01001, Київ, Україна

Зеленський доручив до 1 грудня ухвалити закон про легалізацію грального бізнесу

Президент України Володимир Зеленський доручив до 1 грудня ухвалити закони про легалізацію грального бізнесу та видобутку бурштину.

«Детінізація економіки: підготувати та внести до парламенту законопроекти про легалізацію грального бізнесу, про легалізацію видобутку бурштину. Терміни: до 1 жовтня 2019 року. Відповідальні: прем’єр-міністр Олексій Гончарук, міністр фінансів Оксана Маркарова. Ухвалити закони про легалізацію грального бізнесу та про легалізацію видобутку бурштину. Термін: до 1 грудня 2019 року», – заявив Зеленський.

В Україні діяльність закладів із азартними іграми заборонена від 2009 року.

Незаконний видобуток бурштину відбувається в Житомирській, Рівненській та Волинській областях. До деяких районів незаконного промислу правоохоронці можуть потрапити лише під час спецоперацій. Вартість нелегально видобутого бурштину оцінюють у сотні мільйонів доларів.

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Women, Minorities Work Harder to Get Good Health Care

Joyce Sasser was born in 1970 with no bones in her thumbs. Her doctors blamed thalidomide, a drug used to treat pregnant women experiencing morning sickness, until it was found to cause congenital abnormalities. 

Sasser said her mother swore up and down she’d never taken thalidomide; the two risks she felt she’d taken were much, much milder. “She said ‘if two aspirin or half a glass of champagne could have done it, I am responsible, but I didn’t take thalidomide,’” Sasser said.  

Sasser says despite that denial, doctors continued to believe their theory and implemented treatments accordingly – including one that permanently stunted her arms.

It wasn’t until Sasser was 20 and pregnant with her first daughter that doctors found the real reason for her abnormalities: Diamond-Blackfan anemia, a congenital issue in which the bone marrow fails to make enough red blood cells. As her mother had insisted for years, it had nothing to do with thalidomide.

Sasser’s mom’s experience – and the medical decisions she allowed, despite her protestations that the doctors had it wrong – are still all too common, even a half-century later. Sasser has learned over time how to manage the multiple medical difficulties that come with her condition, and, informed by her mother’s experience, she has learned to speak her mind about her medical treatment.

Empathy gap

Doctors hold a revered position in American culture. But studies are showing that excellence of care often can depend on how much a doctor empathizes with his patient, and the medical field in the U.S. is still overwhelmingly dominated by white men.

A 2008 study of nearly 1,000 patients in an urban emergency room found that women waited an average of 16 minutes longer than men to get medication when reporting abdominal pain. They were also less likely to receive it. 

A study published in 2000 by The New England Journal of Medicine found that because women’s cardiac symptoms differ sharply from men’s, women are seven times more likely than men to be misdiagnosed and discharged from the hospital during a heart attack.

“I was in the ER with stereotypical heart attack symptoms,” wrote Nicki Coast Schneider, who participates in a Facebook group for female heart attack survivors. “The ER doctor was in disbelief and brushed me off, but took my troponin (protein used in diagnosis of heart attack) level anyway. It came back elevated, he ordered another test. That one came back higher. He said the machine must be damaged so he tested his own troponin level. His came back normal. I was immediately admitted.”

Schneider said the doctor later admitted he might have sent her home if the emergency room had been busier. As it was, she said, he ended up thanking her for the lesson.  

“He was young and I assume right out of med school,” she said.

According to a 2014 online survey of more than 2,400 U.S. women with a variety of chronic pain conditions, nearly half had been told that the pain was all in their heads. A full 91% felt that the health-care system discriminates against female patients. 

 A diagnosis of depression or anxiety can further damage credibility. 

Martha Blodgett is a heart attack survivor. She is also on medication for bipolar disease. “As soon as doctors find out I’m bi-polar, I’m written off,” she said. “I actually had a neurologist walk out on me without saying a word.”

“They don’t listen,” said Lori McElhaney, whose doctor prescribed her antidepressants for a year, despite a diagnosis of hypothyroidism — a problem that requires an entirely different type of medication. McElhaney recently changed doctors. Her new doctor, a woman, “did more for me in one visit than he [her former doctor] did in over a year,” she said.

Hypochondria stereotype

Medical journalist Maya Dusenberg, whose book “Doing Harm: The Truth About How Bad Medicine and Lazy Science Leave Women Dismissed, Misdiagnosed, and Sick” outlines the ways sexism in medicine is destructive to women’s health, said doctors sometimes take women less seriously than men, adhering to a centuries-old stereotype of women as more apt to complain.

Looking at studies comparing treatment of men to treatment of women, Dusenberg said, “I didn’t understand why so many women were being treated as hypochondriacs when I didn’t know any women who were hypochondriacs.” 

She also describes how diseases that are common to women often get less research funding than diseases that affect men – no surprise, given that most decision-makers in medical schools are men. As a result, she says, maladies seen as “women’s diseases” don’t get as much academic attention.

Another author, Abby Norman, wrote “Ask Me About My Uterus: A Quest to Make Doctors Believe in Women’s Pain” of her struggle to get diagnosed and treated for endometriosis – a disease that almost exclusively affects women. Norman’s struggle was particularly rife with difficulties, as her severe problems set in during college and she did not have a supportive family to help her get treatment.

As her struggle to manage her illness continues, Norman is deeply aware of the complexities of securing and providing unbiased care. 

Noting that not just women, but also people of color, children, and the elderly are often forced to settle for subpar medical care because of a doctor’s unconscious bias, Norman speaks of “layers of privilege” that influence how a patient is treated.

Of her own medical struggle, she told VOA, “there were certainly people in my peer group who would have had better access [to care], whether it be because they had family members that could support them or . . . were just in a better financial situation. 

But then there also were people around me who had far, far less access, either because of their race, or their gender identity, or . . . any number of things.”

A study done at the University of Tennessee-Chattanooga in 2007 found that doctors tend to underestimate pain in patients they do not identify closely with – which, in an industry dominated by white men, translates to women, people of color, and children and the elderly. Strikingly, the study found that physicians were twice as likely to underestimate pain in black patients compared to all other ethnicities combined. 

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control says black women are twice as likely to have strokes as white women, and are much less likely to survive them. Patient advocates say the lack of empathy that causes doctors to underestimate pain levels can also result in lower-quality care, allowing for more strokes and fewer good outcomes.

Liz Zubritsky, a science writer based in Virginia, says her mother once had to return to a Massachusetts emergency room three times in one night while trying to get care for her own mother (Zubritsky’s grandmother), who had flu-like symptoms and was running a fever of 37 degrees Celcius (100 degrees Fahrenheit) – low by standard levels, but high for Zubritsky’s grandmother. Doctors sent the women home twice, saying the fever was not high enough to warrant admission.  Zubritsky says it was not until a male relative, an oral surgeon, called to intervene, that Zubritsky’s grandmother was allowed a bed at the hospital. 

What was frustrating, Zubritsky said, is that “she felt like she was being dismissed as making too much out of something that was pretty minor . . . . The doctor was not willing to take my mother’s word for it that it was very unusual for her to have a fever of 100 degrees.” 

Persistence pays

While writers like Norman and Dusenberg are anxious not to paint medical providers as evil or uncaring, the faults in the medical care system have made it clear that getting good care sometimes takes extra work.  

Sasser says: “Be your own advocate.” Having survived several types of cancer and other medical conditions related to her Diamond-Blackfan anemia, Sasser has a notebook in which she compiles all information related to her treatment, so she can save time during appointments by showing doctors the appropriate records. 

Zubritsky says she once researched and compiled a Venn diagram (a series of interlocking shapes) of her father’s medications to prove to a doctor that his discomfort was likely caused by a drug interaction.  

Norman did her own medical research to convince a doctor her appendix was inflamed, a condition he had missed. The resulting operation relieved her of years of pain.

Dusenberg says when seeking medical help, be persistent – even if a doctor tells you it’s all in your head. “Don’t be afraid to seek out a second opinion, or as many as it takes,” she says. “Trust that you know something’s wrong. You know what’s normal for your body.”

Lastly, it’s helpful to take a friend or relative along to the doctor – for moral support, asking questions, taking notes, or even just verifying the patient’s experience. Dusenberg notes that it can be helpful to tell a doctor what the illness is preventing the patient from doing, not just how it makes them feel. 

Dusenberg also notes that while one can get better medical care by being a more assertive patient, the solution to the problem is not for every patient to become a super-patient or resign themselves to subpar care. 

“So much of what we’re doing is asking individual women to compensate for the failings of the system,” she said. “We shouldn’t rely on that individual self-advocacy. The system should be better for everybody.”

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Зеленський збирає керівництво Ради, уряду та правоохоронних органів

Зустріч має розпочатися 2 вересня о 12:00

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Радники лідерів України, Франції, Німеччини та Росії обговорять зустріч «нормандської четвірки»

Дипломатичні радники лідерів України, Франції, Німеччини та Росії 2 вересня в Берліні обговорять підготовку зустрічі «нормандської четвірки».

Пресслужба Офісу президента України повідомила в коментарі УНІАН, що Київ представлятимуть новопризначений міністр закордонних справ Вадим Пристайко й помічник президента України Андрій Єрмак.

Кремль анонсував, що від Росії на зустріч поїде помічник президента Владислав Сурков.

Останніми тижнями точаться розмови про те, що після тривалої перерви може вже ближчим часом відбутися новий саміт у «нормандському» форматі, з участю керівників України, Франції, Німеччини і Росії. Із закликами провести такий саміт виступає президент України Володимир Зеленський. Він також пропонував розширити коло учасників за рахунок керівників Великої Британії і США, але ця пропозиція наразі не знайшла підтримки.

26 серпня президент Франції Емманюел Макрон заявив, що наступні переговори у «нормандському форматі» відбудуться у вересні, однак дати не назвав.

Президент Росії Володимир Путін, зі свого боку, вже заявляв, що може зустрітися з українським керівником тільки за умови, зокрема, прямих переговорів Києва з ватажками підтримуваних Росією незаконних збройних сепаратистських угруповань «ДНР» і «ЛНР», що визнані в Україні терористичними. Дотепер офіційний Київ відкидає таку можливість.

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‘Catastrophic’ Hurricane Dorian Hits Bahamas

The center of Hurricane Dorian is making its way across Grand Bahama Island with a life-threatening storm surge, drenching rains and what forecasters called “catastrophic” winds.

Dorian presents extra danger to the island because of its slow speed, moving westward at only 9 kilometers per hour early Monday.  

The U.S. National Hurricane Center said the storm could drop 30 to 60 centimeters of rain across the northwestern Bahamas, with 75 centimeters in isolated areas.

Bahamas Prime Minister Hubert Minnis said Sunday was “the worst day of my life” as the storm pummeled the islands with top sustained winds of 295 kilometers per hour.

“Many had not heeded the warning. Many have remained behind and still there are individuals within the West End area who still refuse to leave,” he said at a Nassau news conference. “I can only say to them that I hope this is not the last time they will hear my voice.”

Bahamas’s Prime Minister Hubert Minnis gives a speech during Americas Economics Summit in Lima, Peru, Friday, April 13, 2018.

Officials in states along the southeastern U.S. coast have issued their own warnings and ordered people to evacuate the most vulnerable areas.  Evacuation orders go into effect Monday in Florida, Georgia and South Carolina.

“Hurricane Dorian is the strongest storm to ever threaten the state of Florida on the East Coast,” said Florida Division of Emergency Management Director Jared Moskowitz. “No matter what path this storm takes, our state will be impacted. We will continue to work around the clock to prepare.”

The NHC expects the storm to take a turn to the northeast in the coming days, but how much it turns and how quickly will determine the extent of Dorian’s effects.  For now, forecasters have put hurricane warnings in place for about half of Florida’s coast with the storm expected to bring hurricane conditions there by late Monday through Tuesday.

U.S. President Donald Trump canceled a trip to Poland to stay home to monitor the storm. He visited Federal Emergency Management Agency headquarters Sunday, urging everyone in “Hurricane Dorian’s path to heed all warnings and evacuation orders from local authorities.”

Forecasters predict Dorian will affect much of the Atlantic Coast throughout the week, from Georgia, the Carolinas, and Virginia. Areas as far north as the tip of New Jersey could experience heavy rain and tropical force winds by Friday.

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Longtime NY Lawmaker, WWII Veteran Dies at 91

Former state Sen. Bill Larkin, a World War II veteran who served as a state lawmaker in New York for four decades, died Saturday. He was 91. 

His family announced the death Sunday, calling Larkin a “dedicated public servant, soldier and statesman.” 

Larkin represented a stretch of the Hudson Valley as an assemblyman from 1979 to 1990 and then as a state senator until his retirement last year. 

A Republican, he was known for forging bipartisan friendships in Albany and advancing veterans’ causes and health care for infants.   

“He lived a storied and authentically American life,” Dutchess County Executive Marc Molinaro said in a statement. 

 William J. “Bill” Larkin Jr. was born in Troy, New York, and was raised by his aunt and uncle. He thought he was 18 when, while still in high school, he enlisted in the Army in 1944.  

It wasn’t until years later that he discovered he was born in 1928, not 1926, as he had always believed.

“I wasn’t upset,” Larkin recalled last year. “I was in the armed forces. I met with people who cared about our country, and I was very proud.”

Larkin served in the Pacific during WWII, where he saw combat in the Philippines, and also later fought in the Korean War, where he had to be evacuated in early 1951 after suffering severe frostbite to his feet. 

 After retiring from the Army as a lieutenant colonel in 1967, Larkin entered politics by getting elected supervisor of the town of New Windsor, near West Point. He was first elected to the state Assembly in 1978. 

Larkin is survived by his wife, eight children, 17 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.  

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Зеленський обговорив із Пенсом візит до США, зустріч із Трампом і мир на Донбасі

«Ми твердо виступаємо за територіальну цілісність України» – віцепрезидент США Пенс

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Justice Ginsburg Reports She’s on Way to ‘Well’ after Cancer

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said Saturday she’s “alive” and on her way to being “very well” following radiation treatment for cancer.

Ginsburg, 86, made the comments at the Library of Congress National Book Festival in Washington. The event came a little over a week after Ginsburg disclosed that she had completed three weeks of outpatient radiation therapy for a cancerous tumor on her pancreas and is now disease-free.

It is the fourth time over the past two decades that Ginsburg, the leader of the court’s liberal wing, has been treated for cancer. She had colorectal cancer in 1999, pancreatic cancer in 2009 and lung cancer surgery in December. Both liberals and conservatives watch the health of the court’s oldest justice closely because it’s understood the Supreme Court would shift right for decades if Republican President Donald Trump were to get the ability to nominate someone to replace her.

On Saturday, Ginsburg, who came out with the book “My Own Words’‘ in 2016, spoke to an audience of more than 4,000 at Washington’s convention center. Near the beginning of an hour-long talk, her interviewer, NPR reporter Nina Totenberg, said, “Let me ask you a question that everyone here wants to ask, which is: How are you feeling? Why are you here instead of resting up for the term? And are you planning on staying in your current job?”

“How am I feeling? Well, first, this audience can see that I am alive,” Ginsburg said to applause and cheers. The comment was a seeming reference to the fact that when she was recuperating from lung cancer surgery earlier this year, some doubters demanded photographic proof that she was still living.

Ginsburg went on to say that she was “on my way” to being “very well.” As for her work on the Supreme Court, which is on its summer break and begins hearing arguments again Oct. 7, Ginsburg said she will “be prepared when the time comes.”

Ginsburg, who was appointed by Democratic President Bill Clinton in 1993, did not directly answer how long she plans to stay on the court. Earlier this summer, however, she reported a conversation she had with former Justice John Paul Stevens, who retired from the court in 2010 at age 90. Ginsburg said she told Stevens, “My dream is to remain on the court as long as you did.” Stevens responded, “Stay longer.” He died in July at age 99.

Ginsburg said Saturday that she loves her job.

“It’s the best and the hardest job I’ve ever had,” she said. “It has kept me going through four cancer bouts. Instead of concentrating on my aches and pains, I just know that I have to read this set of briefs, go over the draft opinion. So I have to somehow surmount whatever is going on in my body and concentrate on the court’s work.”

Ginsburg’s appearance Saturday was not her first following her most recent cancer announcement. Earlier this week she spoke at an event at the University at Buffalo, where she also accepted an honorary degree. At the time she talked only briefly about her most recent cancer scare, saying she wanted to keep her promise to attend the event despite “three weeks of daily radiation.”


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Poland Marks 80th Anniversary of Start of World War II

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and U.S. Vice President Mike Pence joined local leaders on Sunday to commemorate 80 years since the start of World War II in Poland, where the conflict is still a live political issue.

Few places saw death and destruction on the scale of Poland. It lost about a fifth of its population, including the vast majority of its 3 million Jewish citizens.

After the war, its shattered capital of Warsaw had to rise again from ruins and Poland remained under Soviet domination until 1989.

Ceremonies began at 4:30 a.m. (0230 GMT) in the small town of Wielun, site of one of the first bombings of the war on Sept.

1, 1939, with speeches by Polish President Andrzej Duda and his German counterpart, Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

Parallel events, attended by Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and European Commission deputy chief Frans Timmermans, were held in the coastal city of Gdansk, site of one

of the first battles of the war.

Morawiecki spoke of the huge material, spiritual, economic and financial losses Poland suffered in the war.

“We need to talk about those losses, we need to remember, we need to demand truth and demand compensation,” Morawiecki said.

For Poland’s ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party, the memory of the war is a major plank of its “historical politics”, aiming to counteract what it calls the West’s lack of appreciation for Polish suffering and bravery under Nazi occupation.

PiS politicians have also repeatedly called for war reparations from Germany, one of Poland’s biggest trade partners and a fellow member of the European Union and NATO. Berlin says all financial claims linked to World War II have been settled.

Critics say the party’s ambition is to fan nationalism among voters at a time when populists around the world are tapping into historical revisionism. PiS says the country’s standing on the global stage and national security are at stake.

Articles paid for by a foundation funded by state companies, showing Poland’s experience in the war, appeared in major newspapers across Europe and the United States over the weekend.

The Polish National Foundation also paid for supplements in some papers consisting of a copy of their front pages from Sept. 2, 1939, that highlighted the German army’s attack on Poland.

Apportioning blame, cost

Wartime remembrance has become a campaign theme ahead of a national election due on Oct. 13, with PiS accusing the opposition of failing to protect Poland’s image.

“Often, we are faced with substantial ignorance when it comes to historical policy … or simply ill will,” Jaroslaw Sellin, deputy culture minister, told Reuters.

Merkel and Pence, who arrived on Sunday after President Donald Trump abruptly cancelled a planned trip due to a hurricane, called it an honor to participate in events later in the day in Warsaw.

“We look forward to celebrating the extraordinary character and courage and resilience and dedication to freedom of the Polish people and it will be my great honor to be able to speak to them,” Pence said.

The cancellation of Trump’s visit is a disappointment to the PiS government, which is seen as one of Washington’s closest allies in Europe. Polish and U.S. officials have said another visit could be scheduled in the near future.

For PiS, a high-profile visit by Trump would serve as a counterargument to critics who say the country is increasingly isolated under its rule because of accusations by Western EU members that it is breaching democratic norms.

Opinion polls show PiS is likely to win the October ballot.

The party’s ambition is to galvanize voters and disprove critics by winning a majority that would allow it to change the constitution.

PiS agrees with the Trump administration on a range of issues including migration, energy and abortion.

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Saudi Coalition Launches Airstrike In Yemen

The Saudi-led coalition said it launched an airstrike Sunday on a Houthi target in southwestern Yemen.

Yemen rebels, known as Houthis, said the coalition hit a detention center, killing 60 people.

The coalition said it hit a facility in Dhamar where drones and missiles were stored and “all precautionary measures were taken to protect civilians.”

A rebel spokesman told the Associated Press that 170 captured government fighters were housed in the center.

Local residents, however, told AP that family members who were critical of the Houthis were housed in the center.

More than five years of fighting between the Houthi rebels and the Saudi-led coalition helping the Yemeni government have led to the deaths of thousands of civilians who are already facing severe food shortages and a lack of quality medical care.


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Зеленський домовився про взаємні візити із президенткою Грузії – ОП

«Окрему увагу сторони приділили безпеці та обороні»

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Зеленський: якщо уряд не знизить вартість комунальних послуг, «будемо прощатися»

Новий уряд повинен знизити вартість комунальних послуг для населення, інакше президент Володимир Зеленський ініціює його розпуск. Про це Зеленський заявив в інтерв’ю з нагоди 100 днів свого президентства на каналі «1+1» .

«Задача така поставлена новому уряду: вони повинні показати модель, і якщо моделі не буде зменшення комуналки, будемо прощатися з урядом. Все, що вони зможуть, вони зроблять», – сказав він.

Зеленський уточнив, що власне ціна комунальних послуг може лишатися такою ж, але тоді мають зрости доходи.

Читайте також: Чому в ОРДЛО дешева комуналка? Пояснюємо головний «плюс» окупації (рос.)​

«Питання не в тому, яка ціна комуналки, питання – який відсоток від того, що людина отримує, пенсію чи заробітну плату, вона сплачує за комуналку… Комуналка може бути й такою ж, тому що є ринкові ціни і таке інше – тоді збільшуємо пенсії, субсидії, заробітну плату. Тобто ми говоримо про відсоток, не може 50%, 70%, 80% чи 90% від тієї суми, яку отримує людина, вона не може сплачувати за комуналку», – стверджує президент.

Він уточнив, що Кабінет міністрів знає про його позицією і «щось готує».

За Конституцією, Верховна Рада за пропозицією президента може ухвалити резолюцію недовіри до уряду своєю конституційною більшістю. Це може статися не раніше ніж за рік після схвалення програми уряду.

Верховна Рада проголосувала за новий склад Кабінету міністрів під керівництвом Олексія Гончарука 29 серпня. 

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В Офісу президента немає варіанту переїзду з Банкової – Богдан

Офіс президента наразі не має варіанту переїзду з Банкової о Українського дому – про це глава ОП Андрій Богдан повідомив у проєкті «100 днів президента» на каналі «1+1».

«Ми не можемо знайти на сьогоднішній день варіант переїзду. Була абсолютно логічна інструкція переїзду в Український дім з розміщенням тут музею. Але дійсно час проведення там ремонтних робіт плюс всі ці системи секретності, зв’язку, безпеки – це настільки все складно, що немає змісту це робити як тимчасовий», – заявив Богдан.

В тому ж інтерв’ю перший помічник президента Володимира Зеленського Сергій Шефір висловив думку, що переїзд до Українського дому, раніше запланований президентом, не на часі.

«Не на часі – але це особисто моя думка. І немає таких пропозицій, щоб усі сказали – так, це супер-пропозиція, це недорого, красиво і там зручно», – сказав він.

Читайте також: Він буде виконувати те, що йому скажуть на Банковій – Щербина про нового прем’єра​

На початку серпня заступник голови ОП Кирило Тимошенко заявив про «певні складнощі» з раніше анонсованим переїздом президентського апарату до Українського дому.

18 квітня на той час кандидат у президенти України Володимир Зеленський заявив, що «дуже хоче», щоб Адміністрацію президента перенесли з Банкової. «Я сказав своїм хлопцям: «Шукайте якийсь open space», якийсь unit цікавий», – розповів Зеленський в інтерв’ю виданню «РБК-Україна».

Згодом команда президента запропонувала перенести офіс голови держави в Український дім на Європейській площі, яка розташована неподалік від урядового кварталу. Це п’ятиповерхова будівля з великим простором посередині. Вона була музеєм більшовицького ватажка Володимира Леніна аж до занепаду Радянського Союзу і незалежності України 1991 року.

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Шахраї видавали себе за керівників ОП і вимагали хабар за посаду голови «Укроборонпрому» – ДБР

Група осіб видавала себе за керівників Офісу президента і вимагала з колишнього співробітника державної компанії «Укрспецекспорт» хабар за призначення на посаду голови концерну «Укроборонпром», повідомляють у Державному бюро розслідувань.

«Слідчі територіального управління Державного бюро розслідувань, розташованого в Києві, спільно з Військовою прокуратурою викрили групу осіб, які вимагали 570 тисяч доларів США від колишнього співробітника державної компанії «Укрспецекспорт» за сприяння у його призначенні на керівну посаду в державний концерн «Укроборонпром», – йдеться в заяві Бюро.​

Пресслужба відомства повідомляє, що чотирьох підозрюваних затримали в Києві під час передачі їм частини хабара в розмірі 250 тисяч доларів. Передача відбувалася в одному з офісів на Банковій вулиці – навпроти Офісу президента.

Читайте також: Співробітника підприємства «Укроборонпрому» засудили за роботу на російську розвідку – СБУ​

Співробітники ДБР готують повідомлення про підозру та клопотання до суду щодо запобіжного заходу. 

Кримінальне провадження відкрили за статтею «шахрайство в особливо великих розмірах». У разі обвинувального вироку затриманим загрожує ув’язнення від п’яти до 12 років.

30 серпня президент України Володимир Зеленський призначив головою державного концерну «Укроборонпром» ексміністра економічного розвитку України в уряді Арсенія Яценюка Айвараса Абромавичуса.

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Данилюк підписав меморандум про енергетичну безпеку між Україною, Польщею та США – РНБО

Це «ще одним кроком до енергетичної незалежності не тільки України, а й усієї Європи» – Олександр Данилюк

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Trump Tweets, Golfs Amid Hurricane Preparations

After canceling a trip to Poland to stay stateside to oversee the federal government’s response to an approaching hurricane, President Donald Trump took time out to golf and to send a thinly veiled warning to his ousted Oval Office gatekeeper.

The president, on Saturday morning, was flown on Marine One from Camp David in Maryland to his Trump National Golf Club in Sterling, Virginia.
Camp David has a driving range and a single golf hole with multiple tees, but the president, keeping to his weekend routine when the weather is fair, chose to head to the nearest of his private 18-hole courses.

Before departing the presidential retreat, which he rarely has used, Trump dispatched a blizzard of tweets – at a rate of nearly one per minute over an hour – on his personal @realDonaldTrump account.

Some of his tweets referenced Hurricane Dorian, a Category 4 storm poised to damage the southeastern U.S. coast, with Trump noting it could pose more of a threat to South Carolina and Georgia than the original forecast of landfall in Florida.

Looking like our great South Carolina could get hit MUCH harder than first thought. Georgia and North Carolina also. It’s moving around and very hard to predict, except that it is one of the biggest and strongest (and really wide) that we have seen in decades. Be safe!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 31, 2019

“He’s being briefed every hour” about the hurricane, according to White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham.

Amid continuing questions about why Trump postponed his trip to Poland for a hurricane that is not expected to hit any of the United States until after the time the president would have returned from Europe, Grisham said, “Obviously, being here domestically is better. … We’re more nimble and all his agencies are here.” 

After time at his golf course, Trump was to receive another briefing, back at Camp David, about the hurricane.

On Sunday, Trump is scheduled to return to the White House and then visit the headquarters of the Federal Emergency Management Agency in downtown Washington.

FILE – President Donald Trump’s personal secretary Madeleine Westerhout stands outside the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, April 2, 2018.

A pair of Saturday tweets by Trump focused on the abrupt departure of Oval Office gatekeeper Madeleine Westerhout, who had dished gossip to a group of reporters during an off-the-record dinner and drinking session about the president’s eating habits. She also disparaged daughter Tiffany Trump, claiming the president does not like being photographed with her because he thinks she is overweight.

Book publishers reportedly have been seeking to contact Westerhout after she was not permitted to return on Friday to her job as a personal assistant to the president.

Trump, on Twitter, said Westerhout had signed a confidentially agreement, but “I don’t think there would ever be reason to use it. She called me yesterday to apologize, had a bad night. I fully understood and forgave her! I love Tiffany, doing great!”

While Madeleine Westerhout has a fully enforceable confidentiality agreement, she is a very good person and I don’t think there would ever be reason to use it. She called me yesterday to apologize, had a bad night. I fully understood and forgave her! I love Tiffany, doing great!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 31, 2019

In a subsequent tweet, the president claimed he is “currently suing several people for violating their confidentiality agreements,” including former White House aide Omarosa Manigault Newman, who was fired after one year as the communications director in the White House Office of Public Liaison.

…Yes, I am currently suing various people for violating their confidentiality agreements. Disgusting and foul mouthed Omarosa is one. I gave her every break, despite the fact that she was despised by everyone, and she went for some cheap money from a book. Numerous others also!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 31, 2019

A number of former federal lawyers and private attorneys rebutted Trump on Twitter, asserting that the non-disclosure agreements are not legally enforceable unless classified information is revealed.

Trump himself is facing some criticism about revealing sensitive U.S. government information after he tweeted on Friday a detailed photograph of a launchpad explosion of an Iranian rocket that was set to put a satellite into space.  

Analysts say the public release of an image with such resolution is unprecedented and was probably taken by a KH-11 American spy satellite known as USA-224.

“We had a photo and I released it, which I have the absolute right to do,” Trump told reporters on Friday.

U.S. presidents are able to declassify information at their discretion – the most prominent example being John Kennedy’s decision in 1962 to make public pictures taken by a U-2 spy plane that revealed Soviets troops were placing missiles in Cuba aimed at the United States.


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9 FARC Rebels Killed in Raid by Colombian Military

The Colombian military has killed nine rebels of the Revolutionary Armed Forces in Colombia (FARC), President Ivan Duque said.

A FARC commander and eight other guerrillas were killed in a bombing raid in southern Colombia on Friday, just days after the group announced it was taking up arms again to ensure their political rights under an historic peace agreement.

Duque said the attack occurred in the municipality of San Vicente del Caguan, located in the province of Caqueta, after he authorized a military operation in rural areas in the southern part of the country.

Duque said Friday’s bombing sends “a clear message” to FARC members to lay down their weapons.

Among those killed was a rebel known by his alias, Gildardo Cucho, a member of a group led by former FARC chief negotiator Luciano Marin, who was trying to recruit potential rebels for a new guerrilla movement.

On Thursday, former FARC commander Ivan Marquez announced in a video that a new offensive would be launched, three years after FARC signed a peace deal with the government, ending five decades of armed conflict in the South American country.

“This is the continuation of the rebel fight in answer to the betrayal of the state,” Marquez, in a 32-minute YouTube video. “We were never beaten or defeated ideologically, so the struggle continues.”

Marquez, a former chief rebel negotiator, appeared alongside some 20 heavily armed guerrillas when he made the announcement, which comes amid severe challenges to the complex peace agreement.

In response to the FARC announcement, Duque said “Colombia takes no threats. Not of any nature.”

Colombia’s peace tribunal also has issued arrest warrants for Marquez and the others who have pledged to take up the insurgency again.

President Duque is offering an $863,000 reward for information leading to the capture of anyone who appeared in the YouTube video, according to Reuters.

Hundreds of former rebels and human rights activists have been murdered since the accord was signed.  That, coupled with delays in funding for economic efforts by former rebels — has exacerbated deep political divisions within the country.

Marquez said the group’s objective is to ensure the installation of a government that will promote peace. Marquez said the group will fight corruption and fracking (the hydraulic fracturing crude oil extraction process) and demand payments from participants in illicit economies and from multinational corporations.

About 7,000 rebels surrendered their weapons to United Nations observers as part of the agreement that was negotiated with the support of the United States, Cuba and Norway. But smaller rebel groups and drug traffickers have filled the void, leaving many citizens frustrated with the slow pace of implementing the agreement.

Security sources estimate the force commanded by Marquez could number 2,200 fighters.


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Thousands March in Moscow Protest Defying Authorities

Current Time TV is a Russian-language network led by RFE/RL in cooperation with VOA.

MOSCOW — Thousands of Russians defied authorities and marched in central Moscow, ignoring officials’ warnings and pressing demands to let independent candidates run in upcoming city council elections.

Police did not interfere with the August 31 protest, which was markedly smaller than previous ones.

However, camouflaged officers linked arms to keep marchers out of the road when demonstrators arrived at Pushkin Square — a symbolically important public park closer to the Kremlin. A heavy presence of detention buses and water-cannon trucks were visible on nearby side streets.

Neither police nor independent watchdogs reported any arrests or detentions from the action — in contrast to other recent protests in which thousands were detained, sometimes violently.

The August 31 action was the latest in a series of confrontations between liberal activists, and Moscow city authorities — and the Kremlin.

Demonstrators clapped and chanted “Russia Will Be Free!” and “Down With The Tsar!” (in a reference to President Vladimir Putin, who has been in power in Russia for two decades), as they walked along a leafy boulevard just a few kilometers north of the Kremlin.

A leading opposition figure and one of the organizers of the march, Lyubov Sobol, led people chanting “Freedom For Political Prisoners.”

“People of different ages have come out because everyone wants justice. They want Russia to be free and happy and to not drown in lawlessness and mayhem. We demand this and we will not back down,” she told reporters.

At Pushkin Square, the ending point for the march, participants milled around, occasionally yelling political chants. One group entered the crowd carrying a large banner citing the clause in the constitution that gives Russians the right to gather peacefully, and yelled “We Need Another Russia!”

Unofficial estimates put the crowd size in the low thousands.

Protesters also yelled “Let Them Through!” as they marched — a reference to the City Duma elections scheduled for Sept. 8.

The refusal by election officials to register some independent candidates has been the impetus for the protests that have been held weekly since mid-July.

However, they’ve also turned into a major challenge for the Kremlin and a reflection of growing impatience among Russians with President Vladimir Putin.

The weekly protests first erupted in July as election authorities blocked some independent candidates from registering to run on September 8.

The initial rallies drew tens of thousands of people in some of the largest political demonstrations seen in the country since 2012. Some, though not all, were authorized by officials ahead of time.

Police have violently dispersed several of the earlier demonstrations, some of which authorities described as “illegal mass gatherings.” More than 2,000 people have been detained, some preemptively, drawing international condemnation.


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Речниця Луценка: справу колишнього віцеспікера Ради Калєтника закрили законно

Кримінальне провадження стосовно колишнього віцеспікера Верховної Ради Ігоря Калєтніка закрили законно, заявила речниця ексгенпрокурора Юрія Луценка Лариса Сарган у Facebook.

«Трошки деталей. Стаття Кримінального кодексу, яку 5,5 (!) років [голова Управління спеціальних розслідувань ГПУ Сергій] Горбатюк інкримінував Калєтніку, – давно декриміналізована. По справі є рішення судів, в яких чітко вказано на відсутність складу злочину. У цій же справі було відмовлено у проведенні заочного розслідування через відсутність складу злочину, є рішення суду про необхідність закриття справи», – написала Сарган.

Вона додала, що 20 кримінальних проваджень за підслідністю передані до Державного бюро розслідувань, Національної поліції та Служби безпеки України.

«Провадження не мають стосунку ні до справ Майдану, ні до колишніх високопосадовців. Це, наприклад, справи викрадення цукру, забудов Києва тощо передані за підслідністю», – заявила Сарган.

29 серпня Верховна Рада звільнила Юрія Луценка і призначила генеральним прокурором Руслана Рябошапку.

Увечері 30 серпня Управління спеціальних розслідувань ГПУ повідомило, що Луценко перед звільненням призначив головного військового прокурора Анатолія Матіоса «куруючим заступником» УСР і змінив орган досудового розслідування у 20 кримінальних провадженнях.

В управлінні додали, що заступник генерального прокурора Сергій Кізь закрив провадження стосовно першого заступника голови Верховної Ради Ігоря Калєтніка у 2012-2014 роках у справі про організацію голосування за «диктаторські закони» 16 січня 2014 року.

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Trial in 9/11 Case at Guantanamo to State in Early 2021

A military judge set a date Friday in early 2021 for the start of the long-stalled war crimes trial of five men being held at the Guantanamo Bay prison on charges of planning and aiding the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

Air Force Col. W. Shane Cohen set the start date in an order setting motion and evidentiary deadlines in a case that has been bogged down in pretrial litigation. The five defendants were arraigned in May 2012.

In setting the Jan. 11, 2021, start, Cohen noted that the trial at the U.S. base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, “will face a host of administrative and logistics challenges.”

The U.S. has charged the five with war crimes that include terrorism, hijacking and nearly 3,000 counts of murder for their alleged roles planning and providing logistical support to the Sept. 11 plot. They could get the death penalty if convicted at the military commission, which combines elements of civilian and military law.

The five defendants include Khalid Shaikh Mohammad, a senior al-Qaida figure who has portrayed himself as the mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks and other terrorist plots.

Mohammad and his four co-defendants have been held at Guantanamo since September 2006 after several years in clandestine CIA detention facilities following their capture.

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Tanzanian Journalist’s Lawyer Presses for Trial, Medical Care

Peter Clottey of VOA’s English to Africa service contributed to this report.

A lawyer for Tanzanian investigative journalist Erick Kabendera on Friday asked that he get a speedy trial and medical attention after more than four weeks of incarceration.

Appearing with Kabendera at a hearing in magistrate’s court in Dar es Salaam, attorney Jebra Kambole asked that the journalist’s case be resolved quickly. It was adjourned for the third time until Sept. 12, according to Reuters news service, reportedly because the prosecution’s investigation is continuing.

Kabendera was arrested at his home July 29 over what authorities at the time said were problems with his citizenship. He subsequently was charged with involvement in organized crime, money laundering and tax evasion.

Kabendera is being held at Segerea prison on the city’s outskirts.

Kambole later told VOA, in a phone interview, that he had asked prison authorities to allow the journalist to be taken to a state hospital for treatment of respiratory and leg problems that have developed during his incarceration.

“The last time we sit and talk,” Kambole said, the journalist had experienced faintness and leg numbness. “He cannot walk properly.”

Kabendera has been critical of President John Magufuli’s administration and the ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi party in stories for The Guardian, The East African and The Times of London.

On Thursday, ahead of the court hearing, the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) called for authorities to drop all charges against Kandera.

In a statement, the IFJ cited its concern “that the journalist’s arrest and the confused prosecution based on spurious charges are an attempt to hide what merely is a ruthless retaliation against Kabendera for his reporting.”

After Kabendera’s arrest, the United States and Britain raised concerns about the “steady erosion of due process” in the east African country. Their governments put out a joint statement raising concern about “the irregular handling of the arrest, detention and indictment” of Kabendera.

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Teen Climate Activist Thunberg Leads Rally at UN

Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg joined several hundred other young people Friday outside the United Nations to demand action on global warming. 
To chants of “Greta! Greta!” the petite 16-year-old climate rock star made her way through a sea of young people, many of whom said they had drawn inspiration from her activism. 
She rose to fame last year after she started skipping school on Fridays, leading strikes over the lack of action on climate change. 
Greta arrived in New York on Wednesday, ahead of a Sept. 21 Youth Climate Summit at the United Nations, which she will address. Adult leaders will meet two days later to have a climate summit of their own. 
She has said she will not fly because air travel leaves too big a carbon footprint, and she put her principles to the test, crossing the Atlantic in a zero-emissions, no-frills sailboat with her father and a small crew. The trip took two weeks and the seas were often rough. 
On Friday, she looked tired and perhaps a bit overwhelmed by the large and enthusiastic crowd and the aggressive pack of photographers and reporters. She answered a few questions, but her comments were mostly inaudible because there was no sound system and she is not one to shout her message. But it did not dampen the enthusiasm of the many young people who had come to see her.  

Youths gather Aug. 30, 3019, outside the United Nations in New York to demand action on global warming. (M. Besheer/VOA)

“We came today because we want to support Greta,” 12-year old Tilly told VOA. She had a sturdy grip on the hand of her 8-year old sister, Izzy. Tilly noted that her family recycles.  
Olivia, 15, from Long Island, New York, came by commuter train with her friend Defna, also 15, to see Greta. Olivia said her school is very conservative and climate change is not a subject that gets much attention. She wants to change that. 
“We want to start being a voice for our school, because we have to, because no one else is,” Olivia said. “We don’t have any clubs about the environment. We don’t have anything. We are trying to start, we have to, because people need to know about it, because they think it’s not as bad as it is.” 
This youth movement is angry at world leaders and adults who they think are not taking rising atmospheric temperatures, melting ice caps and greenhouse gas emissions seriously. 
“They [adults] have to strike with us, definitely,” Defna said. “And people who do not believe in the issue have to come here and support the kids, because it is our future.” 

A speaker addresses young climate activists outside the United Nations in New York, Aug. 30, 2019. The rally preceded a Sept. 21 Youth Climate Summit at the U.N.; adults will meet two days later for a climate summit of their own. (M. Besheer/VOA)

Demonstrators carried signs that warned, “Protect the planet because your life depends on it,” “Our house is on fire,” and messages to the grownups that included, “Act now or we will!” 
Greta received an impromptu invitation to meet with the president of the U.N. General Assembly, María Fernanda Espinosa Garcés. She took two of the young New York activists with her, Alexandria Villasenor, 14 and Xiye Bastida, 17. 
As they entered the U.N. building, Thunberg noted, “There is a lot of air conditioning.” 

‘Tipping point’
In her meeting, she spoke of the upcoming summit.  
“I think this U.N. summit needs to be some kind of breaking point, tipping point, where people start to realize what is actually going on,” Thunberg said. “And, so we have high expectations in you, too, and all member states to deliver. And we are going to try to do our part to make sure that they have all eyes on them and they have put the pressure on them so they cannot continue to ignore it.” 
Espinosa told VOA that she was impressed with Thunberg because of all that she has done and for “her commitment, strength and intelligence.” 
She said they discussed how governments, the private sector, citizens and youth all have roles to play to change the tide of global warming.  
Also Friday, a Brazilian delegation met with U.S. President Donald Trump at the White House, “to thank [him] for his support during the crisis surrounding the fires in the Amazon rainforest.” 
The meeting was not previously announced in the president’s daily schedule but was tweeted by Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro late Thursday.

– Nosso Chanceler @ernestofaraujo e o Deputado Eduardo @BolsonaroSP serão recebidos, nessa sexta-feira, pelo Presidente @realDonaldTrump na Casa Branca em Washington.

— Jair M. Bolsonaro (@jairbolsonaro) August 29, 2019

Speaking to reporters after the meeting, Minister of Foreign Affairs Ernesto Araújo downplayed the fires. “It’s basically on average of the last years, and Brazil is already controlling the fires,” he said. 
More than 75,000 fires covering the Amazon region have been detected this year, with many of them coming this month. Experts have blamed farmers and ranchers for the fires, accusing them of setting them to clear lands for their operations.  
About 60% of the Amazon region is in Brazil. The vast rainforest also extends into Bolivia, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana.  
At the Group of Seven summit in Biarritz, France, last weekend, French President Emmanuel Macron and Bolsonaro went head to head several times over the Amazon fires issue. 

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Аласанія прокоментував обшуки ДБР в його офісі та помешканні

Голова правління НСТУ Зураб Аласанія прокоментував обшуки в його офісі та помешканні, а також в помешканнях кількох директорів департаментів телерадіокомпанії, які проводило Державне бюро розслідувань.

«ДБР здійснюють слідчі дії, оскільки вважають, що в працівників Суспільного можуть бути знайдені документи чи флешки, які є речовими доказами в кримінальному провадженні щодо можливих протиправних дій службових осіб ПАТ «НСТУ», а саме зловживання службовим становищем із метою одержання неправомірної вигоди для себе чи інших фізичних або юридичних осіб», – мовиться в повідомленні.

За словами Аласанії, йдеться про закупівлю у 2017 році аудіовізуального обладнання, а також про земельну ділянку, що входить до статутного капіталу телерадіокомпанії та діяльності фонду «Підтримки створення та розвитку суспільного телебачення і радіомовлення в Україні».

«Я вже не кажу, що підслідність ДБР – це державні компанії, а ми такою не є. Чи є думки про політичні корені, пов‘язані зі свободою слова? І чи не пов’язано це з позовом пана Богдана (голови СБУ Андрія Богдана, – ред.) до програми Схеми і до НСТУ? Не знаю; мені поки здається, ДБР демонструє м‘язи і «ставить себе на районі», показує новій владі, що в строю правоохоронців вони теж помітні», – зазначив голова НСТУ.

Він додав, що якщо стане зрозуміло, що таким чином чиниться тиск з метою «приструнити Суспільне», то в НСТУ мовчати про це не будуть.

30 серпня Державне бюро розслідувань провело обшуки в приміщенні Національної суспільної телерадіокомпанії України. У відосмстві зазначили, що слідчі дії птривали в рамках досудового розслідування кримінального провадження щодо «зловживання службовим становищем з метою одержання неправомірної вигоди».

Національна суспільна телерадіокомпанія, зі свого боку, повідомила, що з обшуками прийшли й до голови правління НСТУ Зураба Аласанії та кількох інших співробітників компанії.

Представник ОБСЄ з питань свободи ЗМІ Арлем Дезір після повідомлень про обшуки в приміщенні Національної суспільної телерадіокомпанії України та в помешканні голови правління НСТУ Зураба Аласанії закликав владу в Україні утриматися від тиску на державні ЗМІ.

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СБУ не займається розслідуванням продажу щоденників з картою України без Криму

При цьому у відомстві уточнили, що були вжиті заходи для повернення та утилізації цієї продукції

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Медведчук зустрівся з українцями, утримуваними в «Лефортові». Адвокатів туди не пустили

Депутати Верховної Ради України від партії «Опозиційна платформа – За життя» Віктор Медведчук і Вадим Рабінович побували у московському СІЗО «Лефортово», де перебувають отримувані Росією Українці.

При цьому раніше туди не пустили адвокатів, які представляють інтереси українських політв’язнів Володимира Балуха та Олександра Кольченка.

Депутати відвідали політв’язнів Станіслава Клиха і Миколу Карпюка. Вони висловили сподівання, що обмін утримуваними особами між Росією і Україною відбудеться.

Адвокатів до Балуха та Кольченка не пустила адміністрація СІЗО. Голова правозахисної організації «Агора» Павло Чиков підкреслив, що це є прямим порушенням закону, «і ніякий обмін його не виправдовує».

Джерела Радіо Свобода в українських правоохоронних органах повідомили 30 серпня, що обмін утримуваними особами між Україною і Росією відкладається до наступного тижня.

Про те, що обмін може відбутися наступного тижня, повідомив раніше український адвокат кількох громадян Росії Валентин Рибін. Він вказав, що його підзахисні все ще перебувають у СІЗО в Україні, а можливою датою обміну назвав вівторок, 3 вересня.

Офіс президента України Володимира Зеленського раніше 30 серпня заперечив завершення процесу обміну утримуваними особами між Україною та Росією.

«Коли взаємне звільнення утримуваних осіб завершиться, Офіс президента повідомить про це на офіційних каналах», – мовиться в повідомленні в соцмережі Facebook.

Процес переговорів щодо обміну заручників триває, повідомила також речниця Служби безпеки України Олена Гітлянська.

У ніч на 30 серпня засоби масової інформації повідомили, що Україна та Росія обміняли утримуваних громадян.

Останніми тижнями засоби інформації повідомляли, що Росія і Україна домовилися про обмін «33 на 33» (Росія зараховує до цієї формули і захоплених у Чорному морі українських моряків, яких має звільнити за рішенням Міжнародного трибуналу з морського права). 23 серпня президент України Володимир Зеленський заявив, що сподівається на «перші результати» переговорів щодо обміну утримуваних осіб між Україною та Росією найближчим часом.

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Візит місії МВФ в Україну очікується у період 10-24 вересня – прем’єр

Візит місії Міжнародного валютного фонду в Україну очікується з 10 до 24 вересня цього року, повідомив прем’єр-міністр Олексій Гончарук в інтерв’ю журналістам декількох ЗМІ.

«Вже за декілька тижнів у Києві буде місія МВФ, з якою ми будемо вести переговори щодо нової, на 3-4 роки, програми співпраці з Україною», – заявив Гончарук.

Відповідаючи на запитання про ціни на газ для населення, що тривалий час було спірним питанням у відносинах між попереднім Кабінетом Міністрів і фондом, Гончарук зазначив, що уряд не повинен втручатися адміністративними рішеннями в ціноутворення, навіть на енергоносії.

Згідно із базовим прогнозом Національного банку, за новою програмою співпраці з МВФ Україна може отримати два мільярди доларів від МВФ у цьому році та ще по два мільярди у 2020 й 2021 роках. Обсяг поточної програми – 3,9 мільярда доларів.

21 грудня 2018 року Україна отримала перший і наразі єдиний транш за програмою співпраці з Міжнародним валютним фондом обсягом близько 1,4 мільярда доларів.

Востаннє місія МВФ працювала в Україні в травні 2019 року.

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Гривня знову посилюється на міжбанку

Українська національна валюта знову наближається до річного максимуму в парі з доларом США. На українському міжбанківському валютному ринку в останню лютню сесію станом на 12:00 котирування становили 25 гривень 12–14 копійок за одиницю американської валюти, це на сім копійок менше, ніж на закритті торгів 29 серпня.

«Торги по долару на 12-ту годину на піку активності. Тривають операції по лотах до 1 мільйона доларів при невеликій перевазі пропозиції над попитом», – інформує сайт «Мінфін».

Національний банк України встановив опівдні довідкове значення на рівні 25 гривень 15 копійок за долар, це на вісім копійок менше за офіційний курс на 30 серпня.

На 1 серпня НБУ встановив найвищий за останні три з половиною роки курс гривні до долара – 25,02 за одиницю американської валюти.

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Ten Democrats Set to Debate Next Month in Houston

The lineup is now set for the next Democratic presidential debate in September. A total of 10 Democratic contenders qualified for the debate in Houston, Sept. 12, half the number of the previous two debates that were held over two nights. VOA National correspondent Jim Malone has more on who is in the next debate and what it means for the race to pick a Democratic presidential nominee.

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