based in New York City.

“AI is only going to get better, and that means that the attacks will only be more and more realistic,” he told VOA.

Some cybercriminals are just after a quick buck, Steinberg said. “But you have some that are after the big dollars and will spend the time to do the research,” he said.

That may help explain why Chinese exchange students apparently are being specifically targeted.

Payton said that given the complex relationship between the Chinese government and its citizens, as well as other factors such as culture, history and economics, “it is conceivable that global criminal syndicates engaging in such activities as virtual kidnapping may perceive young Chinese adults studying abroad as more susceptible to fall prey to this crime,” Payton said.

In Canada in February 2023, regional police said Chinese students had been swindled out of hundreds of thousands of dollars by scammers claiming to be Chinese government officials.

Similar incidents have played out in Australia, Japan and the United Kingdom. It is not clear whether the perpetrators of any of these crimes are linked in any way. The investigation into the recent Utah incident is ongoing, and it is not clear whether the perpetrators imitated Chinese officials.

China’s embassy in Washington did not respond to that question when VOA reached out for comment.

Warnings from embassies and police

The embassy did urge Chinese citizens in the U.S., especially those studying in the country, to boost safety awareness, take necessary precautions, and stay vigilant against “virtual kidnapping” and other forms of telecom and online fraud.

In the span of two months in Japan last summer, at least six Chinese students were targeted in cyber kidnapping schemes, local police said. The Chinese Embassy in Tokyo issued a warning about the scams in August, urging Chinese citizens in the country to “be wary” and “vigilant.”

Local British police issued a warning about cyber scams targeting Chinese students in September, and the Australian government released a similar warning a month later.

“These criminal syndicates demonstrate a profound understanding of human behavior, potentially leveraging fear tactics to manipulate individuals into compliance and their families into making payments. They are targeting all demographics, but the trend appears to indicate they favor targeting Chinese exchange students studying abroad,” Payton said.

To avoid falling victim to these kinds of schemes, cybersecurity experts recommended families set up a password to verify one another’s identity over the phone during these kinds of scenarios.

“The cyber kidnapping scam very much can happen to anybody, and that’s what people need to be aware of,” Steinberg said.

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US Delays Planned Return of Astronauts to Moon Until 2026

washington — The United States is pushing back its planned return of astronauts to the surface of the Moon from 2025 to 2026, NASA Administrator Bill Nelson said Tuesday.

Artemis, named after the sister of Apollo in Greek mythology, was officially announced in 2017 as part of the US space agency’s plans to establish a sustained presence on Earth’s nearest space neighbor, and apply lessons learned there for a future mission to Mars.

Its first mission, an uncrewed test flight to the Moon and back called Artemis 1, took place in 2022, after several postponements.

Artemis 2, involving a crew that doesn’t land on the surface, has been postponed from later this year to September 2025, Nelson told reporters.

Artemis 3, in which the first woman and first person of color are to set foot on lunar soil at the Moon’s south pole, should now take place in September 2026.

“Safety is our top priority, and to give Artemis teams more time to work through the challenges,” said Nelson.

NASA is also looking to build a lunar space station called Gateway where spacecraft will dock during later missions.

Elon Musk’s SpaceX has won the contract for a landing system for Artemis 3 based on a version of its prototype Starship rocket, which remains far from ready. Both of its orbital tests have ended in explosions.

Delays to Starship have knock-on effects because the spacesuit contractor needs to know how the suits will interface with the spacecraft, and simulators need to be built for astronauts to learn its systems.

And the Artemis 1 mission itself revealed technical issues, such as the heat shield on the Orion crew capsule eroded in an unexpected way, and the ground structure used to launch the giant SLS rocket sustained more damage than expected.

As of March 2023, NASA has agreed to pay approximately $40 billion to hundreds of contractors in support of Artemis, the same watchdog found.

A key difference between the 20th-century Apollo missions and the Artemis era is the increasing role of commercial partnerships, part of a broader strategy to involve the private companies in space exploration to reduce costs and to make space more accessible.

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Білий дім: Росія знову застосувала кілька ракет з КНДР під час атаки по Україні

4 січня Білий дім заявив, що Північна Корея нещодавно надала Росії балістичні ракети і пускові установки для використання Москвою у війні проти України

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«Перейшли до опрацювання проєкту угоди» – ОП про переговори з Британією щодо безпекових гарантій

«Учасники перейшли до безпосереднього опрацювання проєкту відповідної угоди, обговорили її основні елементи й окремі тематичні блоки, а також узгодили подальший графік двосторонніх переговорів»

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