29 листопада відбулося нове голосування щодо кандидатури голови уряду. Парламентарі знову, з невеликою перевагою, підтримали Андерссон
Twitter founder and CEO Jack Dorsey is stepping down as the company’s leader.
In a news release, Twitter said Dorsey would be replaced by Parag Agrawal, who has been the company’s chief technology officer since 2017. The move is effective immediately.
“I’ve decided to leave Twitter because I believe the company is ready to move on from its founders. My trust in Parag as Twitter’s CEO is deep. His work over the past 10 years has been transformational. I’m deeply grateful for his skill, heart, and soul. It’s his time to lead,” Dorsey said in a statement.
Dorsey made his resignation official in a tweet Monday and attached a letter with an explanation of why he was leaving.
“not sure anyone has heard but, I resigned from Twitter,” he wrote.
On Sunday, Dorsey tweeted “I love twitter.”
Dorsey, 45, founded the microblogging platform in 2006 and was CEO until 2008 when he was pushed aside only to return to the top spot in 2015.
Last year, Elliott Management, a major stakeholder in the company, wanted Dorsey to choose between being CEO of Twitter or CEO of Square, a digital payment company he founded.
Twitter’s stock rose on the news, but trading of the shares was suspended.
Some information in this report came from Reuters.
Australia’s government said Sunday it will introduce legislation to unmask online trolls and hold social media giants like Facebook and Twitter responsible for identifying them.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison, whose conservative coalition government faces an election in the first half of 2022, said the law would protect Australians from online abuse and harassment.
“The online world should not be a wild west where bots and bigots and trolls and others can just anonymously go around and harm people and hurt people, harass them and bully them and sledge them,” Morrison told reporters.
“That is not what can happen in the real world, and there is no case for it to be able to be happening in the digital world.”
Attorney General Michaelia Cash said the legislation, reportedly to be introduced to parliament by early 2022, is needed to clarify that the social media platforms, and not the users, were responsible for defamatory comments by other people.
Confusion had been sown by a High Court ruling in September that found Australian media, as users managing their own pages on a social network, could be held liable for defamatory third-party comments posted on their pages, Cash said.
Under the planned Australian legislation, the social media companies themselves would be responsible for such defamatory content, not the users, she said.
It would also aim to stop people making defamatory comments without being identified, she said.
“You should not be able to use the cloak of online anonymity to spread your vile, defamatory comments,” the attorney general said.
The legislation would demand that social media platforms have a nominated entity based in Australia, she said.
The platforms could defend themselves from being sued as the publisher of defamatory comment only if they complied with the new legislation’s demands to have a complaints system in place that could provide the details of the person making the comment, if necessary, Cash said.
People would also be able to apply to the High Court for an “information disclosure order” demanding a social media service provide details “to unmask the troll,” the attorney general said.
In some cases, she said, the “troll” may be asked to take down the comment, which could end the matter if the other side is satisfied.
Australia’s opposition leader Anthony Albanese said he would support a safer online environment for everyone.
But he said the government had failed to propose action to stop the spread of misinformation on social media and accused some of the government’s own members of spreading misinformation about COVID and vaccinations.
Внаслідок кількох вибухів на заводі боєприпасів у російському Дзержинську є постраждалі, повідомляють російські новинні агенції.
У МНС Росії підтвердили, що працюють на місці події та попередили про небезпеку подальших вибухів.
У міськадміністрації Дзержинська повідомили, що на заводі спалахнула пожежа. За словами чиновників, небезпеки для місцевих жителів немає.
1 червня 2019 року на заводі сталася низка потужних вибухів, у результаті яких десятки працівників були поранені. Цей інцидент стався після вибуху в квітні 2019 року.
За даними сайту фабрики, це найбільший оборонно-промисловий завод Росії. На боєприпаси припадає близько 30 відсотків його виробництва, решта – в основному промислові вибухові речовини і хімічні продукти.
У серпні 2018 року внаслідок вибуху і пожежі на заводі загинули шість працівників, а в липні 2020 року троє працівників були госпіталізовані через витік хімічних речовин.