01001, Київ, Україна

Шуфричу продовжили термін арешту до травня – Офіс генпрокурора

Хоча прокуратура не називає імені підозрюваного, обставини вказують на парламентаря Нестора Шуфрича

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ЄС затвердив 5 мільярдів євро на зброю для України

Кошти підуть на спільні закупівлі зброї для України і навчання її військових

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У США можуть заборонити ТікТок: рішення підтримала Палата представників

Ініціатори законопроєкту заявляють, що соціальна мережа збирає конфіденційні дані, які може використати Китай

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Європарламент ухвалив закон, який регулює роботу штучного інтелекту

Рішення встановлює зобов’язання щодо ШІ на основі його потенційних ризиків і рівня впливу

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Кулеба «скоординував дії» із головою МЗС Молдови для затвердження рамки переговорів щодо вступу в ЄС

«Україна зацікавлена в сильній, демократичній, проєвропейській Молдові, і Молдова зацікавлена в такій самій Україні»

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СБУ атакувала три нафтопереробних заводи у Росії – джерело

«Наше завдання – позбавити ворога ресурсів і зменшити потік нафтових грошей та палива, які РФ направляє безпосередньо на війну»

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Влада Росії заявляє про відсутність «диверсантів» у Бєлгородській області та «атаку дронів» 

ТАСС спершу оприлюднило повідомлення про нібито атаку «безпілотника ЗСУ» на будівлю ФСБ у Бєлгороді, згодом видалило повідомлення

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Снаряди з чеської ініціативи почнуть надходити на фронт «в осяжному майбутньому» – голова МЗС

«Кожен політик в Європі має пам’ятати: це не працює так, що ми зібрали кошти на чеську ініціативу, видихнули й сказали: ну, ми все зробили»

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«Зірвати президентські вибори в Росії» – Путін про мету ударів по інфраструктурі РФ

Упродовж останніх тижнів у Росії значно зросло число повітряних атак із застосуванням безпілотників, цілями таких нападів найчастіше є нафтобази, нафтопереробні заводи, а також підприємства, які прямо або опосередковано причетні до виробництва зброї

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Japan Private Rocket Explodes Just After Launch

Tokyo — A rocket made by a Japanese company exploded just after launch on Wednesday, with public broadcaster NHK showing footage of the fiery failure.

Tokyo-based startup Space One had been aiming to become the first Japanese private firm to successfully place a satellite into orbit.

Its 18-meter solid-fuel Kairos rocket blasted off from the startup’s own launch pad in Wakayama prefecture in western Japan, carrying a small government test satellite.

But seconds after the launch, the rocket erupted into a ball of flame, with black smoke filling the launch pad area.

Burning debris was seen falling onto the surrounding mountain slopes as sprinklers began spraying water.

“The launch of the first Kairos rocket was executed, but we took a measure to abort the flight,” Space One said in a statement, adding that “details are being investigated”.

The failure marks a blow to Japan’s efforts to enter the potentially lucrative satellite-launch market.

The government wants to assess if it can quickly launch temporary, small satellites when and if its existing spy satellites malfunction.

Kairos had been hoped to put the satellite into orbit around 51 minutes after launch.

Space One was established in 2018 by a team of major Japanese tech businesses, including Canon Electronics, IHI Aerospace, construction firm Shimizu and the government-owned Development Bank of Japan.

Last July another Japanese rocket engine exploded during a test around 50 seconds after ignition.

The solid-fuel Epsilon S was an improved version of the Epsilon rocket that had failed to launch the previous October.

Its testing site in the northern prefecture of Akita was engulfed in flames and a huge plume of grey smoke rose into the sky.

The malfunction came after Tokyo in March 2023 had seen its second attempt to launch its next-generation H3 rocket fail after liftoff.

Last month though Japan’s space agency toasted a successful blast-off for its new flagship rocket, the H3, after years of delays and two previous failed attempts.

The H3 launched from the Tanegashima Space Center in southwestern Japan, sparking cheers and applause at JAXA control center.

It has been mooted as a rival to SpaceX’s Falcon 9 and could one day deliver cargo to bases on the moon.

That followed Japan’s successful landing in January of an unmanned probe on the moon, albeit at a wonky angle, making it just the fifth country to achieve a “soft landing” on the lunar surface.

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Зеленський анонсував збільшення чисельності прикордонних військ

«Будемо збільшувати чисельність прикордонних військ – і з огляду на поточні завдання захисту від російської агресії, і в розрахунку на довготривалий захист кордонів нашої держави після цієї війни»

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Туск у США: тисячі життів залежать від голосування за допомогу Україні

«Нездатність пана Джонсона ухвалити позитивне рішення коштуватиме тисяч життів. Він несе за це особисту відповідальність»

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У Словаччині тисячі людей вийшли на протест через політику уряду щодо Росії

Організатори оцінили кількість учасників у п’ять тисяч

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Ердоган вважає, що мирні плани без Росії не дадуть «жодних результатів»

Анкара також вважає, що «слід уникати кроків, які призведуть до загострення конфліктів у регіоні, які також поширяться на НАТО»

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Пашинян знову пригрозив вийти з ОДКБ, провідною силою в якому є Росія

Вірменський прем’єр-міністр заявив 12 березня, що ОДКБ має перш за все прояснити свою «зону відповідальності» у Вірменії і взяти на себе зобов’язання захищати її від зовнішньої агресії

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Французькі законодавці після дебатів підтримали безпекову угоду з Україною

Сьогодні документ розглянула нижня палата парламенту Франції, завтра це має зробити верхня

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Scientists in Alaska Develop Cloud-Based Data to Predict Volcanic Eruptions

Scientists in Alaska are developing a cloud-based approach to storing and analyzing data about volcanoes, in hopes of increasing the speed with which they can predict eruptions. Phil Dierking has our story. (Camera and Produced by: Philip Dierking)

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Рада ЄС продовжила індивідуальні санкції за порушення територіальної цілісності України

До санкційного списку ЄС внесені понад 2100 фізичних та юридичних осіб

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US House Expected to Pass Bill Forcing Chinese Company to Give Up TikTok

WASHINGTON — The U.S. House of Representatives is expected to approve legislation Wednesday that would force the popular TikTok video app to either separate from its Chinese-owned parent company ByteDance or sell the U.S. version of the software.

The bipartisan Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act “gives TikTok six months to eliminate foreign adversary control — which would include ByteDance divesting its current ownership — to remain available in the United States,” said Representative Mike Gallagher, chairman of the House Select Committee on Strategic Competition Between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party, and Representative Raja Krishnamoorthi, the top Democrat on the committee.

“All TikTok would have to do is separate from CCP-controlled ByteDance. However, if TikTok chose not to rid itself of this CCP control, the application would no longer be offered in U.S. app stores. But TikTok would have no one but itself to blame,” the lawmakers said in a prepared statement.

Here’s what we know about the legislation and what happens next in the U.S. Senate.

Why is TikTok under scrutiny?

“The concern is that TikTok could transfer personal information to its parent company ByteDance, who in turn could transfer it to the Chinese government,” Caitlin Chin-Rothmann, a fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, told VOA.

Chin-Rothmann said concerns by some members of Congress about the Chinese Communist Party potentially controlling TikTok’s algorithm for propaganda purposes have not yet been proven.

“That’s not to say that, in the future, there’s not a risk that the Chinese government could exert pressure,” she said.

What does TikTok say about the legislation?

TikTok on Monday called the legislation a “ban” and has repeatedly denied the allegations against it. In a statement last week on X, formerly Twitter, the company said the “legislation has a predetermined outcome: a total ban of TikTok in the United States.”

How do lawmakers view the legislation?

The bill has strong support from House Democrats and Republicans, despite congressional offices receiving floods of phone calls from Americans concerned about losing access to the social media app.

House Speaker Mike Johnson told reporters last week, “It’s an important bipartisan measure to take on China, our largest geopolitical foe, which is actively undermining our economy and security.”

What about the Senate?

The bill could face a much harder road to passage in the Democratic-controlled Senate, where Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has said it will face consideration in the appropriate committees.

“I will listen to their views on the bill and determine the best path,” Schumer said in a statement.

Some Senate Democrats, including Mark Warner, chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, have expressed doubts about the legality of singling out a social media app in legislation. He has introduced alternative legislation more broadly targeting apps that collect personal data.

But Warner told CBS News on Sunday that the TikTok app is a serious national security concern.

“If you don’t think the Chinese Communist Party can twist that algorithm to make it the news that they see reflective of their views, then I don’t think you appreciate the nature of the threat,” Warner said.

How do the leading 2024 presidential candidates feel about the bill?

The White House said it welcomes the legislation, even though the Biden campaign joined TikTok recently as an effort to reach out to younger voters.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters the bill ensures “ownership isn’t in the hands of those who may do us harm.”

Former President Donald Trump — who initially called for a ban of the app in 2020 — has now changed course, arguing that Facebook will be empowered if TikTok is no longer available.

“There’s a lot of good, and there’s a lot of bad with TikTok. But the thing I don’t like is that without TikTok, you’re going to make Facebook bigger,” the presumptive 2024 Republican presidential nominee told U.S. cable network CNBC in a phone interview this week.

What happens once the bill passes the House?

Apart from constitutional concerns over preventing U.S. citizens from exercising their right to free speech, the bill could also be difficult to legally enforce and face challenges in U.S. courts.

“Chinese export control laws could potentially prevent the sale of TikTok’s algorithm,” Chin-Rothmann said. “A divestiture would be very logistically difficult, in general. TikTok is one of the largest companies in the world. So, any buyer would have to be very large, as well. They would have to have a strategic interest in purchasing TikTok, and then the merger would have to not raise antitrust concerns in the United States.”

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Данія передасть Україні САУ Caesar, міномети та боєприпаси – Міноборони

16-й пакет допомоги розрахований на 2,3 мільярда данських крон (337 мільйонів доларів США)

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Росія: влада Бєлгорода заявила про влучання дрона в мерію

Також губернатор Бєлгородської області написав про нібито падіння безпілотника на дах торговельного центру в районі залізничного вокзалу

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Президент Румунії вирішив балотуватися на посаду генсека НАТО

Лідери НАТО призначаються на основі консенсусу, тобто всі члени повинні погодитися з остаточним рішенням

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Xi Jinping Sees AI, Unmanned Tech Boosting Military’s Capabilities

Taipei — During China’s top legislative meetings this year, which wrapped up Monday, Chinese leader Xi Jinping ordered the military to develop what he called “new quality combat capabilities,” a phrase analysts say highlights a focus on the use of artificial intelligence, high-tech and intelligent warfare. It also could signal, they say, plans to build forces of unmanned ships and submarines to support military operations.

Speaking at a gathering of the People’s Liberation Army or PLA and Armed Police Force delegates to the National People’s Congress late last week about “new quality combat capabilities,” Xi called on the military to deepen its reforms and promote innovation to enhance strategic capabilities in emerging areas.

During the meeting, six representatives from the military spoke about a range of topics from defense capabilities in cyberspace and the application of AI to the development and use of unmanned combat capabilities.

Chung Chieh with the National Policy Foundation in Taipei said that based on Xi’s remarks at the meeting and comments in past speeches, his “new quality combat capability” seems to refer to intelligent combat capabilities.

“His (Xi’s) current goal is to achieve the so-called integrated development … as fast as possible,” Chieh said.

With the use of AI, for example, militaries are looking to speed up the pace of combat, shorten the time it takes for a range of tasks, such as discovering targets, carrying out strikes as well as near instant operations and even simultaneous control of many unmanned combat vehicles, he said. For major military powers, whoever can master the new combat mode first will gain the upper hand.

A report Sunday in the PLA Daily said that following the meeting, lawmakers highlighted the need to make technology a “core capability” to enhance China’s strategic power.

One lawmaker, Hao Jingwen, talked about how drone swarm technologies in air, sea and land have been developed and successively deployed in regional conflicts.

“China needs to realize the important roles, emerging areas and new quality combat capabilities could play in modern warfare, be aware of their development trends, plan battlefield applications of advanced technologies in advance, and conduct active research in fields such as big data, the Internet of Things and AI, so as to be able to win future warfare,” the PLA Daily quoted Hao as saying.

Ying-Yu Lin, an assistant professor at the Graduate Institute of International Affairs and Strategic Studies at Tamkang University, said that while “new quality combat capabilities” seek to draw on scientific and technological capabilities, it’s hard to say how they’d be used to meet Xi’s standards — or how widely used the capabilities might be in the future.

“In fact, China itself is still trying to figure out how to do it, and it cannot clearly point out what its new quality combat capabilities are. If it wants to fight technological warfare in the future, its training methods and the talents it needs will definitely be a little different from the past,” Lin told VOA.

Lin believes that since new quality combat capabilities are based on technological development, it is bound to eliminate the traditional mentality of military training and recruit high-tech professional talents. However, he said, such talents may have better options with foreign companies or private enterprises and may not want to join the PLA.

During the plenary meeting, Xi also emphasized the need to coordinate preparation for maritime military conflicts, the protection of maritime rights and interests, maritime economic development, and to enhance maritime strategic capabilities.

Analysts said Xi’s remarks revealed Beijing’s ambitions to become a sea-power country and control sea communication lines.

Chieh said taken together the remarks about “new quality combat capability” and “preparation for maritime military conflicts” are a sign that unmanned autonomous ships will be a key development project for the PLA.

“Maybe in the future, at sea, or even in distant oceans, the Chinese Communist Party will use a large number of unmanned vehicles, such as unmanned ships and even unmanned submarines, to support its maritime operations and control of sea lines of communication,” he said.  

Adrianna Zhang from VOA’s Mandarin Service contributed to this story.

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LogOn: Miniature Body Cameras Designed to Combat Crime

Once used mainly by law enforcement, ordinary citizens now have access to smaller, cheaper versions of body cameras to help them feel safe in dangerous situations. Julie Taboh shows us how in this week’s episode of LogOn. 

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Ватикан знову вийшов із заявою після слів папи про «білий прапор»: «агресори мають припинити вогонь»

Держсекретар Ватикану Пʼєтро Паролін стверджує, що папа мав на увазі, що переговори – це прояв не слабкості, а сили

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Єврокомісія оцінює, скільки кроків України на шляху до ЄС вважати завершеними

Олівер Варгеї, як ідеться в проєкті його доповіді, запропонує вважати виконаними два з чотирьох кроків

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Китай, Росія та Іран проводять спільні військово-морські навчання

Деякі офіційні особи США раніше висловлювали занепокоєння щодо посилення військових звʼязків між трьома країнами

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Україна потребує американської допомоги ­– керівники розвідки США

За словами директора ЦРУ Вільяма Бернса, відмова фінансувати військову допомогу Україні буде «масштабною історичною помилкою»

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