01001, Київ, Україна

EU Leaders Starting to Pick Bloc’s Top Chiefs

European leaders are in Brussels to choose their preferred candidates for top European Union positions after last week’s parliamentary elections, but already are divided on who should be the next president of the European Commission, the executive arm of the 28-nation bloc.

The term of Luxembourg’s Jean-Claude Juncker as president of the commission ends in October. But Germany and France, two of the biggest economic forces on the continent, are at odds on who should replace him, a choice that must be ratified by the 751-member parliament when it assumes power in July.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel favors fellow countryman Manfred Weber, who has led the conservative European People’s Party group, the biggest in the EU assembly, since 2014. The EPP, even as it lost seats in the parliamentary elections, still constitutes the largest bloc of lawmakers and her support for Weber is in line with past practice in picking a European Commission president from the leading party in the parliament.

But the big centrist blocs in parliament will lose their majority in the new legislature, with nationalists and Greens gaining ground, leading to a more fragmented assembly and possibly more difficulty in picking a consensus nominee for president of the commission, which proposes EU laws and enforces them.

French President Emmanuel Macron told reporters he favors a nominee with “experience either in their country or in Europe that allows them to have credibility and savoir faire,” an apparent attack on the 46-year-old Weber, who has never served in government or a major institution like the commission.

Macron suggested two alternative nominees, Denmark’s Margrethe Vestager, the European Commissioner for Competition since 2014, and Frenchman Michael Barnier, who has led the EU’s so-far unsuccessful negotiations with Britain over London’s Brexit effort to divorce itself from the EU.

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez suggested a fellow socialist, Dutchman Frans Timmermans, saying he “has the qualities and the experience.”

The European leaders are also picking a new leader of the EU Council, a body that defines the European Union’s overall political direction and is now headed by Poland’s Donald Tusk; the European Central Bank, now led by Italian Mario Draghi and a new foreign policy chief, currently Italian Federica Mogherini.


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Зеленський зустрівся з місією МВФ – співпраця буде продовжена

Президент України Володимир Зеленський зустрівся з місією Міжнародного валютного фонду в Україні, яка перебуває в Києві, і запевнив, що співпраця з фондом буде продовжена, інформує сайт Адміністрації президента.

«Співпраця триває. Міжнародний валютний фонд завжди є надійним партнером України в часи, коли ми потребуємо підтримки, і Україна, зі свого боку, також залишатиметься партнером, що дотримується своїх зобов’язань», – сказав Зеленський.

Він пояснив, що серед причин призначення дочасних виборів стала необхідність реформ, без яких співпраця з Фондом була б під загрозою.

«Чергові вибори мали відбутися наприкінці жовтня. Тоді десь у грудні ми мали б коаліцію та новий уряд. Та громадяни й економіка не можуть стільки чекати. Без необхідних змін у нас тоді були б проблеми з Міжнародним валютним фондом», – сказав Зеленський.

Як повідомляє Адміністрація президента, представники МВФ «засвідчили готовність продовжити обговорення подальшої співпраці з Україною, щойно після парламентських виборів буде сформований новий уряд».

«Ми не бачимо перепон для співпраці. Готові після парламентських виборів, після того, як буде сформовано уряд, негайно приїхати до Києва та продовжувати переговори щодо того, яким чином надавати нашу підтримку», – цитує сайт АП керівника місії МВФ в Україні Рона ван Родена.

24 травня речник МВФ Джеррі Райс повідомив, що Міжнародний валютний фонд готовий відновити діалог про подальшу співпрацю з Україною після виборів.

Місія Міжнародного валютного фонду розпочала роботу в Україні 21 травня. Представник МВФ в Україні Йоста Люнгман заявляв, що місія перебуватиме в Україні два тижні й оцінюватиме виконання поточної програми співпраці з фондом.

18 грудня 2018 року посол України у США Валерій Чалий повідомив, що в штаб-квартирі Міжнародного валютного фонду у Вашингтоні затвердили виділення Україні фінансової підтримки для продовження реалізації важливих реформ.

Обсяг нової програми – 3,9 мільярда доларів. Згідно з повідомленням, вона має стати основою для економічної політики уряду в 2019 році – передбачається, що ця політика буде зосереджена на зниженні інфляції та реформах оподаткування, фінансового і енергетичного секторів.

21 грудня Україна отримала перший транш за новою програмою співпраці з Міжнародним валютним фондом обсягом близько 1,4 мільярда доларів.

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З’їм борщу з пампушками і подивлюсь на новий міст у Києві – Саакашвілі про повернення в Україну

Колишній президент Грузії та екс-голова Одеської обласної державної адміністрації Міхеїл Саакашвілі заявив із Польщі в інтерв’ю Радіо Свобода, що планує зробити після планованого повернення в Україну 29 травня.

«По-перше, моя родина з усієї Європи з’їжджається. По-друге, з’їм борщу з пампушками. Серйозно. Мені дуже хочеться це зробити. І подивлюсь на новий міст в Києві», – сказав Саакашвілі.

На запитання, чи розмовляв він уже із президентом Володимиром Зеленським, Саакашвілі сказав, що наразі сподівається на таку можливість. Він також зазначив, що посади прем’єра йому ніхто не пропонував.

«Я додому повертаюся, а там подивимось, проконсультуємось. Буду спілкуватись з людьми, але зараз в мене людська емоція – вдячність людям, які мене підтримали, і президентові, який це зробив (видав указ щодо громадянства – ред.)», – сказав Саакашвілі і назвав повернення йому громадянства «сміливим кроком сміливого і гідного президента».

Крім того, екс-президент Грузії сказав, що «поки немає якихось особистих, професійних амбіцій».

«Нове покоління українських політиків зараз виходить на політичну арену, вони мають бути успішними, якщо я своїми порадами чи діями можу допомогти, я готовий», – сказав Саакашвілі.

Колишній президент Грузії та екс-голова Одеської обласної державної адміністрації Міхеїл Саакашвілі повернеться до України о 17:15 29 травня.

28 травня президент України Володимир Зеленський повернув Саакашвіліукраїнське громадянство, якого той був позбавлений у липні 2017 року тодішнім президентом Петром Порошенком.

Український паспорт Саакашвілі отримав у 2015 році. Тоді він був призначений на посаду голови Одеської обласної державної адміністрації. Восени 2016 року він пішов у відставку.

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Бойовики здійснили два обстріли на Донбасі 28 травня, український військовий поранений – штаб

Один український військовий поранений на Донбасі 28 травня, повідомляє штаб української воєнної Операції об’єднаних сил.

Військові зазначили, що підтримувані Росією бойовики двічі порушили режим припинення вогню.

В угрупованнях «ДНР» і «ЛНР» не повідомляють про бойові дії 28 травня.

Унаслідок російської гібридної агресії на сході України з квітня 2014 року, за оцінками ООН станом на 31 грудня 2018 року, загинули від 12 тисяч 800 до 13 тисяч людей.

Перемир’я, про які домовлялися на засіданнях Тристоронньої контактної групи в Мінську, порушувалися практично відразу. При цьому сторони заперечують свою вину в цих порушеннях і звинувачують противників у провокаціях.

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New Ukrainian President Reinstates Saakashvili’s Citizenship

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy has reinstated the Ukrainian citizenship of Mikheil Saakashvili, the former Georgian president who served as governor of Ukraine’s Odesa region in 2015-16.

In a decree signed and posted on the presidential website on May 28, Zelenskiy annulled a portion of his predecessor Petro Poroshenko’s July 2017 decree that stripped Saakashvili of his citizenship.

Zelenskiy’s decree comes eight days after his inauguration and six days after Saakashvili’s lawyer, Ruslan Chornolutskiy, filed a request seeking restoration of Saakashvili’s citizenship.

Saakashvili was granted Ukrainian citizenship and appointed to the Odesa governor’s post in 2015 by Poroshenko, an acquaintance from their student days.

Authorities in Tbilisi stripped Saakashvili of his Georgian citizenship in December 2015 on grounds that Georgia does not allow dual citizenship.

Then, when relations between Poroshenko and Saakashvili soured over corruption allegations and slow reform efforts, Poroshenko in November 2016 sacked Saakashvili from the Odesa governor’s post.

In July 2017, after Saakashvili created an opposition party called the Movement of New Forces, Poroshenko issued a decree that stripped Saakashvili of his Ukrainian citizenship.

In February last year, Saakashvili was detained in Kyiv, taken to the airport, and flown to Poland.

Days later, Ukraine’s border service banned Saakashvili from entering Ukraine until February 13, 2021.

Saakashvili swept to power in Georgia after helping lead the peaceful Rose Revolution protests there in 2003, when he was mayor of Tbilisi.

His party was dislodged from power by an opposition force in 2012 parliamentary elections and his term as president expired in 2013.

Saakashvili currently resides in the Netherlands, his wife’s native country.



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Iraq Sentences 2 More French IS Members to Death

An Iraqi court sentenced on Tuesday two more French members of the Islamic State group to death, bringing the total number of French former jihadis condemned to death this week to six.

The men were identified as Karam el-Harchaoui and Brahim Nejara. They are among a group of 12 French citizens who were detained by the U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces in neighboring Syria and handed over to Iraq in January.


The Kurdish-led group spearheaded the fight against IS in Syria and has handed over to Iraq hundreds of suspected IS members in recent months.


France’s foreign minister said earlier Tuesday that his government is working to spare the group of condemned Frenchmen from execution after Iraq sentenced them to death — though France has made no effort to bring back captured French IS fighters.


Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian also reiterated France’s position but said the IS militants should be tried where they committed their crimes.


“We are multiplying efforts to avoid the death penalty for these … French people,” he said on France-Inter radio. He didn’t elaborate, but said he spoke to Iraq’s president about the case.


France is outspoken against the death penalty globally. The sentencings in Iraq come amid a controversy about the legal treatment of thousands of foreign fighters who joined IS in Syria and Iraq.



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ЄЦБ ввів в обіг нові банкноти номіналом 100 та 200 євро

Європейський центральний банк з 28 травня ввів в обіг нові банкноти номіналом 100 та 200 євро.

Як повідомили у ЄЦБ, оновлені банкноти матимуть удосконалену систему захисту від фальшивомонетників. Купюри залишилися того ж кольору, що й раніше, але дещо змінився дизайн та їх розмір. Тепер ширина банкнот цього номіналу буде аналогічна купюрам у 50 євро.

На банкноти додали новий захисний елемент – голограму, о змінює колір, якщо купюру повертати.

Нові банкноти завершили серію оновлення євро. Раніше ЄЦБ випустив нові банкноти номіналом 5, 10, 20 та 50 євро. При цьому ЄС більше не випускає банкнот у 500 євро.

У ЄЦБ запевнили, що старими банкнотами все ще можна розраховуватися.

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Tensions Grow Between Russia, Iran in Syria

Russian military police last week reportedly carried out a raid against Iranian-backed militiamen stationed at Syria’s Aleppo international airport, local media reported. 


In the aftermath, several Iranian militia leaders were arrested in what was seen as the latest episode of tensions between Iranian and Russian forces in Syria.  


Since the beginning of Syria’s civil war in 2011, Russia and Iran have built a strong military presence in the country in support of forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s regime.  


Iran has since deployed thousands of its Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and allied Shiite militias to Syria, while Russia officially entered the Syrian conflict in September 2015 to help Assad’s regime.   


But as the war is waning, with Syrian regime forces reclaiming most of the territory once controlled by rebel forces, Russia and Iran seem to be vying for influence in the war-torn country.  


‘Slice of the pie’ 


Analysts say the protracted war in Syria has created a slight fissure between the two allies. 


“There are definite tensions that exist between Russia and Iran within Syria,” said Phillip Smyth, a researcher at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy who closely follows Iranian-backed militias in Syria.  


“You see things like this [raid in Aleppo] that occur in flashpoint zones because there’s criminal activity going on. Each country’s proxy wants a cut of that,” he told VOA.  

Similar incidents have been taking place throughout the country in the past two years.  


Recently, two divisions of the Syrian military were engaged in deadly clashes in different parts of the country, local reports said.  


This power struggle is the result of differences among Syrian military leaders who are either loyal to Russia or Iran, observers believe.  


“I do believe that it comes down to who controls what, what slice of the pie they all have. But I don’t necessarily believe that this is going to lead to some major conflagration between Iranian and Russian forces there,” analyst Smyth said.  


Tactical differences  


The strategic partnership between Russia and Iran in Syria goes beyond such disagreements, especially since Russia is still dependent on Iranian forces to hold territory and to provide manpower for Syrian regime troops, some experts say.  


“I never believe that Russia would separate from Iran,” said Anna Borshchevskaya, a research fellow at the European Foundation for Democracy who focuses on Russia’s policy in the Middle East. 


“The disagreements they’re having is that they’re trying to carve out spheres of influence in Syria, which is something that Russia understands very well,” she told VOA in a phone interview. “Their relationship is a complex one, for sure. But what holds them together is their anti-Americanism and a desire to reduce American influence in the region.”  

Borshchevskaya added that “on the tactical level, [Russia and Iran] are going to have differences sometimes. But they agree on the big picture.” 


The U.S. has been involved in the war against Islamic State militants since 2014, when the terror group announced its so-called caliphate in Syria and Iraq.  


U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), who declared victory over IS in March, now control more than a third of Syria’s territory.  


The United States has about 2,000 troops in areas under the control of the Kurdish-led SDF. But the U.S. administration has said it will keep only about 400 soldiers in those areas after the war against IS is over.  


Russia and Iran have constantly opposed the U.S. military presence in Syria. 


Economic competition  


Some analysts believe that, unlike when they became involved in Syria’s war, Russian and Iranian forces now control larger territories and both countries are searching for economic opportunities in the country.  


“Now there are more points of friction between the two countries than ever before,” said Jowan Hemo, a Syrian economist who follows the economic patterns of the war.  


“So naturally, you would see them compete to win contracts with the Syrian regime, including the energy and power sectors and other types of investments,” he told VOA. 


In 2018, Russia was awarded exclusive rights to produce Syria’s oil and gas. Russia has also signed a contract to use the Syrian port of Tartus for 49 years, while Iran won a bid to partially use the port of Latakia. 


Both countries want to economically monopolize Syria for the long term, because they each have given sizable loans to the Syrian regime throughout the war, economist Hemo said.  


“I believe this type of competition will continue in Syria, but eventually Russia’s economic dominance will prevail,” he added. 

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D-Day’s 75th Anniversary Renews Interest in Some Classrooms 

Kasey Turcol has just 75 minutes to explain to her high school students the importance of D-Day — and if this wasn’t the 75th anniversary of the turning point in World War II, she wouldn’t devote that much time to it.

D-Day is not part of the required curriculum in North Carolina — or in many other states.

Turcol reminds her students at Crossroads FLEX High School in Cary that D-Day was an Allied victory that saved Europe from Nazi tyranny and that the young men who fought and died were barely older than they are. She sprinkles her lesson with details about the number of men, ships and planes involved in the landing at Normandy while adding a few lesser-known facts about a Spanish spy and a deadly military practice conducted six months earlier in England.

Losing resonance

In the U.S. and other countries affected by the events on June 6, 1944, historians and educators worry that the World War II milestone is losing its resonance with today’s students.

In France, which was liberated from German occupation, D-Day isn’t a stand-alone topic in schools. German schools concentrate on the Holocaust and the Nazi dictatorship. And despite having been part of the Allied powers, in Russia, the schools avoid D-Day because they believe it was the victories on the Eastern Front that won the war.

“History has taken a back seat” in the U.S. because of the focus on science and math classes, said Cathy Gorn, executive director of National History Day in College Park, Md. 

In the U.S., teaching about World War II varies from state to state. It’s often up to the teachers to decide how much time they want to give to individual battles like D-Day.

California framework

California’s History-Social Science Framework, adopted in 2016, includes for sophomores an expansive unit on World War II that covers how the conflict was “a total war,” the goals of the Allied and Axis powers and how the fighting was fought on different fronts. The unit also includes a section on the Holocaust. 

In New York, school officials are using the D-Day anniversary to review the curriculum and “make recommendations on how the current average time of 90 minutes of World War II study in a school year can be strengthened, expanded and mandated.” 

There are special programs available to immerse select students in the history of D-Day. 

For eight years, National History Day sent 15 pairs of students and teachers to Normandy to immerse them in the history of D-Day. The high school sophomores and juniors would research individual soldiers close to them — relatives or people from their hometowns — who died. On the last day, the group visited a cemetery where each student read a eulogy for his or her individual soldier. 

Teachers also have outside resources. The National World War II Museum offers an electronic field trip through D-Day and provides suggested lessons plans.

In North Carolina, history is taught through “conceptual design” with connections to themes such as geography, economics and politics, said Meghan Grant, coordinating teacher for secondary social studies in Wake County schools.  

The lessons are based on a method of teaching social studies that was developed in 2013 and used by about half the states, said Larry Paska, executive director of the National Council for the Social Studies. Paska said it may focus on asking students a question like, “What makes an event a turning point in the war?” Students then will use difference sources of evidence to back up their answers.

‘This is the moment’

As part of her D-Day lesson, Turcol tells her class of juniors and seniors that the Germans thought an attack from the Allied forces wouldn’t be possible.  

“It’s too stormy. It’s too risky,” she said. “And what do we do? Yeah, we find a glimmer of hope. On June 5th, the skies kind of clear. The moon kind of shines. And we’re like, ‘This is the moment. This is what is happening.’ ”

She tells students that Gen. Dwight Eisenhower kept D-Day plans on the “down low.”  

Turcol plays a few minutes of a documentary about D-Day to “show you the true humanity of the war,” she says.  

“You saw the German praying … asking for his mother, father, asking for this to be over. Not everybody is on the same message in Germany,” she says. “Everybody here is a father, a mother, a brother, a cousin, a friend. So every life matters.”

Students in Europe also receive dramatically different lessons on D-Day depending on where they live.

Because of Germany’s history, any hint of militarism remains a taboo. While battles like D-Day, Stalingrad and the Operation Barbarossa invasion of Russia might be mentioned briefly in schools, they tend to be lumped together in broad overviews of the war. Individual teachers do have leeway, however, to pursue topics that capture the attention of students. 

The curriculum is similar from state to state. In Berlin high schools, for example, curriculum guidelines include the history of the war under the overall focus on “the collapse of the first German democracy; Nazi tyranny,” which includes classes on Nazi ideology, resistance movements, the Holocaust and World War II.

Similarly, Bavaria’s ninth-grade curriculum focuses primarily on explaining how the Nazis came to power and their anti-Semitic ideology and genocidal policies, with the war taught briefly as part of their “expansion and conquest policies.”  In the 11th grade, the focus is even more directly on the Holocaust, and the curriculum guidelines note specific dates to be learned, including the anti-Jewish “Kristallnacht” pogrom in 1938.

The Russian narrative on D-Day has remained almost unchanged since the days of the Soviet Union. Historians and schoolbooks describe the invasion as a long-awaited move, happening after the course of WWII had already been shaped by Soviet victories in the battles of Stalingrad and Kursk and other battles on the Eastern Front.

Even in the country where D-Day occurred, the assault doesn’t have a central place in the teaching of World War II. The history of 20th century conflict is taught in France as a theme and no longer as a chronological list of major battles.

A week of lessons ‘not possible’

“We no longer teach as we did before, what we called ‘the history of battles,’ ” says Christine Guimonnet, who teaches history at a high school west of Paris and is secretary-general of the APHG, a French association of history and geography teachers. “Everyone will, of course, speak about June 6 because it was a major moment in the war, but we’re not going to spend a whole week on it. That’s not possible.” 

As long as they are still teaching the broader themes, French teachers may home in on specific events, like D-Day, to organize study projects and, if they have the budget, trips to Normandy beaches, museums or screenings of The Longest Day, a 1962 film about the events of D-Day. 

As cultural director at Normandy’s Caen Memorial, Isabelle Bournier deals daily with school groups that tour the museum. French children often aren’t familiar with the details of D-Day, partially because fewer families have relatives who lived through the war and can pass on their stories, she said.

Students from Normandy are different from the broader French student population, she said.

“All families are more or less impregnated by this history. It is part of us,” Bournier said. 

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Суд повернув блогеру Барабошку закордонний паспорт

Печерський районний суд Києва повернув блогеру Олександру Барабошку закордонний паспорт.

«Сьогоднішній день відновив мою віру в правосуддя. Не вдаючись в довгі юридичні аспекти, резюмую – проміжна перемога. Знімається обмеження на пересування і поїду забирати закордонний паспорт. Застава ще лишається, але думаю і з цим справимось», – написав Барабошко у Facebook.

29 листопада 2019 року у справі щодо нібито сексуальних домагань і погроз від імені заступника голови департаменту захисту економіки Національної поліції Олександра Варченка на адресу студентки Наталі Бурейко затримали політтехнолога Володимира Петрова.

Його підозрюють у порушенні таємниці листування, телефонних розмов та порушенні недоторканності приватного життя, дачі неправдивих свідчень і втручанні в діяльність працівника правоохоронного органу, державної виконавчої служби чи приватного виконавця.

У цій же справі затримали блогера Олександра Барабошка, якого згодом відпустили під заставу в 3 мільйони гривень.

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Луценко заявив, що «піде в політику» після виборів до Верховної Ради

Генеральний прокурор України Юрій Луценко в ефірі телеканалу ICTV заявив, що «піде в політику» після виборів до Верховної Ради.

«Для себе таке рішення я прийняв, вважаю, що моє завдання разом із колегам правоохоронних органів провести ще не тільки чесні президентські, але і чесні парламентські вибори, і після цього я піду у політику – не в списки будь-яких партій, а до людей, з якими буду працювати над своїм баченням розвитку України», – сказав Луценко.

За його словами, його завдання – щоб у «перехідний період у країні далі панував принцип правової держави».

«Вибори до парламенту відбудуться в 20-х числах липня, відповідно, новообраний парламент сформує свої керівні органи, складе коаліцію, обере уряд, і після цього, очевидно, прийме рішення про нового генерального прокурора. Моє завдання, щоб в цей перехідний період у країні далі панував принцип правової держави», – додав генпрокурор.

Луценко очолює Генеральну прокуратуру України від травня 2016 року. Раніше він заявляв, що не бачить причин для своєї відставки, проте готовий до неї.

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Командувач ООС повідомив Зеленському, що ситуація на Донбасі контрольована

Командувач Операції об’єднаних сил генерал-лейтенант Олександр Сирський розповів президенту України Володимиру Зеленському, що ситуація в зоні збройного конфлікту контрольована.

«Ситуація в районі проведення операції об’єднаних сил ­– контрольована», – заявив Сирський під час наради із Зеленським на Донеччині.

27 травня Зеленський вперше як президент здійснив поїздку на передову на Донбасі. Він оглянув позиції військових у Станиці Луганській та Щасті на Луганщині.

Збройний конфлікт на Донбасі триває від 2014 року після російської окупації Криму. Україна і Захід звинувачують Росію у збройній підтримці бойовиків. Кремль відкидає ці звинувачення і заявляє, що на Донбасі можуть перебувати хіба що російські «добровольці».

За даними ООН, станом на кінець грудня 2018 року, за час конфлікту загинули близько 13 тисяч людей із усіх його боків, майже 30 тисяч – поранені.

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Fiat Chrysler Proposes Merger With Renault

Fiat Chrysler proposed a merger Monday with Renault, a union that would create the world’s third biggest automaker.

The merger, if it happens, would vault the new company, with annual sales of 8.7 million vehicles, into a position ahead of General Motors and behind only Volkswagen and Toyota, both of which sell about 10.6 million.

The merger could give the combined companies a better chance in the battle among auto manufacturers to build new electric and autonomous vehicles.

Investors in both companies showed their initial approval of the announcement, with Renault’s shares jumping 15 percent in afternoon trading in Paris and Fiat Chrysler stock up more than 10 percent in Milan. The proposal calls for shareholders to split ownership of the new company.

Fiat Chrysler said the deal would save the combined companies $5.6 billion annually with shared payments for research, purchasing and other expenses. The deal does not call for closure of any manufacturing plants but the companies did not say whether any employees would lose their jobs.

The deal would give Fiat access to Renault’s electric car technologies, allowing it to meet the strict carbon dioxide emission standards the European Commission is enacting.

For its part, Renault might be able to gain ground in the U.S. market because of Fiat’s extensive operations in North America.

The French government owns 15 percent of Renault and said it supports the merger, while adding that “the terms of this merger must be supportive of Renault’s economic development, and obviously of Renault’s employees.”


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Russia Set to Host Taliban, Afghan Politicians

Prominent opposition politicians from Afghanistan and representatives of the Taliban insurgency will meet in Russia on Wednesday for discussions on promoting a negotiated settlement to the Afghan war that continues to cause dozens of casualties every day.

The intra-Afghan conference comes as months of direct peace negotiations between the United States and the Taliban appear to have slowed down, if not deadlocked, over insurgents’ refusal to cease hostilities until all U.S.-led international forces withdraw from Afghanistan.

Washington has linked its troop withdrawal move to counterterrorism assurances by the Taliban, a comprehensive cease-fire and the insurgent group’s participation in a peace dialogue with the Afghan government and other groups to end years of hostilities.

The Russian Foreign Ministry said that prior to Wednesday’s peace-related talks, Taliban and Afghan delegates are scheduled to attend a meeting on Tuesday, marking the 100th anniversary of diplomatic ties between Moscow and Kabul. Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov will deliver the welcome address, it said.

That special gathering will be attended, among others, by former Afghan President Hamid Karzai, and Mohammad Karim Khalili, the head of Afghanistan’s official High Peace Council (HPC), which is tasked with promoting reconciliation with armed opposition groups. Afghan diplomats in Moscow will also be in attendance.

A Taliban spokesman announced Monday the head of its Qatar-based “political office,” Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, will lead the 14-member team of senior insurgent officials at this week’s meetings in Moscow.  

“The delegation of Islamic Emirate (Taliban) will also hold closed-door meetings with senior officials of the Russian Federation,” said Zabihullah Mujahid, without giving further details.

It was not immediately known whether Khalili and other members of the HPC will be part of Wednesday’s intra-Afghan discussions because the Taliban refuse to engage in any peace talks with anyone associated to the U.S.-backed Kabul government.

The intra-Afghan talks would mark the second time Taliban officials have met with Afghan opposition politicians in Russia. The first such interaction took place in February, but no government representatives were present because of objections by the insurgents

Russia has stepped up its diplomatic involvement in pushing a peaceful settlement to the Afghan war, using its growing influence and contacts with the Taliban. Russia, the U.S. and China announced at a meeting last month that the three countries had reached a consensus on a framework for a peace deal the U.S. is negotiating with the Taliban. They did not elaborate.


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EU Populists Gain Modestly; Brussels Sighs With Relief

Euro-skeptic parties topped the polls Sunday in the European Parliament elections in Britain, France and Italy. Across the 28 member European Union, they enjoyed their best ever results in the five-yearly elections, boosting their share of seats in the 751-strong parliament from 155 to 169.

Italy’s Matteo Salvini, whose Lega Party scored a resounding win and was on course to win around 30 percent of the votes cast in his country, boosting his ambitions for a leading role on the European stage, was exultant, arguing voters had given him “a historic mission” to change the EU.

He congratulated Marine Le Pen for her victory over President Emmanuel Macron’s En Marche party and Nigel Farage for the success of his newly-formed Brexit Party in Britain. “I am counting on having allies everywhere to save the EU … to change its rules,” he said. “We finally have to change after decades of bureaucrats and bankers’ rules.”

But behind all the populist celebrations Sunday night there was also quiet satisfaction in Brussels among EU officials, who had feared Euro-skeptics would run away with the election and do even better.

Some officials suggested that this year’s parliamentary elections may mark a high-water mark for nationalist populists, noting the surprise resurgence in the fortunes of smaller strongly pro-EU parties.

In Britain, pro-Remain parties together attracted more votes than the Brexit Party.

“More a ripple then for the populists and not a flood,” said a senior adviser to outgoing European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker.

For many the bigger story of the night was the strong performance of the Greens and Liberals — in Britain the Liberal Democrats stormed to big victories in London, a traditional Labour Party stronghold, and came second behind the Brexit Party across the country.

In Germany, the Greens made major gains at the expense of country’s left wing Social Democrats, making a historic breakthrough with more than 20 per cent of the vote.

Despite the big populist wins in Britain, France and Italy, the results did not match the expectations of the continent’s nationalist insurgents. They had talked about grabbing a third of the seats in the parliament, but appear to have won just under a quarter. In Poland and Hungary they also had success, but elsewhere their performance was underwhelming — especially in Germany and Austria — and in the end the populist finish overall was not that much better than in 2014.

Le Pen’s party came in slightly down on its 2014 result. The Danish People’s Party won only one seat, compared to four five years ago. In the Netherlands the anti-Islam Freedom party lost all four of its seats, including that of its leader, Geert Wilders. Thierry Baudet, the new Dutch populist leader, saw his party win three seats, fewer than had been forecast.

The populists fell short of their hopes mainly thanks to a surge in support across the continent for the Greens and smaller pro-EU liberal parties. And in parts of southern Europe there was a surprising revival of traditional socialist and social democratic parties. While the Democratic Party (PD) in Italy lost almost half the number of votes it won in the last European elections, it staged a recovery from the 18 percent it secured in last year’s national election.

Nicola Zingaretti, PD’s new leader, said he was “very satisfied” with the party’s performance. And in Spain, where the far right Vox party won three seats, the ruling Socialists of Pedro Sánchez built on their April national election victory to top the poll, closing with a 33% share of the vote and winning 20 seats, six more than in the 2014 European election.

Despite the less than impressive performances of their own national parties, the strategic gamble by Germany’s Angela Merkel and France’s Macron paid off. They focused their campaigning on representing the populists as an existential threat to the EU, atavistic throwbacks determined to fracture Europe into competing nation states.

The higher turnout than in the previous four European parliamentary elections is being credited by pollsters to their warnings as Euro-skeptic parties tend to do better with low turnouts.

But for all the sighs of relief in Brussels, governing the bloc is likely to become more complicated thanks to a much more fragmented parliament. The centrist establishment parties recorded loses and the the duopoly of control of the parliament traditionally enjoyed by the center-right European People’s Party, EPP, and the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, S&D, has now been overturned.

There will have to be even more horse-trading and the establishment parties will not have such a cozy time.

“For the first time since 1979, EPP & S&D no longer have a majority together,” tweeted Guy Verhofstadt, leader of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe, ALDE. “No solid majority is possible without our new group,” he added, hailing the night as a historic one. “This evening is a historical moment because there will be a new balance of power in the European Parliament,” he said, as the election results came in.

Verhofstadt said he hoped to form a new group within the Parliament by allying his ALDE group with French President Macron’s La Republique En Marche party, along with other “reform-driven parties.”

With a more fragmented parliament and more haggling to be done, the populists may find that cohesion is beyond them. Already split into three alliances in the parliament itself, horse-trading is likely to bring out the differences in their agendas as much as their similarities, say analysts.

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Гривня зміцнилася на 15 копійок – НБУ

Гривня зміцнилася на 15 копійок стосовно долара, повідомив Національний банк України.

На 28 травня офіційна вартість долара встановлена на рівні 26 гривень 32 копійок.

Українська валюта двічі цього місяця повторювала річний максимум щодо долара США – 26 гривень 11 копійок. Такі офіційні курси НБУ встановлював на 21 травня 2018 року, 14 та 22 травня 2019 року.

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«Нафтогаз»: у липні ціна газу для населення зменшиться на 8%

У березні прем’єр Гройсман заявив, що доручить Мінфіну і «Нафтогазу» почати переговори із МВФ щоб запобігти росту тарифів на газ для населення

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Петиція про визнання Голодомору геноцидом на сайті Бундестагу набрала необхідну кількість голосів

Петиція про визнання Голодомору 1932-1933 років геноцидом українців розміщена на сайті парламенту Німеччини набрала необхідні 50 тисяч голосів. Про це повідомили у міністерстві закордонних справ.

«Попереду – непроста робота з депутатами. Рішуче сподіваємося на успішні результати!» – мовиться у повідомленні.

У листопаді 2006 року Верховна Рада України визнала Голодомор 1932–1933 років геноцидом українського народу.

Україна з посиланням на дані науково-демографічної експертизи стверджує, що загальна кількість людських втрат від Голодомору 1932–33 років становить майже 4 мільйони осіб, а втрати українців у частині ненароджених становлять понад 6 мільйонів.

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Smaller Pro-EU Parties Surge in European Elections; Centrists Lose Seats

Smaller European parties saw a surge of support in continent-wide elections for the European Parliament in what politicians and analysts agree will likely be seen as the most consequential since 1979, when European Union voters first began casting ballots for the bloc’s legislature.

Early results Sunday suggested the 751-seat parliament will be more fragmented than ever before. Smaller parties, both euroskeptic and pro-EU ones, fared well at the expense of their more established and bigger center-right and center-left rivals.

Pro-EU Liberals and Greens will hold the balance of power in the new parliament, which will sit for five years. Philippe Lamberts, leader of the Greens group, said: “To make a stable majority in this parliament, the Greens are now indispensable.”

The rise of new parties appears to have smashed the duopoly of control of the parliament traditionally enjoyed by the center-right European People’s Party (EPP) and the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D).

National populist parties

As the results came in, nationalist populists were on course to win just under a quarter of the seats in the parliament, but they had set their sights on snatching a third of them. In France, President Emmanuel Macron’s La Republique En Marche was defeated, coming in second to Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Rally. Le Pen welcomed the win, saying it had delivered a serious blow to the authority of the French president.

In Italy, too, nationalist populists led by Matteo Salvini, the deputy prime minister, made important gains. And eurosceptic hard-right parties topped the polls in Britain, Poland and Hungary.

But the bigger takeaway from the election was how well pro-EU Greens and Liberals did. In several countries Green parties saw their support jump from five years ago. In Germany, the Greens made major gains at the expense of country’s left-wing Social Democrats, making a historic breakthrough by securing more than 20% of the vote.

Carsten Schneider, a German Social Democrats lawmaker, acknowledged it was a “bitter result, a defeat for us.”

“I think the main issue was climate change and we didn’t succeed in putting that front and center, alongside the big social issues,” he added.

In Ireland, too, Greens were celebrating, clinching three of Ireland’s 13 seats. The sudden crest in support for the Greens comes amid rising anxiety across Europe over the impact of climate change and biodiversity loss.

Irish Prime Minister Leo Eric Varadkar tweeted: “I want to congratulate the Greens on a very good election. It’s a very clear message from the public that they want us to do more on climate action — and we’ve got that message.”

Voters in 21 countries went to the polls Sunday. In seven other nations, including Britain, voters cast their ballots last week with the results being held back until all countries had completed the balloting.

Bloc gaining power

The European Parliament has become more powerful in recent years — for much of its existence it was just a talking shop (an unproductive bureaucratic agency). Now it helps pick the president of the European Commission and contributes to the shaping of trade and digital regulations. Seats are allocated under a form of proportional representation.

For years, the center-right EPP and the center-left S&D, both pro-EU parties, have together commanded an absolute majority in the parliament and its leaders have more often than not been able to settle disagreements in behind-the-scenes meetings.

In Britain, in an election that wasn’t meant to have been — the country was due to have left the EU by now — the newly formed Brexit Party of Nigel Farage trounced both of Britain’s two main established parties, the Conservatives and Labour, signaling it will likely be a threat to the pair in a general election, which many observers think will have to be called this year.

Both the Conservatives and Labour had been braced for a backlash from voters over Brexit, with the Brexit Party and pro-EU Liberal Democrats expected to do well. The predictions turned out to be right, with the ruling Conservatives recording their worst election performance in their history. The turnout in Britain was higher than previous European polls — as it was across all of the bloc where it averaged 50%, the highest rate since 1994.

British Conservative MEP Daniel Hannan blamed British Prime Minister Theresa May’s reluctance to resign from office for the defeat. On Twitter, he said: “Had the PM announced her resignation even 24 hours earlier, something might have been salvaged.”

Still a strong pro-EU majority

The reduction in the power of establishment parties could potentially make it more difficult for the bloc to agree on collective action when it comes to economic, trade and foreign policies, but EU officials were breathing a sigh of relief Sunday night when it became clear there would still be a strong pro-EU majority in the parliament.

The center-right EPP will likely hold on to 173 seats in the EU parliament, down from 221 in 2014, while the Socialist group will fall from 191 to 147 seats. The Liberals were expected to rise from 67 seats to more than 100; the Greens increased from 50 to 71.

Socialists looked set to top the poll in Spain. And traditional left parties fared better than had been predicted in Italy and the Netherlands.


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Virtual Reality Offers Glimpse of Rome’s Circus Maximus

The Circus Maximus Experience, opened in Rome this week and offers visitors the chance to relive the ancient splendors of chariot racing in the Imperial period of Rome through augmented and virtual reality. The innovative project implements interactive display technologies never before used in such a large outdoor area.

“Now you find yourself in front of the Arch of Titus, which was possibly built in the place of a more ancient arch and dedicated in the year 81 After Christ by the Roman Senate and people to Emperor Flavius”.

This is just an example of what modern-day visitors will be listening to in their headsets, while at the same time through special visors see a virtual rendering of the majestic 20-meter Arch of Titus in Rome’s Circus Maximus.

Thanks to a ground-breaking project using interactive display technology never before used in such an extended outdoor area, visitors are able to re-live the life in one of Rome’s undisputed landmarks.

Visitors immerse themselves in history for with overlapping images from the past and those of the reality of today. They are able to visualize architectural and landscape reconstructions of what life was like during all of the historical stages of the Circus Maximus.

They can see the ancient Murcia Valley enriched with buildings and walk around in the Circus among the shops of the time. They can visualize the Circus during Imperial times, the Middle Ages and in a more modern age.

The full itinerary involves eight stops including: the valley and the origins of the Circus, the Circus from Julius Caesar to Trajan, the Circus during the Imperial age, the cavea or tiered seating arena, the Arch of Titus, the tabernae or shops, the Circus during the Middle Ages and modern age, and lastly “A Day at the Circus” for an experience of the exciting chariot race of the quadrigas with the screams of incitement of the public and the overturning of wagons.

Visitors are able to enjoy similar experiences in Rome at the Baths of Caracalla, the Ara Pacis and the Domus Aurea.

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Збитки від захоплення Росією українських кораблів оцінили в 260 мільйонів гривень

Опубліковано і поіменний список із 15 військових Росії, яких українська сторона вважає причетними до захоплення українських суден і 24 моряків

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Гройсман: після відставки уряд працюватиме в «антикризовому режимі»

Прем’єр-міністр України Володимир Гройсман, який написав заяву про відставку, заявляє, що після того, як її задовольнить Верховна Рада, уряд працюватиме в «антикризовому режимі».

«Парламент має розглянути мою заяву про відставку, і я буду просити український парламент задовольнити мою заяву про відставку. Після того, як парламент прийме мою відставку і проголосує, Конституція і закони передбачають, що я продовжую працювати прем’єр-міністром до створення нового уряду, так само продовжують працювати всі міністри», – сказав Гройсман в інтерв’ю телеканалу ICTV ввечері 26 травня.

На уточнювальне питання про те, чи будуть він і міністри перебувати в статусі «в.о.» до цього часу, Гройсман сказав: «Навіть статусу в.о. немає. Після відставки ми продовжуємо працювати на своїх посадах. Але якщо до цього ми працювали у плановому режимі, то зараз переходимо в такий, я б сказав, антикризовий режим».

20 травня Гройсман заявив про свою відставку з посади прем’єр-міністра України. 24 травня голова прес-служби апарату Верховної Ради Ірина Кармелюк повідомила, що в парламенті зареєстрували відповідну заяву голови уряду.

Пізніше Володимир Гройсман заявив, що не планує об’єднуватися з іншими партіями для участі в парламентських виборах, а хоче створити власну політичну силу.

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Race to Succeed UK PM May Centers on ‘No Deal’ Brexit Battle

The prospect of a “no deal” Brexit was fast becoming the central battle of the race to succeed Prime Minister Theresa May on Sunday, as environment minister Michael Gove became the latest candidate to declare.

May said on Friday she was quitting over her failure to deliver Brexit, potentially opening the way for a new leader who could seek a more divisive split with the European Union and lead to confrontation with the bloc or a possible parliamentary election.

Setting out their pitch to the Conservative Party’s largely pro-Brexit membership who will decide the outcome of the contest, four of the leadership hopefuls have said Britain must leave the EU on Oct. 31 even if this means a no-deal Brexit.

“I will fight for a fairer deal in Brussels … if not I will be clear we will leave on WTO terms in October,” former Brexit minister Dominic Raab, who bookmakers rank as the second favorite to win, told BBC TV.

“If you’re not willing to walk away from a negotiation, it doesn’t focus the mind of the other side … I will not ask for an extension.”

Fellow contenders Esther McVey and Andrea Leadsom both made similar comments on Sunday, while former foreign minister Boris Johnson, the favorite to replace May, said on Friday: “We will leave the EU on October 31, deal or no deal.”

Gove, a leading campaigner for Brexit during the 2016 referendum campaign and a candidate in the Conservative leadership contest that May ultimately won, told reporters on Sunday that he planned to run again.

“I am ready to unite the Conservative and Unionist Party, ready to deliver Brexit and ready to lead this great country,” he said, without giving any detail on his plans for Brexit.

‘A dangerous strategy’

The EU has said it will not reopen negotiations on the Withdrawal Agreement, which has been rejected by parliament three times, while British lawmakers have also repeatedly voted against the prospect of a no-deal exit.

Highlighting the deep splits within the governing party over the way forward on Brexit, several senior Conservatives, including leadership candidate Rory Stewart, on Sunday warned against pursuing the policy of leaving without a deal.

Finance minister Philip Hammond said parliament would be “vehemently opposed” to a no-deal strategy and a prime minister who ignored parliament “cannot expect to survive very long”.

“I will urge all of my colleagues who are standing in this contest to embrace the concept of compromise … going to parliament with a hard line absolutist view and daring parliament to accept it is quite a dangerous strategy,” he told BBC TV.

Hammond said he could not support a no-deal strategy but declined to say what he would do if there was a vote of confidence in a government which adopted that policy.

“In 22 years in parliament I have never voted against the Conservatives … and I don’t want to have to start now contemplating such a course of action,” he said.

The opposition Labour Party said it was seeking to work with other parties to try and block May’s successor from taking Britain out of the EU without a deal.

“There is real threat now of an extremist Brexiteer becoming the leader of the Conservative Party and taking us over the cliff edge of a no deal,” Labour’s finance spokesman John McDonnell told Sky News. “We have got to move to block a no deal.”

The deadlock over Brexit is expected to have hit both main parties when the results of the European Parliament elections are declared from 2100 GMT on Sunday, with Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party, which backs a no-deal exit, predicted to come out on top.

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Коломойський вважає, що Україні слід оголосити дефолт

Український олігарх Ігор Коломойський вважає, що Україні слід оголосити дефолт. Про це він заявив у інтерв’ю видання Financial Times.

На думку Коломойського, Україні слід наслідувати приклад Греції, яка у 2015 році стала першою розвиненою країною, що не змогла повернути кредит МВФ, хоча відмова від співпраці була тимчасовою, пише газета. Коломойський переконаний, що Києву не слід боятися дефолту. Він зазначив, що Аргентина багато разів зазнавала дефолту, але її борги були реструктуровані і у країни «все нормально».  

Олігарх зазначив, що якщо президент Володимир Зеленський буде прислухатися до Заходу, то його чекають такі ж низькі рейтинги, як у екс-президента Петра Порошенка.

Місія Міжнародного валютного фонду розпочала роботу в Україні 21 травня. Представник МВФ в Україні Йоста Люнгман заявляв, що місія перебуватиме в Україні два тижні й оцінюватиме виконання поточної програми співпраці з фондом.

Читайте також: Відставка уряду Гройсмана може призвести до втрати Україною траншу МВФ (огляд преси)

Вранці 22 травня агентство «Українські новини» написало, що місія МВФ «сьогодні чи завтра повертається до Вашингтона» у зв’язку з рішенням розпустити парламент та через певні кадрові призначення в Адміністрації президента.

Водночас у прес-службі МВФ Радіо Свобода запевнили, що експерти Міжнародного валютного фонду «продовжують зустрічі з представниками влади України».

Прес-служба президента України повідомила, що Володимир Зеленський планує зустрітися з представниками Міжнародного валютного фонду наступного тижня.

Читайте також: П’ять економічних викликів для нового президента

18 грудня 2018 року посол України у США Валерій Чалий повідомив, що в штаб-квартирі Міжнародного валютного фонду у Вашингтоні затвердили виділення Україні фінансової підтримки для продовження реалізації важливих реформ.

Обсяг нової програми – 3,9 мільярда доларів. Згідно з повідомленням, вона має стати основою для економічної політики уряду в 2019 році – передбачається, що ця політика буде зосереджена на зниженні інфляції та реформах оподаткування, фінансового і енергетичного секторів.

21 грудня Україна отримала перший транш за новою програмою співпраці з Міжнародним валютним фондом обсягом близько 1,4 мільярда доларів.

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У Криму п’ять років тому зник активіст Тимур Шаймарданов

У Криму п’ять років тому зник проукраїнський активіст з Криму Тимур Щаймарданов.

Зв’язок з Шаймардановим обірвалася 26 травня 2014 року, коли він вийшов з дому в Сімферополі у своїх справах і не повернувся.

Свідки і родичі повідомляли про причетність членів «кримської самооборони» до викрадення активіста.

Шаймарданов – активіст громадської ініціативи «Український народний дім», у березні 2014 року брав участь в гуманітарній допомоги українським військовим в Криму.

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Venezuelan Negotiators Return to Norway for Talks

Representatives of the Venezuelan government and opposition have returned to Norway for talks aimed at resolving the political crisis in the South American country, the Norwegian government said Saturday.

Norway said it will mediate discussions next week in Oslo, in an indication that the negotiation track is gaining momentum after months of escalating tension between Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and Juan Guaido, the U.S.-backed opposition leader.

The negotiators

Top Maduro aide Jorge Rodriguez and Hector Rodriguez, the governor of Miranda state, both of whom were in Oslo earlier this month for an earlier round of exploratory talks, will once again lead the government delegation. They will be joined this time by Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza, said Maduro, who thanked Norway for promoting “peace and stability” in Venezuela through the mediation effort.

Larry Devoe, the government’s top human rights official, is also a delegate member, said a Venezuelan official who was not authorized to discuss the talks and spoke on condition of anonymity.

The opposition delegation is being led by Stalin Gonzalez, a senior member of the opposition-controlled congress, former Caracas area Mayor Gerardo Blyde and former Transport Minister Fernando Martinez Mottola, according to an opposition statement. They will be joined by Vicente Diaz, a supporter of past negotiations with the government who previously served on the nation’s electoral council.

Both delegations traveled Saturday for the meetings, according to officials.

Norwegian Foreign Minister Ine Eriksen Soreide praised both sides for their involvement.

Representatives of Venezuela’s political factions traveled to the European country earlier this month for talks, but it had been unclear if they would continue to engage with one another amid increased tensions over the opposition’s call for a military uprising April 30.

The opposition had previously ruled out talks, accusing Maduro of using negotiations between 2016 and 2018 to play for time, and has demanded Maduro’s resignation and early elections. Maduro, in turn, alleges the opposition tried to seize power by force.

The U.S. State Department noted the arrests of key opposition figures in Venezuela and said the only thing to negotiate with Maduro is “the conditions of his departure” from office.

“We hope the talks in Oslo will focus on that objective, and if they do, we hope progress will be possible,” spokeswoman Morgan Ortagus said.

Talks reflect stalemate

The diplomatic effort reflects recognition in Venezuela that neither side has been able to prevail in the struggle for power, leaving the country in a state of political paralysis after years of hyperinflation and shortages of food and medicine. Several million Venezuelans have left the country, creating Latin America’s biggest migration crisis.

The United States and more than 50 other countries support Guaido’s claim to be Venezuela’s rightful leader. The U.S. has imposed oil sanctions to try to force out Maduro, whose key allies are Cuba, Russia and China.

Norway has a long, successful history of foreign mediation: The country hosted peace talks between Israelis and Palestinians in September 1993 and Maoist rebels and the government in the Philippines in 2011. The government also brokered a 2002 cease-fire between Sri Lankan government and Tamil Tiger rebel negotiators. Seven years ago, mediators from the Colombian government and left-wing FARC rebels held their first direct talks in a decade in Norway.

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Albanians Renew Calls for Prime Minister to Quit

Albanian opposition supporters took to the streets again Saturday in a mostly peaceful protest, the sixth national one in three months, calling on Prime Minister Edi Rama to step down to pave the way for early elections.

Waving posters and releasing paper lanterns marked “Quit,” some in the crowd of several thousand threw a dozen paint bombs at Rama’s office. Some also hurled firecrackers at riot police near the parliament building.

But there was less unrest than in the last protest two weeks ago, when some demonstrators hurled petrol bombs, firecrackers and paint at the government building and parliament.

Rejecting allegations of fraud at the 2017 elections that gave his Socialist Party victory and him a second term in office, Rama told opposition Democratic Party leader Lulzim Basha he would not resign and urged him in a public letter to settle the crisis with talks.

“He is asking me, asking us to capitulate? Answer to him!” Basha told the crowd, who chanted back in unison: “Rama quit.” “Pave the way to the political solution,” Basha added.

Hours before the rally, the EU delegation, its member states’ embassies and the United States embassy had urged protesters to demonstrate peacefully.

“We call on all sides to build upon the existing offer for a dialogue, with the view to finding a way out of the current political situation as a matter of urgency,” the EU office said.

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Юрій Луценко став ще одним адвокатом Коломойського і тепер його запросять в Зе-команду


Генеральний прокурор України Юрій Луценко повідомив, що прокуратура не висуває звинувачень колишнім власникам ПриватБанку Ігорю Коломойському та Геннадію Боголюбову, оскільки юридично факт завдання збитків банку не настав.

Так, за словами Луценка, кредити, які ПриватБанк видавав компаніям Коломойського та Боголюбова і за допомогою яких олігархи вивели з банку 5,5 мільярдів доларів, буле реструктуризованими, тобто термін оплати за ними збільшили на 10-12 років.

Через те, що термін сплати кредитів ще не минув, за словами Луценка, юридичного факту завдання державі збитків немає, тому й підозри Коломойському висунути не можна.

«Тепер питання: чи є тут стаття 191 (розкрадання в особливо великих розмірах)? Для її застосування слідство має виявити суму збитків. Однак, факт настання збитку може відбутися лише у двох випадках: або в останній день кредитної лінії – через 10-12 років, бо позичальник має право заплатити все в останній день. Або є другий спосіб довести збиток – розірвати ці лінії через те, що вони не обслуговуються», — повідомив Луценко.

Він додав, що у 2017-2018 роках намагався розірвати 5 кредитних договорів, за якими Коломойський та Боголюбов вивели кошти з ПриватБанку, однак йому завадив тодішній міністр фінансів (нині член команди президента Зеленського) Олександр Данилюк. За словами Луценка, Данилюк надіслав йому лист, у якому вимагав скасувати позови про розірвання кредитів Коломойського, бо це може зашкодити судовому процесу у Високому суді Лондона.

«Тобто, Данилюк пише — я не вірю в українські суди, відкликайте позови, бо я хочу судитися у Лондоні. В Лондоні, як відомо, пан Данилюк програв», — повідомив Луценко.

Він зазначив, що ГПУ готова висунути звинувачення Коломойському та Боголюбову лише після завершення апеляції у Високому суді Лондона, який наклав на активи олігархів всесвітній арешт. Адже після цього ГПУ почне процес розривання кредитних договорів між Коломойським та ПриватБанком.

Ігор Коломойський та Геннадій Боголюбов прямо чи опосередковано володіли понад 91,5% акцій ПриватБанку. Інші належали міноритарним акціонерам, зокрема менеджменту на чолі з головою правління Олександром Дубілетом.

Нагадаємо, у грудні 2016 року ПриватБанк був націоналізований рішенням українського уряду. У грудні 2017 року націоналізований ПриватБанк подав позов до Високого суду Лондона проти Коломойського, Боголюбова, а також низки компаній, які імовірно підконтрольні їм.

Пізніше Коломойський повідомляв, що він був вимушений сам запропонувати націоналізацію ПриватБанку через «способи штучного зниження капіталізації банку» з боку НБУ.

Мережа Правди

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