01001, Київ, Україна

UK Nerve Agent Survivor Fears Poison Will Soon Kill Him

A British man who was exposed to the deadly nerve agent Novichok said he is struggling with his eyesight and mobility, and fears the poison will kill him within a decade.

Charlie Rowley, 45, fell ill in June near Salisbury, England, after coming into contact with the Soviet-developed nerve agent that was used months earlier to attack former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter. Rowley, Skripal and his daughter survived, but Rowley’s partner Dawn Sturgess, who was also exposed, died in the hospital.

Rowley told the Sunday Mirror newspaper that he was back in the hospital being treated for meningitis. He said he was going blind and unable to use one arm, and said he was “terrified about the future” and what long-term effects the military grade poison would have on him.

“I’m still worried the Novichok could kill me if I get any sort of virus again — it’s on my mind all the time. I’m dreading getting a cold,” he said. “I don’t think I’ll be alive in 10 years. It’s been horrendous.”

Britain accuses Russia of carrying out the poisoning of the Skripals, a claim Moscow denies.

Rowley and Sturgess collapsed after they handled a small bottle containing the nerve agent, believed to have been discarded by the Skripals’ attackers.

Britain charged two alleged Russian military intelligence agents in absentia for the attack. The pair denied their involvement on Russian television.

The Skripals’ poisoning ignited a diplomatic confrontation in which hundreds of envoys were expelled by both Russia and Western nations.


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France’s Macron to Address Nation in Wake of Violent Protests

French President Emmanuel Macron will address the nation on Monday in response to massive, often violent rallies staged by “yellow-vest” protesters across the country for the past four weekends.

Before the speech Monday evening, Macron plans to meet with union officials, local lawmakers and business leaders for talks on formulating a response to the protests that have rocked the country during the holiday season.

Workers across France Sunday cleaned up the debris from protesters who threw rocks, burned cars and vandalized businesses through the weekend.

Earlier Sunday, France’s foreign minister urged U.S. President Donald Trump not to interfere in French politics, following Trump’s tweets on weeks of protests in Paris in which he said:

“Very sad day & night in Paris. Maybe it’s time to end the ridiculous and extremely expensive Paris Agreement and return money back to the people in the form of lower taxes? The U.S. was way ahead of the curve on that and the only major country where emissions went down last year! ”

An earlier tweet from Trump insinuated that protesters in Paris sided with his decision to leave the Paris agreement — a landmark 2015 agreement between over one hundred countries to combat climate change.

“The Paris Agreement isn’t working out so well for Paris. Protests and riots all over France. People do not want to pay large sums of money, much to third world countries (that are questionably run), in order to maybe protect the environment. Chanting “We Want Trump!” Love France.” he wrote.

Nearly 2,000 people were arrested Saturday across France in the latest round of “yellow-vest” protests.

Nationwide, the interior ministry says some 136,000 people rallied against France’s high-cost of living. Protesters also expressed their dismay with the presidency of Emmanuel Macron.

Protests were held in a number of cities besides Paris, including Marseilles, Bordeaux, Lyon and Toulouse.

On Saturday, French Interior Minister Christophe Castaner said violent outbreaks in Paris were “under control” despite ongoing disorderly acts he declared “totally unacceptable.”

France closed the Eiffel Tower and other tourist landmarks and mobilized tens of thousands of security forces for the fourth week of violent demonstrations.

Many shops in Paris were boarded up before Saturday’s protests to avoid being smashed or looted, and police cordoned off many of the city’s broad boulevards.

President Macron made an unannounced visit Friday night to a group of anti-riot security officers outside Paris to thank them for their work.

The protests erupted in November over a fuel tax increase, which was part of Macron’s plan to combat global warming.

French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe called for new talks Saturday with representatives of the “yellow vest” movement. He vowed the government would address their concerns over rising living costs.

“The president will speak, and will propose measures that will feed this dialogue,” Philippe said in a televised statement.

Since the unrest began in November, four people have been killed in protest-related accidents.


While Macron has since abandoned the fuel tax hike, protesters have made new demands to address other economic issues hurting workers, retirees and students.

Government officials are concerned the repeated weekly violence could weaken the economy and raise doubts about the government’s survival.

The “yellow vest” movement was named after the safety jackets French motorists are required to keep in their vehicles, which the protesters wear at demonstrations.

The weeks of protests have exposed intense resentment among non-city residents who feel that Macron, a former investment banker, is out of touch with struggling middle-class and blue-collar workers.

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Порошенко: на адресу Вселенського патріарха надходять погрози з Москви

Об’єднавчий собор Української православної церкви відбудеться 15 грудня в соборі Святої Софії в Києві

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МВФ обговорить співпрацю з Україною 18 грудня

Правління Міжнародного валютного фонду 18 грудня проведе засідання, на якому обговорить співпрацю з Україною, свідчить календар засідань виконавчої ради МВФ.

Посадовці планують обговорити нову програму співробітництва з Україною – stand-by – і скасування програми розширеного фінансування, яка розпочалася в березні 2015 року.

У жовтні Міжнародний валютний фонд на рівні уповноваженого персоналу погодив з українською владою нову програму резервної підтримки замість чинної програми розширеного фінансування.

Обсяг нової програми – 3,9 мільярда доларів. Згідно з повідомленням, вона має стати основою для економічної політики уряду в 2019 році – передбачається, що ця політика буде зосереджена на зниженні інфляції та реформах оподаткування, фінансового і енергетичного секторів.

Визначення stand-by означає, що Україна отримує гарантію на цю суму і може за потреби отримати її повністю або частково протягом терміну дії угоди та за умови дотримання її положень. Після закінчення терміну дії угоди невикористаний залишок кредиту повертається фонду.

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СБУ розповіло про прапор угруповання «ДНР» під час протестів у Франції

«Міжнародні кордони не є перепоною для російської гібридної агресії. Брудними методами Кремль руйнує європейську стабільність, бо бачить у ній загрозу для себе»

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В’ятрович про звання Героя України для Бандери: скептично ставлюся до цього

Директор Українського інституту національної пам’яті Володимир В’ятрович в інтерв’ю Радіо Свобода заявив, що скептично ставиться до присвоєння звання Героя України очільнику ОУН Степану Бандері.

«Напевно, хтось із політиків, які піднімають це питання, бачать у цьому певний електоральний потенціал. Я скептично до цього ставлюся. Тому що я вважаю, що звання Героя України, яке ми зараз маємо, достатньо скомпрометовано. Не буду називати конкретні прізвища людей, але серед них є ті люди, які навіть тепер готові воювати проти України. Тому я не думаю, що повторне присвоєння цього звання Степану Бандері щось додасть до розуміння його образу», – сказав В’ятрович.

Він додав, що для нього Бандера – «справді національний герой».

«Це типовий революціонер поневоленого народу, один з очільників визвольного руху, близький до таких очільників, як Юзеф Пілсудський, Менахем Бегін, Майкл Коллінз… Не думаю, що для того, щоб визнати його таким, він потребує формального і, на мою думку, скомпроментованого звання. Мені здається, що важливіше все-таки зосередити своє зусилля історикам і суспільству, щоб донести правду про цю визначну особистість нашого минулого», – зазначив В’ятрович.

5 грудня у Верховній Раді зареєстрований проект постанови, яка пропонує присвоїти провідникові ОУН Степану Бандері звання Героя України.

Степану Бандері вже присвоювали звання Героя України у січні 2010 року – за каденції третього президента України Віктора Ющенка. Відзнаку з рук президента отримав онук Бандери.

У квітні того ж року, після перемоги на президентських виборах Віктора Януковича, Донецький окружний адміністративний суд визнав незаконним присвоєння Бандері відповідного звання.

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Paris Cleans Up After Latest Riot; Nearly 1,800 Arrested

Nearly 1,800 people were arrested Saturday across France in the latest round of “yellow vest” protests.

Nationwide, the Interior Ministry says some 136,000 people rallied against France’s high-cost of living. Protesters also expressed their dismay with the presidency of Emmanuel Macron.

Protests were mounted in a number of cities besides Paris, including Marseilles, Bordeaux, Lyon and Toulouse.

The ministry said Sunday 1,723 people were arrested nationwide, with 1,220 of them ordered held in custody.

Parisian police said they made 1,082 arrests Saturday, a sharp increase from last week’s 412 arrests.

Meanwhile, tourist destinations, including the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre Museum, reopened and workers cleaned up broken glass Sunday. 

The man who unleashed the anger, President Emmanuel Macron, broke his silence to tweet his appreciation for the police overnight, but pressure mounted on him to propose new solutions to calm the anger dividing France.

On Saturday, French Interior Minister Christophe Castaner said violent outbreaks in Paris were “under control” despite ongoing disorderly acts he declared “totally unacceptable.”

French police supported by armored vehicles fired tear gas at yellow-vested protesters on the Champs Elysees.

Castaner estimated 10,000 demonstrators had taken to Parisian streets.

He said 135 people had been injured, including 17 police officers.

France closed the Eiffel Tower and other tourist landmarks and mobilized tens of thousands of security forces for the fourth week of violent demonstrations.

Many shops in Paris were boarded up before Saturday’s protests to avoid being smashed or looted, and police cordoned off many of the city’s broad boulevards.

Despite what Castaner said were “exceptional” security measures, protesters still smashed store windows and clashed with police.

More than 89,000 police were deployed nationwide, an increase from 65,000 last weekend.

Police in central Paris removed any materials from the streets that could be used as weapons or projectiles during the demonstrations, including street furniture at outdoor cafes.

Macron made an unannounced visit Friday night to a group of anti-riot security officers outside Paris to thank them for their work.

The protests erupted in November over a fuel tax increase, which was part of Macron’s plan to combat global warming.

French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe called for new talks Saturday with representatives of the “yellow vest” movement. He vowed the government would address their concerns over rising living costs.

“The president will speak, and will propose measures that will feed this dialogue,” Philippe said in a televised statement.


WATCH: Clashes and Hundreds Detained in France in ‘Yellow Vest’ Protests

U.S. President Donald Trump tweeted Saturday that the Paris Agreement, a global effort to reduce global warming beginning in 2020, “isn’t working out so well for Paris” and that “People do not want to pay large sums of money … in order to protect the environment.”

Since the unrest began in November, four people have been killed in protest-related accidents.

While Macron has since abandoned the fuel tax hike, protesters have made new demands to address other economic issues hurting workers, retirees and students.

Government officials are concerned the repeated weekly violence could weaken the economy and raise doubts about the government’s survival.

Officials are also concerned about far-right, anarchist and anti-capitalist groups like Black Bloc that have attached themselves to the “yellow vest” movement.

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World Marks Anti-Corruption Day

Corruption costs the world economy $2.6 trillion each year, according to the United Nations, which is marking International Anti-Corruption Day on Sunday.

“Corruption is a serious crime that can undermine social and economic development in all societies. No country, region or community is immune,” the United Nations said.

The cost of $2.6 trillion represents more than 5 percent of global GDP.

The world body said that $1 trillion of the money stolen annually through corruption is in the form of bribes.

Patricia Moreira, the managing director of Transparency International, told VOA that about a quarter of the world’s population has paid a bribe when trying to access a public service over the past year, according to data from the Global Corruption Barometer.

Moreira said it is important to have such a day as International Anti-Corruption Day because it provides “a really tremendous opportunity to focus attention precisely on the challenge that is posed by corruption around the world.”

​Anti-corruption commitments

To mark the day, the United States called on all countries to implement their international anti-corruption commitments including through the U.N. Convention against Corruption.

In a statement Friday, the U.S. State Department said that corruption facilitates crime and terrorism, as well as undermines economic growth, the rule of law and democracy.

“Ultimately, it endangers our national security. That is why, as we look ahead to International Anticorruption Day on Dec. 9, we pledge to continue working with our partners to prevent and combat corruption worldwide,” the statement said.

Moreira said that data about worldwide corruption can make the phenomena understandable but still not necessarily “close to our lives.” For that, we need to hear everyday stories about people impacted by corruption and understand that it “is about our daily lives,” she added.

She said those most impacted by corruption are “the most vulnerable people — so it’s usually women, it’s usually poor people, the most marginalized people in the world.”

The United Nations Development Program notes that in developing countries, funds lost to corruption are estimated at 10 times the amount of official development assistance.

What can be done to fight corruption?

The United Nations designated Dec. 9 as International Anti-Corruption Day in 2003, coinciding with the adoption of the United Nations Convention against Corruption by the U.N. General Assembly.

The purpose of the day is to raise awareness about corruption and put pressure on governments to take action against it.

Tackling the issue

Moreira said to fight corruption effectively it must be tackled from different angles. For example, she said that while it is important to have the right legislation in place to curb corruption, governments must also have mechanisms to enforce that legislation. She said those who engage in corruption must be held accountable.

“Fighting corruption is about providing people with a more sustainable world, with a world where social justice is something more of our reality than what it has been until today,” she said.

Moreira said change must come from a joint effort from governments, public institutions, the private sector and civil society.

The U.S. Statement Department said in its Friday statement that it pledges “to continue working with our partners to prevent and combat corruption worldwide.”

It noted that the United States, through the U.S. Department of State and U.S. Agency for International Development, helps partner nations “build transparent, accountable institutions and strengthen criminal justice systems that hold the corrupt accountable.”

Moreira said that it is important for the world to see that there are results to the fight against corruption.

“Then we are showing the world with specific examples that we can fight against corruption, [that] yes there are results. And if we work together, then it is something not just that we would wish for, but actually something that can be translated into specific results and changes to the world,” she said.

VOA’s Elizabeth Cherneff contributed to this report.


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Armenia Holds Snap Election for Parliament

Armenians are casting their votes in early parliamentary elections Sunday.

Reformist leader Nikol Pashinian, 43, swept to power in May after weeks of anti-government protests that forced the sudden resignation of Prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan, who was also a former president of Armenia.

Sargsyan’s ruling Republican Party, however, blocked Pashinian’s bid to become prime minister, resulting in more protests. The Republican Party then decided to back Pashinian for what it said was the good of the nation.

Pashinian became prime minister, but recently stepped down so parliament could be dissolved for the early election. He remains Armenia’s acting prime minister.

Analysts expect him to be re-instated in office, with his My Step alliance in control of parliament.

Pashinian, a former newspaper editor who had been imprisoned for his activism, has promised to maintain close ties with Russia and fight corruption. He has also pledged to “step up cooperation with the United States and European Union.”

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У Києві презентували книжку «Олег Сенцов» англійською мовою

У Києві 8 грудня відбулася презентація книжки Олександра Мимрука «Олег Сенцов» англійською мовою, повідомляє кореспондент проекту Радіо Свобода Крим.Реалії.

«Сенцов – це людина, яку знають багато, але він прихований з боку життєвого шляху. Фактично всю його біографію доводилося складати з невеликих фрагментів. Такими фрагментами були свідчення людей, які знають Олега, або працювали з ним. Ця книга – спроба систематизації, а з іншого боку – спосіб дослідження і сприйняття Олега Сенцова», – розповів Олександр Мимрук.

За словами представника видавництва «Фоліо» Олександра Красовицького, частина виданих книг буде реалізована в українських книжкових магазинах, а іншу частину тиражу передадуть в держоргани, зокрема, до Міністерства закордонних справ України.

Вперше книжку «Олег Сенцов» представили в Києві 27 жовтня 2017 року. Вона складається зі спогадів людей, які добре знають Сенцова, з уривків його книг і сценаріїв до фільмів, а також з фрагментів протоколів допитів свідків, що проходять у його справі. У книзі багато фотографій – з домашнього архіву та з залу суду.

25 жовтня українському режисерові Олегу Сенцову, ув’язненому в Росії, присудили премію Європарламенту «За свободу думки» імені Сахарова. Церемонія нагородження відбудеться в Страсбурзі 12 грудня.

Читайте також: Єврокомісар закликав Росію відпустити Сенцова, щоб він зміг отримати премію Сахарова

Сенцов під час свого перебування в російській колонії голодував 145 днів і припинив голодування після загрози примусового годування.

Сенцов і кримський анархіст Олександр Кольченко були затримані представниками російських спецслужб в анексованому Криму в травні 2014 року за звинуваченням в організації терактів на півострові. У серпні 2015 року російський суд засудив Сенцова до 20 років колонії суворого режиму. Кольченко отримав 10 років колонії. Обидва свою провину не визнали.

Правозахисний центр «Меморіал» вніс Сенцова і Кольченка в список політв’язнів. 

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МЗС наступного року проведе гендерний аудит – Кислиця

Міністерство закордонних справ України в 2019 році проведе публічний гендерний аудит у відомстві, повідомив заступник міністра закордонних справ Сергій Кислиця, виступаючи 8 грудня на Другому Українському жіночому конгресі в Києві.

«Я сподіваюся, що установи в нашому уряді і в нашій країні будуть слідувати такому прикладу і так само проведуть гендерний аудит у своїх установах», – сказав Сергій Кислиця.

За його словами, допомогу МЗС у впровадженні стандартів гендерної політики голова офісу «ООН Жінки в Україні» Анастасія Дивинська.

У вересні міністр закордонних справ України Павло Клімкін повідомив, що МЗС приєдналося до руху за гендерну рівність HeForShe і готове провести гендерний аудит всередині структури.

HeForShe («Він за неї») – це ініціатива ООН, спрямована на те, щоб заохотити чоловіків підтримувати права жінок і сформувати суспільство рівних можливостей для всіх.

Народна депутатка Ірина Геращенко тоді привітала ініціативу МЗС, проте звернула увагу на той факт, що в міністра одна заступниця-жінка – Олена Зеркаль, а серед послів України за кордоном – тільки п’ять жінок.



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Clashes and Hundreds Detained in France Amid New "Yellow Vest’ Protests Saturday

In France, police clashed with protesters, as tens of thousands of ‘yellow vest’ demonstrators took to the streets Saturday for the fourth consecutive weekend. Reports say at least 135 people have been injured.

French authorities deployed nearly 90,000 police across the country, detained hundreds of people and closed major landmarks and museums out of precaution. Anti-government yellow vest rallies also took place in nearby Belgium and the Netherlands.

It’s becoming a familiar sound — and smell: teargas lobbed by riot police against so-called yellow vest protesters. Demonstrators sporting fluorescent yellow jackets were out in force again in Paris and across the country, protesting against a range of grievances, including low wages and high taxes.

Around the iconic Champs Elysees, demonstrators clashed with police, set fire to barricades and attacked stores. Armored vehicles rumbled through the streets.

Paris area janitor Jonathan Gonzales wore “Resistance Macron” scrawled on his yellow vest — referring to French President Emmanuel Macron, whose popularity has plunged to record lows.

Gonzales said France is one of the world’s richest nations, but the French people are poor because of decades of government mismanagement. He wants higher minimum wage and lower salaries for government leaders.

Other protesters brandished slogans like “Macron resign” … and “Listen to the anger of the people.” Many criticize a raft of tough reforms the government says are needed to make France more competitive. They claim the president only cares about the rich, not the poor.

The yellow vest protests began against a planned fuel tax hike, aimed to help fight climate change. But while the government has since scrapped the increase, the demonstrations continue, by a movement with no clear leadership or demands.

Protester Olivier Goldfarb says people can’t live on what they earn. The working and middle classes pay more taxes than the more affluent.”

Another protester, giving only his first name Hugo, had broader complaints.


“We’re protesting against a system that doesn’t work, but it’s not up to me to say we should do that or we should do that,” said Hugo. “It’s up to the professional politicians. We send a message that it doesn’t work anymore. Now do something, and do it quickly.”

Polls show public support for the yellow vests is still high, despite the violence. Senior citizen Eliane Daubigny and her husband watched the demonstrations unroll early Saturday.

Daubigny said she understood the concerns of protesters who have a hard time making ends meet. But she also knows how people live in Madagascar — and believes the French are pretty spoiled by comparison.

Many stores were shuttered around hot spots like the Champs Elysees. Others were still boarded up from last week’s rioting that cost Paris alone millions of dollars in damage. Restaurants, hotels and stores have lost business during this holiday season.

Meanwhile, thousands of other French joined a very different protest on Saturday — marching in the capital and other cities for more action to fight climate change. In some cases, yellow vests joined the demonstrations.

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Порошенко: закон про мову має бути узгоджений з європейськими моделями мовної політики

Президент наголосив: єдиною мовою в Україні буде українська, яка «зміцнює єдність української політичної нації», але при цьому буде широкий простір для використання інших мов

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Battle of Wills: Tiny Order of French Nuns Takes on Vatican

The Vatican has an unusual dilemma on its hands after nearly all the nuns in a tiny French religious order threatened to renounce their vows rather than accept the Holy See’s decision to remove their superior.

The sisters argue that the Vatican commissioners sent to replace their superior general, who is also the niece of the order’s founder, have no understanding of their way of life or spirituality. The church’s conclusion — contained in a summary of its investigation provided this week to The Associated Press — is that the Little Sisters of Marie, Mother of the Redeemer are living “under the tight grip” of an “authoritarian” superior and feel a “serious conflict of loyalty” toward her.

The standoff marks an extraordinary battle of wills between the Vatican hierarchy and the group of 39 nuns, most in their 60s and 70s, who run homes for the aged in rural western and southern France. Their threat to leave comes at a time when the Catholic Church can hardly spare them, with the number of sisters plummeting in Europe and the Americas.

The unlikely revolt had been brewing for years but erupted in 2017, when the Vatican suspended the Little Sisters’ government and ordered the superior, Mother Marie de Saint Michel, removed. The Vatican says it took action after local church investigations in 2010 and 2016 found an excessive authoritarianism in her rule and serious problems of governance.

Details of her alleged abuses of authority haven’t been revealed. But within two years of her election as superior in 2000, six sisters had left, church officials say.

“The grave acts posed by Mother Marie de Saint Michel are denounced and the sisters are called to religious and responsible behavior,” the prefect of the Vatican’s congregation for religious, Cardinal Joao Braz di Aviz, wrote the nuns in July.

By then, Braz had already appointed a commissioner and two deputies to run the order. But the Little Sisters refused to accept them and kept Saint Michel in place in the mother house.

As the standoff escalated, 34 of the 39 nuns issued an extraordinary public declaration last month saying they had no other choice but to ask to be relieved of their religious vows.

“We are not making this sacrifice lightly,” they wrote. “We wish to remain in total communion with the church but we cannot signify more clearly, or more painfully either, our incapacity in conscience to obey what we are commanded to do.”

Their plight has garnered sympathy. A French support group, the Support Association of the Little Sisters of Marie, claims to have gotten 3,900 signatures for an online petition demanding the immediate restoration of the central government of the order and removal of the commissioners.

“We are in a situation of blockage,” said Marcel Mignot, president of the support association.

The sisters downplay problems with their superior and say the real dispute is over their local bishop’s decision to split up management of their elder-care homes that had been merged in recent years. They say the bishop used his authority to impose an unjust decision on them without taking their views or the financial implications into account.

“This is about power,” Mignot said, referring to the bishop’s authority over diocesan orders.

The sisters have appealed his decision to the Vatican’s high court “so that the truth can be re-established, but Roman justice takes its time,” the sisters wrote their supporters earlier this year.

Their cherished community was founded in 1954 in Toulouse by Marie Nault, a woman who, according to legend, stopped her formal education at age 11 to work on the family farm but possessed such spirituality that she developed the stigmata — the bleeding wounds that imitate those of Christ on the cross.

Nault took the name Mere Marie de la Croix — Mother Mary of the Cross — and opened four communities in western and southern France which, in 1989, won approval from the bishop to become a diocesan institute of consecrated life.

Born in 1901, Mother Marie died in 1999 and her niece, the current ousted superior, took over a year later. She remains at the mother house in Saint-Aignan sur Roë, in western France. She had been due to step down after her term was up and a new superior was elected, but plans for the election are now in limbo, Mignot said.

The standoff with the Little Sisters comes amid a continuing free-fall in the number of nuns around the world, as elderly sisters die and fewer young ones take their place. The most recent Vatican statistics from 2016 show the number of sisters was down 10,885 from the previous year to 659,445 globally. Ten years prior, there were 753,400 nuns around the world, meaning the Catholic Church shed nearly 100,000 sisters in the span of a decade.

European nuns regularly fare the worst, seeing a decline of 8,370 sisters in 2016 on top of the previous year’s decline of 8,394, according to Vatican statistics.

The Vatican, in its conclusions about the case, said it believed that the majority of the Little Sisters “truly want to follow the Lord in a life of prayer and sacrifice.”

While lamenting the “tight grip” that the superior has over them, the Vatican’s congregation for religious orders told AP that most sisters had been kept in the dark about the management dispute over the elder-care homes — details that even the Vatican commissioners haven’t fully ascertained since they haven’t been able to access the institutes’ finances, the Vatican summary said.

In the past, the Vatican has not been afraid to impose martial law on religious orders, male or female, when they run into trouble, either for financial, disciplinary or other reasons.

St. John Paul II famously appointed his own superiors to run the Jesuits in 1981, some 200 years after Pope Clement XIV suppressed the order altogether. Pope Benedict XVI imposed a years-long process of reform on the Legion of Christ order and its lay branches after its founder was determined to be a pedophile. More recently, the Vatican named a commissioner to take over a traditionalist order of priests and nuns, the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate.

Nevertheless, the standoff with the Little Sisters is unusual, said Gabriella Zarri, retired professor of history and expert in women’s religious orders at the University of Florence.

“It’s serious, but it’s also serious that these nuns would do such a violent act as to threaten to leave religious life,” she said. “It’s difficult to understand, other than perhaps because of their attachment to the charism of the founder” and her niece.

Sabina Pavone, a professor of modern history at the University of Macerata, said Catholic archives — especially from Inquisition trials — are full of cases of the Vatican taking action when religious superiors assume “tyrannical” powers over their devoted followers.

While many of the cases date to the period of tremendous growth of religious orders for women in the 1800s, she added, “we shouldn’t be surprised that you find them today” as well.

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Activists Gather for Climate March in Poland

Several thousand people gathered Saturday amid a heavy police presence in southern Poland for a “March for Climate” to encourage negotiators at climate talks to set ambitious goals.

Activists from around the world gathered in the main square of the city of Katowice where delegates from almost 200 countries are holding a two-week meeting on curbing climate change.

Some of them were dressed as polar bears, some as orangutans, animals that are facing extinction from man-made global warming and deforestation.

They joined in chants of “Wake up, it’s time to save our home,” and held banners including one reading “Defend our Rights to Food, Land, Water,” as large police units and mounted police looked on.

Earlier Saturday, campaign group Climate Action Network said that one of its employees has been allowed to enter Poland after earlier being stopped by border guards citing unspecified security threats.

The group, an alliance of hundreds of organizations from around the world, said Polish authorities gave Belgium-based activist Zanna Vanrenterghem permission to continue to the U.N. climate summit in Katowice.

The Belgian ambassador in Poland, Luc Jacobs, said Polish border guards had provided him with no details about the case but confirmed that Vanrenterghem was admitted into Poland overnight.

CAN had no immediate information about 12 other activists deported or denied entry to Poland in recent days. Poland introduced temporary random identity checks ahead of the conference, arguing they were needed for security.


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Top Democrat: Moscow Has Closed Cyber Gap With US

The top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee warns the United States is being outgunned in cyberspace, already having lost its competitive advantage to Russia while China is rapidly closing in.

“When it comes to cyber, misinformation and disinformation, Russia is already our peer and in the areas of misinformation or disinformation, I believe is ahead of us,” Senator Mark Warner told an audience Friday in Washington.

“This is an effective methodology for Russia and it’s also remarkably cheap,” he added, calling for a realignment of U.S. defense spending.

Warner, calling Russia’s election meddling both an intelligence failure and a “failure of imagination,” strongly criticized the White House, key departments and fellow lawmakers for being too complacent in their responses.

As for China, Warner called Beijing’s cyber and censorship infrastructure “the envy of authoritarian regimes around the world” and warned when it comes to artificial intelligence, quantum computing and 5G mobile phone networks, China is “starting to outpace us on these investments by orders of magnitude.”

In contrast, the Democratic senator laid out a more aggressive approach in cyberspace, with the United States leading allies in an effort to establish clear rules and norms for behavior in cyberspace.

He also said it was imperative the U.S. articulate when and where it would respond to cyberattacks.

“Our adversaries continue to believe that there won’t be consequences for their actions,” Warner said. “For Russia and China, it’s pretty much been open season.”

Warner also delivered a stern message to social media companies.

“Major platform companies — like Twitter and Facebook, but also Reddit, YouTube and Tumblr — aren’t doing nearly enough to prevent their platforms from becoming petri dishes for Russian disinformation and propaganda,” he said. “If they don’t work with us, Congress will have to work on its own.”

The Trump administration unveiled a new National Cyber Strategy in September, calling for a more aggressive response to the growing online threat posed by other countries, terrorist groups and criminal organizations.

“We’re not just on defense,” National Security Adviser John Bolton told reporters at the time. “We’re going to do a lot of things offensively, and I think our adversaries need to know that.”

Top U.S. military officials have also said their cyber teams are engaging against other countries, terrorist groups and even criminal organizations on a daily basis.

Warner on Friday praised elements of the new strategy, particularly measures that have allowed the military to respond to attacks more quickly. But, he said, on the whole it is not enough, pointing to Trump’s willingness to “kowtow” to Russian President Vladimir Putin during their Helsinki Summit over Moscow’s election interference efforts.

“No one in the Trump administration in the intel [intelligence] or defense world doesn’t acknowledge what happened in 2016,” he said. “But the fact that the head of our government still [finds] it’s hard to get those words out of his mouth, is a real problem.”

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Former Armenian President Arrested for Deadly Crackdown

An Armenian court on Friday put the nation’s former president in custody on charges linked to a deadly police crackdown on a 2008 protest over alleged voting fraud.

Robert Kocharian, 64, spent two weeks in jail last summer on charges of violating the constitutional order by sending police to break up the protest in the Armenian capital of Yerevan. He was freed on appeal, but on Friday a higher court ordered that he should stay behind bars.

Kocharian’s lawyer said he walked to jail without waiting for police to escort him there.

Kocharian rejects the charges, calling them a political vendetta by incumbent Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian, who helped stage the 2008 protest. The demonstration protested the results of an election two weeks earlier for Kocharian’s replacement. Eight demonstrators and two police died in the clash.

“The main organizer of the events … tries to clean himself of blood,” Kocharian said of Pashinian in a statement Friday.

In the 2008 election, Kocharian, who was president from 1998 to 2008, backed Serzh Sargsyan, who served as Armenia’s president for the following decade.

In April, due to term limits, Sargsyan shifted into the prime minister’s seat in what was seen as an attempt to cling to power. But he stepped down after just six days in office in the face of massive protests organized by Pashinian, who then took the prime minister’s post.

Wiretaps released earlier this week had Pashinian discussing Kocharian’s arrest with the nation’s top security official. Pashinian denounced the released recordings as a “declaration of war” by his political foes.

Pashinian has called an early parliamentary election for this Sunday in a bid to win control of parliament, which is still dominated by members of Sargsyan’s Republican Party. Pashinian’s party is expected to sweep the vote.

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Yemen Negotiations Face Numerous Stumbling Blocks on Day Two of Talks

Talks between the opposing sides in the Yemeni conflict are deadlocked on day two of indirect negotiations outside the Swedish capital Stockholm, according to Arab media reports.

U.N. envoy Martin Griffiths has been meeting separately with the Houthi delegation and that of the internationally recognized government. 

The conflict in Yemen has been under way for nearly four years, and the second day of talks showed that many difficult issues remain to be resolved. 

Media reports say the two sides agreed to release captives, though there is no timetable yet to actually begin releasing prisoners.

But Foreign Minister Khaled al Yamani, head of the delegation of the internationally-recognized government of President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi, told journalists such confidence-building measures are a step forward.

He says that releasing prisoners and forcing the Houthis to allow aid into certain regions of the country that they control, in addition to getting them to withdraw from the (Red Sea port of) Hodeida, were the first steps on the road to peace.

However, Jamal Amr, who is a member of the Houthi delegation from Sanaa, told the BBC Arabic service the two sides remain far apart on who should control Hodeida, but the Houthis “would like to avoid any fighting that could potentially damage the port,” which is essential to bring food aid and other goods into the country. 

The U.N. has offered to administer the port, but the Houthis refuse to hand it over.

Another dispute: re-opening Sanaa Airport to commercial air traffic. 

The Houthis, who control the airport, say it should re-open to international flights, without forcing planes to be searched for weapons in Saudi-coalition controlled areas.  

Hamza al Kamali, deputy minister of youth and sports, says the Hadi government and the Saudi-coalition are worried that without searches, weapons will be smuggled in from outside the country.

He says that the Houthis would like to use Sanaa Airport as a military airport, but that the government side considers that unacceptable and thinks traffic should be limited to food aid and commercial goods.

Other key issues include ending a blockade that has divided Taiz — Yemen’s second largest city — and put some of its population in dire straights.

There are also arguments over control of Yemen’s central bank and payment of government employees. The government of President Hadi insists that revenues be deposited at the central bank branch in Aden, which it controls. Houthis reject that demand. 

Yemeni analyst Ezzet Mustapha told Saudi-owned al Arabiya TV that Griffiths “has not done a good job of organizing the talks,” and that he is afraid that they “may degenerate into a battle of rival agendas and irreconcilable demands.” The Houthis, he claims, “are insisting on achieving their political goals before making any concessions.”

Meanwhile, Houthi spokesman Mohammed al Bakhiti, told Arab media that “a new transitional government must be formed (in Sanaa) to replace the Hadi government as well as the Houthi-backed government.” “Then,” he argues, “all the parties inside the country must return to the bargaining table.”

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Порошенко розраховує на підтримку нової очільниці Християнсько-демократичного союзу

Президент України Петро Порошенко привітав Аннегрет Крамп-Карренбауер з обранням головою Християнсько-демократичного союзу Німеччини.

«Розраховую на особисту підтримку пані Аннегрет Крамп-Карренбауер України у впровадженні євроорієнтованих реформ та відсічі російської агресії і відновленні територіальної цілісності нашої держави задля зміцнення миру та безпеки на європейському континенті», – зазначив президент.

На з’їзді Християнсько-демократичного союзу 7 грудня новою главою партії обрали Аннегрет Крамп-Карренбауер. На чолі партії Крамп-Карренбауер змінить Ангелу Меркель, яка займала цю посаду протягом 18 років.

Крамп-Карренбауер відома своєю принциповістю в політиці. Вона, крім іншого, запропонувала в відповідь на дії Росії в Керченській протоці закрити порти західних країн для російських кораблів з Азовського моря, поки Росія «блокує» вхід в нього для українських кораблів.

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Єврокомісар закликав Росію відпустити Сенцова, щоб він зміг отримати премію Сахарова

Єврокомісар Йоганнес Ган закликав Росію відпустити українського режисера Олега Сенцова, щоб він зміг особисто отримати премію Сахарова.

«Наступного тижня український кінорежисер Олег Сенцов буде нагороджений премією Сахарова Європейського парламенту. Засуджений на 20 років в’язниці, він не зможе отримати премію особисто. Тому я повторюся: Дайте Сенцову отримати Сахарова», – написав Ган у Twitter.

Сенцову присудили премію 25 жовтня. Церемонія нагородження повинна відбутися в Страсбурзі 12 грудня.

Сенцов і кримський анархіст Олександр Кольченко були затримані представниками російських спецслужб в анексованому Криму в травні 2014 року за звинуваченням в організації терактів на півострові. У серпні 2015 року суд у російському Ростові-на-Дону засудив Сенцова до 20 років колонії суворого режиму. Кольченко отримав 10 років колонії. Обидва свою провину не визнали.

Правозахисний центр «Меморіал» вніс Сенцова і Кольченка в список політв’язнів.

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Омелян сподівається на угоду про спільний авіапростір з ЄС «на наступний день після Брекзиту»

Міністр інфраструктури України Володимир Омелян сподівається на те, що Україна отримає спільний авіаційний простір із Євросоюзом. Про це він сказав 7 грудня на зустрічі з французьким міністром транспорту Елізабет Борн в рамках свого робочого візиту до Франції, який тривав 6 і 7 грудня.

Під час переговорів Омелян заявив, що Україна зацікавлена в залученні досвіду Франції щодо розвитку авіації, автомобільного і залізничного транспорту.

«Перспективними напрямками є поглиблення партнерських відносин між французькою провідною машинобудівною компанією Alstom і Укрзалізницею. Ринок для Alstom величезний. Потреба України – це більше ніж 1500 локомотивів. Бо Укрзалізниця перевозить більше вантажу, ніж Deutsche Bahn всією Європою. 50% залізничних шляхів електрифіковано, тому у нас є нагальна потреба в електричних локомотивах. Ми приділяємо велику увагу внутрішньому транспорту, і якщо Alstom зайде на ринок, він буде мати можливість долучитися до оновлення муніципального транспорту», – наводить слова міністра прес-служба Мінінфраструктури.

Омелян також подякував Борн за «активну позицію Франції щодо спільного авіаційного простору.

«Фактично стримуючим елементом зараз є відсутність єдиного авіаційного простору між Україною і ЄС. Я дуже сподіваюсь, що наступного дня після Брекзиту ми зможемо підписати цю Угоду», − сказав голова міністерства.

Читайте також: Ні квитків, ні грошей: збій з купівлею квитків «Укрзалізниці» спровокував скандал

Згідно з повідомленням, Елізабет Борн висловила свою підтримку ідеї Угоди про спільний авіаційний простір та зазначила, що компанія Alstom зацікавлена в українському ринку.

Україна і Євросоюз парафували Угоду про спільний авіаційний простір ще в листопаді 2013 року. Але вона досі не підписана в повному обсязі і не набула чинності. Зокрема про підписання цього документу згадував посол України в Білорусі Ігор Кизим як про один із п’яти основних пріоритетів України в рамках програми ЄС «Східне партнерство».

Брекзит – вихід Великої Британії зі складу Європейського Союзу – запланований на 29 березня 2019 року. Процес Брекзиту почався після того, як на референдумі у червні 2016 року трохи більше половини учасників підтримали ідею виходу Великої Британії зі складу Євросоюзу.

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Ґрібаускайте та Порошенко закликають розширити санкції проти Росії

Президенти Литви Даля Ґрібаускайте та України Петро Порошенко наполягають на розширенні міжнародних санкцій проти Російської Федерації за агресію в акваторії Азовського моря.

«Ми закликаємо наших міжнародних партнерів застосувати жорсткі санкції для припинення агресивних зазіхань Росії в Чорному та Азовському морях і забезпечити свободу навігації в регіоні», – сказав Порошенко на спільній прес-конференції з президентом Литви в Києві 7 грудня.

«Ми запровадили свої національні санкції на знак протесту проти дій Російської Федерації в Керченській протоці», – відзначила Ґрібаускайте й додала, що ці санкції стосуються, зокрема і фізичних осіб, які тепер не зможуть займатися економічною та іншою діяльністю в Литві, «і таким чином вони будуть відповідальні за атаку» на українські кораблі.

25 листопада російські прикордонники ФСБ у Керченській протоці відкрили вогонь по українських кораблях, які йшли з Одеси до Маріуполя, і захопили три кораблі й 24 членів їхніх екіпажів. Троє українських військових при цьому були поранені.

Росія звинувачує захоплених українських моряків у «незаконному перетині державного кордону». Українська прокуратура визнала їх військовополоненими.

26 листопада, після подій у Керченській протоці Верховна Рада ухвалила запровадження воєнного стану у низці областей України.

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Фріз: у Міністерстві у справах ветеранів буде 325 співробітників

У штаті новоствореного Міністерства України у справах ветеранів буде 325 співробітників, повідомила очільниця відомства Ірина Фріз. При цьому під час відбору, зокрема на керівні посади, перевагу надаватимуть саме ветеранам. Про це Фріз повідомила на засіданні Верховної Ради 7 грудня під час Години запитань до уряду.

«Загалом у міністерстві ми плануємо 325 співробітників. Із них 125 – тероргани, по п’ять осіб на область. 200, за планом, мають працювати в центральному апараті. Якщо за конкурсом на ту чи іншу посаду з однаковою кількістю балів буде представлений ветеран і цивільний, перевагу надаватимуть ветерану. Бо Міністерство ветеранів має працювати за принципом «ветеран для ветерана», – розповіла Фріз.

Читайте також: Створення Міністерства у справах ветеранів на фінішній прямій

Верховна Рада України призначила Ірину Фріз міністром у справах ветеранів 22 листопада.

Уряд на засіданні 28 листопада вирішив створити Міністерство у справах ветеранів (Мінвет). Нова урядова інституція працюватиме замість Державної служби у справах ветеранів. 

Вперше про необхідність створити єдиний державний орган, який би опікувався проблемами ветеранів та їхніх родин, у Верховній Раді та уряді України заговорили на початку цього року.

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Україна і Литва підписали угоду для захисту своїх трудових мігрантів

Міністр соціальної політики України Андрій Рева та міністр закордонних справ Литви Лінас Лінкявічус підписали Угоду між Кабінетом Міністрів України та Урядом Литовської Республіки про працевлаштування та співробітництво у сфері трудової міграції, повідомляє прес-служба президента України Петра Порошенка.

Угоду було укладено під час візиту до України делегації на чолі з президенткою Литви Далею Грібаускайте.

Читайте також: Керченська криза: МЗС Литви пропонує застосувати санкції проти осіб, причетних до захоплення українських кораблів​

«Метою документу є забезпечення захисту соціальних прав громадян України, які перебувають у Литовській Республіці, і громадян Литовської Республіки, які перебувають в Україні, а також протидія нелегальній праці», – йдеться в заяві прес-служби.

Лінас Лінкявічус також прокоментував підписання документу, зазначивши, що Литва планує і надалі розширювати політичну і економічну співпрацю з Україною.

«Ми готові продовжувати допомагати Україні в процесі реформування. Є критично важливим зробити його незворотнім», – заявив голова литовського МЗС.

Крім того, Порошенко і Грібаускайте підписали дорожню карту розвитку стратегічного партнерства між Україною і Литвою протягом 2019-2020 років. Цей документ, згідно з повідомленням, визначатиме ключові напряму українсько-литовських відносин.

«У Дорожній карті викладені завдання співробітництва з питань міжнародної та регіональної безпеки, у сфері європейської та євроатлантичної інтеграції, в торговельно-економічній, енергетичній, транспортній галузях, а також у культурно-гуманітарній та соціальній сферах», – сказано в заяві.

Коментуючи візит до Києва, Грібаускайте вчергове висловила свою підтримку Україні.


«Литва твердо стоїть пліч-о-пліч зі сміливим українським народом – посилюючи свою стабільну підтримку в тому, щоб допомогти захиститися та протистояти агресії», – написала вона у своєму Twitter.

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Last Migrant Rescue Ship to End Operations in Mediterranean

The search-and-rescue ship Aquarius, which has helped about 30,000 migrants avoid death in the Mediterranean Sea, is suspending its operations.

The humanitarian groups Doctors Without Borders (MSF) and SOS Mediterranee said European governments were forcing them to end the rescue runs.

The Aquarius has been docked in Marseille, France, since early October after Panama revoked its registration at the behest of the right-wing, anti-immigration Italian government.

The ship has been rescuing migrants who were trying to make the dangerous crossing from Libya to Europe in inadequate rafts and dinghies.

“The end of Aquarius means more lives lost at sea; more avoidable deaths that will go unwitnessed and unrecorded. It really is a case of ‘out of sight, out of mind’ for UK and European leaders as men, women and children perish,” Vickie Hawkins, head of MSF UK, said in a statement.

15,000 deaths

The International Organization for Migration said that about 15,000 migrants have drowned in the central Mediterranean since 2013. An estimated 2,133 have died this year alone.

The Aquarius was the last rescue ship operating in the Mediterranean. Last year, five groups were running rescue ships.

At the height of the migrant influx in 2015 and 2016, NGO vessels worked alongside Italian coast guard ships.

The election of Italy’s coalition government this year on an anti-migrant platform rapidly ended the cooperation, and rescue boats have been prevented from docking in Italian ports. Migrant arrivals in Italy have since fallen to pre-crisis levels following a series of hard-line measures drafted by far-right Interior Minister Matteo Salvini.

Now rescue missions fall on national coast guard crews from Europe and North Africa, who tend to return the rescued migrants to the country they set off from, usually Libya.

NGO groups describe conditions for the migrants there as “inhuman,” with allegations of arbitrary detention, torture, rape and killings by human smugglers and security forces.

Henry Ridgwell contributed to this report. 

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Rescue Efforts Begin for Lone Female Sailor in Arduous Race 

A rescue operation began Thursday for a British woman who was sailing solo in an around-the-world race and was stranded in the Southern Ocean after a storm battered her boat. 

Susie Goodall texted that she was “safe and secure” after being briefly knocked unconscious when the storm flipped her boat end over end and destroyed its mast.  

On the race website, Golden Globe Race officials said they had been in regular radio contact with Goodall since she regained consciousness. 


Goodall, 29, was the youngest skipper and the only woman participating in the 48,280-kilometer (30,000-mile) race.  


On Wednesday, Goodall texted race officials, “Taking a hammering! Wondering what on earth I’m doing out here,” and sent her position. 

Hours later, she tweeted, “Nasty head bang as boat pitchpoled [somersaulted].” She then tweeted that her rig had been “totally & utterly gutted!” 

She also reported that she’d lost most of her equipment and was unable to make any makeshift repairs. 

Goodall was about 3,200 kilometers (1,990 miles) west of Cape Horn, near the southern tip of South America. Chile diverted a ship to her location to rescue her, and it was expected to reach her Friday. 

The race began on July 1 in Les Sables-d’Olonne, France, with 18 skippers from around the world. After Goodall’s exit, just seven remained in the hunt.  The race will end at the same port. 

The sailors are expected to sail alone, nonstop and without outside assistance. They are also not allowed to use most modern technology, including satellite navigation, and the yachts must have been designed before 1988. 

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EU Nations Increasingly Divided over UN Migration Pact

Just days before scores of countries sign up to a landmark U.N. migration pact, a number of European Union nations have begun joining the list of those not willing to endorse the agreement.

The 34-page U.N. Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration is to be formally approved in Marrakech, Morocco, on Dec. 10-11.

The drafting process was launched after all 193 U.N. member states, including the United States under President Barack Obama, adopted in 2016 a declaration saying no country can manage international migration on its own and agreed to work on a global compact

But the United States, under President Donald Trump, pulled out a year ago, claiming that numerous provisions in the pact were “inconsistent with U.S. immigration and refugee policies.”

Despite its non-binding nature, Bulgaria signaled this week that it will not sign the pact, as did Slovakia, whose foreign minister resigned in protest at his government’s stance. Meanwhile, Belgium’s government was teetering on the brink of collapse, riven by coalition differences over the pact.

“It’s way too pro-migration. It doesn’t have the nuance that it needs to have to also comfort European citizens,” Belgium’s migration minister, Theo Francken, said Thursday.

“It’s not legally binding, but it’s not without legal risks,” he said, adding that rights laws are being interpreted widely in EU courts and those rulings are tying the hands of migration policy-makers.

Francken said his right-wing N-VA party wants “nothing to do with it.”

But Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel took the migration agreement to parliament Thursday, where it was approved against the wishes of the N-VA, the biggest party in his governing coalition.

The arrival in Europe in 2015 of well over 1 million migrants — most fleeing conflict in Syria or Iraq — plunged the EU into a deep political crisis over migration, as countries bickered over how to manage the challenge and how much help to provide those countries hardest hit by the influx. Their inability to agree helped fuel support for anti-migrant parties across Europe.

Experts say the pact is an easy target. Leaving it can play well with anti-migrant domestic audiences and pulling out has no obvious negative impacts on governments.

“The ones who opposed the global compact, have they read it? It is only a framework of cooperation with all countries,” EU Migration Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos said Thursday. “It is not binding. It doesn’t put in question national sovereignty.”

Other EU countries to turn their back on the document are Hungary and Poland, which have opposed refugee quotas aimed at sharing the burden of Mediterranean countries like Italy, Greece and more recently Spain, where most migrants are arriving.

But the withdrawal of Austria — holder of the EU’s presidency until the end of the year — has been of high symbolic importance.

Conservative Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, in a coalition with the nationalist, anti-migration Freedom Party, announced Austria’s departure from the pact in October, highlighting “some points that we view critically and where we fear a danger to our national sovereignty.”

Francken said that never before had the head negotiator for the European states, Austria, “pulled out the plug. That gave a lot of political shock effect in all countries.”

It remains to be seen whether North African countries — and others like Turkey, which the EU has outsourced its migrant challenge to — see this as a new sign that migration management can only be done on Europe’s terms. 

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Угорщина запевнила, що не видає і не видаватиме українцям своїх паспортів – Клімкін

Угорщина запевнила, що не видає і не видаватиме українцям своїх паспортів, заявив міністр закордонних справ України Павло Клімкін.

«Вони кажуть, що не видають зараз цих паспортів і не будуть. Це вже добре, оскільки я пам’ятаю, коли він казав (міністр закордонних справ Угорщини Петер Сійярто – ред.), що видача угорських паспортів на нашій території не суперечить українським законам. Зараз це за визначенням закінчилося», – сказав Клімкін.

У середині вересня було поширене відео, на якому в одному із закарпатських консульств Угорщини видають угорські паспорти українським громадянам. Це призвело до загострення у відносинах між Україною так Угорщиною.

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